From the Holy Name Province

It was announced by Br. Caoimhín Ó Laoide, O.F.M., English-speaking General Definitor, on behalf of Br. Michael A. Perry, O.F.M., Minister General, that during its session on the 30th of July, 2020, the General Definitory elected the following friars to office in Holy Name Province:
Br. Kevin J. Mullen, O.F.M. to the Office of Minister Provincial
Br. Lawrence J. Hayes, O.FM. to the Office of Vicar Provincial
Br. Erick López, O.F.M. to the Office of Definitor
Br. Walter J. M. Liss, O.F.M. to the Office of Definitor
Br. Thomas M. Gallagher, O.F.M. to the Office of Definitor
Br David I. Convertino, O.F.M. to the Office of Definitor
Br. Frederick C. Dilger, O.F.M. to the Office of Definitor
Br. Lawrence D. Ford, O.F.M. to the Office of Definitor.

Due to the COVID virus, the Provincial Chapter of the Holy Name Province was done virtually. It was determined that, due to this, virtual elections would not be permitted. Thus the election of their leadership was done by the General Definitory

Congratulations Brothers.