The Newsletter of the International Northeast Region

June 30, 2023 - 11 Tamuz 5783

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From our Region President

Dear Friends,

First, I would like to wish all my fellow Canadian sisters a Happy Canada Day which will occur on July 1st and wish all my American sisters a Happy Independence Day which will occur on July 4th. Both of our countries have many things in common as well as many differences - just ask “Rabbi Google”. In the end, however, we all share in the principle of freedom. Both of our countries emphasize individual liberties and personal rights. The United States’ Declaration of Independence champions the ideals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as inalienable rights. Similarly, Canada’s Constitution recognizes and protects fundamental freedoms and rights, such as freedom of expression, religion, and equality. Both countries have a long history of defending individual liberties, fostering democratic systems, and promoting equality under the law. May we continue to do so.


This week we read the double Parasha of Chukat-Balak (Num. 22-25). Chukat focuses on the ritual of the red heifer (parah adumah) which was used for purification purposes. It explains the process of preparing the red heifer’s ashes and how they were used to purify those individuals who had touched a dead body. The parasha also describes the story in which Moses, angry at the complaining Israelites, strikes a rock to bring forth water. This act, which was contrary to God’s instruction, lead to his punishment and Moses was denied entry into the Promised Land.


The portion of Balak tells the story of King Balak of Moab who fears the Israelites who are too close to his land. Balak hires the local pagan prophet, Bala’am to curse the Israelites, hoping to weaken them. However, God intervenes and prevents Bala’am from cursing the Israelites. Instead, Bala’am blesses them on four separate occasions and the Israelites remain protected from harm. The third blessing is familiar to us all - “Ma Tovu Ohalecha Ya’akov, Mishkenotecha Yisrael – How beautiful are your tents O Jacob, your dwelling places O Israel”. This is the opening line to the opening prayer of our Shacharit service today.


In trying to find a connection between these two parashot, one could possibly surmise that both stories teach us about the power of words and how they can transform reality. The red heifer is a symbol of the power of God’s word, which can create purity out of impurity, life out of death. The Torah says that the red heifer is a “chok”, a law that defies human logic and understanding, but must be obeyed because it is God’s commandment. The red heifer reminds us that God’s word is supreme and can change the natural order of things.


Balak and Bala’am are examples of the power of human words, which can also create or destroy, bless or curse. Balak hires Bala’am to curse Israel, hoping that his words will weaken them. But Bala’am discovers that he cannot curse what God has blessed, and that his words are controlled by God’s will. Bala’am’s words are blessings which become a source of inspiration and prophecy for Israel and for future generations.


The Torah portion Chukat-Balak challenges us to think about how we use our words and how they affect ourselves and others. Do we use our words to build or to destroy, to praise or to criticize, to heal or to hurt? Do we listen to God’s word and follow His commandments, even when they seem irrational or difficult? Do we recognize the blessings that God bestows upon us, even when they come from unexpected sources?


In this context, we can identify with this Torah portion because we live in a world where words are often used carelessly or maliciously, where fake news and slander abound, where people are divided by hatred and fear. We need to remember the power of words and use them wisely and kindly. We need to trust in God’s word and God’s plan for us, even when we don’t understand it. We need to look for the blessings we receive every day, even when they come in disguise.


So perhaps we should consider an amended prayer – “How beautiful are your words O Jacob and your blessings O Israel”.


Shabbat Shalom

Marilyn Cohen

Region President

Region & Other Matters

Update Your Database:

Attention: All Affiliate Presidents and Data Base Managers

It is crucial that you update the position lists in the WLCJ database for your affiliate. i.e., President, Financial Secretary, Treasurer and Database Manager. Even if there are no changes and the same people will be holding those positions, you still must re-enter the names for 2023-2024 or access will be lost when the new fiscal year begins on July 1, 2023. If no one holds a particular position, please include your own name to receive relevant information. Positions are not updated automatically. Only if the positions are manually updated will you receive dues statements and retain access to the member management page. (Please only enter information for people holding positions for 2023-2024 at this time. The 2023–2024 Member List is not yet available to be managed.)

Convention 2023

Our Convention Madrichot are hard at work making sure all of our delegates to Convention arrive safely with the correct information needed. We have gifts for everyone attending. I hope we will have more attending virtually as well. Convention promises to be exciting, educational, and fun.

While in-person registration has ended, registration for the virtual option will continue. The schedule on the convention website lists which sessions will be virtual.  Here is the link for WLCJ Convention 2023:

Calendar Diaries

It’s time to pre-order the WLCJ 5784 Calendar Diaries, which are again available in two sizes. Read more details in our newsletter below. Canadian affiliates must let me know how many you are ordering as our Canadian delegation will be bringing them back for you. Please contact me at to let me know.  

From our Torah Fund Vice President

Our 2022-2023 Chazak v'Ematz Campaign

Be Strong and Courageous

It’s July! Happy Canada Day, July 1st, to our Canadian Sisters, and Happy Independence Day, July 4th, to our U.S. Sisters. Many border areas have shared festivities to mark the holidays. Torah Fund celebrates by announcing its next campaign: Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Ba’Zeh Campaign, All the people of Israel are responsible for one another. For 80+ years, the supporters of Torah Fund have been helping students at the five institutions of higher learning that are part of the Conservative/Masorti movement.


Those donations, large and small, make a difference. The new pins are being manufactured and will be distributed in time to wear them proudly for the High Holidays. Any time after July 1st, you may begin to make your donations to the new campaign.


The books on the Chazak v’Ematz campaign close on June 30th Any donations that were submitted but not received by that date will be credited to the new campaign. As of June 20, 2023, the total Torah Fund General Campaign has raised $1,200,956.00! The Spaces campaign raised $16,221.00.


Spaces will continue until a total of $200,000.00 is reached. As of June 22nd, a balance of $56,077 remains.


We, the Torah Fund Donors of INR, surpassed our goal for our region. Thank you, Merci, Todah Rabah, to each and every donor. Every donation, when pooled together, make us great.


The online giving option remains the same for the new campaign. In the US: Donate to Torah Fund (


To send an ecard, visit: Torah Fund eCards – Send an eCard to a loved one. (


In Canada, you must begin by sending a Torah Fund Card for $5.00 and then you may make an additional donation. Canadian eCards – Torah Fund eCards (


Checks/Cheques may be sent to your local Torah Fund Chair.

Local Torah Fund Chairs also have supplies of paper cards.


Comments? Questions? Let me know.

Linda Boxer, INR Torah Fund Vice President

From Women's League:

We continue to update our website calendar on a regular basis. If you do not find programs on this newsletter, please go to the website calendar which is updated regularly: WLCJ Website Calendar

Pre-Order WLCJ 5784 Calendar Diaries

Calendar Diaries are available for pre-orders.

All orders will ship before the end of June.

Pocket Size = $11.00

Planner Size = $26.00


Contact the office for quantities over 10. 


Order Online
Mail-In Form

All those who are attending

 Convention will receive their Calendar Diaries at Convention.

For those in Canada, you will also receive your Calendar Diaries at Convention, or from someone who is attending Convention.

WLCJ 2023 Convention Social Action Project: Our Shifrah and Puah Project - GIVING THE GIFT OF A HEALTHY BIRTH

In the Torah Portion, Terumah: Exodus 25:1-27:19   God tells Moses to collect donated materials to build a dwelling place for God called the Mishkan or Tabernacle. God describes how to build all the things that will fill the Mishkan - the ark, table, menorah, and sacrificial altar, and the Mishkan’s walls and curtains.

The Shifra and Puah Maternity Center in Uganda was “built” in July 2018, due to the efforts of an Israeli nurse and midwife, Ilana Shemesh, who wanted to improve the maternal and infant mortality rates in Uganda.


Through donations, this center serves the women of Mbale and its neighboring villages and has a multi-denominational clientele and staff of Jews, Christians, and Muslims.


All services provided by the center are completely free of charge to encourage women to come in for prenatal, birth and post-partum services rather than going through their pregnancies unassisted. The center is dependent on donations. That’s where we come in.


March 8th was International Women’s Day, a National Holiday in Uganda. Help us support the women of Uganda and the work that was started in 2018. With your donation, or your Sisterhood’s donation, we can help maintain and improve the degree of health and wellbeing of the women and their babies of Abayadaya, Uganda.


Here is the recent category added:


  • $126.00, you can cover the costs of mosquito netting and Malaria treatment and medications - Pitocin, iron pills and infusion solutions; for all pregnant women to prevent stillbirths, prematurity births, and poor fetal growth for an entire MONTH.


Here are just a few other examples of what we can help cover with your donations:


  • $18.00, you can cover a woman’s cost to get an ultrasound during her pregnancy and to have her baby delivered at the Center.
  • $36.00, you can cover the costs of the sanitary napkins necessary after each delivery for an entire MONTH.
  • $72.00, you can cover the costs of the laundry service to keep the sheets, towels and gowns clean for each delivery for an entire MONTH
  • $108.00, you can cover the MONTHLY costs of supplying each mother with three sets of baby outfits and one blanket; otherwise, they only have rags to wrap their baby in.


These are just a few examples of what we can do with your donations. With your donation, whatever the amount, you will help greatly.



INR of Women's League for Conservative Judaism