Franciscan Friars
Province of the Immaculate Conception
Provincial Update - May 2019
A Time to Celebrate- and Remember
There are many things that we celebrate during the month of May. May is a month when we throw off the doldrums of the cold of winter, and come together to mark many special events. May is the month of First Communions, Confirmations, Weddings, graduations, and special celebrations. We mark Mother’s Day, World Day of Prayer for Vocations, and many other special events during May. May is also the month of the Blessed Mother, whom we honor with special Masses, processions, rosaries, and May crownings.
Each year on the last Monday in May, our nation gathers together to mark "Memorial Day," a day when we remember those who have fallen in battle to protect our country. Memorial Day, much like Thanksgiving Day, has very strong religious overtones, because a key part of this holiday is the act of "remembering."
Some years ago, the late Cardinal Cormac Murphy O'Connor, once Archbishop of Westminster, England, said on the occasion of "Remembrance Day," the British equivalent of our Memorial Day:
" We must remember and should remember those who sacrifice their lives for justice and peace. As a nation we are forever indebted to them and their loved ones, knowing that death is not the end, even in death we can find hope."
We know that remembering is at the heart of the Eucharist, when Jesus commanded us to "do this in memory of me."
Remembering those who have died is something that all humanity shares. In fact, it even goes further than human beings. We know of dogs who mourn the loss of their humans, and elephants who show reverence to the bones of their deceased.
But there is another element here- and that is, honoring those who sacrificed their lives for our nation. The very word sacrifice points to something holy- to give up your life for others. Jesus tells us "There is no greater love than this, than to lay down ones life for ones friends."
So, this Memorial Day, in the midst of our parades, our memorial services, and our picnics, barbecues, and family gatherings, we do honor to those in our armed forces who sacrificed their lives by building a better world. There are certainly some lessons we should learn.
Memorial Day should teach us to love our country, to appreciate the freedoms we have in this nation, and the great sacrifices so many have made through the years on its behalf.
Memorial Day should teach us that, as long as there is inequality in our world, there will be turmoil, and as long as there is hunger or starvation, there will be hatred, war, and violence.
Memorial Day should teach us that it is very easy to lapse into extremism, which our nation fought years ago- Nazism, Fascism, Communism, continues to haunt us today through racial prejudice, hatred, neo-Nazi movements, white supremecy, or even radical militias in our own country. Memorial Day should teach us that it can be very easy for us as a nation to slip into extremism, when we forget what we are about- our values and those things which have long been important to us as Christians and as a nation.
Fr. Robert Campagna, OFM
Provincial Minister
Dear Brothers,
We hope you all had a blessed and joyful Easter! Here at San Damiano, we are entering the last three months of the Novitiate year. Since our last article, we have participated in our first pastoral mission experience with the friars, celebrated Easter, and enjoyed a visit to Gubbio with the Fraternity from Rome.
On March 13
, we departed Assisi with 50 other Friars and Sisters for the city of Lonato del Garda in Northern Italy for the Mission to the people, that the Province conducts once a year. We were involved in many different activities, including house visits, flash mobs, school visits, animation of the Liturgies, babysitting for the meetings for couples, and evangelization on the streets. Our missionary experience culminated in the participation in the recital about the life of St. Francis. Daniel played the part of a knight, Carl was a soldier, and Jack was the Bishop. The mission concluded the following day (March 24
) with the celebration of the Mass in the basilica, which was standing room only. We are grateful to have been involved in this experience which sought to encounter everyone, regardless of religion, age, or background.
The Paschal Triduum was a solemn and joyful preparation for the celebration of the Resurrection of the Lord here with the Friars of San Damiano. We all participated in various ways. Some of us animated a holy hour of adoration on Holy Thursday evening, served the masses, and each novice read one of the nine readings of the Easter Vigil. It was a wonderful and edifying experience to celebrate this most holy week for the first time as friars.
The weekend of May 10th-12
was the annual family weekend at the Novitiate. Parents of the novices came to Assisi to spend a day out. The only rule, joked our Guardian, is that we can't stay around San Damiano. Since our families weren't able to come, our brothers from Rome – Antonio, Victor, and Luis – came to spend the weekend with us. Since this was the first time that Luis came to see Assisi, we first went to visit the Porziuncula. After praying inside the church and seeing the rest of the shrine, we went to Gubbio. We enjoyed a beautiful afternoon visiting the basilica of Sant'Ubaldo, followed by a delicious lunch an a walk through the streets of the medieval town. We then visited the small chapel outside the city memorizing the encounter of St. Francis with the wolf. The day came to a close with a tour of St. Francis Basilica, pizza, and the Rosary and candlelight procession at St. Mary of the Angels. On Sunday, we had a quick tour of the hermitage of the Carceri and attended Mass, at which Fr. Antonio concelebrated. The weekend concluded at San Damiano with a wonderful lunch together with all the families. We are very grateful to our brothers for coming to spend this weekend with us, which would have been difficult without our families, and for the opportunity to get to know Luis for the first time.
Now we are looking forward to the last three months of our year at San Damiano. Classes will be coming to an end in the next few weeks, and we are focusing more intensly on the vows that we hope to profess this September. Please continue to pray for us as we finish this step of our journey in our formation. As always, you are all in our prayers.
May the Lord give you peace!
Brs. Jack, Dan, and Carl
Dan, Victor, Carl, and Luis on the way to Gubbio.
Novices together on the Mission at Lonato del Garda.
Holy Week in the
Eternal City
We received this information from Luis Hernandez, who is stationed at the Convento San Francesco in Rome and preparing to enter the novitiate at San Damiano in Assisi. Luis tells us about his experience of Holy Week in Assisi. Thank you, Luis, for sharing this wonderful spiritual experience with us. To the left is a photo of Luis with Friar Michael Perry,OFM, Minister General of the Order.
This was my first Holy week here in Rome, Italy. It was a different experience than the way I was used to back in my hometown in El Salvador where we celebrated with processions with the statue of Jesus carrying the cross. The people made carpets on the street with flowers or other materials and of course the marching bands playing funeral marches...... but here in Rome it was a really different way of living my faith not only with the people I knew but with people from all over the world.
I had to go to classes (Italian Classes) the whole week, and yes, even on Good Friday, but in the afternoon I had time to go to the different services.
On Holy Thursday, Fr. Antonio and I went to the General Curia to celebrate the Lord's supper. It was presided by Friar Michael Perry, the minister general and concelebrated by a good number of brothers. To be honest, I had gone almost every year to this Mass, but I had never paid attention to the meaning of the washing of the feet. This time however I was meditating on that moment when Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. Fr. Michael completed my meditation as he said: "It's meaning is humility, a service that was done only by the people who work as a servants in Jesus' time, and as Franciscans we are called to be servants and we are called to serve with humility"
On Good Friday I went back to the General Curia for the afternoon service, this time presided by Friar Julio Bunader, the Vicar General. It was a beautiful service in which Fr. Julio invited us to meditate upon God's unlimited love for us.
Later on the same day I decided to go to pray the Stations of the Cross with our Holy Father Pope Francis. This takes place in the Coliseum. When I arrived it was already packed with hundreds of people from all over the world. I could tell because I heard many different languages being spoken around me. I was able to make my way through these hundreds of people. I had to stay behind a tree that blocked me from seeing Pope Francis, but I was able to hear the very touching reflection in the Stations of the Cross. This reflection invited us to see that still in our days Jesus is being crucified every day in our brothers and sisters in all the people in different countries around the world that have to leave their own homes for different reasons such as violence, poverty, war, and political conflicts.
On Holy Saturday Fr. Antonio asked me where I wanted to go for the Easter Vigil, either the General Curia or Saint Peter's Basilica. Of course I said to Saint Peter's. However I did not have a ticket to get in. Fr Antonio said we will see how to get you in. Long story short I was able to get in without a ticket thanks to Fr. Antonio. It was a beautiful celebration again with people from all over the world. It was really a unique experience to get together to celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord, a unique experience to be at Saint Peter's singing with so many people and with the Pope. Alleluia......Christ is risen!!!
Buona Pasqua a tutti
Luis Hernandez
Postulants attend March for Life in Ottawa, Canada
Friar Pierre Farrugia, OFM, who is Formation Director for our two postulants, Dmitry Neill and Hawkins Choi at the friary at St. Francis Centre in
Caledon, Ontario, Canada, tells us that he, along with the postulants, attended the National March for Life in Ottawa, Ontario, the capital of Canada, on March 9, 2019. This year the March For Life was commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the bill which decriminalized abortion in Canada. Pro-lifers rallied in front of the Parliament building and marched through downtown Ottawa demanding that Canada’s political representatives fight for the right to life of every human being.
Pierre tells us that besides the March for life, the brothers visited the friars of the Holy Spirit Province in Montreal. They went to St. Joseph Oratory and the Basilica of Notre Dame. They also went to Trois Riviere, which is the originating point for the Franciscan presence in Canada. There they spent time at Our Lady of the Cape. Dmitry and Hawkins will be heading home for the summer on June 14 and coming back for a second year of postulancy on September 8. We wish Dmitry and Hawkins a great summer, filled with refreshment and renewal.
Some photos below of the trip.
Simply Professed
Friar Josh Graduates
Congratulations to Friar Josh Critchley, OFM,
who is stationed in Chicago and is part of the inter-provincial post-novitiate program at St. Joseph Friary, on his graduation on May 11 from Saint Xavier
University in Chicago. Josh's family was able to attend, as well as some of the Franciscan friars and friends who have supported Josh during his two years at SXO. Congratulations Josh. We are proud of you. Josh will now begin his theology studies at CTU.
Update on Friar Abraham Joseph, Holy Name Province
Last month we reported that Friar Abraham Joseph, OFM, was being detained by the Department of Homeland Security when trying to return home to Chicago. Our latest information is that he was granted a bond release from the Department of Homeland Security and has returned home to Blessed Giles Friary in Chicago. Abraham appeared before an immigration judge who ordered him released on a relatively low bond. He was moved from the detention facility in Kenosha, Wisconsin overnight and released. During this time, Abraham retains his status as a legal resident and will be able to resume his studies and normal living activities.
Friar Abraham is expected to be ordained to the transitional diaconate at noon on May 21 at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago.
Congratulations Friar Abraham.
Friar Victor Treminio, OFM will profess Solemn Vows on Wednesday, June 19, 2019 at 5:00 PM at our Provincial Chapter, Mount Alvernia Retreat Center, Wappingers Falls, NY. The friars of the province are invited to attend. A copy of the invitation can be found below.
Franciscan Mission Service Spotlight on
Valley of the Angels
During the beginning of the Easter season, Executive Director Liz Hughes visited the missioners in Guatemala as part of FMS’ commitment to an annual site visit for each mission site. FMS missioners serve at Valley of the Angels School and Orphanage, located on the outskirts of Guatemala City. Founded in 1993 by Fr. Rocco Famiglietti, a Franciscan priest from Immaculate Conception Province, Valley of the Angels strives to “give the best to the poor” rather than “leave them with the left overs.” In 1993, Valley welcomed 26 orphaned children. Today, under the leadership of Fr. Michael Della Penna, OFM, Valley of the Angels educates over 200 students, ages 6-18. FMS missioners have been serving at Valley of the Angels since 2015.
In addition to the school, the campus also includes dorm facilities and Angel’s Garden, at which students learn how to cultivate fruits, vegetables, and flowers. The accompanying farmer’s market provides the orphanage with a source of self-sustaining income. At Bakery of the Angels, students learn to bake bread and cookies, providing alumni with valuable employment skills. Throughout the visit, many people described Valley of the Angels as a “piece of Heaven” in comparison to the atmosphere of abuse, violence, and poverty that students often experience outside of Valley.
FMS missioners serve as English teachers at Valley of the Angels School. They also contribute to Valley’s mission trip program, help in the garden, facilitate retreats, and assist with the bakery. Within all of these ministries, perhaps the most meaningful is the ministry of presence and deep relationships built with the children of Valley. On the site visit, Liz got a first-hand glimpse into the very full life of FMS missioner Erin McHugh, discussed FMS’ partnership with Valley’s U.S. and Guatemalan leadership, and facilitated a retreat for Erin.
Like FMS, Valley of the Angels is committed to relationship. At the end of Liz’s visit, the school community gathered for a farewell that included songs, prayers, and a long line of hugs from all 200 students. Those 200 hugs were 200 expressions of community and 200 reminders of our solidarity with one another. We invite you to join us in that line through your prayers and continued support. Thank you for all that your support makes possible in Guatemala and beyond.
This article, written by Elizabeth Hughes, appeared in the May issue of the newsletter of the Franciscan Mission Service.. The FMS prepares and supports lay Catholics for two-year international, one-year domestic and 1-2 week short term mission service.
Friar Andre Cirino keynote for
Sylvania Franciscans
Father André Cirino OFM, a leader of Franciscan Pilgrimage Programs, was the keynote speaker on Friday, April 26
at the Sylvania Franciscan Donor Recognition evening. The donors and Sisters listened intently as Fr. André shared
Franciscan Thoughts about God and God’s Son, Jesus.
Fr. André began by commenting on the Sylvania campus of Lourdes University, so filled with art and beauty which move us. He connected it with St. Bonaventure’s statement that Franciscan spirituality is an affective spirituality, a spirituality of the heart. Art moves the human heart, a true vision of our foundress, Mother Adelaide Sandusky, who believed art can transform your life.
Quoting from a biography, St. Francis was asked, who is the perfect friar? Francis knew each one’s faults, but rather he chose to elevate their positive attributes. Francis went about wishing people goodness: “Buon giorno, buona gente!” (Good morning, good people!)
St. Francis’ favorite name for God is
, Goodness. St. Bonaventure taught: Goodness overflows; goodness diffuses itself; goodness is infectious. The Trinity is perfect goodness.
God the Father lets all the Father is overflow to the Son. The Son overflows back to the Father, sharing the good that they both are with the Spirit and vice-versa, a constant exchange of goodness with each other.
In Genesis, we read of God’s seeing all creation as good; God has imbued creation with divinity. Franciscan theologian John Duns Scotus reflected that the three members of the Trinity knew, from all eternity, that one of them would become one of us. Jesus came to return the goodness back to God. Dominicans make sin the center of Incarnational theology; Franciscans make the birth of a baby the center of Incarnational theology.
As Franciscans, we must live this theology. We are vessels of goodness; we carry that goodness to God. We are co-lovers of God and others. In his
Letter to all the Faithful,
St. Francis writes, “We are mothers of our Lord Jesus Christ when we carry him in our hearts and in our bodies, and give birth to him by doing good.” We make God present each day by doing good, no matter how great or how small.
We are challenged to live the words of Wisdom 1,1: “Think of the Lord in Goodness.”
Convento San Francesco, Rome, Italy
For those of you who have never been to our provincial friary in Rome, here are some great photos. To the right is the convento (notice the walls of the Vatican right across the street). Other photos are the refectory and the chapel. Below is a beautiful view of St. Peter's from the friary property.
Holy Week and Easter Photos
throughout the Province
Easter at St. Christophers
Palm Sunday at St. Christophers
Holy Thursday at St. Christophers
Easter at Our Lady of Peace
Easter at St. Thomas Aquinas
Easter at St. Thomas Aquinas
Saint Francis Church in Toronto
Annual Good Friday Procession
One of Toronto's oldest Good Friday procession took place in Little Italy as the community watched the re-enactment of what Christians believe to be Jesus's last moments.
The annual St. Francis of Assisi Church procession is part of Holy Week in celebration of Easter. The three-hour event started at 3 p.m. on Friday and was comprised of around 6,000 participants, 10 floats and three bands.
"Part of it is just this devotion to come and be a part of it, but it's also just celebrating as a community, as a Christian community," said Laura Nigro, who has been attending the procession since she was a young girl.
"I was in the procession with my nonna and my sister and now that I'm a little bit older, I'm watching it and helping out in other ways. So, it's quite nice to be part of."
For many, the event is a chance to connect with the community. The religious procession brings out hundreds every year who reenact the stations of the cross, symbolizing what Christians believe to be the path Jesus took before he was crucified.
Stefania Matarazzo, who was there with her mother, said rain or shine, sick or healthy, she always attends this event.
"It's part of our culture, our religion and it's a tradition for us to come every year. And it's really nice to feel a sense of community that brings us here today," she said.
The mile-long march has been around for decades and, for Sandra Centofante, the event is a long-standing tradition in her family dating back generations.
"This has been a family tradition," she said.
Centofante's whole family joined their 94-year-old grandmother to watch the procession.
"Our grandmother lives here on Dundas and for the last 50 years I've been watching the procession. Every single year we get together on Good Friday."
Letter by Pope Francis for the event
“Economy of Francesco” in Assisi.
To Young Economists and Entrepreneurs Worldwide
Dear Friends,
I am writing to invite you to take part in an initiative very close to my heart. An event that will allow me to encounter young men and women studying economics and interested in a different kind of economy: one that brings life not death, one that is inclusive and not exclusive, humane and not dehumanizing, one that cares for the environment and does not despoil it. An event that will help bring us together and allow us to meet one another and eventually enter into a “covenant” to change today’s economy and to give a soul to the economy of tomorrow.
Surely there is a need to “re-animate” the economy! And where better to do so than Assisi, which has for centuries eloquently symbolized a humanism of fraternity? Saint John Paul II chose Assisi as the icon of a culture of peace. For me, it is also a fitting place to inspire a new economy. There Francis stripped himself of all worldliness in order to choose God as the compass of his life, becoming poor with the poor, a brother to all. His decision to embrace poverty also gave rise to a vision of economics that remains most timely. A vision that can give hope to our future and benefit not only the poorest of the poor, but our entire human family. A vision that is also necessary for the fate of the entire planet, our common home, “our sister Mother Earth”, in the words of Saint Francis in his Canticle of the Sun.
In my Encyclical Letter
Laudato Si’
, I emphasized that, today more than ever, everything is deeply connected and that the safeguarding of the environment cannot be divorced from ensuring justice for the poor and finding answers to the structural problems of the global economy. We need to correct models of growth incapable of guaranteeing respect for the environment, openness to life, concern for the family, social equality, the dignity of workers and the rights of future generations. Sadly, few have heard the appeal to acknowledge the gravity of the problems and, even more, to set in place a new economic model, the fruit of a culture of communion based on fraternity and equality.
Francis of Assisi is the outstanding example of care for the vulnerable and of an integral ecology. I think of the words spoken to him from the Crucifix in the little church of San Damiano: “Go, Francis, repair my house, which, as you see, is falling into ruin”. The repair of that house concerns all of us. It concerns the Church, society and the heart of each individual. Increasingly, it concerns the environment, which urgently demands a sound economy and a sustainable development that can heal its wounds and assure us of a worthy future.
Given this urgent need, each one of us is called to rethink his or her mental and moral priorities, to bring them into greater conformity with God’s commandments and the demands of the common good. But I thought especially of inviting you young people, because your desire for a better and happier future makes you even now a prophetic sign, pointing towards an economy attentive to the person and to the environment.
Dear young people, I know that you can hear in your hearts the ever more anguished plea of the earth and its poor, who cry out for help and for responsibility, for people who will respond and not turn away. If you listen to what your heart tells you, you will feel part of a new and courageous culture, you will not be afraid to face risks and work to build a new society. The risen Jesus is our strength! As I told you
in Panama
and I wrote in my Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation
Christus Vivit
: “Please, do not leave it to others to be protagonists of change. You are the ones who hold the future! Through you, the future enters into the world. I ask you also to be protagonists of this transformation… I ask you to build the future, to work for a better world” (No. 174).
Your universities, your businesses and your organizations are workshops of hope for creating new ways of understanding the economy and progress, for combating the culture of waste, for giving voice to those who have none and for proposing new styles of life. Only when our economic and social system no longer produces even a single victim, a single person cast aside, will we be able to celebrate the feast of universal fraternity.
That is why I would like to meet you in Assisi: so that we can promote together, through a common “covenant”, a process of global change. One in which not only believers but all men and women of good will, beyond differences of creed and nationality, can participate, inspired by an ideal of fraternity attentive above all to the poor and excluded. I invite each of you to work for this covenant, committing yourselves individually and in groups to cultivate together the dream of a new humanism responsive to the expectations of men and women and to the plan of God.
The name of this event – Economy of Francesco – clearly evokes the Holy Man of Assisi and the Gospel that he lived in complete consistency, also on the social and economic level. Saint Francis offers us an ideal and, in some sense, a programme. For me, who took his name, he is a constant source of inspiration.
With you, and through you, I will appeal to some of our best economists and entrepreneurs who are already working on the global level to create an economy consistent with these ideals. I am confident that they will respond. And I am confident above all in you young people, who are capable of dreaming and who are prepared to build, with the help of God, a more just and beautiful world.
Our meeting is planned for 26 to 28 March 2020. Together with the Bishop of Assisi, whose predecessor Guido, eight centuries ago, received the young Francis in his house when he made the prophetic gesture of his stripping, I count on receiving you myself. I await you and even now, I greet you and I give you my blessing. Please, do not forget to pray for me.
From the Vatican, 1 May 2019
Memorial of Saint Joseph the Worker
June Birthdays
Andre Cirino - June 6th - 79
Pierre John Farrugia - June 8th - 46
John-Michael Pinto - June 9th - 63
Clement Procopio - June 1th - 100
Thomas Garone - June 15th - 75
Antonio Nardoianni - June 16th - 70
James Welch II - June 19th - 60
Simeon Disefano - June 20th - 83
Philip Pacheco - June 21st - 40
Michael Travaglione - June 30th - 81
Death of Friar
Francis Hanudel, OFM
Friar Francis Hanudel, OFM, 73, passed into eternal life on Easter Sunday, April 21. At the time of his passing he was affiliated with the community of Padua Friary, New York City, while under hospice care at Mary Manning Walsh Nursing Home, New York City. He was the son of the late Angela (Baron) and John Hanudel, having been born in Passaic, New Jersey on September 19, 1945. He is survived by several cousins.
A wake and prayer service were conducted on Tuesday, April 23 and a Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated on Wednesday, April 24 at Saint Anthony of Padua Church, New York City. The Provincial Minister, Fr. Robert M. Campagna, OFM was the celebrant, and Fr. James Villa, who ministered with Fr. Francis at St. Pamphilus Church in Pittsburgh, was the homilist. May he rest in peace.
Death of Friar
Capistran Polgar, OFM
Friar Capistran Polgar, OFM, 78, passed into eternal life on Friday, April 26. At the time of his passing he was affiliated with the community of Padua Friary, New York City, while under hospice care at JFK Hospital, New Brunswick, New Jersey. He was the son of the late Magdaline (Gerenscer) and Michael Polgar. He was born in New Brunswick NY on May 16, 1940. He is survived by a half-sister, Cecilia Connery of Piscataway, New Jersey, and several nephews.
Viewing took place at Saint Ladislaus Church in New Brunswick on Thursday, May 2, with a prayer service held at 7:00 PM. A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated on Friday, May 3 at 11:00 AM with interment at the family plot at St. Peter Cemetery in New Brunswick. The Provincial Minister, Fr. Robert M. Campagna, OFM, was the main celebrant and Fr. Paul Rotondi, OFM, who ministered with Fr. Capistran at St. Ladislaus, was the homilist. May he rest in peace.
Friar Capistran Polgar, OFM
(Immaculate Conception Province)
Friar Francis Hanudel, OFM
(Immaculate Conception Province)
Friar Jonathan Foster, OFM
(Sacred Heart Province)
Friar James Kelly, OFM
(Sacred Heart Province)
Friar Alexander DiLella, OFM
(Holy Name Province)
Friar Emeric Nordmeyer, OFM
(Our Lady of Guadalupe)
Friar Boniface Kruger, OFM
(Custody of Great Britain)
Friar Emeric Szlezak, OFM
(Holy Name Province)
Friar Leon Reuter, OFM
(Sacred Heart Province)
Friar Myron McCormick, OFM (
Holy Name Province)
Friar Joe Haley, OFM
(St. John Baptist Province)
Recently Deceased Family and Friends
Josephine Micallef
(Sister-in-law of Friar Albert Micallef, OFM)
Keith L. Caprio
(Great nephew of Friar Robert Caprio, OFM)
Jacqueline Martins
(Mother of Friar Michael Della Penna, OFM)'
Joseph Czapla
(Father of Friar Bruce Czapla, OFM)
Charles Tallerico
Former Friar and member of our province)
Let us pray for our infirm friars:
Friar John Bavaro, OFM
Fr. Simeon Distefano, OFM
Friar Thomas Hollowood, OFM
Friar Daniel Morey, OFM
Friar Amedeo Nardone, OFM
Friar Armand Padula, OFM
Friar Flavian Mucci, OFM
Friar Claudio Moser, OFM
Friar Charles Soto, OFM
For our friars in skilled nursing and rehab facilities:
Friar John Bavaro, OFM
Friar Philip Adamo, OFM
Friar Giles Barreda, OFM
Friar Lawrence Stumpo, OFM
Fr. Clement Procopio, OFM
For our infirm family and friends:
Anthony M. Humphreys
(Cousin of Rosemary McKenna)
Ron Marsico
(Friend of Rosemary McKenna)
Please pray for all our friars, family, benefactors, and friends.
Please print out a copy of this newsletter to share with those in your community who do not have email. We hope that every friar in our province will have access to the Newsletter and that a printed copy will be posted on your friary bulletin board.
Thank you
The Management
Province of the Immaculate Conception, New York NY
125 Thompson Street
New York NY 10012
Please send any articles, news items, or photos to
Friar Joseph F Lorenzo, O.F.M.
St. Anthony Friary
24 Harrison Street/ PO Box 487
Catskill NY 12414
Cell: 917.337.9833
Office: 518.943.3451 xt. 314