The Newsletter of the International Northeast Region

July 19, 2024 - 13 Tamuz 5784

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As members of a WLCJ affiliated sisterhood or as a WLCJ Individual Member, you also belong to the International Northeast Region (INR) of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism and we are happy to be able to send you our region newsletter we call “Chai Lines”! Please read and enjoy!

From our Region President

Dear Friends,

I recently came across a slim volume of Pirke Avot, Ethics of the Fathers, edited by Philip Birnbaum. You may recall his name as the editor of a siddur from long ago. This book was originally published in 1949 and boasts being a new, modern translation. In the 75 years that have passed since this book left the publisher, I wonder what journey it took to reach our bookshelf. However, despite its age, its wisdom is timeless, and I will utilize the words therein from time to time to inspire my messages for Chai Lines. Let’s start with that today.


“The world is based upon three principles: Torah, worship and kindness.” How well those words describe much of what we do in Women’s League for Conservative Judaism. We study words of Torah. WLCJ offers a multitude of classes. Zoom was a lifeline during COVID. It kept us connected one to another, and it has become an important tool to reach into homes in all the states and provinces. We pray together. Makom B’yachad began during COVID as a way to say kaddish. It has become an online community. We practice kindness with the friendships we form and with our tzedakah. We support Torah Fund which, in turn, supports the five Conservative institutions of higher learning that are located all around the world. We make a difference.


WLCJ has much to offer. As I start this term as president, I am honored to be asked to fill this position, President of the International Northeast Region of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism. My father offered words of wisdom, too, but they are not compiled in a volume to read. Instead, I recall them from time to time. One of his oft repeated phrases was: “You don’t have to be better than anyone else; you have to do your best.” I promise to do my best. With your help, this adventure will be fun.


Am Yisarel Chai,


Linda Boxer

INR Region President


Chai Lines:

Please note that this summer issue of Chai Lines will be the last until we resume on Friday September 6th. In the meantime please look for your WL Week to arrive bi-weekly during the summer.

Upcoming Programs:

Sunday July 21st @ 1:00 pm ET

Special briefing with the former IDF Chief Military Advocate General, Maj. Gen. (Res.) Avichai Mandelblit

August 8th @ 12 noon

Lobby your State Senators

Shabbat Shalom,

Linda Boxer

From our Torah Fund Vice President

Announcing Our 2024-2025 Campaign Theme:

Am Yisrael Chai

עם ישראל חי

The people of Israel live

Shalom friends,

My name is Adele Weinstein, and I am very excited to be the incoming INR Torah Fund Vice President. As a brief introduction, I would like to share with you some personal information – before we dive into the important work of Torah Fund.  

I have been married to my wonderful husband, Steve, for 42 years. We have a 37-year-old daughter, Leah, who is married, and they have a 7 ½ year old daughter. Leah teaches at our Hebrew High School, Community Hebrew Academy of Toronto. I also have a 34-year-old son, Eli, who is married, and they have a 6-week-old son. Eli is an assistant director in the film business.

As I am now retired, I am very busy volunteering for my synagogue, Beth Tikvah in Toronto, and singing in the synagogue choir. I am taking part in the 3-year WLCJ Bat mitzvah class and I join other Women’s League members on Makom B’Yachad. I also enjoy painting pictures of my vacation spots. However, what I love the most is spending time with my sweet grandchildren. 

I would like to thank Linda Boxer, our outgoing INR Torah Fund Vice President, for all her hard work, leadership and dedication during her term.

I look forward to working with all of our affiliates and the Torah Fund Chairs and sharing successful Torah Fund programs with you all. May we have great success in supporting our five institutions of higher learning in the years to come.

To get things rolling, please take a look at the Torah Fund flyer below for more information on our new campaign – “Am Yisrael Chai”! If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me at my email address listed below.

Let's keep those donations coming. Checks/cheques are given to your local Torah Fund Chair. In the US, checks are made payable to Torah Fund. In Canada, cheques are made payable to the Jewish Theological Society.

For those who prefer online giving, in the U.S.: Donate to Torah Fund ( In the U.S., buy Torah Fund cards using this link:

In Canada, you must start your online donation with the ecard platform. Purchase an ecard for $5.00, and then you may add an additional amount. Here is the link:

Paper cards are available from your local Torah Fund chair. Chairs may order more supplies from the Torah Fund Office. Remember that cards must be pre-paid prior to shipping.

Consider joining the Torah Fund Legacy Society. As with donations to the current campaign, all bequests, large and small, are welcome. Beyond our lifetimes, we can make a difference in the Conservative/Masorti movement. More information can be found at: Torah Fund Legacy Society - Jewish Theological Seminary (

Let’s not forget about the special campaign called Creating New Spaces, which will equally fund two important projects: A “Women’s League Study Space” in the new undergraduate residence hall at The Jewish Theological Seminary, and a special course of training for rabbinical students at the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, entitled “Women’s League Institute on Gender Bias and Harassment.”

Am Yisrael Chai,


Adele Weinstein

INR Torah Fund Vice President

Region Good & Welfare

Deepest Condolences

With a heavy heart, we offer condolences to Myra Werbow, Co-President of Women's Network of Temple Beth Tzedek in Buffalo, New York on the loss of her son, John Werbow.

May the Werbow family be comforted and may John's memory always be for a blessing.

From our Israeli Affiliates

Kehila Netzach Israel:

Many of us know Terri Davis from Netzach Israel, and some may even have known her husband Marty, z"l. Read on for a very fitting tribute to Marty.

Marty Davis Street

by Rabbi Don Levy

Yesterday, we were privileged to participate in a moving ceremony whereby a street in a newly developed neighborhood in Ashkelon was named after Marty Davis. Marty was a stalwart of our Masorti congregation, Netzach Israel, for many years. I unfortunately did not get to know him as he passed away a couple of years before my arrival here. But I’ve been hearing his name invoked – always in fond and positive terms – since the day I arrived. And my wife, Clara, and I have become good friends of Marty’s widow, Terri Davis, who is a key member of the congregation in her own right.

Marty and Terri came to Ashkelon in conjunction with their Aliyah from New York, 44 years ago as a young married couple with two small children. Until his untimely passing, Marty in addition to being a key member of the synagogue was a noted educator and shaliach – representative of the State of Israel. He could even do a decent job of channeling Frank Sinatra – a many talented man he was!

Of Marty and Terri’s three (now grown) children one, Elana, still lives in Ashkelon along with her husband, Assaf and their children.

Yesterday’s ceremony did a great job of ‘squaring the circle’ for me and other relative newcomers in the community, giving us an opportunity to learn more about this man whom we were not privileged to meet. For those who did get to know Marty, it was a wonderful chance to remember this incredible man. Speaking in his behalf were Ashkelon’s mayor, Tomer Glam; a former Chairperson of the congregation, Sarah Ilan, whom Marty mentored; and several of Marty’s family members. Probably the most moving speech was given by Terri Davis. Rather than try to pay a better tribute to her husband than she could, I attach her remarks here…

To read Terri Davis' remarks click here

To read Seth Davis' remarks click here

To donate to Kehila Netzach Israel in Marty's Memory:

In Canada:

Click here for Mercaz Canada.

Choose the drop down menu and click on "Masorti Kehillot (Congregations) in Israel, write the Kehillas name and city (Netzach Israel, Ashkelon) in the message section.

In the US:

Click here for Masorti Foundation.

Choose the drop down menu and click on "Your Designation"

Then type in Kehillat Netzach Israel.

Click on "Dedicate" this gift - choose "In memory of" and enter Marty's name.

From Women's League:

WL Week will arrive every other week in the summer. Our next newsletter will come out the week of July 22.

Upcoming Opportunities

Special briefing with the former IDF Chief Military Advocate General, Maj. Gen. (Res.) Avichai Mandelblit

Sunday, July 21, 2024

1:00 pm ET / 10:00 am PT


For more details, email:


To register, go to:

WLCJ partners with Jewish Earth Alliance

WLCJ is partnering with Jewish Earth Alliance for virtual Lobby Day with your state senators on August 8th. Time to meet with each senator TBD depending on state.

Take Action for People and Planet for Tisha B’av

Pre-Tisha B'Av Virtual Lobby Day

for Climate Solutions

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Register NOW for Virtual Lobby Day

Makom B'Yachad

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday

 9:00 am PT

10:00 am MT

11:00 am CT

12:00 pm ET

A virtual service for our WLCJ Sisters to recite Mishaberach, the Prayer for Healing, recite the Psalm of the Day, study and recite Kaddish together.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 630 830 287

Password: 875936

(Aren't able to join us? Watch it later on Facebook Live!)

A virtual background is available for Makom B'Yachad! DOWNLOAD HERE

Want to sing, teach, help with technology, and more during Daily Psalm Study, and Kaddish?


Let Us Pray - composed by Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields


Pre-Order WLCJ 5785 Calendar Diaries

Calendar Diaries are available for pre-orders. All orders will ship on or after the first week of June.

Pocket Size = $11.00

Planner Size = $26.00


Discounted Books for WLCJ Members from the Jewish Book Council

For more information, contact Suzanne Swift at and mention you’re a WLCJ Member

For more great programs and information from Women's League... click here for last week's WL Week!

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INR of Women's League for Conservative Judaism