The Newsletter of the International Northeast Region
February 2, 2024 - 23 Shevat 5784
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As members of a WLCJ affiliated sisterhood or as a WLCJ Individual Member, you also belong to the International Northeast Region (INR) of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism and we are happy to be able to send you our bi-weekly region newsletter we call “Chai Lines”! Please read and enjoy!
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From our Guest Contributor
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Dear Friends,
This week’s Torah portion Yitro, deals with the Ten Commandments and the implications of these laws of life.
It started me thinking about the rules we live by and how we should conduct ourselves.
It is the beginning of the secular new year so this is our chance to rethink our actions. For me personally, I no longer make New Year's resolutions as these have proven to be lofty and unattainable and therefore broken very soon after having been formulated.
What I like to do and encourage my family to do is to look at the new year as an opportunity to reflect on the past year and see if we can improve things this year. Are there more mitzvot that I can do? Is there someone who is hungry or lonely and needs my help? Perhaps there is someone who I need to forgive.
I believe it gives us the opportunity to look around us and take note of all that we have and thank Hashem for our good fortune. I love to sit under a tree or in Nature somewhere and appreciate our earth and all we take from it.
Look at it as a time to think about your Sisterhood and think about ways to contribute more. Let's think about why this would be important.
Just as Moses realized that he needed help and thus appointed Aaron, we as leaders need to realize that we may need help and can delegate. A task shared is a task halved! This also gives us an opportunity to recognize potential leaders within the Affiliate.
So, as we reflect on last year. let us move forward and by so doing uphold the values of our sacred laws.
Corinne Hammerschlag
INR Region Membership Vice President
Thank you to all affiliates who have already sent in their Per Capita Dues to the Women’s League office. If your President or Treasurer has not yet sent it in, please do so as soon as possible. Your Per Capita dues allow Women’s League to offer wonderful programs, learning opportunities, ideas for your sisterhoods and complementary assistance for any potential challenges your sisterhood may face, through the WLCJ Consulting Services. Only paid-up members of affiliated sisterhoods who have paid their Per Capita dues, as well as Individual Members of WLCJ, may register for these amazing programs. That is why it is so important that each affiliate keep their members’ contact information up-to-date on the WLCJ Data Base. We want to ensure that each and every member is listed to allow her to register for programs.
Calling ALL INR members to our SPRING CONFERENCE on May 5th & 6th, 2024 in Toronto, hosted by Beth Tikvah Women. It is the first time in five years that we are having our Conference IN PERSON! Having attended the Women’s League Convention last summer, I experienced the joy of being together with other women who shared my Jewish values and cared about our future. We want to extend this same feeling to all those who will be attending our Region Conference. Give yourself the gift of Spring Conference and join us in May. You will be so happy you did!
I am also thrilled that the WLCJ film series is back by popular demand! The programs which we have so enjoyed in the past, are all written and narrated by Lois Silverman, a long-standing and devoted member of INR. The second presentation, titled The Jewish Masters of the Movie Musicals, will take place on Monday, February 19, 2024 at 3:00 pm. Refer to the WL flyer in the newsletter below where you can REGISTER for the program.
Marilyn Cohen
Region President
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INR Region 2024 - 2026 Proposed Slate of Officers | |
On behalf of the Nominating Committee, I am pleased to present the slate of officers for the term beginning July 1, 2024 and ending on June 30, 2026.
Position123123123123123123123123 Nominee
PresidentxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxLinda Boxer - Women's Network of Temple Beth Tzedek
123123123123123123123123123123123Williamsville, New York
Torah Fund Vice President123123123123Adele Weinstein - Beth Tikvah Women
123123123123123123123123123123123Toronto, Ontario
Education/Programming Vice President1.Trudy Sassoon - Beth Tikvah Women
123123123123123123123123123123123Toronto, Ontario
Membership Vice President12312312111.Gail Finkelstein - Temple Beth El
123123123123123123123123123111312 Rochester, New York
Communications Vice President12312312Joan Lowenstein - Temple Adath Yeshurun
1231231231231231231231231231231111Syracuse, New York
Administrative Secretary12312312312312Carole Burke - Shaare Zedek
123123123123123123123123123123123Montreal, Quebec
Canadian Treasurer12312312312312312.Rivy Blass - Beth Tikvah Women
123123123123123123123123123123123.Toronto, Ontario
US Treasurer12312312312312312312312Toby Maser - Temple Beth Joseph
1231231231231231231231231231231233Herkimer, New York
Past President1231231231231231231231Marilyn Cohen - Beth Tikvah Women
123123123123123123123123123123123.Toronto, Ontario
Region Representatives12312312312312.Adele Weinstein - Beth Tikvah Women
to the WLCJ Board:123123123123123121Toronto, Ontario
1231231231231231231231231231231231Iris "Rusty" Zackheim
1231231231231231231231231231231231Women's Network of Temple Beth Tzedek
1231231231231231231231231231231231Buffalo, NY
As per our bylaws, the slate is being presented 90 days (February 5, 2024) prior to the election, which will be held at our Spring Conference on May 5-6, 2024. Our bylaws outline the procedure for any additional nominees to be submitted as follows:
Article IX, Section 3B:
Additional nominations may be made 45 days (March 21, 2024) prior to the region conference at which elections take place by petition signed by the representatives of at least 3 affiliates within the region, together with the written consent of the nominee, submitted to the region nominating committee.
Article IX , Section 3C:
Upon expiration of the final date for additional nominations, where no additional nominations are presented, the slate of the nominating committee shall become the electoral ballot.
Should additional nominations be received, our bylaws state:
Article IX, Section 3D:
The slate of the region nominating committee plus the nominations by petition shall be in the hands of the affiliate boards of directors at least one month (April 5, 2024) before election at region conference. The names shall be listed alphabetically for each office if there is more than one candidate.
Thank you to the Nominating Committee.
Joan Lowenstein,
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Beth David Women - Toronto | |
From our Torah Fund Vice President | |
Our 2023-2024
Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Ba’Zeh
All the people of Israel are responsible for one another
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Wow, just wow. Arlene Laut of Temple Adath Yeshurun in Syracuse, NY, Sharon Jacobs of Women's Network of Temple Beth Tzedek in Buffalo, NY, Adele Weinstein of Beth Tikvah Women in Toronto, ON. and I (also of Women's Network of Temple Beth Tzedek in Buffalo, NY) were the four members of INR at WLCJ’s Leadership Institute in Boca Raton, Florida this past Sunday through Tuesday. (See photo below) I had some trepidation about going. Now? Really? I’ve been doing this volunteer stuff for so long…but Marilyn Cohen, Joan Lowenstein, Linda Steinhorn, and Rusty Zackheim, all of whom have served as Presidents of this region, encouraged me to go; so I signed up. | |
Departure day did not start well. My cell phone did not charge overnight. The flight was delayed 45 minutes. But I got there safely and was greeted with hugs from those of my fellow Torah Fund Vice Presidents who were also attending, hugs from Rabbi Ellen Wolintz-Fields, WLCJ Executive Director, Julia Loeb, WLCJ International President, Carol Simon, Past International President and Debbie Lempert & Ilene Rubin – the organizers.
Wow. Just wow. I was expected. I was embraced. I was there. My head is still spinning, as I try to organize my thoughts about all I learned, observed, and shared. The one point that I cannot stress enough is that in Women’s League we are never alone. We have our WLCJ sisters to stand with us and help us on our journey as Jewish women and as leaders. We can do this. One step at a time, we can do it.
At the conference of about 30 women, everyone wore their Torah Fund pins. Everyone understands the need to support the future rabbis, cantors, scholars, and educators who benefit from our Torah Fund dollars. No amount is too big, and no amount is too small; together we make a difference for the future of Conservative/Masorti Judaism around the world. Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Ba’Zeh – all Israel is responsible for one another. For your donations, thank you, merci, todah rabah.
The Creating New Spaces campaign continues until it reaches its goal of $200,000. We are getting so close. Can we do it this fiscal year? With your help, we can. Once you’ve completed your Torah Fund pledge for this year’s Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Ba’Zeh campaign, please considers an additional amount for Spaces. This special project will equally fund two important projects: A “Women’s League Study Space” in the new undergraduate residence hall at The Jewish Theological Seminary, and a special course of training for rabbinical students at the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, entitled “Women’s League Institute on Gender Bias and Harassment.”
Don’t forget about Torah Fund Legacy Society. Four years ago, the Torah Fund Legacy Society was established for donors to make planned gifts to benefit Torah Fund. There are different options. You simply designate Torah Fund as a beneficiary of a financial instrument such as an IRA, life insurance policy, pension fund, bank certificate of deposit, or Israel Bond. Or you can make a bequest from your will or trust. Please choose the best method in consultation with your financial advisor or attorney. There is no minimum or maximum donation amount required, nor do you need to state a dollar value unless you would like to do so. Once you have designated a legacy gift for Torah Fund, we ask you to complete the Bequest Confirmation Form. You then receive a beautiful charm with the word ‘Atid’ (‘Future’) in Hebrew, to affix to your Torah Fund pin. Please let me know when you would like to be contacted by a Torah Fund Legacy representative. Thank you for helping ensure the future of the Jewish people through your long-term support of Torah Fund.
Torah Fund cards are available for all occasions. There are new e-cards on the Torah Fund website, and their purchase is credited to your own affiliate and applied toward goals. To purchase Toah Fund ecards, please use these links:
US page:
Canadian page:
Remember to use the link from your country, not the recipient’s country.
Paper cards are available from your local Torah Fund Chair.
Please note that it is from that Canadian link that you can make additional donations to Torah Fund, after first purchasing an ecard.
In the United States, to make a donation, the link is: Donate to Torah Fund (
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Week At A Glance
This week at Women's League:
- Read about the Holocaust Remembrance at United Nations on January 26, 2024
- Tues January 30, Weds January 31 & Fri February 2, 2024 - Join us on Makom B'Yachad on Zoom
- Wednesday, January 31, 2024 - Join us for Special Programming for WLCJ Individual Members
- Thursday, February 1, 2024 - Join us for a WL Resolutions Comments Zoom Meeting
- Saturday, February 3, 2024 - Read up on WWOT: Parashat Yitro
- Monday, February 5, 2024 - Join us for WL Kehilah - Turning Your Memories into Treasured Stories
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Holocaust Remembrance at the United Nations | |
UN Photo/Manuel Elías | Prayers and a moment of silence at the United Nations observance of the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust.
On January 26th a Women’s League group attended the Holocaust Remembrance ceremony at the United Nations. This is an observance that has been mandated by the United Nations since 2005.
We heard from the traditional United Nations leadership: UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, and President of the UN General Assembly Dennis Francis. They spoke of the importance of recognizing the victims and survivors of the Holocaust, and condemning all crimes against humanity. US Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism Diane Lipstadt, also spoke.
It was when Gilad Erdan, Permanent Representative of Israel to the UN spoke, we heard the truth spoken loud and clear, and I quote, “We have been persecuted for millennia. Hitler seared the meaning of genocide into our DNA. But, on October 7th, Hamas tore open the wound,” patting a yellow star, a badge the Nazi regime forced Jewish people to wear, affixed to his lapel. “On International Holocaust Remembrance Day I stand here, in the name of the State of Israel, in the name of those murdered by the Nazis and Hamas, and I swear, we will not forget. Never again is now.” He received a standing ovation.
We also heard from Christian Pfeil, who flew in from Germany to share his story of the persecution of the Roma and Sinti peoples in Poland; and sisters Edith Tennenbaum Shapiro and Selma Tennenbaum Rossen, Holocaust survivors from Poland. Music included a piece about the Roma, and violinist Doori Na who accompanied the stories of the sisters. The ceremony was concluded when Cantor Daniel Singer recited the traditional memorial prayer, “El Moleh Rachamin.”
It was a moving and inspiring experience. There are many reasons to be critical of the United Nations at this time. It was encouraging to see the ongoing dedication to remembering the reality of the Holocaust and renewing the commitment of “Never Again.”
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Women's League for Conservative Judaism sponsors Mothers of Olim, a group founded prior to the emergence of Zoom. Initially the members helped each other ship packages to their children who had made Aliyah, immigrated to Israel. With the dawn of Covid and Zoom, Mothers of Olim became a lifeline to women around the globe when we weren't permitted to visit our loved ones. We met online once a month, supported each other emotionally, and shared news and events. When travel resumed, we continued to Zoom to discuss pertinent topics. When the war broke out, we needed to vent and share.
Our monthly discussions include guest speakers, virtual tours with tour guides and topics such as volunteer opportunities, banking, retirement communities, Aliyah, health care, challenges of purchasing property in Israel, challenges faced in Israel, and of course our children and grandchildren. Between our monthly Zooms, we send emails to each other to share what is occurring and seek advice. Members have had the opportunity to meet one another in person when attending conferences and conventions, or when visiting cities around North America and Israel.
This group has made a major impact on the lives of women who miss being with our families. And now this group holds us together during this dangerous war. I found out about this group prior to Covid and have been grateful for the support and friendships the group provided me. Recently a fellow member helped me ship a suitcase to my children. I went from being an active member to taking on a National Board position as Chair of this rewarding group.
If you have a child or grandchild who made Aliyah, please join our group. It is so comforting to care and share with other women who walk in the same shoes. You are very welcome to join us on our next Zoom, Feb. 11 at 12:30 p.m., EST.
Please contact Renee Seal for further information and Zoom link,
We look forward to "meeting" you.
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Special Programming for WLCJ Individual Members | |
Wednesday, January 31, 2024
7:30 PM ET
Let's Talk! WLCJ Individual Members' Virtual Meeting
The first in a series of virtual events to create connections.
Open to Individual Members ONLY.
Questions? Contact:
WLCJ Membership Chair:
Doreen Bornfreund,
Individual Membership Co-Chairs:
Susan Farber, or
Vivian Leber,
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This will be a participatory event: We'll each introduce ourselves and "break the ice" by answering a friendly question in a few words.
WLCJ leaders will bring you news, note upcoming events, and answer questions.
We further invite you to a conversation as we share our own personal journeys to becoming aware and focused on the environment, as reflected in our evolving personal habits, Jewish festival practices, and the other routines of our lives. Please share your thoughts to help make this an engaging conversation among Jewish women.
Future virtual meetings will keep the conversation going, as Individual Members build connections with one another. Bring your ideas about topics that interest you.
If you have already registered, thank you. If not, we welcome you to register today!
| Thank you for being a WLCJ Individual Member. If you haven't yet renewed for the 2023-2024 year, you'll be prompted to do so as you register for this event. | |
Women's League Resolutions | |
The Resolutions and Public Policy Committee presents the Resolution on Criminal Justice Reform for review. |
Resolutions… We make them for the High Holy Days and for the secular New Year: some of us even keep them! But now is the time to think about different types of resolutions, the ones drafted throughout the year by the Women’s League Resolutions and Public Policy Committee.
Our committee has a twofold purpose: a) to let members express their views on public policies and social action of the day, and b) to show a historical record of contemporary issues that are important to Women’s League members in the US, Canada and Israel.
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The newest resolution, Criminal Justice Reform, is available for you to read. It will be up for a vote by the WLCJ membership soon. So, please take time to read it carefully, and then submit your comments by January 17. |
To read the Criminal Justice Reform resolution, click HERE.
To read a list of steps on how a resolution is created, click HERE.
Comments Zoom is open to all members. Come discuss your ideas about the resolution on:
Thursday, February 1, 2024
8:00 PM ET
Laurie Silverblatt, Chair
WLCJ Resolutions and Public Policy Committee
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WL Kehilah: Turning YOUR Memories into Treasured STORIES | |
Monday, February 5, 2024
7:30 PM ET
“Inside each of us is a natural-born storyteller, waiting to be released.” (Robin Moore) Join us when award winning storyteller, author, and teaching artist Judy Sima teaches us how to unleash our natural born storytelling skills. Some consider her to be the “Pied Piper of Storytelling in Metro Detroit”. Other people call her the “Fairy Godmother of Storytelling.” In this highly interactive, fun filled 90-minute workshop, Judy will gently guide participants through a series of exercises to help bring cherished memories to life and capture family or personal stories before they disappear.
Beginning with a list of memory joggers and an imaginary “snapshot,” participants work with partners to create stories to share with family, grandkids or as a springboard for writing their memoirs. A list of story starters and materials supply list will be provided when you register.
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Click on Judy’s picture for more information about her. |
Fran Hildebrandt
WL Kehilah Co-Chair
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WL Kehilah: Sisters in Faith: Advocating for Civil Rights | |
Thursday, February 8, 2024
7:30 PM ET
Sisters in Faith: Advocating for Civil Rights
“Even in the civil rights movement, there were so many unbelievable women. They never, ever received the credit that they should have received. They did all of the, and I cannot say it, they did all of the dirty work. Hard work.” — John Lewis
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Who were those sisters in faith? What was their involvement in the Civil Rights Movement? Please join us on Thursday, February 8th, as we explore the activism of women during the 50s and 1960s as they worked toward a shared goal of equality. Explore with us the effect/s of Jewish and Black women activists of the movement then and now.
This is the third of four programs in a series that has been examining in depth the Civil Rights Movement. Each program is a standalone program which can be attended individually or as part of the series.
At the end of the series Women’s League will sponsor the trip Voices of Change: A WLCJ Civil Rights Pilgrimage. ALL WLCJ members are invited to attend these programs, regardless of whether they intend to participate in the trip.
Fran Hildebrandt
WL Kehilah Co-Chair
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Sunday, February 11, 2024
1:00 PM ET
Please join us to our next WL Reads selection, “The Choice” by Maggie Anton.
A powerful love story with a purpose: to challenge Jewish customs concerning women, marriage, and equality.
The award-winning author of "Rashi's Daughters", Maggie Anton, has written a wholly transformative novel that takes characters inspired by Chaim Potok and ages them into young adults in Brooklyn in the 1950s — a time of Elvis and Marilyn, communist scares and polio vaccines, postwar Jewish migration to Israel and America.
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When journalist Hannah Eisin interviews Rabbi Nathan Mandel, a controversial Talmud professor, she persuades him to teach her the mysteries of the text forbidden to women though it might cost him his job if discovered. Secret meetings and lively discussions bring the two to the edge of a line neither dares to cross, testing their relationships with Judaism and each other.
Karen Block
WL Reads Chair
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The Theme for World Wide Wrap 2024 is "Wrap for Israel"
Wrapping Tefillin
in Solidarity with Israel
Reach out to all club members and congregants. Encourage them to wrap tefillin in solidarity with the IDF soldiers and hostages who are unable to wrap themselves.
This can be done by individuals or in groups. Please photograph the event and post your group photos and/or selfies on Facebook by tagging FJMC_hq.
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If you need assistance posting your photos on Facebook, please reach out to Lisa Pollack at |
Here's a checklist of some action items clubs should now be addressing.
1. Register on website.
Be one of the top 50 and register now!
Remember, you must register your club to qualify for a Quality Club Award.
2. Have a Plan for your Club's Wrap programming incorporating this year's theme, "Wrap for Israel" including the solidarity wrap initiative.
3. Send out publicity now.
Save the Date: Sunday, February 11, 2024.
Thank you.
Len Abrams
2024 World Wide Wrap Chair
Bill Becker
2024 World Wide Wrap Co-Chair
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Spring 2024 - WLCJ Classes: Learn Hebrew and Read from the Praybook | |
Are you interested in:
• Learning or reviewing the Hebrew alphabet and communal prayers?
• Expanding your Jewish literacy skills, confidence, and sense of connection with Judaism?
| Sunday evening Beginner Classes are back! | |
In the Level 1, students will learn to recognize the letters and vowels of the aleph bet and read basic words in the Siddur. Each student will be provided a virtual copy of Shalom Aleichem, by Noah Golinkin, for use in the class.
In the Level 2, students will improve and refine their Hebrew reading skills.
To be in the Level 3, students should be proficient at reading, sounding out few words.
Rachel Ferber
Hebrew Course Chair
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WL Jews in Performing Arts | |
Back by popular demand
BEFORE CAMELOT—Jews and the Musicals of the 1950s
The 1950s was a time of challenges for the American film industry. The musical helped save the industry, and many Jews were part of the creation of these wonderful films.
This course will investigate the great movie musical of the 1950s created by Jewish composers, lyrists, directors, and producers. Using film clips and discussions, the legacy of these great American movies will be explored.
Registration is open to WL members, in North America, you must log in to register for each class session. If you need assistance, please contact the office (405) 870-1260.
This course will be comprised of three stand-alone sessions:
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This course will be comprised of three stand-alone sessions (Class 1 was presented Jan 22, recording will be available next week):
Monday, February 19, 2024
3:00 PM ET
Class Two: The Jewish Masters of the Movie Musicals: Rodgers and Hammerstein, Lerner and Loewe, Frank Loesser, Comden and Green, and Adler and Ross
Monday, March 18, 2024
3:00 PM ET
Class Three: The Jewish Producers, Directors, and Composers Behind Kiss Me Kate, High Society, Anything Goes, Kismet, and Summer Stock
Registration is open to International Sisters, outside of North America, you must register for one or all three sessions through here:
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WL Keruv: Engaging with Our Interfaith Families | |
Monday, February 19, 2024
7:30 PM ET
How can we truly include and embrace all diverse Jewish families? How might we move from “warm and welcoming” to full loving, celebratory acceptance?
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Dr. Keren McGinity, USCJ’s Interfaith Specialist, and Rabbi Chaya Bender of B’nai Israel Congregation in Wilmington, NC, a past participant in the RA/USCJ Rimonim for Rabbis, will share a new narrative about intermarriage as an opportunity. We will learn ways to make Conservative Jewish spaces inviting for all families.
Interfaith inclusion will be the focus of two Keruv programs this year. The first session is offered on Monday, February 19, 2024, at 7:30 pm ET. The second one is scheduled for Thursday, March 28, 2024.
Ariana Burrows
WL Keruv Co-Chair
Ellie Kremer
Tel. (610) 724-6612
WL Keruv Co-Chair
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Sunday, February 25, 2024
5:00 PM ET
Climate Change
What? Why? How?
Please join us as we uncover and discuss all the aspects of climate change with our panel of experts.
Heddy Belman
WL Sustainability Co-Chair
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Mirele Goldsmith, Ph.D. is an environmental psychologist, educator and activist. She is making a difference on Capitol Hill with United States Vice President Kamala Harris. Mirele is founder and co-chair of Jewish Earth Alliance.
Mark Elliot, was Meteorologist with the Weather Channel for almost 20 years, since 2004 and now is the Chief Meteorologist for AT&T. Mark is also known by his real name at AT&T as Mark (Elliot) Papier.
Dr. Thea Iberall from Jewish Climate Action Network (JCAN) has been around for ten years working through education, activism, and organizing to add an urgent and visionary Jewish voice to the climate crisis. We are connected to dozens of climate organizations as we specifically help congregants of Jewish communities to effect change by decreasing their carbon footprint, learn about climate advocacy, and get support for spiritual resilience in these times of anxiety.
Corinne Hammerschlag
WL Sustainability Co-Chair
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WL Personal Conversations | |
Thursday, February 29, 2024
7:30 PM ET
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The discussion continues with Rabbi Rebecca Dubowe, the first female deaf Rabbi to be ordained in the world.
"I heard God's call"
Learn what Women's League, our Sisterhood affiliates, and our congregations can do to raise awareness for inclusion of the deaf and hard-of-hearing community.
This is Part II of a two-part series. You need not have attended Part I to join. Please submit your questions or personal stories to our co-chairs listed below.
Grace Schlesser
WL Personal Conversations Co-Chair
Jani Majewski
WL Personal Conversations Co-Chair
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For the past 80-plus years, the Torah Fund Campaign of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, the dedicated philanthropy of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, has been supporting scholarships and programs in the worldwide Conservative/Masorti institutes of higher Jewish learning, The Jewish Theological Seminary in New York, Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies in Los Angeles, Schechter Institutes of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem, Seminario Rabinico Latinoamericano in Buenos Aires, and Zacharias Frankel College in Potsdam.
The 2023-2024 / 5784 Torah Fund General Campaign is Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Ba’Zeh, All the people of Israel are responsible for one another. Arevut, responsibility, will be visible on our new, silver heart-shaped charm which can be worn as a pendant or pin.
The WWOT, the Weekly Words of Torah, each week through the end of June 2024, will delve into the idea of arevut, responsibility.
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Parashat Yitro Exodus 18:1-20:23
February 3, 2024
This week’s parashah is well-known for including the first telling of the encounter between Israel and God at Sinai and the giving of the Ten Commandments. But it is the first story in the parashah, that gives it its name. Moses is visited by his father-in-law Jethro (Yitro), who comes bringing Moses’ wife and their two sons, to reunite the family. Jethro, the non-Jewish priest of Midian, offers praise for all that God has done for Israel. Then he offers some fatherly advice, after observing Moses sitting and rendering judgements for the people literally all day long, from morning to evening. Realizing that this is too much for Moses to handle alone, Jethro suggests that he find men to assist him, whom he can set up as judges of thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tens; these men will judge the smaller cases, freeing Moses to handle only the most serious ones, thus keeping him from burning out. Moses heeds the wise advice he receives from possibly the only father figure he has ever known, having been separated from his birth parents and then rejected by his Egyptian grandfather, Pharaoh, who sought to kill him. Some scholars believe that Jethro actually converted to Judaism, others are not so sure. Whether he did or didn’t, he shows a genuine concern for his son-in-law’s welfare. His sage advice benefits both Moses and the entire nation, resulting in the formation of the first tiered judicial system.
Sometimes the advice that we need to hear comes from those from whom we would least expect it. When it does, our hearts must be open to receive it.
Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Ba’Zeh - All the people of Israel are responsible for one another.
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WL Fundraising Opportunity | |
Many of you have already purchased and are enjoying my book, "Hindsight is 2020: Torah Lessons from a Turbulent Time." Now you can share it with your friends and benefit Women’s League at the same time.
Order one for yourself if you don’t yet have a copy!
Order books to give as gifts!
Order books to sell in your Judaica shop!
For every copy ordered by a WLCJ member or affiliate, I will donate 50% of the net proceeds to Women’s League.
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Want an idea for a program for your membership?
I can do a Zoom book talk, where I discuss what motivated me to write this book, what the experience of writing it was like, and how the lessons from 2020 are still relevant today. As long as 10 or more books are purchased, there is no cost to your affiliate. The 50% proceeds will go to your Sisterhood or WLCJ—your choice.
Books can be purchased from my website:
Order Form | My Site (
Questions? Email me at
(Unfortunately, due to the high cost of mailing books internationally, this offer can only be honored in the United States. Those in Canada can purchase the book on Amazon)
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The programming committee presents the following program to give you ideas for your own Sisterhood affiliate programs.
Jill Tomar
WL Programming Co-Chair
Toby Maser
WL Programming Co-Chair
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Purim Art Program - Celebrate...It's Adar! Join in the Megillah reading and shake your Vashti's bracelet every time her name is read. Make your own Vashti's bracelet at home or as part of a Sisterhood meeting. You can get the instructions on how to make it from Jody Glass, International Creative Arts Chair and then order your own supplies from Or for $15 plus $4 shipping, Jody will mail you the complete kit including supplies and instructions. Or, if incorporating this activity into a Sisterhood meeting, for $15 per kit plus $10 shipping, Jody will mail the package to one address. Jody is also willing to facilitate the session via Zoom if she is available. For more information, contact Jody at | |
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9 AM PT; 10 AM MT, 11 AM CT; 12 PM ET |
A virtual service for our WLCJ Sisters to recite Mishaberach, the Prayer for Healing, recite the Psalm of the Day, study and recite Kaddish together.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 630 830 287
Password: 875936
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A virtual background is available for Makom B'Yachad! DOWNLOAD HERE | Want to sing, teach, help with technology, and more during Daily Psalm Study, and Kaddish? |
Prayer for Comfort - composed by Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields
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Today, we solemnly mark the 100th day since the reprehensible Hamas terror attack on October 7, 2023. This tragic event not only claimed so many innocent lives, but also left an indelible mark on our hearts and communities. As we remember those we lost, our thoughts and prayers go out to the kidnapped victims and the families, all who continue to endure unimaginable pain and fear.
On this somber occasion, we stand united in our commitment to justice, peace, and the unwavering support of Israel and those affected by this act of terror. Our collective resolve remains strong, and we declare our determination to defeat Hamas ...
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Daughters of Yisrael, a song for Women’s League for Conservative Judaism by Rabbi Aviva Shira Funke is live and making its way into all streaming music platforms! Click on the icons below. |
Find more Israel-related Resources on the WLCJ website
We now have a webpage with all the resources collected. Please go to
and click on the Resources menu and then Israel.
Women's League for Conservative Judaism was proudly represented among the approximately 300,000 participants at the National Mall, standing in solidarity with Israel.
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From the Seminaries We Support | |
All prices include regular shipping (with tracking, 2-4 weeks). Express shipping costs an extra $20 per item. | |
Please click on the image to learn more | |
WLCJ 5784 Calendar Diaries | |
Pocket Size = $11.00
Planner Size = $26.00
You may now order bulk quantities online.
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WLCJ Convention 2023 Resources, please click on the image: | |
To learn more about these opportunities,
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Keeping to our Mission – Adjusting to the War
Focusing on our Responsibilities & Leveraging our Unique Capabilities
Olim Services - Serving 80K NBN Olim and Anglo Oleh community at large
• Financial grants for families impacted by the war
• Therapy and counseling services
• Financial grants to community initiatives during the war
• Weddings at cost in our Jerusalem Aliyah Campus
Lone Soldiers & their Families - Supporting 10,000 lone soldiers in active combat
• 24/7 Hotline & I Center for parents of Lone Soldiers
• Multilingual Broadcasts from IDF to Olim and families of Lone Soldiers
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• Flights to Israel during the war for parents of Lone Soldiers
• Free Mental Health Support services for Lone Soldiers
• Attendance at every funeral and shiva of Lone Soldier
• Contact with families of captive Soldiers
• Tending to various urgent needs of Lone Soldier
Supporting Israel’s National Health Care System
• Assist Israel’s Ministry of Health compile a list of Physician volunteers from the Diaspora
• Serve as an official representative of the Ministry of Health, The Jewish Agency for Israel and Israel’s Ministry of Aliyah and Integration, responsible for handling the technical logistics and costs of coordinating foreign physicians to come to Israel to assist the local healthcare system during the war
What Nefesh B’Nefesh is doing during the war. A must read. Pay particular attention to the last subject: “Supporting Israel’s National Health Care System”, want to learn what this includes?
Operation Hug - a partnership between Nefesh B’Nefesh, Jewish National Fund USA and the F.I.D.F.. Know anyone who has a Lone Soldier currently serving in the I.D.F.? Send the father or mother’s name, email and mobile and/or suggest they contact Rabbi Paul Freedman.
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Designed for rising Jewish leaders ages 22-30*
On this six-day journey through Poland, our community will explore the cities of Warsaw, Lublin, and Krakow; hold each other up in Zbylitowska Gora—the Children’s Forest, Auschwitz-Birkenau, and Treblinka; volunteer in cemeteries and local communities; meet with Jewish and non-Jewish peers; thank some of the families of Poland’s Righteous Among the Nations; and celebrate Shabbat in Krakow with the revitalized Jewish community and the work of the JCC Krakow.
We will work to fulfill our generation’s responsibility to remember, rebuild, and retell.
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MERCAZ USA at the Extraordinary Zionist Congress
MERCAZ USA and our international partners made a significant difference and were a LOUD voice for your values at the Extraordinary Zionist Congress held in Jerusalem at the end of April.
1. The forces fighting for a pluralistic democratic Israel are on the offensive and we won this Congress
2. The delaying tactics of those who opposed us failed this time
3. We stood up for MERCAZ USA’s values and our voice was heard loud and clear..
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Naomi Graetz taught English at Ben Gurion University of the Negev for 35 years. She is the author of Forty Years of Being a Feminist Jew (2018), Unlocking the Garden: A Feminist Jewish Look at the Bible, Midrash and God (Piscataway NJ: Gorgias Press, 2005), The Rabbi’s Wife Plays at Murder (Beersheva: Shiluv Press, 2004), S/He Created Them: Feminist Retellings of Biblical Stories (1993; 2003), and Silence is Deadly: Judaism Confronts Wifebeating (1998). Her book Silence is Deadly has been translated into Hebrew and will be published by Carmel Press in 2024. She teaches a variety of courses on Zoom to an international audience and is a regular blogger for the Times of Israel. | |
INR of Women's League for Conservative Judaism | | | | |