The Newsletter of the International Northeast Region

August 12, 2022 - 15 Av 5782

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From the Region President

Dear Friends,

You may not be aware of the fact that today, August 12, 2022, is the Jewish holiday of Tu B’Av. Following just a few days after the saddest day of the Jewish year - Tisha B’Av, (ninth of Av) - Tu B’Av is one of the happiest and occurs on the 15th of the Hebrew month of Av. The Hebrew letter equivalents of TU are Tet which equals 9 and Vav which equals 6 (9+6=15). It is also known as the “Jewish Day of Love”.

The holiday has ancient roots as it dates back to the Second Temple period. According to the Mishnah (Taanit 4:8) it was an annual matchmaking day when unmarried women would dress in borrowed white dresses and dance in the vineyards outside the walls of Jerusalem where the young men would gather. The dresses were borrowed so as not to put anyone to shame who could not afford such finery and the holiday was celebrated outside of the walls of the city, away from the site of the destruction of the holy Temple.

Because the Hebrew calendar is lunar, Tu B’Av always occurs on a full moon. The full moon is associated with love, fertility and romance in many other cultures as well.

The Talmud recounts a number of other historical events on this date:

  • It marks the beginning of the grape harvest.
  • Members of the Tribe of Benjamin were readmitted to the community after there had been a civil war between them and the other Israelite tribes.
  • The death of the generation that left Egypt ended and 15,000 Israelites of the new generation were allowed to enter the Promised Land.
  • King Hosea, the king of the Northern Kingdom, removed the restrictions of King Jereboam, prohibiting the northerners to make pilgrimages to Jerusalem.
  • The Romans permitted the Jews to bury their dead who fell at Beitar under the leadership of Bar Kochba.
  • It allowed the tribes to ‘intermarry’. Previously, the tribes were closed and its members could only marry those from their own tribe. On Tu B’Av, according to Rav Yehuda, members of the different Israeli tribes were allowed to marry one another. Once these boundaries were broken, and the people could marry anyone they wanted, they truly became one people.

During Temple times, the young women would dance at Shilo, the first capital of Israel, located in Samaria. Today, in Israel, Jews have returned to the vineyards in modern-day Shilo where they sing and dance. Weddings are popular on this day and although it is a regular work day, there are music and dance festivals in the country. Like Valentine’s day, many Israelis send cards and flowers to loved ones or celebrate with a romantic dinner or a night out.

I am heartened by the return of the Israeli observance of the ancient Tu B’Av celebrations. Wouldn’t it be refreshing if we Jews, in North America, could do the same?




CHAZAK V’EMATZ  is the Torah Fund and Women’s League’s theme for this fiscal year 2022-2023. It means ‘Be Strong and Courageous’ and comes from the Torah (Deuteronomy 31:6, 7, 23; Joshua 1:6, 7, 9, 18) when the Israelites are about to enter the Promised Land, and Moses is handing over the leadership mantel to Joshua. Joshua is instructed to be strong and courageous, as he leads the people into battle. This year’s Torah Fund pin represents 80 years of ever-increasing strength of the global mission of Torah Fund. May the graduates of the Conservative/Masorti institutions of higher learning “be strong and courageous” as they lead us into the future. Please read Linda Boxer’s articles in every Chai Lines newsletter which explain Torah Fund in detail.



“Sisters Celebrating Together” is the theme for WL Convention from July 16-19, 2023 in Schaumburg IL. This is an incredible opportunity for all of us to gather together and feel the pride, enthusiasm, dedication, spirituality and camaraderie of our sisters from all over North America. My first convention was in 1974 when Ruth Perry z”l was president. After reading of her recent passing, it stirred up long-forgotten memories of that amazing convention. Her incredible Jewish knowledge, her passion for Conservative Judaism and her poise and seemingly effortless way of speaking to the convention delegates inspired me to become involved and dedicated to Women’s League as well. We still have leaders who can inspire us today and attending convention is the best way to really get to know them and discover your own capabilities. Please begin planning and saving for convention. Funding sources can be from scholarships in your own affiliate, or your rabbi’s discretionary fund or men’s club awards, etc. I am looking forward to seeing many of my INR sisters in person, at convention. It’s going to be a blast!


UP-TO-DATE LISTS NEEDED - Each Affiliate/Sisterhood in INR must have a “Data Manager” who enters the names and contact information of every paid-up member. The Data Manager also must enter all Board positions for 2022-2023 on the dedicated Women’s League webpage. Even if there have been no changes in positions from last year, you must enter them again for this fiscal year. If you are having trouble, Razel Kessler, WLCJ Office Administrator ( ) can help. You may also mail a list including name, address, email and phone number of those position holders, to Razel, who will make the updates for you. It is important to have up-to-date lists so that both WLCJ and INR can provide pertinent information to the correct person on your team. NOTE: The Women’s League’s data base is kept confidential and is only used for Women’s League business.

Shabbat Shalom



Marilyn Cohen

Region President

From our Torah Fund Vice President

The 5783 Torah Fund pin Chazak v'Ematz, Be Strong and Courageous represents 80 years of ever-increasing strenth of Torah Fund.

We proudly talk of supporting the five Conservative/Masorti institutions of higher learning when we speak of Torah Fund. We talk of making a difference in the world. Have you ever wondered about who is receiving this education? In this issue, from the website for the Zacharias Frankel School in Potsdam German, meet an alumna.

Rabbi Nitzan Stein Kokin

Born and raised in Southwestern Germany, Nitzan Stein Kokin decided in her early twenties to move to Jerusalem and earned a Master’s Degree in Jewish Studies from Hebrew University. After her studies in Israel she moved to the U.S. in 2002, where she studied Jewish Education at Boston’s Hebrew College. She lived in the U.S. with her husband and her two daughters until they moved to Berlin, Germany, in 2010.


For over fifteen years, she has taught Judaism and Hebrew language in formal and informal settings alike in Israel, the United States, and Germany. During this period, she also developed an interest for congregational work and leading prayer services and started to consider the possibility of serving the Jewish people as rabbi, and so when the Zacharias Frankel College opened its doors, she was quick to apply and became the first student accepted into the program.


Nitzan’s interest in Jewish Law and Gender Studies sparked her research on the halakhic thought of the first-ever woman Rabbi, Regina Jonas (ordained in Germany, in 1935), the subject of her rabbinic thesis. To be the first graduate of the Zacharias Frankel College fills her with gratification and pride. Thus, she strives to build bridges between the tradition and philosophy of Zacharias Frankel and the conservative movement in the United States.


Rabbi Nitzan Stein Kokin is the rabbi of Beth El Congregation in Phoenix, Arizona.


All donations, large and small, are welcome. Checks/cheques may be sent to your local Torah Fund Chair or may be made online:


In the US, go to the online donation page,!/donation/checkout


In Canada, go to

Buy one card and you may add an additional donation.


Thank you for your support of Torah Fund.

Questions? Comments?

Contact Me!

Linda Boxer

INR Torah Fund VP

Region Programs:


Author Interview

Maggie Anton

The INR Programming Committee is pleased to present Maggie Anton, the award-winning author of Rashi's Daughter's. Maggie will be with us on Wednesday November 2, 2022 @ 7:30 pm to discuss her newest book, The Choice. More information will be available in upcoming issues of the Chai Lines newsletter.

From Women's League:

Torah Fund Pins Are Here!

New WLCJ Classes now starting to

Learn Hebrew and Read fro the Prayerbook

For New Students

Fall Semester

Registration Opens Soon

Are you interested in:

  • Learning or reviewing the Hebrew alphabet and communal prayers
  • Expanding your Jewish literacy skills, confidence, and sense of connection with Judaism?

Classes get filled quickly; usually within the first two days after sending the 

registration details


Save the Date

Registration for WLCJ Fall Hebrew Classes begins August 22nd

Watch your email and WL Week for the links to register for all class levels.

Classes begin the week of September 5th

Sustainability - Reverse Tashlich: Learning About It - Thursday, September 8 @ 8:00 PM ET

Join us on zoom to learn with Rabbi Ed Rosenthal and raise awareness about the deep Jewish connection to water, and reinforce the urgent moral imperative to protect the aquatic environment.

Learn more & Register

Reverse Tashlich: Repair the Sea Sunday, October 2

Learn more & Register

WLCJ Recommendations for Affiliate Banking

Women’s League does NOT recommend using Venmo for receiving funds. Women’s League has always recommended only connections between your Affiliate email address and your bank account. Accounts through Venmo that don’t have a fee are personal accounts and require you to connect your bank account directly to a personal cell phone.

We DO recommend Zelle – IF you access Zelle through your Affiliate bank account. You do not need to connect a personal cell phone and the money comes directly from the payor to your account. If your bank does not have Zelle, we do NOT recommend using it because it would require a connection to a personal cell phone.

This Year, More Than Ever, Send a Child to Camp Ramah

Midreshet Schechter has been running Camp Ramah Ukraine – which is scheduled to celebrate its 30th anniversary this summer.

This summer, as a result of the war in Ukraine, we will celebrate our 30th anniversary in Romania. We expect to have refugee children from Chernivtsi, Kharkiv, Odesa, Berlin, and Israel. 

We would be most grateful if you could support this wonderful camp at this very difficult time. $1,000 will sponsor a camper for the summer.

Support Ramah Yachad Today

It's Not Too Late to watch Mivtza Ukraine

We've already raised $10,000, and it's only been a few hours. But we still need you. Mivtza Ukraine has officially launched on Facebook and YouTube. Between the delays and a Sunday morning premiere, however, we know there are a lot more viewers out there who would love to see this moving and powerful program.


We encourage you to share this video with your community and help spread the word about the holy work being done by Masorti Olami and Midreshet Schechter. We are grateful for your partnership and thank you for all you've done to help us create and get the word out about this important event.

Watch Video

Weekly Words of Torah

Over the past few years, since we have introduced Weekly Words of Torah (WWOT) to our WL Week, our goal was to connect Parashat HaShavuah, the Weekly Torah Portion, to our Torah Fund Theme for that campaign year. For example, when our theme was chesed, acts of kindness, each week the WWOT suggested an act of chesed which was connected to the Torah portion that week. This past year, the WWOT illustrated how the Torah and Haftarah readings were paired together, b’yachad.  

This year, 2022-2023 / 5783, our Torah Fund campaign is Hazak v’Ematz - Be Strong and Courageous. WWOT this year will illustrate how a concept or idea from the weekly Torah Reading provides us with strength.

Parashat Vaetchanan

August 13, 2022


This week’s parashah contains a wealth of important passages: the second account of the experience at Horeb (Sinai) when we received the Ten Commandments (5:5-18), as well as the first paragraph of the Shema prayer that we are commanded to recite twice daily (6:4-9)...

Parashat Eikev

August 20, 2022


Moses' discourse to the nation continues as they are poised to enter the promised land. He exhorts them to remember the deliverance from Egypt and the 40 years in the desert... 

Learn More

Makom B'Yachad

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday

12 PM ET; 11 AM CT; 9 AM PT; 10 AM MT


Friday, August 12th - Special Tu B'Av (Jewish Day of Love) Program

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 630 830 287

Password: 875936

Want to sing, teach, help with technology, and more during Daily Psalm Study, and Kaddish?

Sign Up

Project Stock the Shelves

Your contribution will help reduce food insecurity among our neighbors

If you’ve been shopping recently, you can’t help but notice how much the cost of food has gone up. Please consider contributing a Kosher item to your pantry collection this month.

Learn More

Debbie Bettan

Social Justice Project Chair

Karen Block

Social Justice Co-Chair

Ardis Wexler

Social Justice Co-Chair

Jewels in the Crown Returns to Convention 2023

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Jewels in the Crown is an opportunity for your Sisterhood to be honored for exceptional programming and participation.

See below for information and application.

Download the Application

Application and supporting materials must be submitted to Women’s League by

March 2, 2023.

For more information email:

WLCJ 5783 Calendar Diaries in Pocket & Planner Sizes

Calendar Diaries are available in TWO SIZES

Pocket Size: 4x6in. Planner Size: 8.5x11in. Both available to ORDER NOW.

Learn more & Order Online
Mail-In Form For Pocket Size
Mail-In For Planner Size

Ongoing WLCJ Happenings

The cost for the weekly questions email and hard-cover book is currently $99. For more information and to receive a $10 discount click below:

Women's League for Conservative Judaism gets a donation by using the link.

Learn More

Cory Schneider

Archives Chair & Consultant

Past International President

Administrator, Torah Fund Legacy Society


We brought back the WLCJ App.

It's available for download on all devices (iPhone/iPad/Google Play/Android).


The Women's League website now is available in all languages.


Visit our website:

Visit Us

Upcoming Sisterhood/Region Calendar Events & WL Groups to Join

BQLI Region

Pocketbook Bingo

Wednesday, August 10

@ 5:00 PM ET


In-Person event,

more information to come.

Download Flyer

Public Policy & Social Action – The Women’s League, Sisterhoods, and Resolutions

Sunday, September 11

@ 10:30 AM CT

For more information about the program contact Sisterhood:

Download Flyer

More Sisterhood and /

or Region programs

(in-person and virtual)

available on:

WLCJ Calendar


Want to join WLCJNet?

Contact Sherry Lynn Rubin,

Sisterhood Net Chair

Email Sherry Lynn

American Mothers of Olim GoogleGroup

Contact Ellie Kremer,

the WLCJ Israel Committee Chair

by text or email:

Email Ellie


Join the WL PrezNet

Toby Maser

PrezNet Moderator

Email Toby

Previous WLCJ Programming

Weren't able to join us? Visit our Youtube Channel for more videos. View our past recordings.

Visit Youtube

News from Seminaries WLCJ Supports

High Holiday Learning, Teen Learning, and More 

Learn More

Last Chance! Tour Jewish Kolkata + Hebrew Crash Course, and More

Learn More

Schechter's Ongoing Hybrid and Zoom Courses

Learn More

Torah Fund

New Digital Torah Fund eCards Available NOW:

Send a greeting with ecards and support Torah Fund! Make your gift more meaningful by using our ecards for every occasion!

Torah Fund eCards in USA
Torah Fund eCards in CANADA

Women of the Wall

WOW Merchandise

All prices include regular shipping (with tracking, 2-4 weeks). Express shipping costs an extra $20 per item.

Order Online
Tallit Styles Flyer

Additional Opportunities

Don’t miss this new website – – where people like you can share personal and meaningful Jewish wisdom and reflection in addition to insight on practical living through the lens of Conservative/Masorti Judaism. is a digital home for the Torah of Conservative/Masorti Judaism. While the name of this stream of Judaism was born well over a century ago, in the contemporary world Conservative Judaism is expressed through connection, community, and the creation of meaning.  This lens on Judaism is rooted in the idea that Judaism grows with us, that we’re guided by process, and that there is beauty in the balance.

You’ve seen how informative and inspiring Never Is Now is. So, we’d like to invite you to be one of the first to sign up for this year’s edition of the largest annual summit on antisemitism and hate — and save at least 20%!

11,000 people joined us virtually last year and we are excited to welcome thousands more this year as we come together in person on November 10 for Never Is Now 2022 at the Javits Center in New York City.

For more information and registration: Click here.


Join/Renew in USA
Join/Renew in Canada

WLCJ signed onto a letter in regards to Inflation Reduction At of 2022 organized by Jewish Earth Alliance

Across America, we urge you to vote for the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. This bill would yield hundreds of billions of dollars of investment in a safe and stable climate for generations to come. We are encouraged that this Act is projected to reduce climate pollution 40% by 2030, which will help ameliorate the deadly and ever-worsening consequences of climate change and help restore faith in American climate leadership here at home and on the international stage. 

Our organizations are dedicated to the teachings of the Jewish tradition to pursue justice today and protect future generations. This Act will mitigate the myriad harms already being caused by climate change, which disproportionately impact low-income communities and people of color here and across our planet. We know wildfires, droughts, storms, floods, and other deadly, climate-fueled disasters will continue to harm all vulnerable communities here at home and abroad until we reduce our emissions, pave a clean energy future, and bring about a just transition for all. 

Though we realize that this bill is by no means perfect and that many additional steps are needed to truly address the global climate crisis, voting for it is an act you alone can take right now to start moving our country and our planet in the right direction. Our tradition reminds us that when our ancestors built the Mishkan, the holy sanctuary where they engaged with the Divine presence, they built it from the gifts that everyone could bring — not just precious metals and expensive dyes, but also goat’s hair and acacia wood that everyone could contribute (Exodus 25.) You have an opportunity to protect the holy sanctuary that is Earth, and we urge you to use your power to take this vital step forward. Please join us in supporting the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.

Valley Beit Midrash - June/July 2022

Click on the button to visit website for summer events:

Visit Website

“Ezrat Yisrael” – A Wall of Tears and Love

Click on button to read this article by Rabbi Yoav Ende

Read More
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INR of Women's League for Conservative Judaism