Being Good Samaritans
Some of you may remember- or perhaps have heard of an incident that happened on March 13, 1964 that rocked the city of New York. In a quiet neighborhood in Queens, a woman named Kitty Genovese was brutally stabbed and murdered over the course of half an hour, while 38 of her neighbors did absolutely nothing.
While these neighbors heard her cries, heard her screaming, and some admit they even saw what was happening, they shut their windows to block out the sounds. No one came to her rescue, no one called the police, no one protested. Even though the assailant came back three times to finish the job of killing her, no one intervened.
One neighbor was interviewed saying, “We didn’t want to get involved.” We may find this reaction shocking and appalling. We see in the papers almost every day, the opposite reaction of innocent bystanders who go to the help of their neighbors and even strangers. We may think of the events of September 11, 2001, when so many of our first responders ran to the World Trade Center, thinking little of their own safety or even their own lives, to rescue those trapped in the buildings.
We may call people who assist others “Good Samaritans,” after the parable of Jesus, but what is the lesson of the Good Samaritan for us as Franciscans?
During my many years as a priest, I have have identified what I would call a most neglected sin- one that people rarely think about or even confess- that is the sin of omission. When we pray the Confiteor at Mass, we acknowledge our sinfulness- "in what I have done and in what I have failed to do.”
I am sure that, in the Good Samaritan Parable, few of us would identify with the robber. But how many of us can identify with the priest or the Levite- who pass by and do nothing.
When we examine our consciences, how much time is spent on those things which we fail to do due to our own negligence or even laziness? How many of us have to admit that we do not pray enough, or foster fraternity in our friaries, or even care for those who are in need?
A good plan of action for all of us as we move forward from our Provincial Chapter, is to see what it is that is holding us back from being true to our commitment as sons of St. Francis and disciples of Christ? How can we make our lives reflect more fully the deeds of the Good Samaritan, who goes out of his way to help someone in need?
Wishing you peace and blessings.
Fr. Robert Campagna, OFM
Provincial Minister
Under-Ten Chapter of Mats
Taize, France
July 7-14, 2019
The formation proposed by the Order of Friars Minor implies specific attention to the friars living the first years after solemn profession, commonly called Under Ten. Among the various specific proposals, for some years, we have had a Chapter of Mats organized and dedicated to these friars, with the participation of Under Ten friars from all over the world, together with the Minister General with his Definitory. So far four of these chapters have been celebrated: in Santiago de Compostela (Spain, 1995); in Canindé (Brazil, 2001); in the Holy Land (2007); in Zapopan / Guadalajara (Mexico, 2012). This year, the Under-Ten Chapter was held from July 7-14 in Taize, France. The theme was “Friars in Dialogue.”
To ensure that all the Under Ten of the Order can participate in this time of grace, the chapter work has been divided into three phases: pre-chapter, chapter, post-chapter, structured according to the model: "see", "judge", "act". While the Chapter in Taizé involved only the participation of a few representatives for each Entity of the Order, pre-Chapters and post-Chapters will be held in the Entities themselves, involving all the Under Ten friars. The Chapter of Taizé was also accessible to everyone, in its essential moments, through the internet.
The chapter was entrusted to the intercession of the Holy Virgin Mary, daughter and servant of the Supreme King, to that of Father Saint Francis and of Saint Clare, and to the prayer of all the friars.
The theme of dialogue was chosen by Friar Michael Perry, OFM, our Minister General who, in his letter of convocation of the Chapter of Mats Under Ten, reminded us of "the need to be weavers of dialogue, bridge builders, and peace artisans today more than never. It is a challenge for each of us and the life of our fraternities."
Furthermore, Taizé was chosen by Friar Michael as the place of the Chapter for its strong symbolic value, as "a place that for decades has been living and embodying ecumenical dialogue and reconciliation among peoples." As you know, in fact, Taizé has been, since 1940, a monastic, ecumenical and international Christian community founded by Br. Roger Schutz. Today, the Taizé community brings together a hundred brothers of various Christian confessions, from more than 25 nations, and it is presently led by Brother Alois Löser, since the death of its founder. In Taizé, after the great experience of the "Youth Council" in the 1970s, tens of thousands of young people from all over the world converge each year to pray with the community, to meet and reflect together on the proclamation of the hope of the Gospel in the world today. The participants have sent this message to all of us:
On these days of July 7-14, 2019, we Friars Minor, who are less than 10 years Solemnly professed (under 10), from all over the world on the occasion of V Chapter Under Ten OFM have gathered at Taizé, France to reflect on the theme ‘Friars in Dialogue’.
This celebration was enriched by the participation of 181 friars minor (representing 5 continents, 15 conferences of the Order, 86 entities, 52 Nationalities), together with General Minister Michael Perry, his vicar, definitors and the organizing committee. Adding color to this celebration, we were accompanied by the wider community of Taizé, who hosted both the friars and almost 2000 people from all over the world.
The theme of the chapter was ‘Friars in Dialogue’ which was proposed in 3 phases of reflection: pre-Chapter, Chapter and post-Chapter.
As a conclusion of this time of special grace, the following observations can be stated unequivocally with regards to the theme ‘Friars in dialogue’ for future perspectives:
1. The question of dialogue is essential now for peaceful coexistence. The context where we are in, the community of Taizé, gives us the concrete context to cultivate trust and friendship. Examples such as these call us to periodic reevaluation of previously held preconceptions.
As based on the talks this week, the following points were noted. The General Minister emphasized that dialogue in the life of the friar minor means vocation in fraternity – love of God, love of neighbor, and love of all creation. Contemplating the Trinity, we enter into relationship and community that is in our very DNA. In his talk he emphasized that the quality of fraternal dialogue as the central theme which calls finding creative ways to deal with crisis. The Prior of Taizé stressed acknowledging one’s own personal limitations as a first step toward dialogue. Being rooted in our own faith as followers of Christ, we need not fear dialoguing with others, and we should be careful of reducing them to our own categories. The General Secretary of Formation and Studies, in his reflection about the model of dialogue offered by St. Francis of Assisi and the first Franciscan fraternity, pointed out the importance of accepting conflicts as an inevitable part of any dialogue. He encouraged the young friars gathered at Taizé to be enriched by the experiences of friars from the entities who are living the aspects of dialogue without any choices of their own.
Our Franciscan brothers lived on this hill of Taizé from 1964 to 1972, and we felt staying here that it’s a place of grace which provides dialogue with Christ in prayer and praise even as a dialogue with the world and especially with believers of other religions. Listening and accompanying the people of God, brothers from the community are witnessing the ecumenical journey and the search for unity.
2. As Friars Minor, we have a rich tradition of dialogue and openness, beginning with St. Francis and his encounter with Sultan of Egypt ‘Al Malik al Kamal’ (1219). This tradition was testified and enlarged by UnderTen brothers gathered here from all over the world, by listening and sharing our thoughts and opinions in different language groups. Knowing that dialogue begins from the heart, first of all one needs to listen and accept others without prejudices and fears in the fast-changing society with its technological developments. At the same time in this openness, the various challenges – like social and cultural differences, tensions between real and virtual world, generation gaps, individualism – are to be confronted in our fraternal living.
We, Friars Minor, declare the following:
Realizing the enormous difficulty in dialogue and openness in the world of ours with its temptations of hatred, division and violence and superiority, we are able to learn from our experience here at Taizé together with our own rich tradition as friars minor, to cultivate concrete moments of dialogue, openness, tolerance, and acceptance. We can see the other not as a threat to our existence but rather as a source of richness. We profess to carry and communicate this experience in living gospel values in the footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi.
We friars, who are gathered in the V Chapter Under Ten OFM, first of all thank the Almighty for the innumerable ways that He guides and directs us, through the powerful intercession of Mary Immaculate. We are grateful to our General Minister Michael Perry and the General Definitory who have convoked this chapter, the organizing committee, the friars from the province in France, and all the provinces who have made an extra effort to send delegates for this chapter. And finally, and not the least, we thank the community of Taizé, for their hospitality and friendship that they have extended to each one of us.
Peace and all good!
Your Under Ten Brothers together with the Minister General and his Definitory
Taizé, 13th July 2019
Jerusalem Statement of the International Council for Justice, Peace, and Integrity
Friar Courtland Campbell, OFM, Provincial JPIC Animator, reports on the following:
The International Council for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation of the Order met in Jerusalem, from June 3 to 9, 2019. Its members evaluated the past three years’ work and mapped out the path for the general direction of our JPIC promotion effort for the next triennium. The JPIC Coordinators of the Conferences has provided decisive leadership in that effort that paves the way for effective implementation of the decisions of this year’s meeting.
The Jerusalem Statement sets the broad JPIC Agenda over the next three years for the OFM branch of the Franciscan Order worldwide. We hope that it will also inform our efforts to revitalize our life and ministry in the U.S. The Jerusalem Statement is a clarion call for the friars and their lay partners in ministry to take action at the local, national and international level in response to the radical call of Laudato Si', focusing on the inter-related crises of: climate change, migration, and extractivism. The JPIC Directorate encourages you to read, reflect, and act upon this document. The JPIC Directorate and Office are working to develop tools that will assist you in our call to prophetic witness and social transformation.
Former Province Parish of Saint Pamphilus now part of new Pittsburgh Parish, St. Teresa of Kolkata
With the merger of five parishes in the Beechview and Brookline neighborhoods of Pittsburgh, the Diocese of Pittsburgh has officially formed a new parish, St. Teresa of Kolkata. At a Mass celebrated on July 13 at St. Pius X Church in Brookline, Father Jim Bachner (former Pastor of St. Catherine of Siena in Beechview) was installed as the new pastor of St. Teresa of Kolkata Parish by Bishop David Zubik, Bishop of Pittsburgh. The five churches that have merged are St. Catherine of Siena and St. Pamphilus in Beechview, and Resurrection, St. Pius X, and Our Lady of Loreto in Brookline. Congratulations to all in the new parish.
I never expected to move from frequently snowy, traffic-filled Boston, Massachusetts to frequently humid, alligator-packed Ave Maria, Florida, except maybe to enjoy my “twilight years.” I could have imagined one day way in the future retiring from active priestly ministry with a couple of my Franciscan brothers who might be willing to let me take my turn driving the golf cart as we searched high and low for the perfect non-fat yogurt. Yet, here I find myself, far from retirement age, just finishing up my first year as Director of Campus Ministry for Ave Maria University and loving where the Lord has led me. And what an amazing first year it has been!
With the creation of our new larger dorm chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe,
Results of the Capitular Congressus, June 24-25, 2019
Transfers are scheduled for August 20, 2019
Capitular Elections
riar Joseph Lorenzo, OFM, Secretary of the Province
Friar Joseph Lorenzo, OFM, Treasurer of the Province
Friar Paul Rotondi, OFM, Archivist and Chronicler
Friar Michael Ledoux, OFM, Missions and Evangelization, FMU Promoter
Friar Joseph Lorenzo, OFM, Communications Director
Friar Courtland Campbell, OFM, JPIC Animator
Friar Pierre Farrugia, OFM, Secular Franciscans
Friar Orlando Ruiz, OFM, Vocation Director, USA
Friar Conrad Fernandes, OFM, Vocation Director, Canada
Friar Antonio Riccio, OFM, Secretary of Formation and Studies
Friar Richard Martignetti, OFM, Director of Ongoing Formation
Friar Pierre Farrugia, OFM, Director of Formation, Pre-novitiate Canada
Friar Orlando Ruiz, OFM, Director of Formation, Pre-novitiate (Brooklyn)
Friar Jimmy Zammit, OFM, Director of Formation, Post-novitiate (Rome)
Guardians, Vicars, Procurator
Convento S. Francesco, Rome
Friar Antonio Riccio, OFM, Guardian, Procurator
Friar Jimmy Zammit, OFM, Vicar
St. Christopher Friary, Boston
Friar Michael Ledoux, OFM, Guardian and Procurator, Health Care
Friar Damian Johnson, OFM, Vicar
Mt. Alverna Friary, Youngstown
Friar Vit Fiala, OFM, Guardian and Procurator
Friar Alexis Anania, OFM, Vicar
Padua Friary, New York City
Friar Joseph Lorenzo, OFM, Guardian and Procurator
Friar Dominic Poirier, OFM, Vicar
Friar Courtland Campbell, OFM, Health Care Director
St. Anthony Friary, Catskill
Friar Vincent Ciaravino, OFM, Guardian, Health Care Director
Friar Thomas Hollowood, OFM, Vicar
Friar Paul Guido, OFM, Procurator
Mt. Alvernia Friary, Wappingers Falls
Friar Thomas Garone, OFM, Guardian
Friar Dennis Arambasick, OFM, Vicar
Friar Armand Padula, OFM, Procurator
St. Joseph Friary, Winsted
Friar Bruce Czapla, OFM, Local Minister
Friar Roger Hall, OFM, Vicar and Procurator
St. Francis Friary, Toronto
Friar Francis Walter, OFM, Pastor and Local Minister
Friar Giacomo LaSelva, OFM, Vicar
Foundation Presidents, Committees
President of the Central American Foundation
Friar Rafael Fernandez, OFM
President of the Canadian Foundation
Friar Conrad Fernandes, OFM
Health Care Committee
Friar Michael Ledoux, OFM, Boston, Chair
Friar Courtland Campbell, OFM, Padua
Friar Vincent Ciaravino,OFM, Catskill
Formation Council
Friar Antonio Riccio, OFM, Chair
Friar Pierre Farrugia, OFM
Friar Jimmy Zammit, OFM
Friar Orlando Ruiz, OFM
Friar Joseph Powell, OFM
Friar Conrad Fernandes, OFM
Friar Transfers
Friar Gabriel Aceto, OFM, St. Leonard, Boston
Friar Dennis Arambasick, OFM, Mt. Alvernia, Wappingers Falls
Friar Vincent Ciaravino, OFM, St. Anthony, Catskill
Friar Courtland Campbell, OFM, Padua Friary, NYC
Friar Simeon Destefano, OFM, Padua Friary, NYC
Friar Conrad Fernandes, OFM, St. Peter Friary, Woodbridge
Friar Thomas Hollowood, OFM, St. Anthony Friary, Catskill
Friar Damian Johnson, OFM, St. Christopher, Boston
Friar Giacomo La Selva, OFM, St. Francis, Toronto
Friar Joseph LaGressa, OFM, Mt. Alvernia, Wappingers Falls
Friar Francis Walter, OFM, St. Francis, Toronto
Friar Jimmy Zammit, OFM, Convento S. Francesco, Rome
Friar Octavio Salinas, OFM, Our Lady of Peace, Brooklyn
Ten Profess First Vows at
Old Mission Santa Barbara
Ten novices from the US Provinces participating in the inter-provincial novitiate at Old Mission Santa Barbara professed their first vows on July 2 at the Old Mission Chapel. The ceremony was attended by a large number of friars, including Capuchin and Conventual Franciscan friars and novices who journeyed from nearby novitiates to witness the ceremony. Also in attendance were members of the parish church at the Old Mission. Friars from four of the US Provinces professed their vows. Each friar was presented with a new cord for his habit, this time with the three knots signifying the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. After professing their first vows, the friars signed the official registers of their respective provinces. Congratulations to our newly-professed brothers.
Saint Anthony Friary gets it’s own “Cat” as Catskill Celebrates "Cat'n Around Catskill"
This year the Village of Catskill NY celebrates the thirteenth year of "Cat'n Around Catskill" on history Main Street. The street was again lined with exciting artistic renditions of various felines- a play on the name of the Village- "Cats"kill. This is done due to the commitment and support of many generous sponsors. These large fiberglass images were created by various artists in front of many stores and businesses on Main Street and in other parts of the Village.
August Birthdays
Take time to wish our friars a Happy Birthday!
Romano Almagno - August 5, 1939 (80)
James Villa - August 6, 1943 (76)
Maurus Muldoon - August 8, 1938 (81)
Jimmy Zammit - August 11, 1955 - (64)
Regis Gallo - August 19, 1932 (87)
Charles Gingerich - August 24, 1948 (71)
Michael D'Cruz - August 26, 1930 - (89)
Aubert Marie Picardi - August 30, 1930 (89)
Immaculate Conception Seminary, Troy
circa 1969
Friar Eric Pilarcik, OFM
(St. Barbara Province)
Friar Cyprian Berens, OFM
(St. John Baptist Province)
Friar Marc LeGoanvec, OFM
(Holy Spirit Province)
Friar Roy Rivas-Nuno, OFM
(St. Barbara Province)
Friar Eugene Burnett, OFM
(St. Barbara Province)
Friar Samuel Cabot, OFM
(St. Barbara Province)
Friar Reginald Reddy, OFM
(Holy Name Province)
Friar Capistran Polgar, OFM
(Immaculate Conception Province)
Friar Francis Hanudel, OFM
(Immaculate Conception Province)
Friar Jonathan Foster, OFM
(Sacred Heart Province)
Friar James Kelly, OFM
(Sacred Heart Province)
Friar Alexander DiLella, OFM
(Holy Name Province)
Friar Emeric Nordmeyer, OFM
(Our Lady of Guadalupe)
Recently Deceased Family and Friends
Rosina Mancini
(Mother of Doctor Ottavio Nardone))
Josephine Micallef
(Sister-in-law of Friar Albert Micallef, OFM)
Keith L. Caprio
(Great nephew of Friar Robert Caprio, OFM)
Jacqueline Martins
(Mother of Friar Michael Della Penna, OFM)'
Joseph Czapla
(Father of Friar Bruce Czapla, OFM)
Charles Tallerico
Former Friar and member of our province)
Let us pray for our infirm friars:
Friar Jim Villa, OFM
Friar John Bavaro, OFM
Fr. Simeon Distefano, OFM
Friar Thomas Hollowood, OFM
Friar Daniel Morey, OFM
Friar Amedeo Nardone, OFM
Friar Armand Padula, OFM
Friar Flavian Mucci, OFM
Friar Claudio Moser, OFM
For our friars in skilled nursing and rehab facilities:
Friar John Bavaro, OFM
Friar Philip Adamo, OFM
Friar Giles Barreda, OFM
Friar Lawrence Stumpo, OFM
Fr. Clement Procopio, OFM
For our infirm family and friends:
Theodore L. Duguay
(father of Mark Greenfield, IT technician for the NYC friaries)
Anthony M. Humphreys
(Cousin of Rosemary McKenna)
Ron Marsico
(Friend of Rosemary McKenna)
Please pray for all our friars, family, benefactors, and friends.
Please print out a copy of this newsletter to share with those in your community who do not have email. We hope that every friar in our province will have access to the Newsletter and that a printed copy will be posted on your friary bulletin board.
Thank you
The Management
Province of the Immaculate Conception, New York NY
125 Thompson Street
New York NY 10012
Please send any articles, news items, or photos to
Friar Joseph F Lorenzo, O.F.M.
St. Anthony Friary
24 Harrison Street/ PO Box 487
Catskill NY 12414
Cell: 917.337.9833
Office: 518.943.3451 xt. 314