Book Sale to Forgive Medical Debt

Hello Paul,

St. Gregory's is partnering with the organization RIP Medical Debt to purchase distressed medical debt for pennies on the dollar, then forgive the debts of hundreds or thousands of people who can't pay it.

We want to begin raising money for this effort with a book sale on Sunday, February 25, 1:30 - 5:00 pm. You can help with this effort in a few ways.

  • We want your tax-deductible donation of used books, CDs, and DVDs in good condition.
  • We need help unboxing and setting up the book sale on Saturday, February 24, at 3:00 pm.
  • We need you to come on Sunday and buy books!

If you'd like to make a donation, please box your donations and bring them anytime the church or the office is open, or contact us to make an appointment.



Listen to Paul's Sermon from Sunday

Lent Begins Next Week

We begin our Lenten fast on Ash Wednesday, February 14. There are two services that day: Morning Prayer with the Imposition of Ashes at 8:00 am, and The Holy Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes at 6:00 pm.

You're invited to come for a short service of prayer and a simple meal on Wednesday, February 21, at 6:00 pm in the church.

We hope that you will participate in the RIP Medical Debt project as a part of your Lenten discipline (read more above).

Our Shared Life
  • This week, we pray for all those who are looking for work.
  • If you would like to participate in our Sunday Liturgy as a reader in person or on Zoom, you can sign up by contacting Peter; he will share the new sign-up information with you.
  • We are recruiting more deacons, Zoom hosts, and camera deacons for our hybrid service. If you'd like to help out, please contact Peter.
  • We would love to invite more people to lead daily Morning Prayer at the church. The service is at 8:00, and other leaders can show you how to do it. Contact Paul.
  • If you would like to learn more about joining our pastoral care team or be added to the list of those who receive prayer requests, contact Paul.

Announcements from Friends

and Partners

  • The Food Pantry We give away free food on Saturdays from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm—come at 9:00 and help with set up.
  • Mission Fusion comes to St. Gregory's on Saturday, February 17, from 8:00 pm to Midnight. Everyone is welcome to come and share in social dance and great company.

Calendar & Links for Events

Click the event name for the link—all times in PST.

Every Sunday:

  • The Early Liturgy (8:30 am, in-person). Join us for a Story, Rocks and Water, and the Eucharist. All ages are welcome and equipped to participate.
  • Contemplative Prayer ( 9:30 am, in-person) meets in the chapel, following the early service to pray in silence.
  • Youth and Family Ministry (9:40 am, in-person). Meet in the Godly Play classroom upstairs in the admin building. This week, we're going back to Nania.
  • The Adult Forum (9:40 am, hybrid). We meet online and in person to talk about the lectionary readings for Sunday. Our in person meeting is in the downstairs conference room.
  • Choir Rehearsal (10:00 am, in person). Sing through the day's music in the rotunda.
  • The Late Liturgy (10:30 am, hybrid). This 75-minute liturgy highlights song, prayer, reflection, personal sharing, and the Holy Eucharist. All ages are welcome and equipped to participate. You can find the Zoom leaflet here.
  • Healing Prayer (immediately following the late service). Come to the chapel after the dismissal for healing prayer.
  • Fifteen Good Minutes (following the late service). This is a 15-minute conversation about the Sunday liturgy, specially designed for visitors to learn more about how we make church together.

Every Week:

  • Morning Prayer (Monday-Friday 8:00 am) meets at the church for 30 minutes of song, silence, scripture, and singing.
  • Zoom Bible Study (Wednesdays at Noon). The group is reading through the stories of David.
  • Choir Rehearsal (Thursdays, 7:30 - 10:00 pm). The choir meets every Thursday - and everyone is welcome to come and sing. NO audition is required—just bring your love of singing!

Other Upcoming Events:

  • East Bay Evensong (Thursday, February 8, 6:30 - 8:30 pm). This group meets for Gregorians in the East Bay to share prayer, fellowship, song, and a meal together. For more information about East Bay Evensong or to attend, contact Leesy.
  • The North Bay Group (Saturday, February 10, 2:00 pm, in person). This group is for folks living in the North Bay to connect spiritually with each other, meeting on the 2nd Saturday of the month. Contact Kjohl for details.
  • Potuluck Lunch (Sunday, February 11, 12:30 - 2:00 pm). Bring food to share and enjoy each other's company following the late service. Everyone is welcome.
  • Zoom Icon Group (Sunday, February 11, 2:00 - 4:00 pm). Connect with icon painters from around the world. For login information, contact Betsy.
  • The Elder Women's Group (Monday, February 12, 11:00 am). This group is for St. Gregory's women over 65 and meets on Zoom on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month. For more information, contact Tonia or Ebba.
  • San Francisco Fellowship Potluck (Tuesday, February 13, 7:00 - 9:00). This dinner group is for St. Gregory's folks in the City. For more information about the SF Fellowship Potluck or to attend, contact Will Capps.
  • Ash Wednesday Liturgy (Wednesday, February 14, 6:00 pm). Begin the lenten fast with the imposition of ashes, Holy Eucharist, and liturgy of forgiveness. In person and on Zoom.
  • St. Gregory's Vestry (Sunday, February 18, 12:30 - 2:00 pm) in the downstairs conference room. Everyone is invited to join the meeting in person or on Zoom. Contact Barb or Annabrooke for information.
  • The Icon Group (Sunday, February 18, 12:30 - 5:00 pm). Join others and share the experience of making icons - or drop by the church and learn more about icons in the rotunda. For information, contact Betsy.
  • Book Sale (Sunday, February 25, 1:30 - 5:00 pm). See details above.
  • The Pastoral Caregivers Group (Sunday, March 3, 12:30 - 1:30 pm). If you are involved in giving or receiving pastoral care, join us in the downstairs conference room to check in and share your experience. You can also join us on Zoom.
One Last Thing...

Community Potluck

This Sunday, February 11, following the late service, everyone is welcome to join us for a potluck lunch. Whether you want to celebrate Mardi Gras or the Super Bowl, join us in celebrating our community's life. Please bring food to share and stay after lunch to help us clean up.

Our next community potluck will be on March 10.

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