The Newsletter of the International Northeast Region

February 16, 2024 - 7 Adar 1 5784

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As members of a WLCJ affiliated sisterhood or as a WLCJ Individual Member, you also belong to the International Northeast Region (INR) of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism and we are happy to be able to send you our bi-weekly region newsletter we call “Chai Lines”! Please read and enjoy!

From our Region President

Dear Friends,


In Parshat Terumah, we learn about the detailed instructions for constructing the Mikdash, or portable sanctuary in which the Divine Presence would dwell among the Israelites. Before the Mikdash was created the Hebrews worshipped God on hilltops, beside streams, or wherever they felt moved to pray. Once they received and accepted the laws on Mount Sinai, God said to Moses, “And let them make me a Mikdash (Sanctuary) that I may dwell among them.” (Exodus 25:8). God instructed Moses to ask each Israelite to bring a terumah, (gift or contribution) for its construction and all the people lovingly did so. One of the central themes of this parsha is the concept of giving willingly and generously.


Just as the Israelites contributed their resources willingly to build the Mikdash we can find relevance for today in the importance of voluntary giving and communal support. In our modern world, there are countless opportunities to contribute to the causes we believe in, whether through charitable donations, volunteering our time, or simply offering help to those in need.


Another important lesson we can learn from this Parsha involves the innumerable and intricate details of the Mikdash's construction. Detailed instructions for the architecture of the sanctuary, for building the holy ark and its poles, for constructing the gold cherubim, the tables, bowls & vessels used for offering sacrifices were all meticulously described. We learn that attention to detail and the importance of craftsmanship are values we can try to emulate. Whether it is in our work, relationships, or personal projects, striving for excellence and putting in the effort to do things well is a timeless lesson from Parshat Terumah.


Additionally, the Mikdash serves as a physical reminder of the presence of the Divine in our midst. In today's fast-paced and chaotic world, finding moments of stillness and connection with something greater can be incredibly grounding and nourishing for the soul. Whether through prayer, meditation, or moments of reflection, we can seek to create our own "sanctuaries" where we can connect with the spirituality in our lives. Furthermore, haven’t our rabbis and synagogue leaders been stressing the importance, in our post-Covid world, of returning to in-person attendance, rather than attending virtually? Being in shul with our fellow congregants is a more significant and meaningful way of cultivating our spiritual connectedness to God.


Ultimately, Parshat Terumah teaches us about the power of giving, the importance of craftsmanship and attention to detail, and the significance of cultivating spaces for connection and spirituality in our lives. These timeless lessons continue to resonate today, reminding us how relevant our ancient Torah is even in our ‘modern’ twenty-first century society.


Shabbat Shalom,


Marilyn Cohen

Region President


Calling ALL INR members to our SPRING CONFERENCE on May 5th & 6th, 2024 in Toronto, hosted by Beth Tikvah Women. It is the first time in five years that we are having our Conference IN PERSON! Having attended the Women’s League Convention last summer, I experienced the joy of being together with other women who shared my Jewish values and cared about our future. We want to extend this same feeling to all those who will be attending our Region Conference. Give yourself the gift of Spring Conference and join us in May. You will be so happy you did! See the updated flyer below with links for registration, hotel and more!

Thank you to all affiliates who have already sent in their Per Capita Dues to the Women’s League office. If your President or Treasurer has not yet sent it in, please do so as soon as possible. Your Per Capita dues allow Women’s League to offer wonderful programs, learning opportunities, ideas for your sisterhoods and complementary assistance for any potential challenges your sisterhood may face, through the WLCJ Consulting Services. Only paid-up members of affiliated sisterhoods who have paid their Per Capita dues, as well as Individual Members of WLCJ, may register for these amazing programs. That is why it is so important that each affiliate keep their members’ contact information up-to-date on the WLCJ Data Base. We want to ensure that each and every member is listed to allow her to register for programs.


I am also thrilled that the WLCJ film series is back by popular demand! The programs which we have so enjoyed in the past, are all written and narrated by Lois Silverman, a long-standing and devoted member of INR. The second presentation, titled The Jewish Masters of the Movie Musicals, will take place on Monday, February 19, 2024 at 3:00 pm. Refer to the WL flyer in the newsletter below where you can REGISTER for the program.

Marilyn Cohen

Region President

Region Conference

From our Torah Fund Vice President


Our 2023-2024

Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Ba’Zeh


All the people of Israel are responsible for one another

We have exceeded our region’s goal for Torah Fund this year, but that does not mean we can stop working for Torah Fund. Each gift, those that are large and those that are modest, added together make a big difference in the lives of the students at the five institutions of higher learning we support. Let’s be proud of what we have accomplished, but let’s keep the stories of what Torah Fund is and does in our minds. Our wonderful region has contributed $37,577 to the Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Ba’Zeh Campaign to support scholarships and programming at The Jewish Theological Seminary in New YorkZiegler School of Rabbinic Studies in Los AngelesSchechter Institutes of Jewish Studies in JerusalemSeminario Rabinico Latinoamericano in Buenos Aires, and Zacharias Frankel College in Potsdam


There is another ongoing campaign called Creating New Spaces, which will equally fund two important projects: A “Women’s League Study Space” in the new undergraduate residence hall at The Jewish Theological Seminary, and a special course of training for rabbinical students at the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, entitled “Women’s League Institute on Gender Bias and Harassment.” Our goal is to raise $200,000 that will be split equally between the two projects; with about $40,000 to go. During this fiscal year our region has contributed $254. If you have already made and paid your gift to the Arevim campaign, would you consider a bit more to help Spaces reach its goal?


Have you seen the wonderful collection of e-cards that are suitable for all occasions? To purchase Toah Fund ecards, please use these links:

US page:

Canadian page:


Remember to use the link from your home country, not the recipient’s country. Paper cards are available from your local Torah Fund Chair.


Purim and Pesach will soon be upon us. Send cards to family and friends and support Torah Fund when you do so.


Don’t forget about the Torah Fund Legacy Society. Now, four years old, the Torah Fund Legacy Society was established for donors to make planned gifts to benefit Torah Fund. There are different options. You simply designate Torah Fund as a beneficiary of a financial instrument such as an IRA, life insurance policy, pension fund, bank certificate of deposit, or Israel Bond. Or you can make a bequest from your will or trust. Please choose the best method in consultation with your financial advisor or attorney. There is no minimum or maximum donation amount required, nor do you need to state a dollar value unless you would like to do so. Once you have designated a legacy gift for Torah Fund, we ask you complete the Bequest Confirmation Form. You then receive a beautiful charm with the word ‘Atid’ (‘Future’) in Hebrew, to affix to your Torah Fund pin. Please let me know when you would like to be contacted by a Torah Fund Legacy representative. Thank you for helping ensure the future of the Jewish people through your long-term support of Torah Fund.


Comments? Questions? Contact me.

Am Yisrael Chai,

Linda Boxer

INR Torah Fund VP

From Women's League:

WL Jews in Performing Arts

Back by popular demand


BEFORE CAMELOT—Jews and the Musicals of the 1950s


The 1950s was a time of challenges for the American film industry. The musical helped save the industry, and many Jews were part of the creation of these wonderful films.


This course will investigate the great movie musical of the 1950s created by Jewish composers, lyrists, directors, and producers. Using film clips and discussions, the legacy of these great American movies will be explored.

Registration is open to WL members, in North America, you must log in to register for each class session. If you need assistance, please contact the office (405) 870-1260.

This course will be comprised of three stand-alone sessions:

This course will be comprised of three stand-alone sessions (Class 1 was presented Jan 22, recording will be available next week):

Monday, February 19, 2024

3:00 PM ET

Class Two: The Jewish Masters of the Movie Musicals: Rodgers and Hammerstein, Lerner and Loewe, Frank Loesser, Comden and Green, and Adler and Ross


Monday, March 18, 2024

3:00 PM ET

Class Three: The Jewish Producers, Directors, and Composers Behind Kiss Me Kate, High Society, Anything Goes, Kismet, and Summer Stock


Registration is open to International Sisters, outside of North America, you must register for one or all three sessions through here:

Registration for International Sisters, outside of North America

Lois Silverman

WL Keruv: Engaging with Our Interfaith Families

Monday, February 19, 2024

7:30 PM ET

How can we truly include and embrace all diverse Jewish families? How might we move from “warm and welcoming” to full loving, celebratory acceptance?

Dr. Keren McGinity, USCJ’s Interfaith Specialist, and Rabbi Chaya Bender of B’nai Israel Congregation in Wilmington, NC, a past participant in the RA/USCJ Rimonim for Rabbis, will share a new narrative about intermarriage as an opportunity. We will learn ways to make Conservative Jewish spaces inviting for all families.


Interfaith inclusion will be the focus of two Keruv programs this year. The first session is offered on Monday, February 19, 2024, at 7:30 pm ET. The second one is scheduled for Thursday, March 28, 2024.


Ariana Burrows

WL Keruv Co-Chair


Ellie Kremer

Tel. (610) 724-6612

WL Keruv Co-Chair

WL Sustainability

Sunday, February 25, 2024

5:00 PM ET

Climate Change


What? Why? How?

Please join us as we uncover and discuss all the aspects of climate change with our panel of experts.

Heddy Belman

WL Sustainability Co-Chair

Mirele Goldsmith, Ph.D. is an environmental psychologist, educator and activist. She is making a difference on Capitol Hill with United States Vice President Kamala Harris. Mirele is founder and co-chair of Jewish Earth Alliance.


Mark Elliot, was Meteorologist with the Weather Channel for almost 20 years, since 2004 and now is the Chief Meteorologist for AT&T. Mark is also known by his real name at AT&T as Mark (Elliot) Papier.


Dr. Thea Iberall from Jewish Climate Action Network (JCAN) has been around for ten years working through education, activism, and organizing to add an urgent and visionary Jewish voice to the climate crisis. We are connected to dozens of climate organizations as we specifically help congregants of Jewish communities to effect change by decreasing their carbon footprint, learn about climate advocacy, and get support for spiritual resilience in these times of anxiety.

Rabbi Katy Z. Allen is the co-founder of the Jewish Climate Action Network (JCAN) and also the founder and spiritual leader of Ma'yan Tikvah - A Wellspring of Hope, which holds outdoor services all year long. For twelve years, Rabbi Katy, a board certified chaplain, served first as a chaplain at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and then as a hospice chaplain.


Corinne Hammerschlag

WL Sustainability Co-Chair

WL Personal Conversations

Thursday, February 29, 2024

7:30 PM ET


The discussion continues with Rabbi Rebecca Dubowe, the first female deaf Rabbi to be ordained in the world.


"I heard God's call"


Learn what Women's League, our Sisterhood affiliates, and our congregations can do to raise awareness for inclusion of the deaf and hard-of-hearing community.


This is Part II of a two-part series. You need not have attended Part I to join. Please submit your questions or personal stories to our co-chairs listed below.

Grace Schlesser

WL Personal Conversations Co-Chair


Jani Majewski

WL Personal Conversations Co-Chair

Save the Date - Masorti Women's Study Day

Sunday, March 3, 2024 | 7:00 PM - 9:45 PM ET

Save the Date - WL Leadership Institute

Sunday, July 28 - Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Save the Date!

The next Women’s League Leadership Institute is scheduled for July 28-30, 2024 at Beth David, Saratoga, California.


You can find more details in the next couple of weeks.

Picture yourself here...

Questions about Leadership Institute? Email

For the past 80-plus years, the Torah Fund Campaign of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, the dedicated philanthropy of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, has been supporting scholarships and programs in the worldwide Conservative/Masorti institutes of higher Jewish learning, The Jewish Theological Seminary in New YorkZiegler School of Rabbinic Studies in Los AngelesSchechter Institutes of Jewish Studies in JerusalemSeminario Rabinico Latinoamericano in Buenos Aires, and Zacharias Frankel College in Potsdam.


The 2023-2024 / 5784 Torah Fund General Campaign is Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Ba’Zeh, All the people of Israel are responsible for one another. Arevut, responsibility, will be visible on our new, silver heart-shaped charm which can be worn as a pendant or pin. 

The WWOT, the Weekly Words of Torah, each week through the end of June 2024, will delve into the idea of arevut, responsibility. 

Read More Weekly Words of Torah

Parashat Terumah Exodus 25:1-27:19

February 17, 2024

The outlines of the covenant have been given; the next step is to build a sanctuary; God instructs Moses to ask the people to bring a terumah, a free-will offering of all the raw materials needed to construct this portable dwelling place for God’s holy presence, promising, “I will dwell among them.” Gold, silver, copper, fine yarns and linens, spices and incense are freely offered in response to God’s request. The place where God will be encountered must reflect the holiness of its divine resident.


Following this, God gives to Moses very specific instructions for the building of the ark, the menorah, the tabernacle itself, and the altar.


The mishkan of Exodus was portable, traveling among the people, at the center of the camp as they moved from place to place, and was constructed from the voluntary offerings brought by all the people of Israel. It required the cooperative effort of the entire nation to allow God to be present in their midst.


Today we no longer have a tabernacle or a Temple; God’s presence is felt in the world when we are able to work together, shining a light on the values imparted by a life of Torah. Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Ba’Zeh - All the people of Israel are responsible for one another. 

WL Fundraising Opportunity


Many of you have already purchased and are enjoying my book, "Hindsight is 2020: Torah Lessons from a Turbulent Time." Now you can share it with your friends and benefit Women’s League at the same time.


Order one for yourself if you don’t yet have a copy!

Order books to give as gifts!

Order books to sell in your Judaica shop!

For every copy ordered by a WLCJ member or affiliate, I will donate 50% of the net proceeds to Women’s League.

Want an idea for a program for your membership?

I can do a Zoom book talk, where I discuss what motivated me to write this book, what the experience of writing it was like, and how the lessons from 2020 are still relevant today. As long as 10 or more books are purchased, there is no cost to your affiliate. The 50% proceeds will go to your Sisterhood or WLCJ—your choice.

Books can be purchased from my website: 

Order Form | My Site (


Questions? Email me at

(Unfortunately, due to the high cost of mailing books internationally, this offer can only be honored in the United States. Those in Canada can purchase the book on Amazon)

Programming Ideas

The programming committee presents the following program to give you ideas for your own Sisterhood affiliate programs.

Jill Tomar

WL Programming Co-Chair


Toby Maser

WL Programming Co-Chair

Purim Art Program - Celebrate...It's Adar! Join in the Megillah reading and shake your Vashti's bracelet every time her name is read. Make your own Vashti's bracelet at home or as part of a Sisterhood meeting. You can get the instructions on how to make it from Jody Glass, International Creative Arts Chair and then order your own supplies from Or for $15 plus $4 shipping, Jody will mail you the complete kit including supplies and instructions. Or, if incorporating this activity into a Sisterhood meeting, for $15 per kit plus $10 shipping, Jody will mail the package to one address. Jody is also willing to facilitate the session via Zoom if she is available. For more information, contact Jody at

Makom B'Yachad

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9 AM PT; 10 AM MT, 11 AM CT; 12 PM ET

A virtual service for our WLCJ Sisters to recite Mishaberach, the Prayer for Healing, recite the Psalm of the Day, study and recite Kaddish together.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 630 830 287

Password: 875936

A virtual background is available for Makom B'Yachad! DOWNLOAD HERE

Want to sing, teach, help with technology, and more during Daily Psalm Study, and Kaddish?


Prayer for Comfort - composed by Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields


Today, we solemnly mark the 100th day since the reprehensible Hamas terror attack on October 7, 2023. This tragic event not only claimed so many innocent lives, but also left an indelible mark on our hearts and communities. As we remember those we lost, our thoughts and prayers go out to the kidnapped victims and the families, all who continue to endure unimaginable pain and fear.


On this somber occasion, we stand united in our commitment to justice, peace, and the unwavering support of Israel and those affected by this act of terror. Our collective resolve remains strong, and we declare our determination to defeat Hamas ...

                           continue reading

WL Consulting Services

Sandy Blumenthal

Consulting Services Chair

Anise Parnes

Consulting Services Vice Chair

Streaming Now

Click here for → 

Lyrics to Daughters of Yisrael

Daughters of Yisrael, a song for Women’s League for Conservative Judaism by Rabbi Aviva Shira Funke is live and making its way into all streaming music platforms! Click on the icons below.

War in Israel

Find more Israel-related Resources on the WLCJ website

We now have a webpage with all the resources collected. Please go to

and click on the Resources menu and then Israel.

Women's League for Conservative Judaism was proudly represented among the approximately 300,000 participants at the National Mall, standing in solidarity with Israel.

You can find more photos that were shared on our Facebook and Instagram pages. If you have any that would like for us to share, please use (hashtag) #mywlcj on your social media posts.


You can also send us your photos by submitting them through our website:

From the Seminaries We Support








Women of the Wall

All prices include regular shipping (with tracking, 2-4 weeks). Express shipping costs an extra $20 per item.


Ongoing WLCJ Resources

Please click on the image to learn more

WLCJ 5784 Calendar Diaries

Pocket Size = $5.00

Planner Size = $26.00

You may now order bulk quantities online. 


WLCJ Convention 2023

WLCJ Convention 2023 Resources, please click on the image:


Additional Opportunities

To learn more about these opportunities,

Click Here

Love is in the air—and we think it might have something to do with Hillel’s scholarships for Jewish students! It’s true: We LOVE making it easier for students to attend college and reach their dreams. And, we think sharing these new Hillel scholarships with the student in your life!


Keeping to our Mission – Adjusting to the War

Focusing on our Responsibilities & Leveraging our Unique Capabilities


Olim Services - Serving 80K NBN Olim and Anglo Oleh community at large

• Financial grants for families impacted by the war

• Therapy and counseling services

• Financial grants to community initiatives during the war

• Weddings at cost in our Jerusalem Aliyah Campus


Lone Soldiers & their Families - Supporting 10,000 lone soldiers in active combat

• 24/7 Hotline & I Center for parents of Lone Soldiers

• Multilingual Broadcasts from IDF to Olim and families of Lone Soldiers

• Flights to Israel during the war for parents of Lone Soldiers

• Free Mental Health Support services for Lone Soldiers

• Attendance at every funeral and shiva of Lone Soldier

• Contact with families of captive Soldiers

• Tending to various urgent needs of Lone Soldier


Supporting Israel’s National Health Care System

• Assist Israel’s Ministry of Health compile a list of Physician volunteers from the Diaspora

• Serve as an official representative of the Ministry of Health, The Jewish Agency for Israel and Israel’s Ministry of Aliyah and Integration, responsible for handling the technical logistics and costs of coordinating foreign physicians to come to Israel to assist the local healthcare system during the war


What Nefesh B’Nefesh is doing during the war. A must read. Pay particular attention to the last subject: “Supporting Israel’s National Health Care System”, want to learn what this includes?


Operation Hug - a partnership between Nefesh B’Nefesh, Jewish National Fund USA and the F.I.D.F.. Know anyone who has a Lone Soldier currently serving in the I.D.F.? Send the father or mother’s name, email and mobile and/or suggest they contact Rabbi Paul Freedman.


Designed for rising Jewish leaders ages 22-30*

On this six-day journey through Poland, our community will explore the cities of Warsaw, Lublin, and Krakow; hold each other up in Zbylitowska Gora—the Children’s Forest, Auschwitz-Birkenau, and Treblinka; volunteer in cemeteries and local communities; meet with Jewish and non-Jewish peers; thank some of the families of Poland’s Righteous Among the Nations; and celebrate Shabbat in Krakow with the revitalized Jewish community and the work of the JCC Krakow.


We will work to fulfill our generation’s responsibility to remember, rebuild, and retell.


MERCAZ USA at the Extraordinary Zionist Congress

MERCAZ USA and our international partners made a significant difference and were a LOUD voice for your values at the Extraordinary Zionist Congress held in Jerusalem at the end of April.

1. The forces fighting for a pluralistic democratic Israel are on the offensive and we won this Congress

2. The delaying tactics of those who opposed us failed this time

3. We stood up for MERCAZ USA’s values and our voice was heard loud and clear..

Join/Renew in USA
Join/Renew in Canada

Naomi Graetz taught English at Ben Gurion University of the Negev for 35 years. She is the author of Forty Years of Being a Feminist Jew (2018), Unlocking the Garden: A Feminist Jewish Look at the Bible, Midrash and God (Piscataway NJ: Gorgias Press, 2005), The Rabbi’s Wife Plays at Murder (Beersheva: Shiluv Press, 2004), S/He Created Them: Feminist Retellings of Biblical Stories (1993; 2003), and Silence is Deadly: Judaism Confronts Wifebeating (1998). Her book Silence is Deadly has been translated into Hebrew and will be published by Carmel Press in 2024. She teaches a variety of courses on Zoom to an international audience and is a regular blogger for the Times of Israel.

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INR of Women's League for Conservative Judaism