Franciscan Friars
Province of the Immaculate Conception
Provincial Update - February 2022
Next week we mark Ash Wednesday, beginning the penitential season of Lent
Lent is a very unique and important season in the church calendar. It originated in the early church as a means of the faithful Christians to unite themselves with those who were preparing to be received into the church at the Easter Vigil. As the catechumens prepared themselves in a special way before Easter, so those already members of the church united with them by acts of penance and mortification.
The purpose of this was not only to give encouragement to the catechumens, but also to make Easter a special celebration. At Easter, the church celebrates new life by the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the reception of new members into the church. With our own penitential acts, we too find Easter to be a day of resurrection and new life, as we grow in our holiness before the Lord.
The ultimate purpose of all of this is to grow closer to God, to grow in our faith, to become holier. We are called to introspect- to look into our lives and see what it is in our actions, our deeds, our thoughts, and our words that separates us from God- that is not in keeping with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When we have identified them through an examination of our consciences, then we should seek to make some inroads into eradicating them from our lives. Sometimes we succeed, often we find ourselves succumbing to our human nature.
Just think of this: if each Lent of our lives- be it 20 years or 30 years or 50 years, we were able to grow a little holier, maybe the church would be erecting statues in our churches in our honor. Our goal is indeed sanctity.
The problem is this: we often waste Lent by not doing enough to change our hearts, or by concentrating on what I would call “empty gestures.” We pick penances that do not make us better. For example, I often hear people say, I am giving up candy for Lent, or desserts, or something like that. But does this make us a better Catholic, a holier Christian? Pope Francis said that if our Lenten fast does not benefit others, then it is a false fast- it is worthless. Yes, it may help us trim our waistlines, or manage or blood tests better, but I would say if you are still giving up candy for Lent- then GROW UP.
Or sometimes we may do things for Lent, but then when Lent is over, we lapse back into our old ways. Some years ago someone came to me with a dilemma. He didn’t know what to do for Lent. After probing a while, he admitted he was a frequent user of online pornography. I said that is a great place to start. He should try to occupy his time in more spiritual or charitable endeavors, substituting some act of charity, or reading the Bible in its place.
A few weeks later we were talking and I asked him how he was doing with his penance. He said it had been very difficult, but he believed he had made some headway. Then he said, “But I can’t wait for Easter so I can start watching porn again.”
Lent is like baseball’s spring training. It helps us to get our lives in order, so that we can continue all the good things we have done during Lent through the rest of the year. And , hopefully, on Easter Sunday morning, we can look at ourselves in the mirror and say, “Today, I am a little bit holier than I was on Ash Wednesday.”
Happy Birthday Daniela (and Daniel too)
News From the Convento
Another semester is over. Thank God we passed with flying colors.
It has been a month of studying for the final exams of the first semester of this academic year. One more semester in the books and for our first-year brothers it has been a new experience at the Antonianum University.
In Rome, spring is just around the corner and we are starting our second semester in person rather than online, thank-God.
On January 19 our brother Daniel Luna "estuvo de manteles largos" or in English, was the “birthday boy”. We celebrated his 23rd birthday with a delicious meal made by our excellent cook, Daniela, and an even more delicious cake.
On February 2, some of the brothers participated in the mass of consecrated life presided over by the Pope. The rest of the group went to Benevento to attend the priestly ordination of Fr. Vincenzo Romano ofm. Vincenzo is a friar of the Benevento province who spent part of last year with us here at the Convento as he finished his studies at the Antonianum.
On February 22 we also had the joy of celebrating Daniela's birthday. It was very special to share this festive moment with her. Brother Daniel Luna shared a few words on behalf of the entire fraternity, in which he highlighted the maternal figure that she symbolizes for us all as a sister in the Lord. Her dedicated service goes above and beyond and means a lot to us all.
Finally, dear brothers, we continue to entrust ourselves to your prayers so that The Supreme Good continues to guide us on this formative path. Also be assured of our prayers for all of you. God bless you. Peace and good. Marco
St. Christopher Friary, Boston
The retired/infirm Franciscan Friars of the Province of the Immaculate Conception pray daily for the intentions entrusted to them. If you have a prayer request, they are happy to remember your intention in their prayers. Please call 617-742-4190 ext. 100 and leave your request.
he friars of St. Christopher Friary have begun a "prayer line" to remember people's intentions. For those who have websites or bulletins, would you add the following blurb on a regular basis?
On Remembering the Friars
It is not November, but we, at St. Christopher’s are grieving another of our brothers. Fr. Aubert Marie a member of our local community and longtime missionary. We also grieve a second former missionary, Fr. Isaac Jogues. At St. Christopher Friary, the loss of our brothers is felt profoundly. Perhaps, not more profoundly than other friaries, but differently. Here, and most assuredly Padua, as our older men pass, we remember them with stories, recollections of days past, and idiosyncrasies they possessed. We also feel a void when certain phrases or words are spoken , “I’m being serious now,” “Never mind,” “ polycarpo” and so many others. Then there are the places that they occupied, the times that they would most often be seen in particular rooms, the foods they would like/desire/demand, and unfortunately, even certain smells.
Sometimes it feels as if we just move on as a friar passes. We pack up his belongings, clean his room and say,”next.” But that is truly not the case. The memories live on and as we see our brothers gain the reward our life is focused upon, there is a true fraternal void as each passes. The necrology comes to life each day as we remember those of have gone before us. We wonder when God will call us to join them. We pray for them. May they also pray for us.
Provincial Chapter 2022
During the meeting of the Provincial Definitorium and Chapter Steering Committee on Monday, February 21, the following items were discussed:
The Province has invited Archbishop Jose Rodriguez Carballo, O.F.M., former Minister General of the Order and currently Secretary of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life to our Provincial Chapter in June 20. He will celebrate the opening Mass of the Holy Spirit on Monday, June and also ordain Friars Victor Treminio and Joshua Critchley to the priesthood on Wednesday, June 22.
Liturgical Schedule:
Monday- Mass of the Holy Spirit
Tuesday- Mass in Remembrance of our Deceased Friars
Wednesday- Ordination Liturgy
Thursday- Mass to honor our Jubilarians
Friday- Concluding Mass of the Chapter
Chapter reports are due at the Provincial Office on February 25. Second straw ballots for Provincial Minister are also due on February 25. Ballots will be counted under the supervision of Fr. William Spencer, O.F.M., Visitator General of the Province, on Tuesday, March 1. Results of this ballot will be sent to the General Curia for the approval of the five names who will be considered candidates for Provincial Minister at the Tempo Forte meeting of March 7-17.
Steering Committee presented names for the Provincial Chapter “Ad Hoc” Committees: Elections, Liturgy, Hospitality, and Legislation as well as the five candidates for Moderator of the Chapter. Chapter delegates will choose three of these five.
Discussion took place on liturgical and chapter ritual booklets, as well as a special worship program for the Ordination Mass.
The hospitality committee will be charged with assessing the needs of the friars, as well as such issues as individual needs, accessibility, venue locations within the retreat center, etc. This will need to happen with the cooperation of the local friar community.
Take time to wish our brothers a Happy Birthday!
Antonio Riccio, March 3 1946
Peter Hoang Cao Thai, March 10, 1980
Nelson Aldair Orantes Calderon, March 23, 1999
Joaquin Mejia, March 23, 1967
Ralph Paonessa, March 26, 1936
Stephen Galambos, March 29, 1940
Jack Hoak, March 31, 1948
Vocation Fest held at Ave Maria University, Florida
Vocations Director Orlando Ruiz visited Rick Martignetti and Josh Critchley in Florida for Ave Maria University’s annual Vocations Fest. Nearly 800 students stopped by at tables to learn more about the 20 different religious and lay groups that had come for the event. The Friars had a nice prayer, dinner and conversation with five of the more interested young men who we ask you to keep in prayer as they discern God’s will for their lives.
Assisi and the
Protection of Jewish
Pave the Way Foundation Recognizes the Historic Significance of Assisi in Protecting
Jewish Refugees with Exhibition
Pave the Way Foundation (PTWF), an international organization whose mission is to initiate historical projects and remove obstacles between religions, is sponsoring an historic presentation in New York with the Diocese of Assisi, Italy, recognizing the brave lifesaving actions taken by the clergy and citizens of Assisi in protecting Jewish refugees during the Holocaust.
With Northern Italy occupied by German troops in 1943, the historic town of Assisi, home of Saint Francis of Assisi, found itself thrown into the atrocities of war. Archbishop Nicolini, acting on requests from Rome, rallied Assisi’s clergy and citizens to come together and save the lives of their Jewish brethren, being hunted down by the Nazis.
Elliot Hershberg, Chairman of Pave the Way Foundation, remarked "at a time in history when forces around the world would strive to divide rather than unite, we are reminded by this exhibit of the historic, lifesaving acts of conscience Roman Catholics performed, at their own peril, to help and save so many Jewish victims of Nazi barbarism."
Gary Krupp, President of Pave the Way Foundation said "it is our mission to promote international gestures of goodwill between the world’s religions and people of faith, in order to further our motto: Embrace our Similarities and Savor our Differences."
The exhibit will utilize panels from the “Museo della Memoria Assisi” (The Museum of Memory) and will feature a roundtable discussion featuring Professor Johan Ickx, Archivist for the Historical Archives of the Vatican Secretary of State, and Elizabeth Bettina, author of “It Happened in Italy “. Attending will be the Archbishop of Assisi, Domenico Sorrentino, the museum’s founder and curator, Marina Rosati, Monsignor Anthony Figueiredo, responsible for English-speaking affairs, along with the mayor of Assisi, Stefania Proietti.
"How happy we are to bring our museum to America,” Archbishop Sorrentino notes. “Not only to remember a great page of light that shone through a dark time in history, but also to tell the world that good can and must win over evil. Like the Jews, too many people are stripped of their dignity as human beings. St. Francis of Assisi stripped himself to be a universal brother. In his footsteps, we welcome the
initiative of Gary Krupp, his Chairman and Board and thank all of our gracious hosts who help us ‘pave the way’ together to witness to fraternity and peace." Ms. Rosati also looks forward to "this important opportunity offered to us to make known the extraordinary history of Assisi in the dark period of the Holocaust, when some 300 Jews were welcomed, helped and saved; no one was deported and killed and
the Yad Vashem has recognized 7 of the heroes of Assisi as Righteous among the Nations. Many other citizens have also committed themselves to this great work of welcoming, defeating indifference and showing the most beautiful face of this city which, also through this Museum, wants to witness and sow a culture of good all over the world".
Two events will take place, the first at Temple Israel in New Rochelle Tuesday, April 5, 2022 and the second at St. John’s University in Queens Wednesday April 6, 2022. Rabbi Jay Rosenbaum and Temple Israel of New Rochelle stated “We are honored to host The Assisi Museum Exhibit, and excited to lead the roundtable discussion. The congregation of Temple Israel of New Rochelle and I welcome this unique opportunity to fulfill the Mitzvah of Zachor, remembrance of the Shoah in a world seemingly filled with moral amnesia. With this exhibit, we not only memorialize the 6,000,000 Jews who were murdered by the Nazis, but the righteous of Assisi who risked everything to save innocent Jewish lives. May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life, as we honor them through this project of reconciliation and hope with the light of love.”
“It is a privilege and honor to welcome the Assisi Museum of Memory Exhibit to St. John’s,” commented Joseph Sciame, Vice-President for Community Relations at St. John’s University. “By doing so, we honor the memory of so many who afforded our Jewish sisters and brothers in those dark days in Italy, what one might call ‘the gift of life’ from the citizenry in that area, as well as so many other communities in Italy at that time. Our Judeo-Christian history impels us to not forget, but also reconciles us with a sense of solidarity and dialogue.”
The event is open to all. Jewish and Christian communities are encouraged to attend. Public is asked to register for the in person event or the webcast at
For further details, questions and interviews, contact:
USA: David Hauser Email: Cell: +516 6725930
Italy: Marina Rosati Email: Cell: +39 331 688 9431
Monsignor Anthony Figueiredo Email: Cell: +39 339 363 1830
About Pave the Way Foundation
PTWF operates in 19 countries around the globe as a nonsectarian organization, whose mission is to identify and work to resolve non-theological obstacles between religions. We achieved our historic successes, by establishing foundations of trust through cultural, educational and technological gestures between the faiths quietly, from behind the scenes. We are proud of our historic achievements as “the most successful organization in the world that no one has ever heard of.” Please visit our website
Friar Isaac J.
Calicchio, O.F.M.
Passes into
Eternal Life
February 5, 2022
Fr. Isaac J. Calicchio, O.F.M. passed into eternal life on February 5, 2022, at the age of 91 at the Teresian Home in Albany, New York. where he was a resident. He was born in Jersey City, NJ on September 2, 1930, and was baptized John. He entered the novitiate on July 14, 1948, taking the name Isaac Jogues. He professed first vows on July 15, 1949 and made his solemn profession of vows on July 15, 1952. He was ordained to the priesthood on June 24, 1956.
After ordination Isaac studied at Catholic University of America, receiving an M.A. in History, and then attended the Academy of American Franciscan History in Washington. He was assigned to teaching and initial formation at Mt. Alvernia Seminary, Wappingers Falls, NY as Master of Clerics, and St. Francis Seraphic Seminary, Andover, MA as Prefect of Students. In 1966 Isaac transferred to Central America where he served for almost thirty years. During that time, he ministered at Sonsonate, El Salvador; Guatemala City, Guatemala; and Comayagua, Honduras, where he was involved in both parochial and academic ministry. He also served as President of the Central American Foundation and Rector of the Instituto San Francisco. Isaac returned to the United States where he served at St. Anthony Parish in Troy, NY, and St. Rose of Lima Parish in Meriden, CT. Isaac retired to St. Anthony Friary in Catskill, where he remained until taking up residence at Teresian Home in March of 2020.
Funeral Arrangements were as follows:
Viewing: Wednesday, February 9, 2022, from 10 AM to 11 AM Mount Alvernia Friary Chapel, Wappingers Falls NY
Mass of Christian Burial: Wednesday, February 9 at 11 AM. Interment immediately following at the Mt. Alvernia Mausoleum.
For our friars in skilled nursing facilities
Friar Regis Gallo, OFM
Friar James Goode, OFM
Friar Albin Fusco, OFM
Friar Lawrence Stumpo, OFM
Friar Phillip Adamo, OFM
For the friars who have recently died
Friar Christopher Coppock, OFM (Holy Land Custody, Washington D.C.)
Friar Isaac J. Calicchio,OFM(Immaculate Conception Province)
Friar Damian Pfeiffer, OFM (Sacred Heart Province)
Friar Aubert Picardi, OFM (Immaculate Conception Province)
Friar Thomas Jones, OFM (Holy Name Province)
Friar Carl Hawver, OFM (St. John Baptist Province)
Friar Thomas Frost, OFM (St. Barbara Province)
Friar Paul Williams, OFM (Holy Name Province)
For the friars who are sick
Friar Jim Lause, OFM (Sacred Heart Province)
Friar James Goode, OFM
For our infirm family and friends:
Pray for all those infected and affected by the caronavirus.
For all our health care workers and first responders.
For all our friars and family who are ill.
For our recently deceased family and friends
Teresa Baker (St. Thomas Aquinas, Derry)
Vincent Campanelli (Former Simply Professed Friar, family owned
Joe's Dairy next door to St. Anthony Friary NYC)
Please pray for all friars, families, friends, and benefactors,
living and deceased.
For medical personnel and first responders.
For those in our nursing homes and hospitals.
Please print out a copy of this newsletter to share with those in your community who do not have email. We hope that every friar in our province will have access to the Newsletter and that a printed copy will be posted on your friary bulletin board.
Thank you
Province of the Immaculate Conception, New York NY
125 Thompson Street
New York NY 10012
Please send any articles, news items, or photos to
Friar Joseph F Lorenzo, O.F.M.
Provincial Secretary/Communications Director
125 Thompson Street
New York NY 10012
Cell: 917.337.9833
Office: 212.674.4388 Xt. 113