Franciscan Friars
Province of the Immaculate Conception
Provincial Update - August 2020
"I am in their midst..."
Dear Brothers,
One of the many side-effects of the Covid pandemic- and something which can be looked upon as either a negative or positive (depending on your point of view), is that the virus has forced many of us to say home more. We know that the friars often have a reputation for traveling- sometimes around the world- even without the proper permissions. The virus has forced many of us, particularly those who are older or have health conditions which make them more vulnerable, to forego such things as vacations, retreats, and even days off. This has forced many of us to stay indoors- or close to the friars- and perhaps have caused some in-house tensions and disagreements. Yes, we have had to deal with our Franciscan fraternity on a more intimate level- to a degree that few of us ever imagined.
The scriptures during this time of the liturgical year remind us that we must “take up our cross and follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ.” This can be seen in the great authority given to St. Peter and his successors, the popes, through the years, as we see the great statement of faith that Peter makes: “I have come to believe that you are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” The gospels continue on this theme- reminding us of the communal nature of the church.
We know there are many religions throughout the world- some ancient, some modern. Some are very similar, some different. Some religions, particularly eastern religions, are based on a private way of looking at their relationship with God, or whatever deity they may recognize.
However, Christianity, and all Christian Churches, for that matter, are based on the gospel of Jesus Christ, who always reminds us that “where to or three are gathered in my name, I am there in the midst of them”. Jesus always speaks of community and he even gives the authority to forgive sins to the community, the church.
Sometimes in our society, we look for a “me and Jesus” approach. We may bury ourselves in our ministries- or perhaps even worse, in our offices or bedrooms- and not care too much about our brothers in fraternity. We need to be constantly reminded that at the heart of Christianity- and the Franciscan life- is community, and for us as Franciscans, living in fraternity.
Yes, our fraternal life is akin to living in a family. What do you think parents would say
if one of the family members announced: “from now on, I’m going to eat alone in my room. I don’t want to join the family at the dinner table”. Or if, on a particular birthday or holiday, when the family gathers together, someone would continually be absent. We would consider that to be out of the norm.
So it is with our own faith. Jesus calls us to salvation through His Church, not as solitary individuals. He understands the importance of the community to us as human beings, and that we seek salvation through the church. Then, we, as brothers, should always value our fraternity, no matter how difficult it may be at times.
In a final word, brothers, I again reaffirm all of the precautions we need to continue to take in the light of the COVID virus. Please be careful. Please remember, especially for those who live in our larger fraternities, that taking risks not only jeopardizes your own health, but will deeply affect your entire community. Be safe and be well.
With blessings and peace,
Fr. Robert Campagna, OFM
Provincial Minister
From the Postulancy Program
Brooklyn NY
Brooklyn Postulants Now in Rome
Yes, they finally made it! After wrestling with a variety of problems,from travel restrictions, immigration closures, and the COVID restrictions, and with a tearful farewell from their director, Friar Orlando, Friar Marco Antonio Gomez Garcia and two of the Brooklyn postulants- Kevin Gabriel Gonzalez Vega and Nelson Aldair Orantes Calederon departed for Rome on Thursday, August 20 from JFK Airport in NYC, and, we are happy to say, arrived safely at their new home, the Convento San Francesco in Rome. For Kevin and Nelson, the stay is temporary. They will soon, after a period of COVID quarantine, head for Assisi, with their classmates Matthew Mancino and Dagoberto Hernandez Lopez to begin their novitiate with the Assisi (Perugia) Province. They will be received on September 8 by Fr. Antonio Riccio, OFM, the guardian of the Convento. We wish them well in this new step in their Franciscan formation and continued growth in the Lord in the spirit of St. Francis. Friar Marco Antonio will remain at the Convento to begin studies and continue in his Franciscan formation in Rome. Soon they will be joined by the new Director of Post Novitiate Formation, Friar Pierre Farrugia. Best wishes and prayers to all our brothers.
The brothers getting ready for their flight to Rome at JFK Airport
Celebrating our brotherhood
From the Novices
San Damiano, Assisi
Dear brothers:
Greetings to all of you from Assisi. It has been a while since the last time we wrote you. Here at San Damiano Friary everything is going well. We have opened the church after the quarantine but with some restriction because the church is small inside and there can only be around 14 people present at a time during prayer services. We would like to share with you some of the activities we have done in the last months.
On June 13th we, the novices along with the master and vice master, went to the church of Saint Anthony of Padua in the town of Terni to celebrate this feast. We served the mass that was celebrated by the local bishop. After Mass we enjoyed a lunch offered by the friars of the local community. It’s important to mention the first martyrs of the order, the martyrs of Morocco, who inspired the vocation of St. Anthony.
On June 27th Br. Oscar and I had the opportunity to go to Rome to be present for the diaconate ordination of Br. Victor Treminio. It was really a blessed time to see all our brothers living at the Convento San Francesco in Rome.
On July 2nd we made a trip along with the vice master to a town called Castelluccio that is famous for the flowers that grow by themselves in the valley of this town. It was like we were seeing at a carpet made with flowers. We continued our way to end at the foot of Monte Vettore, a mountain with a height of 8,123 ft. There we left the car and started to walk. Our goal was to reach the peak. We paused when we were halfway up the mountain to pray morning prayer and to have something to eat. We were able to reach the peak after three hours of walking. The temperature was so nice and the view was amazing. We sat on the stones for a few minutes contemplating the beauty of God’s creation, and then we saw some clouds arriving announcing the rain which made us start on our way down. On our way back to San Damiano we made a quick stop in a town called Norcia that is the place were Saint Benedict was born. Unfortunately, a couple of years ago there was an earthquake that caused a lot of damage in this area. The cathedral where it is believed was the house of Saint Benedict and many houses were destroyed and the reconstruction work has just begun.
On July 26, along with our master Fr. Pietro,we went to a friary called Santa Maria della Spineta to have two days of retreat, to have the time to pray and to be silent, and to write the letter to our provincial asking him to be admitted to first profession. This was a time in which we had a chance to meditate on the gift of our vocation and to reflect on our answer to God’s call. It was a time in which we were able to recognize that it is God who calls us and it is up to us to answer His call and to place our lives into His hands and to follow in His footsteps.
Now we are getting closer each day to the end of our novitiate. Truly it has been an amazing experience to have the blessing of living this year here at the San Damiano Friary, the place where Francis was inspired to go into the little church, while he was praying there, and heard Christ on the crucifix speak to him, “Francis, go and repair my church.” We thank God Almighty from the bottom of our hearts for this time that he has allowed us to live and for all the blessing he has bestowed on us during these months. We thank all of you brothers of our beloved Immaculate Conception Province for your support through your prayers and we thank all the friars of the San Damiano Friary, who have guided us and who have accompanied us during these months. We also thank and pray for all the people who has been with us through prayer. We hope to see you soon. May God give you peace. May Saint Francis and Mary Immaculate intercede for all of us.
Br. Luis
Beautiful Flowers of Castelluccio
Santa Maria della Spineta Friary
From the Post Novitiate Formation Program
Update on the Brothers
Three of the friars from the Rome program are now in the US and Canada in their summer assignments. Friar Jack Sidoti is at St. Francis Centre for Religious Studies in Caledon, Ontario, and Friar Carl Green, while originally slated for Catskill, has remained at St. Francis Friary in Toronto. Friar Daniel Cavalieri is at Padua Friary, assisting in various endeavors in the friary and in the health-care department. These brothers are scheduled to return to Rome at the end of September to prepare for the continuation of their studies and formation.
Friar Joshua Critchley, who is stationed at the Franciscan Interprovincial Post-Novitiate Program in Chicago, is spending the summer at Mt. Alverna Retreat Center in Youngstown, Ohio. Here's Josh's report:
I have had a very good summer in Youngstown. I have given reflections at the weekday Masses Monday-Saturday. It has been a very good experience of preaching to people everyday. I have also helped out around the property with painting, cutting the grass, and numerous other odd jobs. I am very grateful to the community at Youngstown for welcoming me this summer. I also attended the last Mass at St. Pamphilus Church which the friars had for many years. It was beautiful to be able to witness the last chapter for the Catholic community there. I head back to Chicago this week, I am leaving here truly blessed in so many ways. God's blessings my brothers!
Photos of Josh hard at work on the Youngstown property
Gabriel Allegra, O.F.M.
His Association with the Province of the Immaculate Conception
Last month's newsletter featured a presentation given by Friar Daniel Luna, OFM, from the Convento San Francesco. Here is more information on Blessed Gabriele:
The Association of our Province with Blessed Gabriele M. Allegra, OFM
Last month’s article on Blessed Gabriele Allegra has fostered more information on this subject. Our Province's association with Blessed Gabriele M. Allegra was due almost exclusively to Friar Marcellino Salamone, OFM (+1989). Incorporated into our Province from the Sicilian Province of Santa Lucia, Fr. Marcellino was a member of Blessed Gabriele's Sicilian Province and his schoolmate at the Antonianum.
On May 31, 1931, Frs. Gabriele Allegra and Fr. Marcellino Salamone sailed from Brindisi to China -- arriving on July 3rd and proceeding to the seminary of Heng Yang where both would work for about six years; until Fr. Gabriele moved to Beijing and Fr. Marcellino to parish ministry. During the Second World War, Fr. Marcellino assisted Fr. Gabriele in the chaplaincy of Beijing's Italian Embassy Both friars were -- as per Vatican directives -- in close contact with the important and famous Japanese Colonel Hidaka who had great respect for both of them.
Upon leaving China, and once incorporated into our Province. Fr. Marcellino kept in constant contact with Fr. Gabriele and informed our provincials of Fr. Gabriele's activities. Later Fr. Marcellino was an important witness in and for Fr. Gabriele's beatification. See: Vittorio De Marco, Il Beato Gabriele M. Allegra dall'Italia alla Cina. Vaticano, Libreria. Editrice, 2014.
In the name of our Province, Fr. Matthew De Benedictis (+1992), Minister Provincial, offered generous financial assistance to the Hong Kong Studium Biblicum and also helped finance the printing of the 1968 single volume Chinese Bible. It was also Fr. Matthew who invited Fr. Gabriele to conduct retreats for our friars. In 1970, Fr. Gabriele preached four retreats in our Province: the first, at the Immaculate Conception Seminary, Troy, from September 7-11, and the next three at Mount Alvernia Seminary, Wappingers Falls, NY on September 14-18; 21-25 and September 28 to October 2.
Several years after Fr. Gabriele's death (January 26, 1976) -- Fr. Domenico Gandolfi, O.F.M., a member of the Studium Biblicum, published one of the first monographs on Fr. Gabriele. Minister Provincial Fr. Alban Montella (+2015) "appointed Fr. Romano Almagno ... who knew Fr. Gabriele and whom Fr. Gabriele visited both in Quaracchi and Rome -- to prepare an English translation of Gandolfi's monograph". (Letter from Fr. Montella to Fr. Pieraccini. November 22, 1983). The next year, Fr. Gandolfi's text was printed by the Ignatius Press, San Francisco, as: For China Another Jerome. More, in the name of our Province, Fr. Alban sent $5,000 to the Hong Kong Studium Biblicum "for matters concerning Fr. Allegra's cause".
Along with the Gandolfi translation, Fr. Romano also translated the first article by Fr. Gabriele concerning his relationship with Fr. Teilhard de Chardin, S.J. That was published as "Remembering Teilhard de Chardin" in the Franciscan Herald (October 2, 1967. Pp. 306-313.).
When Gabriele's Il Primato di Cristo in S. Paola e in Duns Scoto - dialogo con P. Teilhard de Chardin, S.J., was translated into English by Fr. Bernardino Bonansea, O.F.M., and published in 1970 by the Franciscan Herald Press as: My Conversations with Teilhard de Chardin on the Primacy of Christ - Peking 1942--1945 -- Fr. Romano ( as a Franciscan and a member of the Board of Directors of the newly founded American Teilhard Association) was asked to write the "Preface" for Fr. Gabriele's memoir.
Editor's Note: Both Fr. Provincial and I, as well as many other friars, attended Blessed Gabriele's retreat in Troy, NY, mentioned in the above article. JFL
September Birthdays
Take time to wish our friars a Happy Birthday!
Charles Grech- September 1- (58)
Isaac Calicchio - September 2nd - (90)
Dennis Arambasick - September 3rd - (72)
Thomas Hollowood September 4th - (85)
Daniel Cavalieri - September 10th - (32)
Eissa Lazzaro Aziz - September 11th - (54)
Claudio Moser - September 14th - (82)
Richard Martignetti - September 18th - (54)
Charles Trebino - September 26th - (71)
Damian Johnson - September 27th - (75)
Charles Soto - September 27th - (78)
Paul Guido - September 29th - (89)
Report of the Provincial Health Care Committee
The Provincial Health Care Committee met on August 16 at the provincial curia. The Committee reviewed the Covid 19 situation in each of the three health care houses
(Padua, St. Anthony, and St. Christopher) and with the men currently in long-term care facilities. As of the meeting date there were no reported cases in any of the three houses. The men in other settings who were infected with Covid all remained asymptomatic and are now considered resolved.
The Committee noted the mental health toll the virus has taken on the general public of which our friars have not been exempt.
A review of the condition of each of the men in the houses took place. Albin Fusco, who is currently in a rehabilitation unit at The Pines, in Catskill, after a recent hospitalization, will be moving to Teresian House in Albany, NY. His expected transfer date is August 26. Teresian House is also the residence for our friars Larry Stumpo and Isaac Calicchio. It was also reported that Roderick Crispo returned to Redemptoris Mater Seminary after his recent hospitalization.
Foremost on the agenda was the recommendation for reconsideration of our designated health care houses. Having studied our three houses carefully, weighing the pros and cons of each and having surveyed the friars, individually or in groups, the Committee had recommended that St. Anthony, Catskill be designated as the province assisted living site. Subsequent to that decision it was found that there were few friars who wished to go to Catskill in a leadership position, that many friars thought that Catskill was an excellent location for an assisted living facility, but “not for me” and that Catskill had potential for other uses. In short, things change and we goofed!
Therefore, the Committee has now recommended that both St. Christopher, Boston and Padua, NYC be designated as sites for retirement and those with limited assistance needs. St. Anthony, Catskill will no longer be used as a health care facility. The friars currently in Catskill who are independent in all ADL will be able to remain until there is another use for the friary or they are asked to transfer for provincial needs. Resident friars with greater need for assistance will be eventually relocated.
Summer in Boston
St.Christopher Friary
The annual “Christmas in July” celebration was held on July 25 at St. Christopher Friary. The brothers from St. Leonard’s joined in the festivities. The Wheel of Fortune and trivia games were dominated by Michael Della Penna, but the introduction of a Yankee Swap rule evened out the accrual of prizes. The brothers enjoyed Christmas carols, gifts, and, of course, a festive meal.
During the Covid crisis, the brothers have limited face-to-face interaction with friends and family. Maurus has made great use of the patio area in the back parking lot to safely meet with family members (pictured above.). Making an outside scheduled visitation with John Bavaro at Marian Manor has taken time, but telephone contact is made daily. He continues to be of good spirits and looks forward to phone calls when technical difficulties do not hinder them. It is usually not the phone!
James Welch was able to travel to Maine for a week’s vacation to visit with family. James was fastidious in following safety protocols and testing for the good of his family and the friars. Kudos to James.
Aubert turns 90 years old on August 30. He is still very active, able and a bit crazy, so he has not changed that much over the years. Happy Birthday Aubert. He preferred a quiet celebration at the friary, so there will be gluten free cake galore.
The brothers from St. Leonard’s share Eucharist, prayer, and meals with us often. Claude celebrates Mass for us twice a week. As he arrives in the chapel with mask and alb, one wonders if he is preparing for Mass or surgery. Fr. Federico, a diocesan priest from Milan, also celebrates Mass for the friars. The guys enjoy having a variety of celebrants.
Rick Martignetti has been staying with the brothers during the summer months. Rick was kind enough to offer a reflection for the brothers centered on the prayer life of St. Francis. Rick reminded us that Francis spent one-third of his life in prayer. Thanks to Rick for the insights and reminder. The friary’s intention this month was to pray for those who are unemployed or underemployed and those in need during the Covid crisis. The brothers also remember the friars of the province in their daily prayers.
St, Christopher rooftop garden.
Friar John Bucchino participates in
"Faith March for Black Lives"
Manchester NH
Friar John Bucchino participated in a "Faith March for Black Lives"
for racial justice on Saturday, July 25th, in Manchester, NH. John
joined with members of the Manchester Interfaith Clergy Association, NAACP, Black Lives Matter, and other social justice groups, in a peaceful march for racial justice. About 125 people joined the march which made stops at four places in downtown Manchester: The Court House, City Hall, Downtown Business Area, and Pulaski Park(an immigrant station). At each stop prayers for peace were offered as well as a call to civic officials to respect the human rights of all people, especially people of color. A listing of people's names who were hurt, shot or killed from 1965 to the present was read aloud.
At the last stop, the members of the march kept silence for 8 minutes and 46 seconds in honor of George Floyd. The march concluded with a joint singing of the hymn "Amazing Grace." The common theme that was stressed is that "we are more alike than different."
Capuchin friar Fr. Sam Fuller also represented Franciscan presence
along with Fr. John.
From the Holy Name Province
It was announced by Br. Caoimhín Ó Laoide, O.F.M., English-speaking General Definitor, on behalf of Br. Michael A. Perry, O.F.M., Minister General, that during its session on the 30th of July, 2020, the General Definitory elected the following friars to office in Holy Name Province:
Br. Kevin J. Mullen, O.F.M. to the Office of Minister Provincial
Br. Lawrence J. Hayes, O.FM. to the Office of Vicar Provincial
Br. Erick López, O.F.M. to the Office of Definitor
Br. Walter J. M. Liss, O.F.M. to the Office of Definitor
Br. Thomas M. Gallagher, O.F.M. to the Office of Definitor
Br David I. Convertino, O.F.M. to the Office of Definitor
Br. Frederick C. Dilger, O.F.M. to the Office of Definitor
Br. Lawrence D. Ford, O.F.M. to the Office of Definitor.
Due to the COVID virus, the Provincial Chapter of the Holy Name Province was done virtually. It was determined that, due to this, virtual elections would not be permitted. Thus the election of their leadership was done by the General Definitory
Congratulations Brothers.
During the Definitorium meeting of August 17, 2020, the following decisions were made:
Friar Pierre Farrugia from St. Francis Centre, Caledon, to Convento San Francesco, Rome, as Director of Post Novitiate Formation
Friar Antonio Nardoianni from St. Peter Church, Toronto, to St. Francis Centre, Caledon, as Guardian.
Friar Gabriel Aceto from Guardian of St. Christopher and St. Leonard Friaries, Boston to Director of Pre-Novitiate Formation, St. Francis Centre, Caledon.
Friar Michael Della Penna named Local Minister and Procurator of St. Leonard Friary, Boston.
Friar Vincent DePaul Ciaravino named Secretary for the Missions and Evangelization and FMU Promoter.
Friar Victor Treminio, transferred from Convento S. Francesco, Rome, to St. Anthony Parish and Friary, Troy, New York, where he will minister as deacon.
Approved Friar Roberto Siguere’s request to move to the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Central America, as hospes.
Approved four postulants, Matthew Mancino, Dagoberto Hernandez Lopez, Kevin Gabriel Gonzalez Vega, and Nelson Aldair Orantes Calderon for entrance into the novitiate at Convento San Damiano, Assisi. They will be received into the novitiate and invested on September 8, 2020. All four postulants are currently at the Convento S. Francesco, Rome.
Approved Friars Luis Hernandez and Oscar Valle Perez to profess first vows at Convento San Damiano, Assisi on August 30, 2020. Their vows will be received by the Provincial Minister of the Assisi (Perugia) Province. They will continue their formation at the Convento S. Francesco.
Transferred Friar Marco Antonio Gomez Garcia, OFM from Our Lady of Peace, Brooklyn, to the post-novitiate program, Convento S. Francesco, Rome.
Post-Definitorial Meeting Changes:
Transferred Friar Regis Gallo, OFM, from St. Anthony Friary, Catskill to Padua Friary, NYC, effective August 31.
Friar Conrad Fernandes, OFM, from St. Peter Friary, to St. Francis of Assisi, Toronto.
Friar Giacomo LaSelva, OFM, from St. Francis of Assisi, Toronto, to St. Jane Frances de Chantal.
The New York City
1940 Municipal Archives Online Gallery
New York history buffs have been waiting a long time for this — the New York City Municipal Archives has digitized all 720,000 of its tax photos of every building in New York City, taken 1939-1941, and placed them all on their website. The city agency had already posted digitized versions of its ca. 1980 tax photos, but until now, ca. 1940 photos remained tantalizingly out of reach, at least via the internet. This collection is a dream come true for researchers, historians, and all New York lovers, as it provides a thorough visual documentation of the city at a critical moment in time, allowing us to see what has changed, and what has stayed the same. The New York City Municipal Archives Online Gallery contains over 1.6 million images. Selected from the world-class historical collections of the Archives, most of these unique photographs, maps, documents, motion picture and audio recordings are being made accessible for the first time. Visitors are invited to explore and search the collections individually, or across all collections by keyword or any of the advanced search criteria. The gallery includes many complete collections; for others, only representative samples are currently on display. Visitors are encouraged to return frequently as new content will be added on a regular basis. Patrons may order reproductions in the form of prints or digital files; most images can be licensed for commercial use. Please see the order page for further details.
Below are some photos in this gallery of our local houses here in Soho:
St. Anthony Church
Sullivan Street
Padua Friary, 147 Thompson, and empty lot where St. Anthony Gym is now.
St. Anthony Church Rectory (Former Convent)
Sullivan Street
St. Anthony Church And Padua Friary (former rectory for church) seen from W. Houston Street
Current site of Provincial Curia 125 Thompson St.
formerly mission warehouse.
Repairs being made to
St. Anthony Friary Catskill NY
The repairs on St. Anthony Friary in Catskill have begun. Work on restoring the chapel bell tower is the bulk of the repair work on this project. Scaffolding has been erected to gain safe access to the work area, and the Spanish tile roofing and roof framing has been removed. We will continue to update you on the progress.
Friar Richard Duffy, OFM (Sacred Heart Province)
Friar Ken Capalbo, OFM (Sacred Heart Province)
Friar Arunas Brazauskas, OFM (St. Casimir Province of Lithuania)
Friar Christopher Posch, OFM (Holy Name Province)
Friar David Typek, OFM (Assumption Province)
Friar Leo Sprietsma, OFM (St. Barbara Province)
Recently Deceased Family and Friends
Dee Sidoti (Grandmother of Friar Jack Sidoti)
Alberto Calderon Portillo (Grandfather of Nelson Aldair Orantes Calderon)
Lynda Ianucci Cousin of Fr. Robert Campagna)
Ruth Busa (Sister of Bishop Maurus Muldoon, OFM)
Joseph Troiano (Brother of Fr. Louis Troiano, OFM)
Let us pray for our infirm friars:
Friar Roderick Crispo, OFM
Friar Claude Scrima, OFM
Friar Amedeo Nardone, OFM
Friar Albin Fusco, OFM
For our Infirm Family and Friends
William Mazzarella (Nephew of Fr. Frederick Mazzarella)
Maria Elena Middleton (Niece of Fr. Louis Troiano- 17 years old)
For all infected and affected by the virus.
For our friars in skilled nursing and rehab facilities:
Friar Albin Fusco, OFM
Friar Isaac Calicchio, OFM
Friar Daniel Morey, OFM
Friar John Bavaro, OFM
Friar Philip Adamo, OFM
Friar Lawrence Stumpo, OFM
Friar Clement Procopio, OFM
Please pray for all friars, families, friends, and benefactors,
living and deceased.
For all those affected in any way by the coronavirus.
For medical personnel and first responders.
For those in our nursing homes and hospitals.
For families separated from their loved ones due to quarantine.
Please print out a copy of this newsletter to share with those in your community who do not have email. We hope that every friar in our province will have access to the Newsletter and that a printed copy will be posted on your friary bulletin board.
Thank you
The Management
Province of the Immaculate Conception, New York NY
125 Thompson Street
New York NY 10012
Please send any articles, news items, or photos to
Friar Joseph F Lorenzo, O.F.M.
Provincial Curia
125 Thompson Street
New York NY 10012
Cell: 917.337.9833
Office: 212.674.4388 Xt. 113