Franciscan Friars
Province of the Immaculate Conception

Provincial Update July 2022

Perfect Joy

I think you will probably agree with me when I say that the Provincial Chapter of 2022 will long be remembered by the friars of our province.  In fact, its “fame”, if you could call it that, even goes way beyond the boundaries of our province.  Many in the order and beyond are talking about it, not so much because of any legislation or elections, but the fact that it was ravaged by the COVID virus.  

Although the conservative estimates sit around twenty-five chapter delegates who tested positive as a result of our gathering, more, including family and friends of our newly ordained brothers, also came down with the virus.  Even, unfortunately, the two ordinandi weren’t spared from the virus.  Friar Josh Critchley had to postpone his first Mass since he came down with the virus.  

A wonderful opportunity for celebrating our fraternity was made more difficult by all of this.  But even with COVID, there were valuable lessons to be learned.

We know that throughout life, there are often unplanned and unexpected obstacles thrown in our way.  What we may envision as a great opportunity can often be thwarted by such events.  You may be familiar with the poem by Robert Burns, “To a Mouse on Turning up in Her Nest with the Plough”, written in 1785, with the famous line:

But Mouse, you are not alone

In proving foresight may be vain: 

The best-laid schemes of mice and men go oft awry,

And leave us nothing but grief and pain, for promised joy!”  

But despite this gloomy forecast, the best laid plans of mice and friars do not necessary lead us to grief and pain.  

As friars, we are so familiar with the desire of St. Francis that we be an order of penitents.  And certainly, we acknowledge that penance is an integral part of our lives and our relationship with God and with one another.  In Chapter 8 of the “Fioretti”, we have the beautiful story of “Perfect Joy”, something deeply embedded into the heart of every friar.  And indeed, our chapter may be a wonderful example of “Perfect Joy.”  Of course, we know that this story is not about St. Francis.  It is about surrendering his will to God’s will and uniting his own suffering and humiliation with the sufferings of Christ on the cross.  Only then can he achieve “Perfect Joy”.

All in all, we accomplished most of what we set out to do at the chapter.  And even those confined to their rooms or who came down with COVID after the chapter, we survived.  It was suggested that we have tee-shirts made which read “I Survived the Chapter of 2022.”  But the Chapter of 2022 was not a matter of survival.  It was a matter of lessons learned and much growth among us as individual friars and as a province.

Good health, brothers.  And perfect joy!


Maintenance and Repairs on Andover Cemetery

St. Francis Cemetery in Andover, MA received some extra attention this summer. Melmark, the school corporation which bought the property in Andover, is responsible for the regular maintenance of the grounds. They do an excellent job of keeping the lawn cut and the areas around the stones well groomed. The stones themselves, the Stations of the Cross, and the shrub border needed lots of attention which is beyond their scope.

Emilio Santiago, the custodian from St. Christopher Friary, spends one day a week working at the cemetery. Although the Stations themselves will need some significant reconstruction or possible removal, Emilio is working on the cleaning of the stones and clearing portions of the shrubbery of weeds. The photos of a few of the older stones demonstrate Emilio’s work. The photos also indicate the extent of the repair work needed on the Stations of the Cross and the Calvary altar.


Take time to wish our brothers a Happy Birthday!

Romano Almagno - August 5 (83)

James Villa - August 6 (79)

Maurus Muldoon - August 8 (84)

Jimmy Zammit - August 11 67)

Victor Treminio- August 17 (33)

Regis Gallo - August 19 (90)

Charles Gingerich - August 24 (74)

Michael D'Cruz - August 26 (92


Capitular Congressus 2022


The following were elected to Province positions.

Friar Joseph Lorenzo, OFM, Secretary of the Province

Friar Joseph Lorenzo, OFM, Treasurer of the Province

Friar Paul Rotondi, OFM, Archivist and Chronicler

Friar Patrick Boyle, OFM, Missions and Evangelization, FMU Promoter

Friar Joseph Lorenzo, OFM, Communications Director

Friar Courtland Campbell, OFM, JPIC Animator

Friar Vit Fiala, OFM, SFO Spiritual Assistant

Friar Orlando Ruiz, OFM, Vocation Director

Friar Giacomo LaSelva, OFM, Assistant Vocation Director, Canada

Friar Christopher Gaffrey, OFM, Assistant Vocation Director

Friar Antonio Riccio, OFM, Secretary for Formation and Studies

Friar Richard Martignetti, OFM, Director of Ongoing Formation 

Friar Pierre Farrugia, OFM, Post-Novitiate Director of Formation (Rome)

Friar Orlando Ruiz, OFM, Pre-Novitiate Director of Formation (Brooklyn)

Health Care Director: Fr. Michael Ledoux, OFM


The following Guardians, Vicars, Procurators of Province Friaries were elected. 

Convento S. Francesco, Rome

        Friar Antonio Riccio, OFM, Guardian, Procurator

        Friar Pierre Farrugia, OFM, Vicar

St. Christopher Friary, Boston

        Friar Francis Walter, OFM, Guardian and Procurator 

        Friar Gabriel Aceto, OFM, Vicar and Health Care Director

Mt. Alverna Friary, Youngstown

        Friar Vit Fiala, OFM, Guardian and Procurator

        Friar Dennis Arambasick, OFM, Vicar

Padua Friary, New York City

        Friar Joseph Lorenzo, OFM, Guardian and Procurator

        Friar Dominic Poirier, OFM, Vicar

Mt. Alvernia Friary, Wappingers Falls

        Friar Mario Julian, OFM, Guardian and Procurator, Retreat Director

        Friar Thomas Hollowood, OFM, Vicar


Additional assignments were made:

President of the Central American Foundation

        Friar Rafael Fernandez, OFM

President and Treasurer of the Canadian Foundation

        Friar Charles Grech, OFM


Health Care Committee

        Friar Michael Ledoux, OFM

        Friar Courtland Campbell, OFM

        Friar Vincent Ciaravino, OFM

        Friar Gabriel Aceto, OFM


Formation Council

        Friar Antonio Riccio, OFM, Chair

        Friar Pierre Farrugia, OFM

        Friar Orlando Ruiz, OFM


Transfers and Other Assignments:


Nominations of Pastors:

Friar Michael Corcione, OFM. From Pastor of St. Peter Church, Woodbridge, Ontario to St. Anthony Church, NYC as Pastor, Local Minister, and Procurator. 

Friar Charles Grech, OFM. From Pastor of St. Jane Frances to Pastor of St. Peter Church, Woodbridge.

Friar Rohwin Pais, OFM. From Pastor of Immaculate Conception Church, Toronto to Pastor and Guardian of St. Jane Frances. 

Friar Giacomo LaSelva, OFM. From Associate Pastor, St. Jane Frances, Toronto, to Pastor of Immaculate Conception, Toronto. 


Other Transfers and Assignments:

Friar Joshua Critchley, OFM. Newly ordained priest. From St. Joseph, Winsted, to St. Francis Centre, Caledon as Vicar and Associate Retreat Director

Friar Victor Treminio, OFM. Newly ordained priest. From Asociacion Agape de El Salvador to St. Anthony Church, Troy, as Associate Pastor.

Friar Michael Ledoux, OFM. From residence at St. Christopher Friary to Provincial Curia. 

Friar Aziz Eissa, OFM. From St. Peter’s, Woodbridge, Ontario, to St. Jane Frances as Associate Pastor and Vicar.

Friar Peter Furgiuele, OFM. From St. Francis Centre, Caledon to St. Peter’s, Woodbridge, as Associate Pastor.

NYC Friars Gather for the Fourth of July

On Monday, July 4, the friars of New York City gathered at Padua Friary for fraternity, celebrating Independence Day. Pizza and chicken wings, along with a variety of other appetizers and beverages, made it a very festive occasion. The brothers gathered in the penthouse recreation room as well as the two beautiful verandas overlooking Thompson Street. It was even possible to get a glimpse of the Macy's Fireworks Display on the East River.  

Friars Victor Treminio and

Joshua Critchley celebrate First Masses

After their ordinations to the priesthood during our provincial chapter on Wednesday, June 22 by Most Rev. Archbishop Jose Rodriguez Carballo, O.F.M., former Minister General of the Order and now Secretary for the Congregation of Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life at the Vatican, our two new priests had the opportunity to celebrate their First Masses at their home parishes. For Fr. Victor, this was held on the Saturday after the Ordination at his parish in Nicaragua, while Fr. Joshua had to postpone his First Mass until July 3, due to his testing positive for Covid. This was held at St. Joseph Church, which is staffed by our province. Fr. Bruce Czapla, O.F.M., Pastor of St. Joseph’s, beamed with joy as another son of the parish was ordained to the priesthood. Also concelebrating was Fr. Roger Hall, OFM, Associate Pastor of St. Joseph’s. The Master of Ceremonies was Friar Jack Sidoti, O.F.M., another son of our Winsted parish, who is on summer assignment at Padua Friary in New York City. Since many plans had to be changed due to the postponement, a separate reception was held at the parish hall on July 17. 


Fr. Victor’s celebration was not only for his family, friends, and fellow friars and priests, but was a wonderful feast for his entire hometown. With a packed church and much celebration, Fr. Victor’s hometown went all out for this great occasion. Fr. Orlando Ruiz, O.F.M., Provincial Definitor and Vocation Director, represented the Province at the celebration.


Congratulations to our two brothers who are now priests. Ad multos annos.

For our friars in skilled nursing facilities

Friar Regis Gallo, OFM

Friar Albin Fusco, OFM

Friar Lawrence Stumpo, OFM

Friar Phillip Adamo, OFM

For the friars who have recently died

Friar Eric Sampson, OFM (Sacred Heart Province)

Friar Raymond Camilleri, OFM (Brother of Bishop Robert Camilleri, OFM)

Friar Ronald Pecci, OFM (Holy Name Province)

For the friars who are sick

For our infirm family and friends:   

Dennis Russell (Brother-in-Law of Fr. Robert Campagna

Melissa McDonald (Niece of Fr. Robert Campagna)

Pray for all those infected and affected by the caronavirus. 

For all our friends and family who are ill.

For our recently deceased family and friends:

Mary Greco (Sister of Fr. Claude Scrima, OFM)

Please pray for all friars, families, friends, and benefactors,

living and deceased.

For medical personnel and first responders.

For those in our nursing homes and hospitals.



Please print out a copy of this newsletter to share with those in your community who do not have email. We hope that every friar in our province will have access to the Newsletter and that a printed copy will be posted on your friary bulletin board.
Thank you
Province of the Immaculate Conception, New York NY
125 Thompson Street New York NY 10012

Please send any articles, news items, or photos to
Friar Joseph F Lorenzo, O.F.M.
Provincial Secretary/Communications Director
125 Thompson Street New York NY 10012
Cell: 917.337.9833
Office: 212.674.4388 Xt. 113