The Newsletter of the International Northeast Region

February 17, 2023 - 26 Shevat 5783

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From our Region President

Dear Friends,

In this week’s Parashat Mispatim (laws), God presents to the Israelites, through Moses, a wide variety of very different laws. There are laws concerning the treatment of slaves; laws distinguishing between murder and manslaughter; laws regarding punishments for kidnapping or injuring another or striking one’s parent; laws that mention offenses against others through lying, witchcraft, idolatry & oppression; and there are laws about unfair business practices and warnings to judges and witnesses about honesty and fairness in court. Additionally, there are directives to care for the distressed animals of one’s enemy; and directives concerning how we treat the poor, vulnerable and strangers among us because the Israelites “were once strangers in the land of Egypt”. Finally, the parasha presents rules for the Sabbath, sabbatical year, Pesach, Shavuot, and Sukkot.  

At the conclusion of all these laws, we read in Exodus 24:7:   

“And he [Moses] took the book of the covenant and read (all the laws) in the hearing of the people; and they said: ‘All that the Eternal has spoken we will do, and we will hear.”  


            וַיִּקַּח֙ סֵ֣פֶר הַבְּרִ֔ית וַיִּקְרָ֖א בְּאָזְנֵ֣י הָעָ֑ם וַיֹּ֣אמְר֔וּ כֹּ֛ל אֲשֶׁר־דִּבֶּ֥ר ה' נַעֲשֶׂ֥ה וְנִשְׁמָֽע׃

Na’ase V’nishma - we will do and we will hear - is a puzzling phrase.

The word Na’ase comes from the Hebrew root Oseh, meaning ‘to do’ or ‘to make’ as in ‘Oseh Shalom’ - the One who makes peace. The word ‘Nishmah’ comes from the Hebrew root ‘sh’ma’ which means ‘to hear’ - as in Sh’ma Yisrael

The rabbis debated this statement. Why, they ask, does the ‘doing’ come before the hearing? Usually, it is the reverse. Don’t we typically listen or hear instructions and then perform the action necessary? But to the rabbis, this was a statement of absolute faith in God.

The root sh’ma does not only mean to hear but it can also mean to internalize or to come to understand. Thus, perhaps one of the meanings of Na’ase V’nishma is ‘we will Do, and only then can the understanding or internalization emerge from the doing.’

Another explanation could be that the Jewish people promise first to observe the laws of the Torah, and only afterward to study these laws. In traditional Jewish culture, this statement has come to epitomize the Jewish commitment to the Torah.


In our parasha, the Israelites are saying to God that they desire to take on the laws of the Covenant and they believe that in so doing, they will find a sense of meaning, connection, and fulfillment in their lives.

This can be the case with our own lives as well. Those of us who keep Kosher find it brings a sense of connection and meaning to our lives. People who volunteer their time, find fulfillment in the act of volunteering itself. As human beings, we make meaning out of action. We grow as humans out of the understanding that we gain from the things that we do.

As members of Women’s League, we know what ‘doing’ is all about. We simply wouldn’t exist without the selfless, generous, and dedicated volunteers that make up our affiliates and sisterhoods. Let us all strive to continue with ‘strength and courage’ to look for new experiences to try and new things to learn and in so doing we can bring new meaning to those ancient words “Na’ase V’Nishma”.


Shabbat shalom,

Marilyn Cohen

Region President

Region Matters:

I would like to bring to everyone's attention to the two amazing upcoming region programs we have planned. First is our Torah Fund Event featuring Cantorial Student Josh Ehrlich on Monday evening March 30th. Next is our second program with our Israeli "Sister" Kehillot - Israel Beyond the Headlines: The Israel we don't hear about. You can find additional information and registration information for both of these events in the flyers below.

Also, I would like to draw your attention to the fabulous programing that Women's League has to offer that is advertised below including a presentation on Jews in Film by our very own Lois Silverman, The Women's League Annual Board Meeting which all members are invited to attend (but you must RSVP), and of course... the Women's League Convention!

Read about all this and more below...

Two Upcoming Region Programs:

Click Here to Donate in the US
Click Here to Register
Click Here to Donate in Canada

Click Here to Register

Our programs are a benefit of your membership in your local affiliated Sisterhood/Women's Group or as an Individual Member of Women's League for Conservative Judaism

Around our Region...

From our Torah Fund Vice President

Our 2022-2023 Chazak v'Ematz Campaign

Be Strong and Courageous

Lisa Paule, Torah Fund Director has announced that Torah Fund’s Chazak v'Ematz general campaign, as of January 17th, raised $652,708.00. What a great campaign! That is over $100,000.00 more than one year ago when on January 18, 2022, our general campaign’s total was $560,902.00, and more than $200,000.00 more than two years ago when the total was $450,461.00 as of January 6, 2021. Let’s keep the momentum going and strive to reach our goals. 

Additionally, TF ecard revenue through December 2022 is $3,875.

In the US, order your ecards here: Torah Fund eCards – Send an eCard to a loved one. (

In Canada, order your ecards here: Canadian eCards – Torah Fund eCards (

As always, paper cards are available from your local Torah Fund Chair.

After you have completed your general campaign giving for this year, please consider a donation to the special project, Creating New Spaces. It will equally fund two important projects: A “Women’s League Study Space” in the new undergraduate residence hall at The Jewish Theological Seminary, and a special course of training for rabbinical students at the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, entitled “Women’s League Institute on Gender Bias and Harassment.” Our goal is to raise $200,000.00 that will be split equally between the two projects. The Creating New Spaces campaign total is now $136,882.00, with a balance remaining of $63,118.00 to reach $200,000.00. With your help, we can reach this goal.

The Torah Fund Office encourages online contributions. Your receipt is generated instantaneously, and Torah Fund receives the funds faster. Now that we have the Canadian ecards platform, our Canadian supporters can make donations online with the purchase of a $5.00 ecard.

As you know by now, this is year is the 80th Anniversary of Torah Fund and we continue to receive many 'Plus $80.00' contributions to honor this occasion. We are compiling a list of Torah Fund donors for the 'Plus $80.00' campaign, which will be published at Convention this summer. 

With thanks to Marcia Toppall and Cathy Swerdlow for their work managing the Torah Fund Legacy Society committee and everyone's efforts, we have received 67 bequest confirmation forms. The goal is to reach 80, in honor of our anniversary. Learn more here: Torah Fund Legacy Society - Jewish Theological Seminary (

To all who have given, thank you! All donations, large and small, make a difference in the lives of our students at the five institutions of higher learning. Learn more about these schools here: Torah Fund - Jewish Theological Seminary (

Mark your calendar for March 20th for our Region’s Torah Fund program featuring Josh Ehrlich, a senior at JTS’s H.L. Miller Cantorial School. More information is available in the flyer above this message.

Questions? Comments? Contact me!

Linda Boxer

INR Torah Fund VP

From Women's League:

We continue to update our website calendar on a regular basis. If you do not find programs on this newsletter, please go to the website calendar which is updated regularly: WLCJ Website Calendar

Masorti Women's Days of Study - Wednesday, February 27 @ 10 AM ET

23rd Masorti Women's Days of Study

Inside and Out: Our Bodies, Ourselves in a Changing World:

Text, Literature, Music, and Spirituality

The three Masorti Women’s Days of Study are undertaking in the next few weeks. For more information, go to:


Donations are welcome to cover costs of lecturers.

Questions? Contact Diane:


Click HERE for Bio of Lecturers Teaching in English

Learn More & Register
English Zoom Schedule
Full Schedule (All Languages)

Click HERE for Bio of Lecturers Teaching in English

Preview of ENGLISH sessions:


February 27th


9:30 - 10:10 AM ET

Prayer psalm and song and greetings 


10:20 - 11:35 AM ET

"Be Fruitful and Multiply" –Halakhic Methods to Deal with Medical, Personal or Gender Issues.

Rabbi Diana Villa


Out of Isolation

via Guided Mikveh Immersion Visualization plus Immersion in the mikveh (optional)

Rabbi Haviva Ner David


Are Women’s Prayers Different?

Channa's prayer in Bible, Talmud and Poetry. In memory of Hava Pinchas Cohen, poetess (died 2022)

Rabbi Dr. Sigalit Ur


11:45AM - 1:00 PM ET

Jewish Women have Kept their Families Together in Difficult Times - Memoirs of Jewish Women

Dr Michal Fram Cohen


Kabbalah of the Body: Join Rabbi Sara Brandes as we explore the Kabbalist Tree of Life as an energetic map of the body

Rabbi Sara Brandes

February 27 Register

Preview of SPANISH sessions - Only Available on Monday, February 27th:


10:20-11:35 AM ET

La historia de la mujer e hijas de Lot en la literatura hebrea actual: escuchar sus voces acalladas en nuestro mundo cambiante. (Galit Hasan-Rokem; Yochi Brandes; Nurit Govrin; Rachel Elior)

Dr. Sara Strassberg Dayan


11:45a.m.-1:00 PM ET

"Sean Fecundos y Multiplíquense" – Métodos halájicos para lidiar con asuntos médicos, personales o relacionados con el género

Rabina Diana Villa

Registrese para el 27 de Febrero

WLCJ Open Board Meeting -Wednesday, March 1 @ 6 PM ET



All members in good standing are welcome to attend and hear about all our updates and exciting initiatives. All attendees will also be able to participate in our election of officers at this meeting.


Please join Women's League for Conservative Judaism on Wednesday, March 1, 2023 at 6PM EST for an open Board of Directors meeting. A RSVP is necessary to attend and obtain the Zoom meeting link. Looking forward to being with you,


Debbi Kaner Goldich

WLCJ International President


WLCJ Open Board Meeting -Wednesday, March 1 @ 6 PM ET

Where is God When We Need God Most? Comparing the Messages of the Purim and Passover Stories


Thursday, March 9 @ 8:00 PM ET


Open to Individual Members ONLY.


Please join the Individual Membership Committee of WLCJ for an evening with Rabbi Rachel Ain, Rabbi of the Sutton Place Synagogue in New York, NY.


Questions? Contact:

Individual Membership Committee:

Gail Goldfarb, or

Mimi Pollack, or

Jill Tomar,

Learn More & Register

Sisterhood Affiliates Workshop - Tuesday, March 14 @ 7:30 PM ET

Consulting Services Workshop 

presents: Hybrid Meetings— Why, When, Where... Especially How!


Are all your members ready for in-person meetings? If not, perhaps a hybrid meeting is for you. We will discuss etiquette and technical aspects of hosting a successful hybrid meeting as well as types of programs that work.


Presented by the WLCJ Consulting Services team.



Contact Renee Ravich at


Jews in Film - Monday,

March 20 @ 2 PM ET


The Jewish Connection to the Movie Musicals of the 1940s

Lois Silverman, WLCJ Communications Co-Chair


In the 1940s the creation of Hollywood musicals was led by Jewish composers, directors, and writers. The creators included legends of musical theater including: Irving Berlin, Sigmund Romberg, Jerome Kern, the Gershwin Brothers, Rodgers and Hart, and Rodgers and Hammerstein.


Explore the Jewish contribution to the movie musicals of the 1940s, a decade of vast changes in American society and movie musicals...


Sign up for Session 3; it will explore the post-war years—1946-1949:

Learn More & Register

How to Live Forever - March 23 @ 7:30 PM ET

Writing & Sharing Your Sisterhood/Region Story

We study history in order to learn from it and help make the best possible decisions in the future. Future generations will be grateful beyond measure to those who took the time to document the past and help set the stage for a successful future. Writing and sharing your history are one of the best ways your sisterhood and region can LIVE FOREVER!


This 8th session in the “How to Live Forever” series will present a Step-by-Step on how your sisterhood/region can tell its story and share its memories with past, current and future members and the community.


Join us for this workshop when Cory Schneider, Women’s League Archives Chair, presents a multitude of information and ideas on how your sisterhood/region can “live forever” by writing and sharing their history.

Learn More & Register

Recordings of past sessions are available

on the Women's League website.

Mishpachah: Going Deeper: LGBTQ+ Language & Pronouns - Sunday, April 23 @ 7:30 PM ET

Mishpachah: Exploring LGBTQ+ Identities. Building Bridges... Creating Community


Part 2 - April 23rd from 7:30-9:00 ET: Going Deeper: LGBTQ+ Language & Pronouns


This training will focus on equipping participants to be active allies to the LGBTQ+ community, specifically through language and pronoun-use. It assumes prior knowledge of the basics of LGBTQ+ identities and concepts, which will be covered in the first workshop. Rakhel Silverman (pronouns: they/them/theirs), New York Education and Training Manager, and Hannah "Hensch" Henschel, Associate Director of Education and Training (pronouns: they/them/theirs) will co-facilitate our discussion and answer our questions. 


WL Reads - Thursday,

April 27 @ 7:30 PM ET

WL Reads co-chairs Merle Carrus and Susan Farber will interview co-authors, Alyson Richmond and Shaunna Edwards about their novel, The Thread Collectors. This book will appear in stores and online in August 2022.


For images and details: Alyson Richman | Shaunna Edwards | The Thread Collectors

This novel takes us to the Civil War period and two different women’s lives. Stitchery is a common activity, as well as their concern for soldiers during this tumultuous interval. Their threadwork connects their lives in New Orleans.


Join us for an engaging virtual conversation about this novel and how these co-authors, Ms. Edwards and Ms. Richmond collaborated to create this praiseworthy novel.


Programming Idea of the Week

"Di Shvester” – The Sisters: Eleanor Reissa and Cilla Owens with the Paul Shapiro Quartet

Sunday, March 5, 2023, 3:00 PM ET


Celebrate women in Jewish and Yiddish music with Di Shvester: The Sisters. Two of New York’s finest vocalists, Eleanor Reissa and Cilla Owens, will harmonize, swing, and groove through the vast and varied world of Jewish composers, lyricists, and songstresses. Reissa and Owens have interpreted this music for decades as soloists and bring their experiences and talents together for a foot-tapping, heart-grabbing concert. This concert salutes the rich culture of Jewish women in Yiddish folk and art songs, including the Barry Sisters...


To learn more and Register for the Livestream: Click Here  $10 Livestream admission

Continue Reading & Learn More Programming Ideas of the Week

WLCJ-FJMC Inclusion Resource Book

Download the Inclusion Resource Guidebook
Learn More and Download Resources

WLCJ 5783 Calendar Diaries in Pocket & Planner Sizes

Mail-In Form for Pocket Size

Calendar Diaries are available in TWO SIZES

Pocket Size: 4x6in. Planner Size: 8.5x11in. Both available to ORDER NOW.

Learn more & Order Online
Mail-In For Planner Size

Project Stock the Shelves

Your contribution will help reduce food insecurity among our neighbors

If you’ve been shopping recently, you can’t help but notice how much the cost of food has gone up. Please consider contributing a Kosher item to your pantry collection this month.

Debbie Bettan

Social Justice Project Chair

Karen Block

Social Justice Co-Chair

Ardis Wexler

Social Justice Co-Chair

Learn More


Join the WL PrezNet

Toby Maser

PrezNet Moderator

Email Toby:

Weekly Words of Torah

Parashat MishpatimShabbat Shekalim - February 18, 2023

This Shabbat we read Parashat Mishpatim and it has a special title of being called Shabbat Shekalim, one of the special Shabbatot before the holiday of Passover. The Israelite men’s census was counted by giving half a shekel, chatzi shekel. Each man gave the same amount, no matter how rich or poor he was. Although this was not truly equal – since the women were not counted – this process was showing that no matter how wealthy one was, each person counted towards helping in the community. The message for us today is that we all can contribute to our community, and we should draw strength from this lesson, that our wealth does not matter. We truly now count equally in the Jewish community, especially since we live in an egalitarian society. Chazak v’Ematz – Be Strong and Courageous!

More Weekly Words of Torah

Makom B'Yachad

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday

12PM ET; 11AM CT; 9AM PT; 10AM MT

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 630 830 287

Password: 875936


Special Program during Makom B'Yachad:

Wednesday, February 22 - Rosh Chodesh

Want to sing, teach, help with technology, and more during Daily Psalm Study, and Kaddish?

Sign Up

WLCJ Convention 2023 Highlights

WLCJ 2023 Convention Social Action Project: Our Shifrah and Puah Project - GIVING THE GIFT OF A HEALTHY BIRTH

In Parashat Shemot, Exodus 1:1–6:1, is the story of Pharaoh, who enslaves the Jews in Egypt and orders the midwives, SHIFRAH AND PUAH to kill all Jewish babies. Pharaoh fearing the Jews will outnumber the Egyptians, commands his people to cast the Jewish babies into the Nile River. This forced Yocheved and Amram to place their baby in a basket in the Nile River. Moses, as he became known, becomes the future leader of the Jewish people and the rest is history.


The WLCJ Convention 2023 Social Action Project - GIVING THE GIFT OF A HEALTHY BIRTH, is a project to support the Shifrah and Puah Maternity Center in Mbale, Uganda. This project exemplifies what it is to give the Gift of a Healthy Birth.

The Shifrah and Puah Maternity Center in Uganda births many Jewish babies each year. To enable this to continue our Social Action Project will raise money and help offset their expenses. As more babies are being born there, the need becomes even more apparent.


To initiate your support, we are designing a very easy way for you to help. There are many costs that need to be covered at the Shifrah and Puah Maternity Center. With your donation of:

  • $18.00, you can cover a woman’s cost to get an ultrasound during her pregnancy and to have her baby delivered at the Center.
  • $36.00, you can cover the costs of the sanitary napkins necessary after each delivery for an entire MONTH.
  • $72.00, you can cover the costs of the laundry service to keep the sheets, towels and gowns clean for each delivery for an entire MONTH
  • $108.00, you can cover the MONTHLY costs of supplying each mother with three sets of baby outfits and one blanket; otherwise, they only have rags to wrap their baby in.

These are just a few examples of what we can do with your donations. With your donation, whatever the amount, you will help greatly.

Please Donate Today

Look for more information to come and more ways to help our Convention 2023 Shifrah and Puah Maternity Center Project. Have a wonderful Shabbat and realize how important “GIVING THE GIFT OF A HEALTHY BIRTH” can be to help those who need our help. The help we can give is truly of life-saving value.


Todah Rabah,

Shabbat Shalom                    

Ellen & Randy

Ellen Grossman

WLCJ 2023 Convention 2023 Social Action Project Co-Chair

Randy Schwartz

WLCJ 2023 Convention 2023 Social Action Project Co-Chair

Jewels in the Crown Returns to Convention 2023

Deadline to Apply - Fast Approaching!

March 2nd will be here before you know it! Put together your Jewels In The Crown application and send it in. For more information email:

Download PDF Fillable Application

Application online version was created on Google Forms as an alternative.

Download WORD version Application

Jewels in the Crown is an opportunity for your Sisterhood to be honored for exceptional programming and participation. See below for information and application. *NEW* more options to fill out the application.

Fill Out Application Online

Ongoing WLCJ Happenings

The cost for the weekly questions email and hard-cover book is currently $99. For more information and to receive a $10 discount click below:

Women's League for Conservative Judaism gets a donation by using the link.

Learn More

Cory Schneider

Archives Chair & Consultant

Past International President

Administrator, Torah Fund Legacy Society


We brought back the WLCJ App.

It's available for download on all devices (iPhone/iPad/Google Play/Android).

WLCJ Website

The Women's League website now is available in all languages.


Visit our website:

Visit Us

Upcoming Sisterhood/Region Calendar Events & WL Groups to Join

Florida Region

Book Club:

Human Blues by Elisa Albert

Virtual Event

Wednesday, February 22nd

@ 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM ET

Zoom Information:

Meeting ID: 878 3781 1703, Passcode: 172777

Join Zoom

BQLI Region

The Surprisingly Optimistic Current State

of Small Business

Virtual Event

Thursday, February 23rd

@ 7:30 PM ET

For more information/to Register


Seaborad Region

Remembering the Holocaust through the Lens of Music, Art and Literature

Virtual Event

Sunday, March 12th

@ 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM ET

For more information/to Register:



Want to join WLCJNet?

Contact Sherry Lynn Rubin,

Sisterhood Net Chair

Email Sherry Lynn

American Mothers of Olim GoogleGroup

Contact Ellie Kremer,

the WLCJ Israel Committee Chair

by text or email:

Email Ellie

More Sisterhood and / or Region programs

(in-person and virtual)available on:

WLCJ Calendar

Previous WLCJ Programming

Weren't able to join us? Visit our Youtube Channel for more videos. View our past recordings.

Visit Youtube

News from Seminaries WLCJ Supports

Author Conversations from the Library; Aggadah vs. Halakhah; The Jews of Renaissance Italy; and More

Learn More

This Week: Take a Tour of Ancient Caesarea, Israel

Learn More

Schechter's Ongoing Hybrid and Zoom Courses in Jewish Literature, Philosophy, Art and History

Learn More

Torah Fund

New Digital Torah Fund eCards Available NOW:

Send a greeting with ecards and support Torah Fund! Make your gift more meaningful by using our ecards for every occasion!

Torah Fund eCards in USA
Torah Fund eCards in CANADA

Dear Torah Fund Leadership Team,


During this 80th anniversary year for Torah Fund, all $80+ donations will be reported and recognized by the Torah Fund office. Please share with us any 80th anniversary events happening in your Region or sisterhood. Also, we would appreciate it if you would forward any invitations, flyers or articles to us so we can share the updates.

Margie and Rita

Co-chairs of the Torah Fund’s 80th anniversary

Margie Miller              Rita Wertlieb

Women of the Wall

All prices include regular shipping (with tracking, 2-4 weeks). Express shipping costs an extra $20 per item.

Order Online

Additional Opportunities

This summer, the Supreme Court decision to reverse Roe v. Wade paved the way for states across the nation to pursue abortion bans and restrictions on birth control and fertility treatments.

But reproductive freedom is a Jewish value, and we’re not going to back down.

Keep the momentum going with us, and bring Repro Shabbat to your community this February 17-18, 2023.

Sign up now and be among the first to receive resources for your Repro Shabbat event!

Repro Shabbat Resource Page
Host as an Organization
Host as an Individual


February 21, 2023 (90 Minutes)

11:00 AM PT | 12:00 PM MT | 1:00 PM CT | 2:00 PM ET



February 28, 2023 (90 Minutes)

11:00 AM PT | 12:00 PM MT | 1:00 PM CT | 2:00 PM ET



March 9, 2023 (90 Minutes)

10:00 AM PT | 11:00 PM MT | 12:00 PM CT | 1:00 PM ET



March 16, 2023 (60 Minutes)

10:00 AM PT | 11:00 PM MT | 12:00 PM CT | 1:00 PM ET


"Ramah and USY to Résumé"

Workshop, February 23 at 7:00 PM ET

This workshop will provide tips on creating a standout résumé, including how to highlight Ramah and USY leadership experience. This event is co-hosted by Reshet Ramah and USY Alumni.


Ellen Cohen is the Senior Director of Academic Operations for the Pediatric Cancer Data Commons and Executive Director of the Center for Health and the Social Sciences where she directs the science, strategy, financial management, training, and educational development initiatives.


Ellen has spent the past 10 years at Ramah Wisconsin working with staff members to present their professional skills from camp on résumés and in other professional settings. Ellen’s father-in-law, Burt Cohen, was the director of Camp Ramah in Wisconsin from 1960 to 1974, and served as National Ramah Director from 1974 to 1989.


For the past six years, Keshet and USCJ have worked together to deliver Keshet's Shivyon Project cohort for USCJ-affiliated synagogues.  On February 28, we will be launching our cohort for 2023. I'd love to see if the Women's League would be able to promote this opportunity within the network and I've asked Jakie and Rakhel to promote this opportunity in the session on February 9. 


Below is more information about the cohort which you can feel free to circulate to the Women's League network:


Keshet, in partnership with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism (USCJ), is launching the Shivyon Project cohort for USCJ-affiliated synagogues on February 28! The Shivyon project is a year-long cohort-based opportunity for synagogues that want to focus on creating organizational change in order to better support LGBTQ+ community members and staff. When synagogue's up for Shivyon, they will gain access to in-depth education, practical training, coaching, skills, and knowledge to spark long-lasting change from congregational policies to the individual experiences of your community’s participants and staff. Check out Keshet's website to learn more and sign up.


If you have questions, please ask Fran Hildebrandt,

Shabbat Across America and Canada - Friday night, March 3, 2023

The original unity Shabbat program, Shabbat Across America and Canada (SAA/C) is a community-based program that encourages synagogues, Jewish centers and their members to invite their friends, neighbors and co-workers to participate in a joyous Shabbat meal and experience.


Since its inception, SAA/C has attracted over 

1.1 million participants across North America and beyond.  

NJOP looks forward to helping you bring the gift of Shabbat to the people in your community. In joining SAA/C, you will be a participant in the biggest, boldest, continent-wide event unifying Jewish communities across North America. 


We look forward to your participation. 


Larry Greenman--Assistant Director

Florence Wiener--Hebrew Reading Specialist

Shifra Caruso--Regional Program Coordinator

Click HERE for more information and to REGISTER

The Nefesh B’Nefesh JNF 2022-2023 Ma'alot Grant Program

Go to this LINK for the Ma'alot Grant information. It has details about the application plus a special offer from Rabbi Paul Freedman. He will be delighted to call you if you wish more information.


Is your synagogue considering a Mission to Israel in 2022 or 2023?

Our colleague, Rabbi Paul Freedman ( can offer resources including offers from Masorti Movement, Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center, and Nefesh B’Nefesh with its new Campus (located in the Kiryat Leumi, next to the Jerusalem Supreme Court). Some suggestions translate into budgetary reductions for your Mission especially with the NBN Campus.

New format for our EMagazine - Today’s Israel

Our EMagazine Today’s Israel, has a new format with fewer articles and an emphasis on photos. In this first issue there are three examples describing what Rabbi Paul’s partners, Nefesh B’Nefesh, Masorti and JNF are doing. Without their support, none of the above would be possible. We need your input with suggestions for future issues. Here is the Link. 

Save the Date: September 10, 2023

6th Annual Reverse Tashlich


Add the largest Jewish Community Waterfront Cleanup to your 2023 programming. Register as a community or individual to stay up to date!


Introducing: The Repair the Sea App: Click HERE to Watch Video


Join our international community virtually on the Repair the Sea app.

Sign Up

Don’t miss this new website – – where people like you can share personal and meaningful Jewish wisdom and reflection in addition to insight on practical living through the lens of Conservative/Masorti Judaism. is a digital home for the Torah of Conservative/Masorti Judaism. While the name of this stream of Judaism was born well over a century ago, in the contemporary world Conservative Judaism is expressed through connection, community, and the creation of meaning.  This lens on Judaism is rooted in the idea that Judaism grows with us, that we’re guided by process, and that there is beauty in the balance.


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Join/Renew in Canada

Valley Beit Midrash

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INR of Women's League for Conservative Judaism