Franciscan Friars
Province of the Immaculate Conception
Provincial Update - June 2019
Celebrating our Brotherhood
Provincial Chapter 2019
Our Provincial Chapter of 2019 was certainly one to remember, and I know for myself I will treasure the wonderful events of our five days together. Besides the many opportunities I had to speak to so many of you, both privately and gathered together in chapter, it was an important time of gathering together as brothers- in fraternity, in worship and prayer, and in the building up of our province.
Each day seemed to have such a special event, beginning with the opening Mass of the Holy Spirit, celebrated by His Eminence, Timothy Cardinal Dolan, D.D., Archbishop of New York. Our province has such close ties, not only presently but in its history, to New York, that it was appropriate to have Cardinal Dolan join us and speak to us as we began our time together. Having Cardinal Dolan join us in calling down the Holy Spirit upon our gathering was certainly a moment we will all remember for a long time, and certainly set the theme for a very exciting provincial chapter.
Tuesday’s Mass, marking the Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of the presence of our province in Central America, was another uplifting occasion. It was so inspiring to see such a gathering of our missionaries- friars who make such great sacrifices and give up so much, as well as remembering the countless friars who served in Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras, among them many bishops
Wednesday’s Solemn Profession Liturgy of Friar Victor Treminio, OFM, was another highlight. As I mentioned at the Liturgy, it had been quite a few years since we had one of our friars profess Solemn Vows. Friar Victor’s vows were a sign of renewal in all of us, as we seek to continue the good work of our province. I was particularly moved by the presence of Friar Victor’s family and friends, some of whom travelled many miles for the occasion. It was a great reminder of our own vows and our hope that each one of us will be as faithful and dedicated to the Franciscan life as we were on the days of our own solemn professions.
On Thursday we remembered the many friars marking special anniversaries. It was a wonderful witness to the countless years of fraternal life and ministry that exists among us, and the wealth of the gospel life lived to its fullest in these friars. Thank you to Friar Paul Rotondi OFM for his thoughtful and eloquent reflection.
Of course, no gathering would be complete without remembering our deceased friars, espeacially those who died since our last chapter. As Friar Andre Cirino, OFM, said in his homily, these friars remain an intimate part of our province, and will always be close to us. Perhaps for each of us, seeing their names reminded us of our own interaction with them- whether it be someone we lived with, had as a teacher in school or in the seminary, or simply knew by reputation. We must always pray for them.
Of course, there were so many other things that were inspiring- the chapter reports, the election of our provincial definitorium, and the various presentations. But the greatest part was seeing the friars face to face, and relishing the conversation, the laughter, the memories, and the true fraternal love and concern that was evident.
I hope all the friars of our province, whether present at the chapter or not, will, like me, cherish these events and resolve to go forth in rebuilding our church, our order, and our society.
Thank you to all those who helped make the Provincial Chapter of 2019 such a great and memorable experience in the life of our Province.
Postulancy Program
Caledon, Ontario
Friar Pierre Farrugia, OFM, Director of Formation for the Postulancy Program, located at St. Francis Centre in Caledon, Ontario, Canada, reports that our two postulants, Hawkins Choi and Dmitry Neill, have returned to their homes for the summer and will be returning for a second year of postulancy in the fall. This past year, Friar Pierre, along with Friar Peter Furgiuele, OFM and Friar Joseph Powell, OFM, and with the support of many gracious and generous friars throughout the province, have provided these candidates with opportunities for growth, discernment, and gradual transitioning into an initial experience of religious life through a balanced orientation to Franciscan community life, prayer, and an opportunity for ministry in its most initial stages. Our postulants have engaged in various local apostolates, study of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, exposure to Franciscan charism and life as well as Franciscan spirituality, study of Sacred Scripture, the history of our Province and Order, as well as the Liturgy of the Hours. There has also been a study of the Italian language to prepare them for the novitiate in Assisi and further studies in Rome. Also completing his pre-novitiate is Luis Hernandez (as reported last month), who is living at the Convento San Francesco and will be entering the novitiate in Assisi this September.
San Damiano, Assisi, Italy
Friar Antonio Riccio, OFM, Director of Formation, reported on the Novitiate Program. On September 8, 2018, Carl Green, Daniel Cavalieri and Jack Sidoti were received into the Order and Province at San Damian in Assisi. Five Italian novices are their companions. San Damiano, as we know, is sacred to the memory of St. Clare and her sisters. The novices have been able to capture the grace of this, and other Franciscan shrines in this holy city. The Novitiate life is centered around prayer, study, apostolate, manual labor, and fraternity. Prayer life consists of Liturgy of the Hours and daily Mass, as well as the Rosary, Stations of the Cross, and the Office of the Passion. Studies include the Rule of St. Francis, Franciscan Biographies, theology of consecrated life, the writings of St. Francis, Sacred Scripture, history of the order, music, Italian, and other important topics.
Apostolic ministry includes service to the poor, the Church, and to the brothers. This is seen in the various apostolates sponsored by the friars in the Assisi area. Friar Antonio reports that the novices have done very well in Assisi, and have integrated themselves well into Franciscan life. They will be professing their first vows in September at St. Anthony of Padua Church in Manhattan.
Chicago and Rome
Friar Antonio also reported on the post-novitiate program Currently, there are two friars in post-novitiate- Friar Joshua Critchley, OFM, who is with the simply professed of the US Provinces at St. Joseph Friary in Chicago, while taking courses at the Chicago Theological Union, and Friar Victor Treminio, OFM, living at our Convento San Francesco in Rome and attending the Antonianum. Friar Victor professed his solemn vows at our provincial chapter.
Friar Victor Treminio, OFM Professes
Solemn Vows at our Provincial Chapter
On Wednesday, June 19, Friar Victor, who resides at our post novitiate formation friary, the Convento San Francesco in Rome, and is studying at the Pontificio Athenaem Antonianum, the official Roman theological school for the Order of Friars Minor, professed his Solemn Vows in the presence of the Provincial Chapter friars, his family, and friends. It was indeed a joyful event for our province to witness his Solemn Profession. Congratulations Friar Victor.
Photos of Friar Victor's Solemn Profession can be found below:
Provincial Chapter 2019
Cardinal Timothy Dolan opens Chapter 2019
The Provincial Chapter of the Franciscan Province of the Immaculate Conception of the Order of Friars Minor was held June 17-21, 2019 at Mount Alvernia Retreat Center in Wappingers Falls, NY. About 50 delegates were present. The Chapter opened with a Mass of the Holy Spirit on June 17 with Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York, as the Main Celebrant. Cardinal Dolan's presence was a great treat for the friars. He reminded us at Mass to have a part in rebuilding the church, as Jesus told St. Francis from the San Damiano Crucifix. He expressed his deep appreciation to the province for its ministry and activity in the Archdiocese of New York for over 150 years. The Cardinal spent some time with the friars at a reception where he spoke to each individual friar. Thank you, Cardinal Dolan, for your presence.
Anniversary of
Central American
Mission of our
Province in
El Salvador
Tuesday's Liturgy was a celebration of the Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of the Founding of our Province's Central American Mission, in particular our foundation in Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras. The Mass was celebrated in Spanish by Friar Rafael Fernandez, OFM, Superior of the Foundation. He reminded the friars of the glorious presence of the friars in those countries, and the many special ministries, including eight friars who became bishops, and the many friars who labored in Central America during those years.
Chapter Elects New Definitorium
The new members of the Provincial Definitorium are: Friar Orlando Ruiz, OFM; Friar Mario Julian, OFM; Friar Gabriel Aceto, OFM; Friar Vincent de Paul Ciaravino, OFM; and Friar Antonio Riccio, OFM. Congratulations brothers.
The Provincial Chapter of the Franciscan Province of the Immaculate Conception of the Order of Friars Minor was held June 17-21, 2019 at Mount Alvernia Retreat Center in Wappingers Falls, NY. About 50 delegates were present. The Chapter opened with a Mass of the Holy Spirit on June 17 with Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York, as the Main Celebrant. Tuesday's Liturgy was a celebration of the Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of the Founding of our Province's Central American Mission, in particular our foundation in Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras. The Mass was celebrated in Spanish by Friar Rafael Fernandez, OFM, Superior of the Foundation.
Mass on Wednesday was a celebration of the Solemn Vows of our brother Friar Victor Treminio, OFM. Thursday's Mass was a celebration of the anniversaries of various friars marking special events, such as anniversaries of ordination, solemn vows, and first profession. Friday's Mass was celebrated for the deceased of the province, in particular the friars who passed to their heavenly reward since our last chapter in 2016.
The Chapter concluded with the "sending forth" of the friars. Provincial Congressus begins on Monday, June 24 at the Provincial Curia.
Friars Minor
Conventual elect new Minister General at their General Chapter
On May 25, at their General Chapter in the Sacro Convento in Assisi, the Friars Minor Conventual elected Fr. Carlos Alberto Trovarelli, OFM Conv, as
their new general minister
. Born in 1962 in Cinco Salto (Rio Negro), Argentina, Fr. Carlos belongs to the religious “Rioplatense” Province of St. Anthony of Padua in Argentina and Uruguay. He previously served as the assistant general for the Federación América Latina Conventuales.
Friar James Villa Celebrates 50th Anniversary
Our brother James Villa of Siena Friary celebrated his 50
anniversary of priesthood on Sunday, 26 May 2019 at St. Anthony of Padua Parish in West Harrison, Westchester County, NY. Mass was concelebrated by several friars (including his “ole” Scripture professor, Armand Padula) and diocesan priests assisted by a number of deacons whom James taught, and accompanied by the parish choir and fine instrumental music. The homilist was writer-poet Murray Bodo OFM of St. John the Baptist Province. Mass was followed by a gaudeamus in the parish hall and, later, by a dinner at Mulino Restaurant, White Plains, NY.
James Villa is local minister and procurator of Siena Friary, Mount Vernon, NY. He currently serves several parishes in Westchester and is professor in the Permanent Diaconate Program of the Archdiocese of NY at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Yonkers, NY.
Greetings from Pope Francis for the Feast of Saint Anthony of Padua
June 13, 2019
Vatican City
Greeting young and elderly people, and the sick and newlyweds, the Holy Father evoked the liturgical feast of this distinguished preacher and Patron Saint of the poor and the suffering.”
“May his intercession aid you to experience the help of Divine Mercy,” he wished for pilgrims.
Saint Anthony, Doctor of the Church and friend of the poor, miracle worker and popular preacher, was a man in love with the Word of God. The Fioretti of Saint Francis call him “wonderful vase of the Holy Spirit and recount how, preaching in Consistory before the Pope and the Cardinals, he showed such intelligence of the Word of God that “all those that were in the Consistory, although they were of different languages, understood clearly all his words.
Pope Benedict XVI dedicated a catechesis to him on Wednesday, February 10, 2010, saying that he was “one of the most popular Saints of the entire Catholic Church, venerated not only at Padua — where there is a splendid Basilica that houses his mortal remains –, but in the whole world. The images and statues that represent him with a lily, symbol of his purity, or with the Child Jesus in his arms, are a souvenir of a miraculous apparition mentioned in some literary sources, which are dear to the faithful.”
He stressed his importance for the development of the Franciscan charism. “Anthony contributed in a significant way to the development of Franciscan spirituality, with his gifts marked by intelligence, balance, apostolic zeal and primarily mystical fervour . . . Anthony was also among the first teachers of Theology of the Friars Minor.”
July Birthdays
John Bucchino - July 2nd - (74)
Carl Green- July 2 - (42)
Albert Gauci - July 7th - (72)
John Bavaro - July 8th - (83)
Joseph LaGressa - July 10th - (71)
Michael Corcione - July 23rd - (58)
Jose Alvin Te - July 25th - (45)
Primo Piscitello - July 27th - (85)
Claude Scrima - July 28th - (85)
Friar Marc LeGoanvec, OFM
(Holy Spirit Province)
Friar Roy Rivas-Nuno, OFM
(St. Barbara Province)
Friar Eugene Burnett, OFM
(St. Barbara Province)
Friar Samuel Cabot, OFM
(St. Barbara Province)
Friar Reginald Reddy, OFM
(Holy Name Province)
Friar Capistran Polgar, OFM
(Immaculate Conception Province)
Friar Francis Hanudel, OFM
(Immaculate Conception Province)
Friar Jonathan Foster, OFM
(Sacred Heart Province)
Friar James Kelly, OFM
(Sacred Heart Province)
Friar Alexander DiLella, OFM
(Holy Name Province)
Friar Emeric Nordmeyer, OFM
(Our Lady of Guadalupe)
Friar Boniface Kruger, OFM
(Custody of Great Britain)
Friar Emeric Szlezak, OFM
(Holy Name Province)
Friar Leon Reuter, OFM
(Sacred Heart Province)
Friar Myron McCormick, OFM (
Holy Name Province)
Friar Joe Haley, OFM
(St. John Baptist Province)
Recently Deceased Family and Friends
Rosina Mancini
(Mother of Doctor Ottavio Nardone))
Josephine Micallef
(Sister-in-law of Friar Albert Micallef, OFM)
Keith L. Caprio
(Great nephew of Friar Robert Caprio, OFM)
Jacqueline Martins
(Mother of Friar Michael Della Penna, OFM)'
Joseph Czapla
(Father of Friar Bruce Czapla, OFM)
Charles Tallerico
Former Friar and member of our province)
Let us pray for our infirm friars:
Friar John Bavaro, OFM
Fr. Simeon Distefano, OFM
Friar Thomas Hollowood, OFM
Friar Daniel Morey, OFM
Friar Amedeo Nardone, OFM
Friar Armand Padula, OFM
Friar Flavian Mucci, OFM
Friar Claudio Moser, OFM F
For our friars in skilled nursing and rehab facilities:
Friar John Bavaro, OFM
Friar Philip Adamo, OFM
Friar Giles Barreda, OFM
Friar Lawrence Stumpo, OFM
Fr. Clement Procopio, OFM
For our infirm family and friends:
Theodore L. Duguay
(father of Mark Greenfield, IT technician for the NYC friaries)
Anthony M. Humphreys
(Cousin of Rosemary McKenna)
Ron Marsico
(Friend of Rosemary McKenna)
Please pray for all our friars, family, benefactors, and friends.
Please print out a copy of this newsletter to share with those in your community who do not have email. We hope that every friar in our province will have access to the Newsletter and that a printed copy will be posted on your friary bulletin board.
Thank you
The Management
Province of the Immaculate Conception, New York NY
125 Thompson Street
New York NY 10012
Please send any articles, news items, or photos to
Friar Joseph F Lorenzo, O.F.M.
St. Anthony Friary
24 Harrison Street/ PO Box 487
Catskill NY 12414
Cell: 917.337.9833
Office: 518.943.3451 xt. 314