The Newsletter of the International Northeast Region
December 15, 2023 - 3 Tevet 5784
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As members of a WLCJ affiliated sisterhood or as a WLCJ Individual Member, you also belong to the International Northeast Region (INR) of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism and we are happy to be able to send you our bi-weekly region newsletter we call “Chai Lines”! Please read and enjoy!
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From our Region President
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Dear Friends,
Today is the eighth day of Hanukkah – the culmination of this wonderful holiday which has brought joy, togetherness, light and meaning to the otherwise dark and depressing days we have been experiencing since October 7th. I was curious about whether there were further reasons why the eighth day was so significant, and my research found some fascinating facts:
We are all aware of the traditional reason why Hanukkah is celebrated for eight days. When the Maccabees won the war against the Greeks, they found their holy Temple in ruins and filled with idols. After cleaning the Temple, it had to be rededicated with the lighting of the Menorah, but they only found enough pure oil to burn for one night. Miraculously, it lasted for eight days which allowed time to produce the pure oil needed for the future. The miracle occurred with shemen - oil, which is almost the same word as sh’monah - eight.
The priestly family which spearheaded the rebellion against the Greeks was known as the Chashmonai family. This consists of the Hebrew letter ‘chet’, which represents the numerical value 8, plus the word sh’monah, which means 8.
- A circumcision is held on the 8th day of a baby boy’s life. This is one of the Jewish practices that the Greeks forbade.
The original Tabernacle of the desert was dedicated in an 8-day ceremony (see Exodus 29 and Leviticus 8-9). After the dedication, God tells Aaron that his lighting of the Menorah is the most precious service of all (Rashi, Numbers 8:2).
And… these might also be included:
- You could easily gain 8 pounds eating latkes, sufganiyot, Hanukkah cookies and chocolate coins over the course of the holiday. And just like the candles, your weight will increase one pound a day (hopefully not more).
- In English there are at least 8 ways to spell Hanukkah, Chanukah, Hannukah, Chanuka, Chanukkah, Hanuka, Channukah, and Chanukka.
Today, the significance of the eighth day of Hanukkah remains as relevant as ever. It serves as a reminder of the power of miracles and the importance of faith in difficult times. In today’s world that is filled with darkness, Hanukkah reminds us that even a small light can make a big difference. It encourages us to be a source of light and hope for others, and to work towards a brighter future for all.
Happy Hanukkah! Chag Urim Sameach!
Shabbat Shalom!
Marilyn Cohen
INR Region President
Register now for the next Women’s League Leadership Institute in Boca Raton. This is an intense two-day training experience that will prepare you for the challenges of leadership.
The deadline is fast approaching for Voices of Change: A WLCJ Civil Rights Journey - registration is OPEN. Spouses and friends of Women’s League members are welcome to register as well.
I encourage you to register for our region Torah Fund program with current rabbinical student Alicia Rothamel. Read all about her in the flyer below.
There is still time to support the Masorti Women’s Study Days through Women’s League’s Giving Tuesday opportunity. Donations are appreciated any time up until December 31, 2023.
Our region’s Spring Conference, May 5-6, 2024 in Toronto at Beth Tikvah Synagogue promises to offer great speakers, educational opportunities, spiritual services and camaraderie. Plan now to join us in Toronto.
Marilyn Cohen
Region President
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Special Edition: Good & Welfare | |
Our Sisters in Ashkelon & Karmiel
Region President Marilyn Cohen recently asked our Israel Affairs Co-Chairs, Marion Mayman and Ruth Shapiro to reach out to our twinned Kehilot in Israel to see how they are doing and obtain a breif update as to their welfare under current circumstances.
As of this publication we have received a response from Marion Juster (see below) at Kehilat Hakerem in Karmiel. We have heard from Lorna Szefler since October 7th and know that she is okay, but we do not yet have a response to this specific request. As soon as we have a report, we will publish it.
From Marion Juster
Kehilat Hakerem
Karmiel, Israel
Shalom Marion,
I'm so sorry I was unable to reply to you quickly. If you're able to do so, please accept my brief report on Karmiel at this time.
We are still relatively safe. Most things are fairly back to normal. The difference is the worry that each one of us shares for those who are fighting; most of us have friends and/or relatives who have been called up, and likewise, each of us knows someone who has lost a friend or relative.
Of course, we worry about the hostages. Our kehillah adopted a young man from Karmiel who was doing technical work for the "Rave" gathering, and was captured. He actually was able to escape, but some Palestinians on the street caught him and he was recaptured (he actually didn't know in which direction to run.) He has, thankfully, been released, so we've adopted another hostage from a nearby community. We cover one of the chairs with a tallit, and attach a picture of the hostage to the back of the chair.
Our kehillah has also started cooking for the soldiers every week in our kitchen, while some people bring their contributions from home. We need to mark the dishes kosher, and if they are vegetarian or vegan.
Instead of the weekly gatherings to support the families of kidnap victims, last Thursday a Hanukkah candle-lighting for the families and friends was held in the same venue.
Every organization, group, or individual in town is doing something to help.
We are also frustrated, infuriated, and shocked at the antisemitism which has spread throughout the Western world. We receive many wonderful WhatsApps of speeches and remarks from TV hosts, military people, entertainers, statesmen and politicians supporting us and "telling it as it is". We only hope that their messages reach the ears of those who really don't understand the situation. (There are too many of them!)
That's it for now. Take care.
Happy Hanukkah to you and all the wonderful women of INR of WLCJ,
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From our Torah Fund Vice President | |
Our 2023-2024
Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Ba’Zeh
All the people of Israel are responsible for one another
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December 1st through 5th found me in Baltimore, Maryland, at the USCJ Convening. It was inspiring! So many ideas are floating in my head. There were so many people to meet and talk with, including those in the picture below: (L to R) Debbi Kaner Goldich (Past International President WLCJ), Gail Finkelstein (President Temple Beth El Sisterhood, Rochester), Julia Loeb (International President WLCJ), myself (Linda Boxer), and Rabbi Ellen Wolintz-Field (Executive Director WLCJ). | |
I shared a study session with Jerilynn Payne who spoke to us last month about her journey to Judaism. I saw people I have not seen in years. I met people I’d only seen on Zoom. Most of all, I am awed by the men and women who have been educated at one of the five Conservative/Masorti institutes of higher learning. We have helped to support many of these rabbis, cantors, and educators. Be proud! We have done well with our Torah Fund donations.
Remember last year when cantorial student, Josh Erlich, spoke at our Torah Fund event? He is now Cantor Josh Erlich, of Shaarei Torah, in Scarsdale, NY. He was one of the leaders of a morning Shacharit service. It was so spirited I wasn’t sure I needed coffee that morning! Each evening there was a concert. Such talent! The joy of learning and hearing music was tempered by a daily update on what is happening in Israel. Our bodies and minds may have been in Baltimore, but our hearts were in Israel.
SAVE THE DATE to meet a rabbinic student for this year’s INR Torah Fund event. On January 10th at 7:30 pm on Zoom, we will meet Alicia Rothamel, a fourth-year rabbinic student, completing a Master’s Degree in Jewish Thought at the Jewish Theological Seminary. More details can be found below.
Please consider donating to Torah Fund to help support the next generations of our leaders.
For our Canadian sisters, cheques are made payable to the ‘Jewish Theological Society’ and given to your local Torah Fund chair, or mailed to 100 Elder Street, North York, ON M3H 5G7. If you prefer online giving (and getting an immediate tax receipt), please start with the purchase of an e-card and make an additional donation. The website is: Canadian eCards – Torah Fund eCards (
For our U.S. sisters, checks are made payable to ‘Torah Fund’ and given to your local Torah Fund Chair or mailed to Torah Fund, c/o JTS, 3080 Broadway, New York NY 10027. If you prefer online giving (and an immediate tax receipt) the online link is: Donate to Torah Fund ( US e-cards can be purchased at: Torah Fund eCards – Send an eCard to a loved one. (
Paper cards can be purchased from your local Torah Fund chairs.
To preserve our future so that the education of our clergy and educators can continue beyond our lifetimes, consider joining the Torah Fund Legacy Society. All gifts, large and small, pooled together have an impact. Learn more here: Torah Fund Legacy Society - Jewish Theological Seminary (
If you would like to make a donation to the special project, Spaces, start with either donation link above, then use the drop-down menu to select the proper fund. As a reminder, our special project, Creating New Spaces, will equally fund two important projects: a “Women’s League Study Space” in the new undergraduate residence hall at The Jewish Theological Seminary, and a special course of training for rabbinic students at the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, entitled “Women’s League Institute on Gender Bias and Harassment.” Our goal is to raise $200,000 that will be split equally between the two projects.
Together we are stronger. Together we can ensure the future of Conservative/Masorti Judaism. Thank you. Merci. Todah Rabah for all your contributions.
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Week At A Glance
This week at Women's League:
- Friday, Dec 15, 2023 - Registration closes for Civil Rights Trip, March 11-12, 2024
- Friday, Dec 15, 2023 - Join us on Makom B'Yachad on Zoom
- Saturday, Dec 16, 2023 - Read up on WWOT: Parashat Miketz
- Sunday, Dec 17, 2023 - Join Us for Conversations between Sisters - Final Workshop
- Registration is now open for WL Kehilah 2nd program on January 15, 2024
- WL Shabbat 2024 readings and messages now available on the website
- Spots still available for WL Leadership Institute on January 28-30, 2024, register now
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Voices of Change: A WLCJ Civil Rights Journey
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Monday, March 11 - Wednesday, March 13, 2024 |
The Jewish fight for civil rights helped create fundamental changes in this country. Join us as we learn about the brave freedom fighters and tour significant civil rights sites in Georgia and Alabama. Some of those sites include the Rosa Parks Museum in Montgomery, Alabama, the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, and MUCH more!
These first-hand experiences will allow us to explore issues of race and racism, and the legacy of civil rights. As we travel and reflect together as a Women’s League community, we will personally consider how each of us can make an impact today.
Civil Rights Monday- Wednesday Trip Costs
Price $1200 paid in full at registration
$165 single room supplement
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What is included
• All meals from Monday lunch through Wednesday lunch.
• Continental breakfast on your own is included at each hotel.
• All provided group meals are kosher.
• Hotel for Monday and Tuesday nights.
• Ground transportation in an air-conditioned coach bus.
• Admission to all museums and historic sites.
What is not included
• Transportation to and from your home city to Atlanta
• Lodging before or after the trip (information on suggested hotels to follow)
• You must arrive in Atlanta before 10:00 AM on Monday March 11 so we recommend that if you are flying in, you might want to arrive on Sunday in case of any flight delays.
• We will not return to the Atlanta airport until 5:00 PM on Wednesday March 13 so we recommend that you book a flight after 7:00 PM that night or stay an additional night and fly home the following morning.
Register today!
Registration Deadline is December 15. Your payment for the tour and meals is refundable until December 21.
Randy Schwartz
WL Special Projects Chair
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Sunday, January 28 - Tuesday, January 30, 2024 | |
Women’s League for Conservative Judaism – committed to developing skilled and dedicated leaders – invites you to attend an inspiring Leadership Institute that will expand your skills as a leader and enhance your knowledge as a Jewish woman while strengthening your connection to Women’s League, your sisterhood, your community, and Klal Yisrael.
Join International President Julia Loeb, Executive Director Rabbi Ellen Wolintz-Fields and Lead Trainer Carol Simon at our FIRST LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE IN FOUR YEARS ON
JANUARY 28-30, 2024
A 2-day workshop that will enhance your personal style of communication with interactive exercises and role-playing. Discover tips and techniques for using language that motivates, stimulates and encourages women to volunteer.
An opportunity to Network with other women, master goal setting, time management and team building. Learn the secret of keeping yourself challenged.
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The Leadership Institute’s unique format allows participants to build a personal program to expand Jewish knowledge and leadership skills.
$299 includes materials, programming, and meals. This fee does not include hotel or transportation to B’nai Torah.
Registration for the hotel ranges from $249-$279 + tax per night double occupancy.
The learning and sense of community created during the Institute comes both from the shared experiences during the formal program and the unstructured time together at the hotel. To facilitate this, we strongly urge local participants to stay with the rest of the group at the hotel.
Your Region, Sisterhood/Affiliate or your Rabbi might have scholarship money to help cover these costs. Don’t forget to ask!
Register by January 5! Space is limited and fills up quickly.
Our next Leadership Institute will be held in July 2024 on the West Coast (exact dates and location tba)
The leadership Institute team,
Carol Simon
Margie Miller
Debbie Lempert
Illene Rubin
Illene Rubin
Leadership Institute Logistics Chair
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Wednesday, Dec 13, 2023
12:00 AM ET
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Rosh Chodesh Tevet
is celebrated in the middle of Hanukkah, the holiday of feminine courage.
Traditionally, Rosh Hodesh Tevet is also Eid el Banat - the holiday of women.
Join us as we elevate women's sisterhood throughout the generations.
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Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF) /
Masorti Olami / Mercaz Olami Grant-Sponsored Program:
Sichot Beyn Achayot - Conversations Between Sisters
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Women’s League for Conservative Judaism stands united with our Sisters in Israel. We pray for the safety and security of our Sisters and Brothers in Israel. We send you our prayers and words of strength. Sisters, if you are able, we invite you to join us in our program Sichot beyn Achayot. | |
Session 3: Sunday, December 17, 2023
19:00 Israel Time | 12:00 PM ET | 11:00 AM CT | 10:00 AM MT | 9:00 AM PT
שׂיחוֹת בֵּין אָחַיוֹת, Sichot beyn Achayot means “conversations between sisters.” This program is designed to foster a deeper mutual understanding between the members of WLCJ in North America, the Masorti women from Israel and Masorti Olami, and our communities around the world. It is designed to address the question, “How are we the same, and how are we different?” The theme of this year’s program is כּל יִשְׂרָאֵל עָרֵבִים זֶה בַּזֶה, Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Ba’Zeh, All of Israel is Responsible for One Another [BT Shevuot 39a]
The three sessions will address this question by each concentrating on one specific issue that is both relevant and timely to us all and will include presentations from speakers from both sides of the Atlantic. Each workshop will also be followed by a Q&A session in which all attendees will be encouraged to participate.
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Session Three: Volunteerism: Mitzvot, Motivations and Methods - Sunday, December 17, 2023
19:00 Israel Time | 12:00 PM ET | 11:00 AM CT | 10:00 AM MT | 9:00 AM PT
Rabbi Margie Cella
Did you miss Session One? Click on the button below to view the recording. Session One: Helping the Stranger: Mitzvot, Motivations and Methods
Sunday, October 22, 2023
Did you miss Session Two? Click on the button below to view the recording. Session Two: Addressing Homelessness and Food Insecurity - Mitzvot, Motivations and Methods
Sunday, November 19, 2023
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Monday, January 15, 2024
7:30 PM ET
Navigating Civil Rights: The Journey Begins
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”
– Martin Luther King Jr.
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Please join us on Monday, January 15th, on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, as we explore the history of the Civil Rights Movement taking place in the 1950s and 1960s. It was an organized effort by Black Americans to end racial discrimination and gain equal rights under the law. Many people of conscience, from all races and faiths, were a part of this movement, including the Jewish community.
This is the second program in a series that will examine in depth the Civil Rights Movement. Each program is a standalone program which can be attended individually or as part of the series. At the end of the series Women’s League will sponsor the trip Voices of Change: A WLCJ Civil Rights Pilgrimage. ALL WLCJ members are invited to attend these programs, regardless of whether they intend to participate in the trip.
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January 20, 2024 | 10 Shevat 5784 – Parashat Bo | |
Each year, the members of Affiliated Sisterhoods celebrate the 1918 founding of Women’s League by Mathilde Schechter with a special Shabbat service. Women’s League provides readings, divrei Torah, and suggestions to help create a meaningful commemoration and Shabbat experience. | |
The Theme for World Wide Wrap 2024 is "Wrap for Israel"
Wrapping Tefillin
in Solidarity with Israel
Reach out to all club members and congregants. Encourage them to wrap tefillin in solidarity with the IDF soldiers and hostages who are unable to wrap themselves.
This can be done by individuals or in groups. Please photograph the event and post your group photos and/or selfies on Facebook by tagging FJMC_hq.
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If you need assistance posting your photos on Facebook, please reach out to Lisa Pollack at |
Here's a checklist of some action items clubs should now be addressing.
1. Register on website.
Be one of the top 50 and register now!
Remember, you must register your club to qualify for a Quality Club Award.
2. Have a Plan for your Club's Wrap programming incorporating this year's theme, "Wrap for Israel" including the solidarity wrap initiative.
3. Send out publicity now.
Save the Date: Sunday, February 11, 2024.
Thank you.
Len Abrams
2024 World Wide Wrap Chair
Bill Becker
2024 World Wide Wrap Co-Chair
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Parashat Miketz - December 16, 2023
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For the past 80-plus years, the Torah Fund Campaign of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, the dedicated philanthropy of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, has been supporting scholarships and programs in the worldwide Conservative/Masorti institutes of higher Jewish learning, The Jewish Theological Seminary in New York, Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies in Los Angeles, Schechter Institutes of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem, Seminario Rabinico Latinoamericano in Buenos Aires, and Zacharias Frankel College in Potsdam.
The 2023-2024 / 5784 Torah Fund General Campaign is Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Ba’Zeh, All the people of Israel are responsible for one another. Arevut, responsibility, will be visible on our new, silver heart-shaped charm which can be worn as a pendant or pin.
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The WWOT, the Weekly Words of Torah, each week through the end of June 2024, will delve into the idea of arevut, responsibility.
Parashat Miketz teaches an important lesson of paying it forward and the importance of memory. Pharaoh has some disturbing dreams, and the chief cupbearer remembers Joseph, who interpreted his dreams when he was in prison. Joseph’s dream interpretations were helpful to the chief cupbearer, and he paid it forward, by recommending Joseph to Pharaoh as someone who would be very helpful to Pharaoh in being able to interpret his dreams. By the chief cupbearer remembering Joseph, and paying it forward, by helping Joseph, the cupbearer teaches us all an important lesson. If someone helps you, remember their kindness, and when the opportunity arises, help them as well. It is our responsibility, arevut, to pay it forward. If someone does something good for us, we should try to repay that person when we have the chance. It is our responsibility to always try to do something kind for those who are good to us, and it is our responsibility to remember the many blessings, and kindnesses that has been bestowed upon us so we can help others. Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Ba’Zeh - All the people of Israel are responsible for one another.
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Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9 AM PT; 10 AM MT, 11 AM CT; 12 PM ET |
A virtual service for our WLCJ Sisters to recite Mishaberach, the Prayer for Healing, recite the Psalm of the Day, study and recite Kaddish together.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 630 830 287
Password: 875936
Important Dates:
Weds. Dec 13 - Hallel for Rosh Chodesh
Tues. Dec 26, Weds. Dec 27 & Fri. Dec 29 - No Makom, just schmoozing.
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A virtual background is available for Makom B'Yachad! DOWNLOAD HERE | Want to sing, teach, help with technology, and more during Daily Psalm Study, and Kaddish? |
Prayer for Comfort - composed by Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields
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December 11, 2023
Dear Friend,
Last week, The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations joined our member organizations and Jewish federations in leading the American Jewish community’s National Mobilization Week. The effort was hugely successful with tens of thousands of calls made into Congress, and we cannot stop now. With Congress deliberating over an unprecedented aid package, we must continue urging members to support the Jewish state.
Please click here to call your members of Congress (watch and share a brief instructional video here). Your participation throughout the week is critical to ensuring our elected officials stand with Israel throughout its war to destroy the Hamas Terrorist Army and to free all the hostages. Please do your part by calling each of your members of Congress today – and by forwarding this email with your networks with the request that they call as well.
After you make the calls, please share on social media that you have done so, and encourage others to join us.
We need everyone to take part. We need to have our voices heard.
Thank you,
Harriet P. Schleifer
William C. Daroff
Chief Executive Officer
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December 11, 2023
Dear Friend,
Last week, National Council of Jewish Women had the distinct honor to help organize a special session at the United Nations — hosted by Ambassador Gilad Erdan, Permanent Representative of Israel to the UN — to shed light on the gravity of the rape and brutal sexual assault inflicted upon Israeli women by Hamas terrorists on October 7.
The event, titled “Hear Our Voices,” featured a keynote address from founder Sheryl Sandberg, a video message from Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton, and remarks from Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, activist Mandana Dayani, and Former Miss Universe Linor Abargil — as well as other women’s rights and human rights experts.
More than 700 people filled the room to bear witness to the horrors from that day and to be a voice for those who were silenced. They listened to testimony from Israeli first responder teams who shared firsthand accounts of the atrocities they encountered on October 7, clearly indicating that rape was used as a tool of war by Hamas in Israel.
A short recap video is available below and you can access the full recording of the event here. Please note, these videos — the full event in particular — are hard to watch due to the details of the brutality perpetrated on Israeli women and girls.
We invite you to share this video with your network and partner organizations that have yet to speak up around sexual violence from that day. We must continue to invite feminist groups and others to speak out so that rape is never normalized. If any organization would like to make a statement and needs assistance, NCJW is available for support:
As we approach Chanukah, we are reminded to be the light in the darkness. October 7th showed us the worst of humanity. It’s on us to be the best of humanity. We have a long way to go to repair this broken world, and we are grateful to be in this work together.
Sheila Katz
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#GivingTuesday Women's League Campaign | |
Now through
Sunday, December 31, 2023
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All of the #GivingTuesday Campaign will go to the “MASORTI WOMEN’S DAYS OF STUDY”.
#GIVINGTUESDAY Facebook Fundraiser Help us spread the word in social media! Please click on the button below to share our WLCJ GivingTuesday Facebook Fundraiser. Together we are louder and heard even further if you help us share our fundraiser page. Let's exceed what we raised last year on Facebook! Click on the button below.
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Daughters of Yisrael, a song for Women’s League for Conservative Judaism by Rabbi Aviva Shira Funke is live and making its way into all streaming music platforms! Click on the icons below. | |
Find more Israel-related Resources on the WLCJ website
We now have a webpage with all the resources collected. Please go to
and click on the Resources menu and then Israel.
Women's League for Conservative Judaism was proudly represented among the approximately 300,000 participants at the National Mall, standing in solidarity with Israel.
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From the Seminaries We Support | |
Digital Torah Fund eCards
for every occasion!
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All prices include regular shipping (with tracking, 2-4 weeks). Express shipping costs an extra $20 per item. | |
Please click on the image to learn more | |
WLCJ 5784 Calendar Diaries | |
Pocket Size = $11.00
Planner Size = $26.00
You may now order bulk quantities online.
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WLCJ Convention 2023 Resources, please click on the image: | |
To learn more about these opportunities,
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Keeping to our Mission – Adjusting to the War
Focusing on our Responsibilities & Leveraging our Unique Capabilities
Olim Services - Serving 80K NBN Olim and Anglo Oleh community at large
• Financial grants for families impacted by the war
• Therapy and counseling services
• Financial grants to community initiatives during the war
• Weddings at cost in our Jerusalem Aliyah Campus
Lone Soldiers & their Families - Supporting 10,000 lone soldiers in active combat
• 24/7 Hotline & I Center for parents of Lone Soldiers
• Multilingual Broadcasts from IDF to Olim and families of Lone Soldiers
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• Flights to Israel during the war for parents of Lone Soldiers
• Free Mental Health Support services for Lone Soldiers
• Attendance at every funeral and shiva of Lone Soldier
• Contact with families of captive Soldiers
• Tending to various urgent needs of Lone Soldier
Supporting Israel’s National Health Care System
• Assist Israel’s Ministry of Health compile a list of Physician volunteers from the Diaspora
• Serve as an official representative of the Ministry of Health, The Jewish Agency for Israel and Israel’s Ministry of Aliyah and Integration, responsible for handling the technical logistics and costs of coordinating foreign physicians to come to Israel to assist the local healthcare system during the war
What Nefesh B’Nefesh is doing during the war. A must read. Pay particular attention to the last subject: “Supporting Israel’s National Health Care System”, want to learn what this includes?
Operation Hug - a partnership between Nefesh B’Nefesh, Jewish National Fund USA and the F.I.D.F.. Know anyone who has a Lone Soldier currently serving in the I.D.F.? Send the father or mother’s name, email and mobile and/or suggest they contact Rabbi Paul Freedman.
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MERCAZ USA at the Extraordinary Zionist Congress
MERCAZ USA and our international partners made a significant difference and were a LOUD voice for your values at the Extraordinary Zionist Congress held in Jerusalem at the end of April.
1. The forces fighting for a pluralistic democratic Israel are on the offensive and we won this Congress
2. The delaying tactics of those who opposed us failed this time
3. We stood up for MERCAZ USA’s values and our voice was heard loud and clear..
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INR of Women's League for Conservative Judaism | | | | |