Franciscan Friars
Province of the Immaculate Conception
Provincial Update - October 2021
The Story of the Christmas Crib
How did the custom of displaying the Christmas crib come about?   The Christmas crib as we have it today goes back to our holy Father and founder,  St. Francis of Assisi. Not that he was the one who made the first crèche. This devotion is almost as old as the Church. We are told that the very place of Christ’s birth and the manger in which He lay “wrapped in swaddling clothes” were already venerated in Bethlehem in the first centuries of the Christian era. Later devout people substituted a silver manger for the original
one and built a basilica over it; and, through the centuries, the veneration of the Holy Child lying in the manger spread all over the Christian world. More and more ceremonies sprang up around this devotion, until in medieval times they had grown into a real theatre performance — drama, opera, and ballet combined. Finally, the Church had to put a stop to this, for it had grown into an abuse. A generation later St. Francis of Assisi got permission for his famous Christmas celebration in the woods of Greccio near Assisi, on Christmas Eve, 1223. His first biographer, Thomas of Celano, tells us how it happened:

“It should be recorded and held in reverent memory what Blessed Francis did near the town of Greccio, on the feast day of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ, three years before his glorious death. In that town lived a certain man by the name of John (Messer Giovanni Velitta) who stood in high esteem, and whose life was even better than his reputation. Blessed Francis loved him with a special affection because, being very noble and much honored, he despised the nobility of the flesh and strove after the nobility of the soul. Blessed Francis often saw this man. He now called him about two weeks before Christmas and said to him 'f you desire that we should celebrate this year’s Christmas together at Greccio, go quickly and prepare what I tell you; for I want to enact the memory of the Infant who was born at Bethlehem and how He was deprived of all the comforts babies enjoy; how He was bedded in the manger on hay between an ass and an ox. For once I want to see all this with my own eyes.'
When that good and faithful man had heard this, he departed quickly and prepared in the above-mentioned place everything that the Saint had told him.
The joyful day approached. The Brethren [the Friars who had gathered around St. Francis] were called from many communities. The men and women of the neighborhood, as best they could, prepared candles and torches to brighten the night. Finally the Saint of God arrived, found everything prepared, saw it and rejoiced. The crib was made ready, hay was brought, the ox and ass were led to the spot. . . . Greccio became a new Bethlehem. The night was made radiant like the day, filling men and animals with joy. The crowds drew near and rejoiced in the novelty of the celebration. Their voices resounded from the woods, and the rocky cliffs echoed the jubilant outburst. As they sang in praise of God the whole night rang with exultation. The Saint of God stood before the crib, overcome with devotion and wondrous joy. A solemn Mass was sung at the crib. The Saint, dressed in deacon’s vestments, for a deacon he was, sang the Gospel. Then he preached a delightful sermon to the people who stood around him, speaking about the nativity of the poor King and the humble town of Bethlehem. . . . And whenever he mentioned the Child of Bethlehem or the Name of Jesus, he seemed to lick his lips as if he would happily taste and swallow the sweetness of that word. (Celano." The Life and Miracles of St. Francis).

That is the beginning of the crèche as we know it in our own day. St. Francis’ idea of bringing Bethlehem into one’s own town spread quickly all over the Christian world, and when there was a Christmas crib in every church, the families began to re-enact the birth of Christ in their homes too. With loving imagination, more or less elaborately, the little town of Bethlehem would be reconstructed. As Franciscans we give glory to God by displaying our Christmas crèches and our outdoor scenes, giving giving witness to all those who pass by of our faith and joy in the birth of the Savior.   

The Franciscan Friars
of the Province of the Immaculate Conception
extend to all our brothers and sisters,
relatives, and friends
a most Blessed and Joyful Christmas
and a Happy New Year
Post-Novitiate Program
Convento Friars with Novices Visiting from Assisi
News From the Convento

Dear brothers: “greetings of peace and goodness” to all of you from the Convento San Francesco in Rome. Here everything is going well, school is keeping us busy but even in the midst of all our duties we always find the time to share and spend good moments as a fraternity. Here we share some of those moments we have lived in this past month.

On November 16th during lunch time, we had the visit of Bro. Saul Flores OFM, who finished his service as guardian in our general curia and also was accompanying some of us as a spiritual director. We wish all the best to Bro. Saul in his new ministry as he returns to his province in Central America. Thanks so much Bro Saul for your generous service to our brothers.
The morning of Sunday, November 21 all the student friars went to celebrate the Mass of Christ the King at Saint’s Peter's Basilica. The Mass was presided by Our Holy Father Pope Francis. The same day when we came back to our friary, we met our general visitator Bro. Bill Spencer who stayed with us for the rest of the week. Bro Bill was meeting each of us during that week. We also celebrated Thanksgiving Day. We started our celebration with a Mass in English that was presided by Bro. Bill. Then we enjoyed a delicious meal cooked by Daniela and the help of some friars. Bro Bill was a wonderful presence among us and brought with him a lot of joy and wisdom. Thanks Bro Bill.
On November 29th as a community, we started a novena in honour of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary that we concluded on December 8th with the solemnity. This day we went to have mass with the sisters “Ancelle di Cristo Re” (handmaids of Christ the King) who offered lunch to us.
On Saturday, December 11th, brothers Jack, Kevin, and Marco had the opportunity to serve Mass at the Tomb of St. Peter at the request of our former Minister General, Archbishop Jose Carballo. He asked our formator for only three of the brothers so Fr Pierre did a lottery of sorts to pick the lucky three! The Mass was presided by Cardinal João Braz de Aviz, Prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, on the occasion of the conclusion of their plenary meeting which is held every two years. Present at the Mass were various Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, and Religious who work at the congregation. After Mass, the three students were invited by Carballo to join the group in a private audience with Pope Francis, which was held in the Clementine room of the Apostolic Palace. In all, it was an extraordinary experience, and without a doubt, an unforgettable day.
On December 14, we had a very full house as we had as special guests our four novices(Bros. Kevin, Gabriel, Jimmy and Alberto) that this year are in San Damiano. They came to Rome just for one day in order to work on their permissions to stay in Italy. They were with us for lunch accompanied by their vice-master Fra Alessandro.
As always brothers, we thank you for all your prayers, we also assure our prayers for all of you. As we get closer to Christmas and also the end of another year, we want to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and many blessings in the year ahead. May the child Jesus be born in our hearts and fill us with his love and peace, so that we may be able to share those gifts with every person we encounter in our lives. 
Fraternally, Bro. Luis Hernandez OFM.
Photos above: The Brothers with Archbishop Jose Carballo, O.F.M.
 and Pope Francis

Photos below: Thanksgiving at the Convento. Daniela teaches Friars Jack and Daniel how to handle a giant turkey.
Minister General of the Order
Visits Convento San Francesco in Rome
On Tuesday, December 21, our Minister General, Br. Massimo Fusarelli, OFM, accompanied by General Definitor Br. Jimmy Zammit, visited our formation house in Rome. During the visit, Br. Massimo led the community in a reflection on Luke’s narrative of the birth of Jesus and presided over Evening Prayer. In all, it was a wonderful moment of fraternity for everyone.
Please join us in praying for Br. Massimo, that the Holy Spirit descend upon him as he continues to guide our order as the successor of St. Francis.

St. Christopher Friary, Boston
The brothers at St. Christopher's Friary (SCF) are all ready for Christmas. They were a little camera shy this year before the annual Christmas party. We celebrated on the Feast of St. Lucy this year, as James Welch travelled off to see family for Christmas on Dec.15th. The friars were in good voice as they sang carols, unwrapped presents, participated in the annual Yankee Swap and played the SCF version of Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy with fabulous prizes, including google eyeballs, an homage to St. Lucy. During Advent the friars have been reading from the Fioretti on Wednesday and having a short moment of silence during meal. Since Wed is pasta day, nobody minds staying focused on the meal. Our next activity is our annual Las Posadas. This year friar teams will host the holy couple in preparation for Christmas. We are getting fairly good at this. On a side note, Christopher Columbus park still gets adorned for the season. They may have lost the statue, but the name and decorations remain.

The guys in Teresian House are fairing well. Isaac received a long awaited haircut as the house beautician has now been replaced. His disposition is always a cheerful. Albin, Regis, and Larry are all well and ready for Christmas. Larry has been having some technological challenges, but just received a new computer, so he should be back online shortly. Regis has an in room telephone. The number may be obtained by calling St. Christopher's. Best wishes for Christmas from everyone at St. Christopher's and Teresian House.
Take time to wish our brothers a Happy Birthday!

Vincent Ciaravino- January 2 - 81
Robert Campagna- January 2- 75
Bruce Czapla- January 8- 71
Charles Grech- January 9- 60
Daniel Luna- January 19- 23
Joseph Lorenzo- January 25- 72
Dominic Poirier- January 28- 79
Friar Joshua Critchley, O.F.M Ordained to the Diaconate

St. Anthony Church
New York City

December 18, 2021
On Saturday, December 18, 2021, at the 5:00 PM parish mass, our brother, Friar Joshua Critchley, O.F.M. was ordained to the diaconate by Bishop James Massa, Ph.D., D.D., at the Church of Saint Anthony of Padua, Manhattan, New York City.  Bishop Massa is an auxiliary bishop of the Diocese of Brooklyn and the Rector of St. Joseph Seminary, Dunwoodie, Yonkers, New York.  Concelebrating at the altar were Fr. Robert M. Campagna, O.F.M., Provincial Minister; Fr. William Spencer, O.F.M., Visitor General; Fr. Mario Julian, O.F.M., Pastor of St. Anthony’s and Definitor; Fr. Richard Martignetti, O.F.M., Guardian at Ave Maria University where Friar Deacon Joshua lives; and other members of the Provincial Definitorium.  Fr. Patrick Boyle, O.F.M., Provincial Vicar, planned the liturgy and served as principal Master of Ceremonies.  Music was provided by the St. Anthony music ministers.  Friar Josh’s parents, grandmother, and sister were also present, as were many friars, parishioners, and guests.  A buffet dinner was served in the hall immediately following the Mass.  Bishop Massa gave a beautiful homily, reminding all of the intimate connection of Saint Francis, who himself was a deacon, and the office of deacon- that of service, spiritual and physical.  He tied in the importance of the ministry of Pope Francis, who is truly exemplifying a “Franciscan papacy” in his decrees and his emphasis on service to the poor and the needy.  Friar Deacon Josh expressed his appreciation: “This evening I feel so blessed to have had Bishop Massa ordain me a Deacon! Beautiful Mass, I'm beyond humbled in every way by how good God is! Thank you so much for your prayers everyone they are so appreciated! Blessings to all!”
Bishop Robert Brennan

Installed as Eighth

Bishop of the Diocese

of Brooklyn New York
On Nov. 30, 2021, Bishop Robert Brennan, former Bishop of Columbus, Ohio, accepted the pastoral staff from Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York, and took a seat in the cathedra, or bishop’s chair, near the altar at the Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph. 
At that moment, Bishop Brennan was officially installed as the Eighth Bishop of Brooklyn, succeeding Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, who served the diocese for the past 18 years.
“This is home now,” Bishop Brennan said during his homily during the Mass. “I look forward to living and praying among you and serving you with every ounce of my being.” 
The celebration started with a procession of priests into the co-cathedral, followed by a second procession of all 46 bishops and cardinals in attendance.
Bishop Brennan was at the back, followed only by his deacons. When he arrived at the cathedral entrance, the doors had closed, and he subsequently knocked on them with a gold mallet, according to the ritual, before entering. 
Through both processions, music was played by students from Bishop Brennan’s alma mater, St. John the Baptist High School. Bishop Brennan went over to welcome them ahead of the processions and gave them a thumbs-up as he climbed the cathedral steps.
After Bishop Brennan entered the co-cathedral, the doors closed and Cardinal Dolan introduced him to the Diocese of Brooklyn’s bishops. Bishop Raymond Chappetto, a senior bishop of the diocese, presented Bishop Brennan with a crucifix, which Bishop Brennan kissed. Bishop Neil Tiedemann, the next most senior bishop of the diocese, then presented Holy Water to Bishop Brennan, who in turn sprinkled it on those standing around him by the church doors. 
The installation Mass started after the 46 bishops and cardinals in attendance took their places on the altar. There were about 1,200 people in attendance, including about 300 priests, laypersons and other religious leaders in the diocese, and family and friends of Bishop Brennan. 

Now officially Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Brooklyn, Bishop DiMarzio began the proceedings with a brief greeting. Next, he welcomed Bishop Brennan, saying, “We wish him the best,” and “we pray for him.” Cardinal Dolan followed with brief remarks, thanking Bishop DiMarzio for his years of service and then welcoming Bishop Brennan as a bishop in New York City. 
Archbishop Christophe Pierre, the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, then took the pulpit to welcome Bishop Brennan to the diocese and highlight his work as an auxiliary bishop in the Diocese of Rockville Centre and as the Bishop of Columbus, Ohio. 
“Your excellency, as a bishop, you know about building communion among people,” Archbishop Pierre said. “You have distinguished yourself as a shepherd in Rockville Centre and in the Diocese of Columbus.” 
Archbishop Pierre also labeled the Diocese of Brooklyn a multicultural diocese that continues to “flourish.” He acknowledged Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio and his years of service to the diocese, which was followed by a lengthy standing ovation from all in attendance. 
“Thank you, Bishop DiMarzio, for your faithful service; for your great leadership,” Archbishop Pierre said. 
Pope Francis accepted Bishop DiMarzio’s resignation on Sept. 29, the day Bishop Brennan was appointed to the diocese by Pope Francis. After Archbishop Pierre spoke, Bishop Brennan presented his appointment letter to the college of consultors and then walked through the co-cathedral displaying the document to the faithful. 
When Bishop Brennan returned to the altar, he was presented with the pastoral staff and took a seat in the cathedra, where he was met by thunderous applause. He then came to the center of the altar and was approached by diocesan representatives and clergy and representatives of other faiths, who welcomed him to the Diocese of Brooklyn. 
Bishop Brennan led the Mass from that point, which included his first homily in the diocese. He anchored his homily with references to St. Andrew, one of Jesus’s apostles, whose Feast Day was Nov. 30. In particular, he highlighted how St. Andrew was a missionary of the faith, and through that example, he thanked the priests and men and women religious for their work. 
“Like Andrew, you are out in the community among God’s people, on the front lines of hope,” Bishop Brennan said of priests. “You know the needs and longings. You are involved in the lives of your parishioners, walking with them and sharing their joys and sorrows, hopes and burdens.”
He said of the men and women religious that they “live out the charisms of your community and remind of deeper realities” in a prophetic way. 
Bishop Brennan also acknowledged that the Diocese of Brooklyn is truly” the diocese of immigrants, to say that “together with the joy of the gospel, we are called to be like Andrew and work together to share the good news.” 
During Communion, Bishop Brennan stood alongside Cardinal Joseph Tobin of Newark in front of the altar, with Bishop DiMarzio to their right and Archbishop Pierre to their left. 
Bishop Brennan again thanked Bishop DiMarzio in closing remarks, saying he had “such great foresight” for the diocese, which “set us on a path to a great future.” 
His last message was a simple “thank you” to all those in attendance and those that made the day possible.
Several days after Bishop Brennan's installation, Fr. Orlando Ruiz, O.F.M., Pastor of Our Lady of Peace Church in Brooklyn, who was in attendance at the installation, received a surprise. He was sent a "Reserved for Bishop Brennan" parking sign from Our Lady of Peace Church in Columbus, Ohio, Bishop Brennan's former diocese. Hopefully, Bishop Brennan will put it to good use and will be a frequent visitor to our Brooklyn parish.

Our Lady of Peace in Brooklyn Marks Breakfast with Santa and Lessons and Carols.

On Saturday, December 18, Our Lady of Peace Church in Brooklyn held a "Breakfast with Santa" event for the children. One of the highlights of the morning was the display of Nativity scenes constructed by the children of the parish.

On Sunday evening, December 19, they held their traditional "Lessons and Carols", always a great evening of prayer, devotion, and, of course, wonderful music.
Friar Bill Spencer Goes to School
Visitator Meeting Sessions Held at the General Curia
The 2021 meeting between the Minister General, Br Massimo Fusarelli, and his Definitory with the General Visitators, took place from 15 to 19 November 2021at the General Curia, Rome.
Opening the day’s meeting on 15 November, the Vicar General, Br Isauro Ulises Covili Linfati, presided at the Eucharist. Commenting on the day’s readings, he invited the Visitators to listen to the cries within society, the church and our fraternities:
“Today, there are cries for peace, cries for greater humanity, cries for justice, for good health for all, cries for good education, cries for water, cries for the end of Covid 19… cries for reconciliation and fraternity, etc. What are the cries within the Church, in our fraternities…?”
Br Massimo Fusarelli, Minister General, said, “The service of the Visitation will thus be first and foremost for you, for us, an exercise of faith, hope and charity. In short, it is not a service that we render outside of ourselves, but from what we are and what the Lord calls us to become”.
In his report, Br Massimo invited those present to be grateful by accepting “the gift of faith that helps us recognise the goods that God is still working in our lives today”; to renew our vision “by evaluating how we are brothers and minors today in our life of proclaiming and witnessing to the Gospel in the various missions and services entrusted to our fraternities”; to take care of “ongoing formation in affectivity and the free choice of chastity with sensitivity to the safeguarding of minors and vulnerable adults”; to mission and evangelisation in three areas: youth, integral ecology and the digital continent and, finally, to embrace the future with some challenges present in the Order and the entity.
At the end of his report, Br Massimo asked the Visitators to “take up this service in your inner life, in the place where your personal identity as men who live the following of Jesus Christ as the heart of their very existence is continually being shaped”.
Friar Daniel B.

Morey, O.F.M.

Passes into

Eternal Life
December 3, 2021
Our brother, Fr. Daniel B. Morey, O.F.M,  passed to eternal life on December 3, 2021 at Montefiore Hospital, Bronx, New York.  Fr. Daniel was 79 years old.  He was born in Brooklyn New York to Ernest and Kathleen (Doyle) and was baptized Bernard. He entered the novitiate on August 15, 1964, professed first vows on August 16, 1965, and solemnly professed on June 24, 1972. He was ordained a priest on May 19, 1973.  Fr. Daniel was involved in a several ministries, including pastor of St. Anthony Church in Manhattan and Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Mount Vernon.  He was also Vocation Director, and served in several hospital and nursing home chaplaincies. At the time of his death Fr. Daniel was a resident of St. Patrick Manor, Bronx, and affiliated with Padua Friary, New York City.  Funeral arrangements were as follows:

Viewing: Monday, December 6, 2021
Saint Anthony of Padua Church, New York
6-9 PM (Memorial Service at 7:30 PM)
Mass of Christian Burial: Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Saint Anthony of Padua Church, New York, 10:00 AM
Burial: Calvary Cemetery, Queens
Family Plot

The Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated by Fr. Robert M. Campagna, O.F.M., Provincial Minister. The homily was given by Fr. Paul Rotondi, O.F.M., Provincial Archivist and part of the Padua Friary fraternity.
Friar Dennis J.

Wheatley, O.F.M.

Passes into

Eternal Life.

December 11, 2021
Our brother, Fr. Dennis Wheatley, O.F.M, passed to eternal life on December 11, 2021 at the age of 71, due to complications from cancer and Covid-19. At the time of his death, Fr. Dennis was Pastor of Sacred Heart Church In Waltham, Massachusetts, where he had served for twenty-two years. Fr. Dennis was born on May 21, 1950. He was received into the order on August 15, 1973, made his temporary vows on August 18, 1974, and his solemn profession on August 27, 1983. He was ordained a priest on May 12, 1984. was ordained a priest in 1984. Fr. Dennis served in a variety of ministries, including several parochial assignments, many years of teaching at Christopher Columbus High School in Boston and Marian High School in Framingham, Massachusetts. He also served the province as Provincial Definitor and Associate Vocation Director.
Fr. Dennis leaves behind his sister Odile, his brother Thomas, and nieces and nephews. Funeral arrangements are as follows:
Viewing: Sunday, December 19, 2021
Sacred Heart Church, Waltham MA
4-8 PM
Mass of Christian Burial: Monday, December 20, 2021
Sacred Heart Church, Waltham MA
10:00 AM
Burial: Calvary Cemetery, Queens, Tuesday, December 21, 2021
11:00 AM Friars Plot
The Funeral Mass was celebrated by Fr. Richard Donovan, O.F.M., Pastor of Saint Anthony Church, Troy, New York and former Associate Pastor of Sacred Heart Church, and the homily was given by Friar Deacon Charles Gingerich, O.F.M., Deacon at St. Leonard Church, Boston. The funeral was presided over by Bishop Robert Reed. Friar Charles gave a wonderful homily. Many friars from the region and as far as Troy and Winsted were in attendance. There were also many secular clergy present. Sacred Heart Church was packed with parishioners and family members who dearly loved our own Fr. Dennis Wheatley. Odile, Dennis' niece and Odile, Dennis' sister both gave eulogies expressing how much Dennis loved every single person he served. Br. Gabriel Aceto OFM provincial definitor expressed condolences on behalf of the Provincial Fr. Robert Campagna, OFM. Bishop Robert Reed in his closing remarks said how normally we clergy are the ones consoling those who are bereaved. However this time, we are all grieving. After an emotional mass, light refreshments were served in the church hall. It was clear that Fr. Dennis Wheatley's legacy lives on in all the people he touched.
Province withdraws from Sacred Heart Parish in Waltham, Massachusetts
After twenty-two years of service, parish is returned to the Archdiocese of Boston.
With the sickness and eventual passing of Fr. Dennis Wheatley, O.F.M., it became obvious to the provincial administration that it would be impossible to replace him, due to the personnel issues and shortage of available friars.  In November, Fr. Robert informed His Eminence Sean Cardinal O’Malley, O.F.M. Cap., Archbishop of Boston, that the province would not be able to replace Fr. Dennis.  As the situation grew more serious in regard to Fr. Dennis’ health, the province decided to withdraw from Sacred Heart Church in Waltham, where Fr. Dennis had been pastor for twenty-two years.  It was agreed that this would be effective December 15, 2021.  It was unfortunate that the announcement of the departure of the Franciscans from the parish coincided with the death of Fr. Dennis.  The Archdiocese of Boston appointed a temporary administrator for the parish as of December 17, 2021.  A farewell Mass was celebrated on Saturday, December 11 by Fr. Richard Donovan, O.F.M., former Associate Pastor of Sacred Heart Church.  A letter was issued from Cardinal O’Malley announcing the appointment of the new administrator and thanking the Immaculate Conception Province for its long-time involvement in the ministry of the Archdiocese of Boston.

Friar Thomas Garone, OFM. is now in residence at St. Christopher Friary, Boston, as of December 6.

Friar Alvin Te, OFM is now in residence at Siena Friary, Mount Vernon. He will begin training with Madeline Bonnici at FMA after Christmas.

At its meeting of December 16, 2021, held at the Provincial Curia, the Provincial Definitorium approved three friars in formation, Friars John Sidoti, Daniel Cavalieri, and Marco Antonio Gomez for the reception of the Ministries of Reader and Acolyte.

The Provincial Definitorium, acting as Steering Committee for the 2022 Provincial Chapter, elected Friar Joseph Lorenzo, OFM, Provincial Secretary, as Secretary of the Provincial Chapter.

Around the Province

Curia Office Christmas Tree
Curia Friary Christmas Tree
Celebrating Fr. Patrick Boyle's Birthday at the Curia
New York Friars Celebrate the Immaculate Conception Feast.
Saint Anthony NYC Outdoor Creche circa 1966
2022 Ordo

The 2022 Ordos arrived at the Provincial Curia mid-month and have been sent out or delivered to the friaries of the province (USA and Canada). If you have not received your Ordos yet, please let me know. (Some of the Canadian friaries will have theirs delivered soon.)

Joe Lorenzo, OFM ( or leave a message at the Provincial Curia 212-674-4388.
Friar Dennis Wheatley, OFM (Immaculate Conception Province)
Friar Daniel Morey, OFM (Immaculate Conception Province)
Friar Charles Gilmartin, OFM (Holy Name Province)
Friar Vincent Elsen, OFM (Sacred Heart Province)
Friar Elrich Sampson OFM (Sacred Heart Province)

Recently Deceased Family and Friends
Sr. Rosaleen (Ann) O'Halloran, R.S.H.M., (Former teacher at St. Anthony NYC)
Wayne Arambasick, OFM (Brother of Fr. Dennis Arambasick, OFM)
Joyce D'Amodio (Relative of Fr. Joseph Lorenzo,OFM)

Let us pray for our infirm friars:
Fr. James Goode, OFM
Friar Guy Vellardita, OFM
Friar Aubert Picardi, OFM
For our Infirm Family and Friends
Lina Masucci (Secretary at St. Francis, Caledon)

For our friars in skilled nursing and rehab facilities:
Friar Regis Gallo, OFM
Friar James Goode, OFM
Friar Albin Fusco, OFM
Friar Isaac Calicchio, OFM
Friar Philip Adamo, OFM
Friar Lawrence Stumpo, OFM

Please pray for all friars, families, friends, and benefactors,
living and deceased.
For medical personnel and first responders.
For those in our nursing homes and hospitals.
Please print out a copy of this newsletter to share with those in your community who do not have email. We hope that every friar in our province will have access to the Newsletter and that a printed copy will be posted on your friary bulletin board.
Thank you
Province of the Immaculate Conception, New York NY
125 Thompson Street
New York NY 10012

Please send any articles, news items, or photos to
Friar Joseph F Lorenzo, O.F.M.
Provincial Secretary/Communications Director
125 Thompson Street
New York NY 10012
Cell: 917.337.9833
Office: 212.674.4388 Xt. 113