The Newsletter of the International Northeast Region
January 20, 2023 - 27 Tevet 5783
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consider a landscape orientation for easier viewing.
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From our Region President | |
Dear Friends,
This week’s Parashat Va’era, tells the story of Moses’ mission to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. Moses is called to go back to Pharoah again and again with the same famous phrase to “let my people go!” (Shlach et Ami). This is the beginning of the familiar story of the ten plagues where Moses goes to Pharoah – Pharoah refuses to let the people go – God sends a plague – Pharoah says “OK” – but then God hardens his heart and the whole story starts over again.
However, before all this happens, Moses must first go to the Israelites to let them know that God will set them free. When he does, something unexpected and tragic happens. “Vayedaber Moshe ken el B’nai Yisrael/ When Moses speaks this (God’s words to free the people) to the children of Israel, they would not listen to Moses as their spirits were crushed by cruel bondage”. V’lo sham’u el Moshe Mikotzer Ruach u’me’avodah kasha. (Ex. 6:9).
This passage serves as a reminder of the devastating effects of oppression and the power it can have to crush the spirit of a people. The Israelites had been enslaved for generations and their spirits had been broken by the brutal conditions of their captivity. They had lost hope for a better future and were unable to envision a life outside of slavery.
This passage also serves as a reminder of the importance of leadership and the role that leaders play in inspiring and guiding their people. Although reluctant at first, Moses’ belief in God and the promise of help from God and from Aaron his brother, helped him overcome his reticence. Moses became a truly great leader who was able to inspire the Israelites to rise up against their oppressors and follow him to freedom.
Today, this passage can be applied to the ongoing struggle for freedom and equality in our world. We see people facing oppression and injustice in many forms and just like the Israelites, their spirits can become crushed. It is important for leaders to step forward and guide them towards a better future, but also it is important for individuals to be able to recognize the signs of oppression and to take action.
In addition, we can see how the Israelites’ experience can be related to the experience of marginalized groups who face oppression and discrimination. Just as the Israelites were held back by the weight of their past, marginalized groups are held back by the weight of years of discrimination and prejudice. It is important for society to recognize and address these issues in order to create a more equitable and just society for all.
Let us all learn from the experiences of the Israelites and apply these lessons to our own lives today by recognizing and addressing the oppression and discrimination in our own communities and in society.
The Jewels in the Crown deadline is approaching. If your affiliate/sisterhood has interesting programs you are proud of, consider applying for a Jewels in the Crown award. The application and supporting materials must be submitted by March 2. Please scroll down for more information. As a reminder, there are new options.
Don’t miss registering for the “Torah Fund Stands with Israel” program on Monday, Jan 30th at 8pm. We will hear from H.E. Itai Bardov, Israel’s Ambassador in Panama and the Caribbean countries who will speak on the role of Israel in the current dynamics of the Middle East. See the details in the article below. To register for this event, go to:
Canadians – please remember there is now an easy and very quick way to send a virtual greeting card (Mazal Tov/Condolence/Birthday/Get Well, etc.) through the e-card Torah Fund portal that was set up for Canadians. It is only $5 Canadian with an option to add any donation amount IF YOU WISH and you get a Canadian Tax Receipt. Just click here: Canadian eCards – Torah Fund eCards ( More details can be found in Linda Boxer’s excellent Torah Fund article below in our newsletter.
Open WL Board of Directors Meeting – March 1, 2023
All members in good standing of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism are invited to attend our open Board of Directors meeting on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, at 6:00pm ET. You will hear about all the updates and exciting initiatives of Women’s League, and you will also be able to participate in the election of officers at this meeting. Mazal Tov to the two members of our International Northeast Region (INR) who have been nominated: Doreen Bornfreund as Vice President and Linda Steinhorn as Financial Secretary.
RSVP is necessary to attend and obtain the zoom meeting link. Please click HERE to Register. See additional details below.
Shabbat Shalom,
Marilyn Cohen
Region President
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Can you Read? Type? Copy and paste? Do you download and save photos of your children & grandchildren? Do you email? Zoom? Then it is really that simple... If you have these basic skills, you can easily learn the rest! The programs that we use to publish the newsletter are not difficult to learn and we are here to train you and help as you learn! If you are interested and want to learn more please contact Marilyn Cohen at | |
From our Torah Fund Vice President | |
Our 2022-2023 Chazak v'Ematz Campaign
Be Strong and Courageous
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Recently, the mimeographed hand-written sheet music Cantor Simone Bermanis provided his boys (no girls were studying chazzanut 60 plus years ago) surfaced in our file cabinet. Simone Bermanis, z”l was the cantor at my husband’s childhood shul and my husband Larry was blessed to be in Cantor Bermanis’ Cantor’s Club.
From Cantor Bermanis’ obituary, written by Daniel Harrison in the San Diego Jewish Press-Heritage, March 7, 2003: Cantor Simon[e] Bermanis, who performed as an opera singer in Europe under the direction of famed conductor Bruno Walther before following a career as a cantor in the United States, died of congestive heart failure on Feb. 27 [2003] at age 90.
Born in Latvia in 1912, Bermanis studied voice at the Vienna Conservatory of Music, then sang in neutral Switzerland during World War II, thereby escaping the fate of the rest of his family in Latvia at the hands of the nazis. He had been signed to a contract with New York's famed Metropolitan Opera, but was unable to depart nazi-occupied Europe in time to fulfill it. He emigrated to the United States in 1947, and afterward helped to found the Cantors Assembly, an arm of the Conservative movement. He had studied and performed chazzanut in Europe.
His tenor voice served him well for 10 years as a cantor at Park Synagogue in Cleveland, where he met and married his wife, Alice, in 1955. From 1960 to 1980, he served as cantor at Congregation Beth Achim in Detroit, Mich., which recently was merged into Congregation Adat Shalom of that city.
Long before I knew about Torah Fund, I was privileged to know Cantor Bermanis. Long before Cantor Bermanis knew me, he helped found the Cantor’s Assembly. While he did not study at one of our five institutions of higher learning, he well knew the need to pass the love of chazzanut on to the next generations. We have an opportunity to support our future cantors (and rabbis, scholars, and educators) with our donations to Torah Fund. No gift is too small, and no gift is too large. Somewhere a youngster is learning from a cantor and the gift of Jewish music will go on to the next generation. Your donations can make that happen.
Giving is easy. Send your checks/cheques to your local Torah Fund Chair or use the online links.
In the US: Donate to Torah Fund (
In Canada, start with the ecard platform and add an additional gift: Canadian eCards – Torah Fund eCards (
And speaking of next generations, please consider an after-life gift to the Torah Fund Legacy Society. Lean more here: Torah Fund Legacy Society - Jewish Theological Seminary (
Please consider an extra gift of $80.00 in honor of Torah Fund’s 80th anniversary.
As always, if you have questions or comments, please contact me.
Linda Boxer
INR Torah Fund VP
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We continue to update our website calendar on a regular basis. If you do not find programs on this newsletter, please go to the website calendar which is updated regularly: WLCJ Website Calendar | |
WLCJ Open Board Meeting postponed until Wednesday,
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Shalom friends,
All members in good standing are welcome to attend and hear about all our updates and exciting initiatives. All attendees will also be able to participate in our election of officers at this meeting. Please join Women's League for Conservative Judaism on Wednesday, March 1, 2023 at 6PM EST for an open Board of Directors meeting.
A RSVP is necessary to attend and obtain the Zoom meeting link. Please click HERE to Register.
Looking forward to being with you,
Debbi Kaner Goldich
WLCJ International President
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Slate of Officers 2023-26
President: Julia Loeb - Seaboard
Vice Presidents:
Doreen Bornfreund - International Northeast
Wendy Glasser - North by Northwest
Anne Greenbaum - Southern
Fran Hildebrandt - Central Great Lakes
Toby Holtzman - Seaboard
Janet Kirschner - Mid-Atlantic
Linda Klempner - MetroNorth
Esta Lichtenstein - North Atlantic
Renee Ravich - Pacific Southwest
Lori Snow - Mid-Atlantic
Marsha Strongin - IntraContinental
Cathy Swerdlow - Florida
Recording Secretary:
Teresa Samtur - Garden State
Diane Mashioff - Mid-Atlantic
Financial Secretary
Linda Steinhorn - International Northeast
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Women's League Shabbat - Saturday, January 21, 2023 | |
2023/5783 – January 21/28 Tevet
Parashat Vaera
You are invited to tailor the following texts to meet the needs and goals of your Women’s League Shabbat committee. We have included poems and readings based on the theme of Chazak v’Ematz and we have provided a D’var Torah to be used on January 21, 2023 for Parashat Vaera, and a generic D’var Torah to be used if you schedule your Women’s League Shabbat for a different date. We have also included letters of greeting that may be read at your services from Women’s League International President Debbi Kaner Goldich, Women’s League Torah Fund Chair Barbara Ezring and Women’s League Executive Director Rabbi Ellen Wolintz-Fields.
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Registration for WLCJ Course: Learn Hebrew and Read from the Prayerbook - Spring Registration is Now OPEN | |
Jews in Film - Monday, January 23 @ 2 PM ET |
The Jewish Connection to the Movie Musicals of the 1940s
Lois Silverman, WLCJ Communications Co-Chair
In the 1940s the creation of Hollywood musicals was led by Jewish composers, directors, and writers. The creators included legends of musical theater including: Irving Berlin, Sigmund Romberg, Jerome Kern, the Gershwin Brothers, Rodgers and Hart, and Rodgers and Hammerstein...
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Health & Wellness - Thursday, January 26 @ 8 PM ET |
Health & Wellness: End of Life Issues
WL Health & Wellness Chair, Mindy Steinholz holds a difficult conversations with Rabbi Ron Goldberg of Los Angeles Jewish Health.
Rabbi Ron Goldberg
Born in Chicago IL, but relocated with his family at the advanced age of six months to Los Angeles and the then rural San Fernando Valley. In the early 1960s the San Fernando Valley was the home of horse and chicken ranches and endless orange groves. Rabbi Ron grew up in a traditional/Conservative movement home and attended Hebrew School at Temple Beth Ami of Reseda California...
Part II of this program is listed below. We hope you can join us:
Thursday, March 30 @ 8 PM ET
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International Holocaust Remembrance Day Webinar - Thursday, January 26 @ 12 PM ET | |
United Nations Holocaust Memorial Ceremony - Friday, January 27 @ 11 AM ET | On January 27, 2023, the United Nations will hold its annual Holocaust Memorial Ceremony at 11:00am ET. This event is open in to the public and takes place in the United Nations General Assembly. It is important that we support this event. Pre-registration is required. During January and February there are several events being held in remembrance (click here to see more). We strongly encourage you to participate in the annual ceremony January 27th. If we don't support it, who will? | |
Torah Fund Stands with Israel - Monday, January 30
@ 8 PM ET
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Mishpachah: Exploring LGBTQ+ Identities - Thursday, February 9 @ 7:30 PM ET |
This training is designed to familiarize participants with the basics of building LGBTQ+ equality and belonging. Join our co- facilitators, Jackie Maris (pronouns: she/her/hers), Chicago Education and Training Manager, Rakhel Silverman (pronouns: they/them/theirs), New York Education and Training Manager as we cover LGBTQ+ terms and concepts. Bring your questions and concerns with you.
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Masorti Womens' Study Days
Wednesday, February 8 @ 10 AM EST
Tuesday, February 14 @ 9:30 AM EST
Monday, February 27 @ 9:30 AM EST
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World Wide Wrap - February 12 |
WWW2023 will soon be here – Sunday, February 12, 2023!
What are you waiting for?
Hoping the WORLD WIDE WRAP will be in-person for many of you. Of course, it can be done virtually if needed, and whether virtual or in person, FJMC has created an entertaining and educational WWW ’22 Video; for you to use! Download the video and have it on the ready during your Wrap program.
World Wide Wrap is co-sponsored by WLCJ and FJMC.
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Mishpachah: Going Deeper: LGBTQ+ Language & Pronouns - Sunday, April 23 @ 7:30 PM ET | This training will focus on equipping participants to be active allies to the LGBTQ+ community, specifically through language and pronoun-use. It assumes prior knowledge of the basics of LGBTQ+ identities and concepts, which will be covered in the first workshop. Rakhel Silverman (pronouns: they/them/theirs), New York Education and Training Manager, and Hannah "Hensch" Henschel, Associate Director of Education and Training (pronouns: they/them/theirs) will co-facilitate our discussion and answer our questions. | |
WLCJ-FJMC Inclusion Resource Book | |
Programming Idea of the Week |
The Jews of Sing Sing
By Ron Arons
Born in New York, Ron Arons was reared a goodie-two-shoes. Aside from five moving violations (including a “California” roll through a stop sign, doing 40 MPH in a 30 MPH zone, and driving with his brights on), Arons has never been afoul of the law.
Ron worked for many years as a marketer at many high-tech companies, including Texas Instruments, Ashton-Tate, and Sybase, before deciding to work full time on his first book, The Jews of Sing Sing. Ron became interested in understanding his roots after he lost both his parents to cancer 16-18 years ago. In the process of researching his criminal ancestor’s past, Ron has traced his roots to England, Poland, Romania, Ukraine, Belarus, and Lithuania...
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Project Stock the Shelves | Your contribution will help reduce food insecurity among our neighbors | If you’ve been shopping recently, you can’t help but notice how much the cost of food has gone up. Please consider contributing a Kosher item to your pantry collection this month. |
Debbie Bettan
Social Justice Project Chair
Karen Block
Social Justice Co-Chair
Ardis Wexler
Social Justice Co-Chair
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Join the WL PrezNet
Toby Maser
PrezNet Moderator
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Parashat Vaera - January 21, 2023
When Moses told God that he would not be a good leader, one of Moses’s excuses was that he was not a man of words. That excuse was dismissed as not an issue, because Aaron would be a spokesperson for Moses. Aaron would assist Moses when he approached Pharoah to request that God should let the Israelites leave, and Aaron could be the speaker. Aaron was also instrumental in helping start many of the plagues. For example, when the Nile River turned to blood, it was Aaron who used his rod to turn the water into blood, and not Moses. This was not related to speech, yet Aaron was the one who started the plague of blood, Dam. Many commentaries state that because the Nile River provided Moses with protection when Moses was put into the ark, God would not have Moses inflict a plague on the Nile River. Lessons for all of us - we should not make excuses; rather find solutions. Leaders have people alongside them, who they bring along with them, to help facilitate change and see their goals come to fruition. Another lesson, remember who or what has helped you in the past, and bring them no harm. Chazak v’Ematz - Be Strong and Courageous!
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Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday
12PM ET; 11AM CT; 9AM PT; 10AM MT
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 630 830 287
Password: 875936
| Want to sing, teach, help with technology, and more during Daily Psalm Study, and Kaddish? | |
WLCJ 5783 Calendar Diaries in Pocket & Planner Sizes |
Calendar Diaries are available in TWO SIZES.
Pocket Size: 4x6in.
Planner Size: 8.5x11in.
Both available to ORDER NOW.
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WLCJ Convention 2023 Highlights | |
WLCJ 2023 Convention Social Action Project: Our Shifrah and Puah Project - GIVING THE GIFT OF A HEALTHY BIRTH
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This Shabbat’s Torah portion, Exodus 1:1–6:1 is Parashat Shemot. It is the story of Pharaoh, enslaving the Jews in Egypt and ordering the midwives, SHIFRAH AND PUAH to kill all Jewish babies. Pharaoh fearing the Jews will outnumber the Egyptians, commands his people to cast the Jewish babies into the Nile River. This forced Yocheved and Amram to place their baby in a basket in the Nile River. Moses, as he became known, becomes the future leader of the Jewish people and the rest is history. | |
What a more fitting time for us to have our WLCJ Convention 2023 Social Action Project - GIVING THE GIFT OF A HEALTHY BIRTH, a project to support the Shifrah and Puah Maternity Center in Mbale, Uganda? This project exemplifies what it is to give the Gift of a Healthy Birth.
The Shifrah and Puah Maternity Center in Uganda births many Jewish babies each year. To enable this to continue our Social Action Project will raise money and help offset their expenses. As more babies are being born there, the need becomes even more apparent.
To initiate your support, we are designing a very easy way for you to help. There are many costs that need to be covered at the Shifrah and Puah Maternity Center. With your donation, whatever the amount, you will help to:
Cover an $18.00 donation you can help cover a woman’s cost to get an ultrasound during her pregnancy and to have her baby delivered at the Center.
Cover a $36.00 donation you can help cover the costs of the sanitary napkins necessary after each delivery for an entire MONTH.
Cover a $72.00 donation you can help cover the costs of the laundry service to keep the sheets, towels and gowns clean for each delivery for an entire MONTH
Cover a $108.00 donation you can help cover the MONTHLY costs of supplying each mother with three sets of baby outfits and one blanket, otherwise they only have rags to wrap their baby in.
These are just a few examples of what we can help cover with your donations.
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Look for more information to come and more ways to help our Convention 2023 Shifrah and Puah Maternity Center Project. Have a wonderful Shabbat and realize how important “GIVING THE GIFT OF A HEALTHY BIRTH” can be to help those who need our help. The help we can give is truly of life-saving value.
Todah Rabah,
Shabbat Shalom
Ellen & Randy
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Ellen Grossman
WLCJ 2023 Convention 2023 Social Action Project Co-Chair
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Randy Schwartz
WLCJ 2023 Convention 2023 Social Action Project Co-Chair
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Jewels in the Crown Returns to Convention 2023
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Deadline to Apply - Fast Approaching! | March 2nd will be here before you know it! Put together your Jewels In The Crown application and send it in. For more information email: | | Application online version was created on Google Forms as an alternative. | Jewels in the Crown is an opportunity for your Sisterhood to be honored for exceptional programming and participation. See below for information and application. *NEW* more options to fill out the application. | |
The cost for the weekly questions email and hard-cover book is currently $99. For more information and to receive a $10 discount click below:
Women's League for Conservative Judaism gets a donation by using the link.
Cory Schneider
Archives Chair & Consultant
Past International President
Administrator, Torah Fund Legacy Society
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We brought back the WLCJ App.
It's available for download on all devices (iPhone/iPad/Google Play/Android).
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The Women's League website now is available in all languages.
Visit our website:
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Upcoming Sisterhood/Region Calendar Events & WL Groups to Join | |
Want to join WLCJNet?
Contact Sherry Lynn Rubin,
Sisterhood Net Chair
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American Mothers of Olim GoogleGroup |
Contact Ellie Kremer,
the WLCJ Israel Committee Chair
by text or email:
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More Sisterhood and / or Region programs
(in-person and virtual)available on:
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Previous WLCJ Programming | Weren't able to join us? Visit our Youtube Channel for more videos. View our past recordings. | |
News from Seminaries WLCJ Supports | |
A Treasury of Learning to Mark Heschel's 50th Yahrtzeit; The Kabbalah of Tzefat; Eric Alterman on Israel; and More | |
Origins of Antisemitism in Visual Art + Tour Jewish Thessaloniki, Greece
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Schechter's Ongoing Hybrid and Zoom Courses in Jewish Literature, Philosophy, Art and History | |
New Digital Torah Fund eCards Available NOW:
Send a greeting with ecards and support Torah Fund! Make your gift more meaningful by using our ecards for every occasion!
Dear Torah Fund Leadership Team,
During this 80th anniversary year for Torah Fund, all $80+ donations will be reported and recognized by the Torah Fund office. Please share with us any 80th anniversary events happening in your Region or sisterhood. Also, we would appreciate it if you would forward any invitations, flyers or articles to us so we can share the updates.
Margie and Rita
Co-chairs of the Torah Fund’s 80th anniversary
Margie Miller Rita Wertlieb
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All prices include regular shipping (with tracking, 2-4 weeks). Express shipping costs an extra $20 per item. | |
This summer, the Supreme Court decision to reverse Roe v. Wade paved the way for states across the nation to pursue abortion bans and restrictions on birth control and fertility treatments.
But reproductive freedom is a Jewish value, and we’re not going to back down.
Keep the momentum going with us, and bring Repro Shabbat to your community this February 17-18, 2023.
Sign up now and be among the first to receive resources for your Repro Shabbat event!
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Shabbat Across America and Canada - Friday night, March 3, 2023
The original unity Shabbat program, Shabbat Across America and Canada (SAA/C) is a community-based program that encourages synagogues, Jewish centers and their members to invite their friends, neighbors and co-workers to participate in a joyous Shabbat meal and experience.
Since its inception, SAA/C has attracted over
1.1 million participants across North America and beyond.
NJOP looks forward to helping you bring the gift of Shabbat to the people in your community. In joining SAA/C, you will be a participant in the biggest, boldest, continent-wide event unifying Jewish communities across North America.
We look forward to your participation.
Larry Greenman--Assistant Director
Florence Wiener--Hebrew Reading Specialist
Shifra Caruso--Regional Program Coordinator
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The Nefesh B’Nefesh JNF 2022-2023 Ma'alot Grant Program
Go to this LINK for the Ma'alot Grant information. It has details about the application plus a special offer from Rabbi Paul Freedman. He will be delighted to call you if you wish more information.
Is your synagogue considering a Mission to Israel in 2022 or 2023?
Our colleague, Rabbi Paul Freedman ( can offer resources including offers from Masorti Movement, Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center, and Nefesh B’Nefesh with its new Campus (located in the Kiryat Leumi, next to the Jerusalem Supreme Court). Some suggestions translate into budgetary reductions for your Mission especially with the NBN Campus.
New format for our EMagazine - Today’s Israel
Our EMagazine Today’s Israel, has a new format with fewer articles and an emphasis on photos. In this first issue there are three examples describing what Rabbi Paul’s partners, Nefesh B’Nefesh, Masorti and JNF are doing. Without their support, none of the above would be possible. We need your input with suggestions for future issues. Here is the Link.
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Save the Date: September 10, 2023
6th Annual Reverse Tashlich
Add the largest Jewish Community Waterfront Cleanup to your 2023 programming. Register as a community or individual to stay up to date!
Introducing: The Repair the Sea App: Click HERE to Watch Video
Join our international community virtually on the Repair the Sea app.
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Don’t miss this new website – – where people like you can share personal and meaningful Jewish wisdom and reflection in addition to insight on practical living through the lens of Conservative/Masorti Judaism. is a digital home for the Torah of Conservative/Masorti Judaism. While the name of this stream of Judaism was born well over a century ago, in the contemporary world Conservative Judaism is expressed through connection, community, and the creation of meaning. This lens on Judaism is rooted in the idea that Judaism grows with us, that we’re guided by process, and that there is beauty in the balance.
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Click on the button to visit website for summer events: | |
INR of Women's League for Conservative Judaism | | | | |