February 2019

(603) 626-9500
Manchester Community Health Center,
Child Health Services at MCHC,
and the West Side Neighborhood Health Center

We are overjoyed to share the strides our team continues to make to improve the health and well-being of those in need around Manchester. Please take a moment to see what we have been up to this month.
Wanda Castillo, Community Health Worker at MCHC and recipient of the 2019 Esther M. Holderby Dedicated CHW Award
Manchester Community Health Center is proud to congratulate community health worker (CHW), Wanda Castillo as the recipient of the 2019 Esther M. Holderby Dedicated CHW Award .  

This national award honors a CHW who has spent their career promoting health in their community and has served as an advocate for funding or services needed to promote community health.

Wanda joined MCHC in 2015 as a CHW for Project Launch and she is currently the CHW Supervisor for the Manchester Community Schools Project .
Wanda has a long history working in Manchester on a variety of initiatives focused on improving health equity for disenfranchised populations. She has been able to draw upon her bilingual and multicultural background as well as her knowledge of this city to strengthen programs and services to appropriately meet the needs of the people and families they are intended to serve.

Wanda will be recognized at the National CHW Unity Conference in Las Vegas on April 14-17, 2019. We are so proud to count Wanda has one of the many exceptional team members here at Manchester Community Health Center.
Hari talking with Jason during a visit
Jason and his parents have been patients at MCHC since they arrived from Nepal. As patients, Jason's family had access to additional services like transportation, language interpretation, and case management services to help them navigate a health care system new to them.

The family worked with Hari Gurung, of MCHC, who speaks Nepali. At the time Hari was a community health worker; she is now a behavioral health consultant.
During a scheduled home visit, Hari observed 22-month old Jason having limited interactions with the people around him. She recommended
Jason receive an assessment that evaluates children for developmental delays.

"I was able to explain to the family why I wanted to conduct this assessment and how it would be done in their native language of Nepali," said Hari
Gurung. "I answered their questions and made them feel comfortable, letting them know this assessment was to help Jason." With the family's support, Hari conducted the assessment the same day, in the family's home.
Hari explained that Jason showed signs of developmental delays which qualified him for early support services. Hari guided the family on how to access these services.

When Jason turned 27 months old, Hari recommended him for assessment at the Child Development Clinic at MCHC where a team of experts evaluated Jason and diagnosed him with autism.

With support from Hari, Jason's family learned about autism and the best way to access benefits and services to help Jason. He is now enrolled in early support services and autism therapy.
Jason interested in having his photo taken
Now, at 34 months, he is thriving. "Jason is now singing rhymes and can count from one to twenty," said his mother. "We are so happy that he is happy and doing well and we are so grateful for all the support our son is recieving."
Manchester Community Health Center is pleased to announce that Kathleen Davidson Esq. was inducted as Chair of the Board at the February 5, 2019 board meeting. Davidson has served as a director on the Manchester Community Health Center board since 2014 and has provided her oversight and expertise to help the organization grow. Previously, she served on the board of Child Health Services from 2011-2014. 

“I am so thrilled and honored to be leading this talented board of directors,” said Davidson. “Together, we will work to guide the growth and development of this important organization, striving to ensure that all families have access to high-quality, affordable healthcare.” 
Kathleen Davidson, MCHC's newly elected Chairperson of the Board of Directors
Kathleen is a litigation associate with Hage Hodes PA in Manchester. She is a native New Englander, a graduate of St. Anselm College and the University of Maine School of Law, who has lived in Greater Manchester for over 10 years. In 2017, Kathleen was named one of the Union Leader’s 40 under Forty. 

We would also like to thank former Chair of the Board, Dominique Rust, and Director Toni Pappas, who reached their term limits in February and have stepped down from the MCHC Board of Directors. We appreciate and thank them for their years of service to MCHC.
Healthcare providers know there is a clear link between dental health and overall health. And while MCHC doesn't specialize in oral health, we do take the time to make sure our patients understand the important role dental hygiene plays in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

To help demonstrate good dental practices, our healthcare providers keep toothbrushes and toothpaste on hand for patients.

Recently one of our nurses noticed our supply of toothbrushes was running low, and the team jumped into action!
The MCHC team at Child Health Services excited to see the new supply of toothbrushes and toothpaste arrive
We reached out to our friends at Northeast Delta Dental and Well Sense Health Plan who were happy to help. Northeast Delta Delta donated 400 toothbrushes and toothpaste and Well Sense Health Plan is providing 600 adult and child dental hygiene kits to ensure our patients have the tools to maintain good oral health practices. Thank you Northeast Delta Dental and Well Sense!
Thank you to the Hillsborough County NH Ruff Ryders motorcycle club for hosting a food drive on February 9th to benefit the emergency food pantry at MCHC. The event raised tons of nonperishable food and toiletries as well as funds to benefit children's nutrition and uncompensated care.

Thank you to the Knights of Columbus #5748 , from St. Catherine of Siena Parish in Manchester for their donation to the operating fund at Child Health Services at MCHC.
Hollis St. food pantry, fully restocked, thanks to the Hillsborough County NH Ruff Ryders
We want to thank the  Hannaford on Hanover Street for the donation to Manchester Community Health Center through the  Hannaford Bags 4 My Cause fundraiser .

As always, Manchester Community Health Center relies on the generosity of our community to deliver the excellent care and support services that keep our patients happy and healthy.
This project is supported in part by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.

MCHC receives HHS funding and has Federal Public Health Service (PHS) deemed status with respect to certain health or health-related claims, including medical malpractice claims, for itself and its covered individuals.
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603 626 9500     http://www.mchc-nh.org