The Newsletter of the International Northeast Region
March 1, 2024 - 21 Adar 1 5784
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As members of a WLCJ affiliated sisterhood or as a WLCJ Individual Member, you also belong to the International Northeast Region (INR) of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism and we are happy to be able to send you our bi-weekly region newsletter we call “Chai Lines”! Please read and enjoy!
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From our Region President
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Dear Friends,
This week’s Parsha is Ki Tisa (“When you elevate”), meaning when you raise the head or take a head count, namely a census, of the Israelites. While Moshe is on Mount Sinai, God orders him to take a census by collecting a half-shekel donation from all Israelite males over twenty years of age and then counting the coins. The funds will help build the Tabernacle and will act as expiation for their sins. Further details about building the tabernacle are included along with the appointment of Betzalel as the master craftsman who will supervise the construction of the tabernacle, the ark, its cover, its furnishings, priestly garments, and vessels, etc. The last thing God says to Moshe is a set of verses we now know as V'shamru, which we sing every Friday night, commanding us to keep Shabbat throughout the ages as a sign of our covenant with God. Then God gives Moshe the two tablets, inscribed by God's hand.
Meanwhile, the people are anxious. Moshe has been gone for a long time. They implore Aaron, his brother, to "make them a god." They donate their gold jewelry, and from that jewelry is fashioned a golden calf which they begin to worship.
When Moshe comes down the mountain, he shatters the tablets in his fury. As punishment, Moshe grinds up the calf and makes the people drink it - which is strikingly similar to the punishment for a woman accused of adultery, as described later in the Torah. Can you imagine how the people felt? They were literally swallowing their sinful deed. But in so doing they are taking ownership of the damage they have done to their relationship with God.
Rabbi Rachel Barenblat aka The Velveteen Rabbi, provides an interpretation of this episode which spoke to me this past week. She says:
“Seen in this light, Moshe's shattering of the tablets is a sign of the spiritual brokenness in that relationship. But what becomes of those broken stones?
We read in the Talmud that Rabbi Joshua ben Levi said to his sons: Have care for an old person who has forgotten his/her learning. For we say: Both the whole tablets and the shattered tablets lie in the Ark. (Talmud Bavli, Berakhot 8b)
In the ark of the covenant, which will be kept inside the Mishkan/dwelling place for God, our ancestors carried both the second set of tablets (which are whole) and that first set of tablets (which are broken).
For Rabbi Joshua ben Levi, this holds a message about how to treat our elders. Just as we cherished both sets of tablets, so we should cherish both those who are whole, and those whose wholeness has been broken by sickness or by age.”
Last week I returned to Toronto for five days to visit with my mother, Sara Kachuck. She is living in a retirement facility, but more and more is requiring extra help to navigate her day-to-day activities. After all, she will be turning (IYH) 102 years of age on March 8th. What impressed me the most, was the wonderful, kind, generous, and patient care she and the other residents are receiving from the mostly Philippine caregivers. They truly know how to “cherish those whose wholeness has been broken by age”. Watching them interact with my mom and the residents helped me to understand and appreciate what the elderly must contend with and how to make their lives as comfortable and meaningful as possible.
Shabbat Shalom,
Marilyn Cohen
Region President
Fun, Laughs and Good Times! It’s all waiting for you at our region’s Spring Conference on Sunday, May 5th and Monday May 6th in Toronto where we will celbrate each other Hand in Hand and Heart to Heart!
A fantastic conference is being planned that will energize and re-invigorate your commitment to your sisterhood and Women’s League. Our tefilot will be inspirational and spiritual and our guest speakers will be interesting. Members of our INR Executive Committee will lead workshops in Membership, Tikun Olam, Environment, and Torah Fund designed to provide some new and some tried and true methods to assist you. Come see old friends and make new ones and leave Conference with a renewed sense of commitment and enthusiasm.
See the flyer below, click on the printable Registration Form and mail it with your payment as soon as possible. The Early Bird price of $170.00 for the Full Conference ends on March 20th!
I am so looking forward to having you join us.
Marilyn Cohen
Region President
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From our Torah Fund Vice President | |
Our 2023-2024
Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Ba’Zeh
All the people of Israel are responsible for one another
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Our 2023–2024 Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Ba’Zeh Campaign
continues until June 30th. No amount is too big, and no amount is too small; together we make a difference for the future of Conservative/Masorti Judaism around the world. Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Ba’Zeh – all Israel is responsible for one another. For your donations, thank you, merci, todah rabah.
The Creating New Spaces campaign continues until it reaches its goal of $200,000. We are getting closer. Can we do it this fiscal year? With your help, we can. Once you’ve completed your Torah Fund pledge for this year’s Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Ba’Zeh campaign, please consider an additional amount for Spaces. This special project will equally fund two important projects: A “Women’s League Study Space” in the new undergraduate residence hall at The Jewish Theological Seminary, and a special course of training for rabbinical students at the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, entitled “Women’s League Institute on Gender Bias and Harassment.”
Don’t forget about Torah Fund Legacy Society. Four years ago, the Torah Fund Legacy Society was established for donors to make planned gifts to benefit Torah Fund. There are different options. You simply designate Torah Fund as a beneficiary of a financial instrument such as an IRA, life insurance policy, pension fund, bank certificate of deposit, or Israel Bond. Or you can make a bequest from your will or trust. Please choose the best method in consultation with your financial advisor or attorney. There is no minimum or maximum donation amount required, nor do you need to state a dollar value unless you would like to do so. Once you have designated a legacy gift for Torah Fund, we ask you complete the Bequest Confirmation Form. You then receive a beautiful charm with the word ‘Atid’ (‘Future’) in Hebrew, to affix to your Torah Fund pin. Please let me know when you would like to be contacted by a Torah Fund Legacy representative. Thank you for helping ensure the future of the Jewish people through your long-term support of Torah Fund.
Torah Fund cards are available for all occasions. There are new e-cards on the Torah Fund website, and their purchase is credited to your own affiliate and applied toward goals. To purchase Torah Fund ecards, please use these links:
US page:
Canadian page:
Remember to use the link from your country, not the recipient’s country.
Paper cards are available from your local Torah Fund Chair.
Please note that it is from that Canadian link that you can make additional donations to Torah Fund, after first purchasing an ecard.
In the United States, to make a donation, the link is: Donate to Torah Fund (
Am Yisrael Chai,
Linda Boxer
INR Torah Fund VP
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This week at Women's League:
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Masorti Women's Study Day | |
March 3, 2024
12:00 pm ET
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24th Joint Regional Masorti Women’s Study Day - Legacy of Grand/Great Grandma: An Anchor in Turbulent Times
Click here to view the event program.
Click here to read the bios of the lecturers.
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WL Jews in Performing Arts | |
March 18, 2024
3:00 pm ET
Before Camelot—Jews and the Musicals of the 1950s
The 1950s was a time of challenges for the American film industry. The musical helped save the industry, and many Jews were part of the creation of these wonderful films.
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This course will investigate the great movie musical of the 1950s created by Jewish composers, lyrists, directors, and producers. Using film clips and discussions, the legacy of these great American movies will be explored.
This course will be comprised of three stand-alone sessions (Class 1 was presented Jan 22 and Class 2 was presented Feb 19):
Registration is open to WL members, in North America, you must log in to register for each class session. If you need assistance, please contact the office (405) 870-1260.
| Class Three: The Jewish Producers, Directors, and Composers Behind Kiss Me Kate, High Society, Anything Goes, Kismet, and Summer Stock | Registration is open to International Sisters, outside of North America, you must register for one or all three sessions through here: | |
WL Consulting Services Workshop | |
March 20, 2024
8:00pm ET
Sandy Blumenthal
Consulting Services Chair
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Spotlight on building your best Sisterhood Affiliate.
Every Women's League Sisterhood Affiliate has its own personality, style, number of members, ways of doing things and perhaps even organizational structure. This workshop will spotlight a variety of frameworks to consider in light of your Sisterhood Affiliate's unique situation to help you invigorate and strengthen it.
We will be covering the following topics for our workshop on March 20th:
- How nominating committees can help build your Sisterhood Affiliate
- Why be a Sisterhood Affiliate member
- Where to look for members
- Possible Sisterhood Affiliate structures
- Delegation
- Team Building
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Save the Date - WL Leadership Institute | |
Sunday, July 28 - Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Save the Date!
The next Women’s League Leadership Institute is scheduled for July 28-30, 2024 at Beth David, Saratoga, California.
You can find more details in the next couple of weeks.
Picture yourself here...
Questions about Leadership Institute? Email
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A direct and compelling headline | |
Rabbi Margie Cella
WLCJ Educator
For the past 80-plus years, the Torah Fund Campaign of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, the dedicated philanthropy of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, has been supporting scholarships and programs in the worldwide Conservative/Masorti institutes of higher Jewish learning, The Jewish Theological Seminary in New York, Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies in Los Angeles, Schechter Institutes of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem, Seminario Rabinico Latinoamericano in Buenos Aires, and Zacharias Frankel College in Potsdam.
The 2023-2024 / 5784 Torah Fund General Campaign is Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Ba’Zeh, All the people of Israel are responsible for one another. Arevut, responsibility, will be visible on our new, silver heart-shaped charm which can be worn as a pendant or pin.
The WWOT, the Weekly Words of Torah, each week through the end of June 2024, will delve into the idea of arevut, responsibility.
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Parashat Ki Tisa Exodus 30:11-34:34
March 2, 2024
This week’s parashah begins with Moses taking a census, requiring each man aged 20-60 years old to bring a half shekel to God. Following this, God gave the final instructions for the construction of the Tabernacle, designating Bezalel to oversee the construction and then once again reiterated the importance of Shabbat observance.
While Moses was on Mt. Sinai receiving the tablets containing the 10 commandments, the people had Aaron build a golden calf for them to worship; God was angry enough to want to destroy the nation, but Moses interceded on their behalf. Yet, when Moses saw what the people had done, he broke the tablets in anger, and destroyed the calf, designating the Tabernacle as the singular place of worship for the Jewish people. At God’s command, Moses ascended the mountain with a second set of tablets to be inscribed with the commandments. There, God declared to him the 13 Attributes of God’s mercy. Later, when Moses descended with the newly engraved tablets after spending 40 days and nights in the presence of God, his face shone.
God had wanted to wipe out the nation for practicing idolatry. Though there was no doubt that they were guilty of violating a fundamental commandment, Moses spoke up on their behalf, reminding God that God had redeemed them for Egypt to forge a covenant with them and claim them as God’s own. When God expressed a desire to destroy the people and start all over again with Moses, he refused, declining to go forward unless God went with them.
Moses’ example is to be emulated, putting the needs of others before our own, even as we are aware of their shortcomings. Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Ba’Zeh - All the people of Israel are responsible for one another.
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WL Fundraising Opportunity | |
Many of you have already purchased and are enjoying my book, "Hindsight is 2020: Torah Lessons from a Turbulent Time." Now you can share it with your friends and benefit Women’s League at the same time.
Order one for yourself if you don’t yet have a copy!
Order books to give as gifts!
Order books to sell in your Judaica shop!
For every copy ordered by a WLCJ member or affiliate, I will donate 50% of the net proceeds to Women’s League.
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Want an idea for a program for your membership?
I can do a Zoom book talk, where I discuss what motivated me to write this book, what the experience of writing it was like, and how the lessons from 2020 are still relevant today. As long as 10 or more books are purchased, there is no cost to your affiliate. The 50% proceeds will go to your Sisterhood or WLCJ—your choice.
Books can be purchased from my website:
Order Form | My Site (
Questions? Email me at
(Unfortunately, due to the high cost of mailing books internationally, this offer can only be honored in the United States. Those in Canada can purchase the book on Amazon)
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Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday
9:00 am PT
10:00 am MT
11:00 am CT
12:00 pm ET
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A virtual service for our WLCJ Sisters to recite Mishaberach, the Prayer for Healing, recite the Psalm of the Day, study and recite Kaddish together.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 630 830 287
Password: 875936
A virtual background is available for Makom Yachad!
| Want to sing, teach, help with technology, and more during Daily Psalm Study, and Kaddish? |
Prayer for Comfort - composed by Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields
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Jill Tomar
WL Programming Co-Chair
Toby Maser
WL Programming Co-Chair
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Sandy Blumenthal
Consulting Services Chair
Anise Parnes
Consulting Services
Vice Chair
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Mothers of Olim brings women together whose family members have immigrated to Israel. We virtually meet together virtually once a month to discuss topics of mutual interest. Of course we also share stories about our family members.
If you are interested in joining our monthly online forum, please contact Renee Seal.
Renee Seal
Mothers of Olim Chair
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Resources found on our website | |
From the Seminaries We Support | |
Hillel International Scholarships for Jewish Students | Learn more
Nefesh B'Nefesh | Learn more
Reshet Ramah Poland Journey | Learn more
Announcing the new Yuval Yisrael summer program for teens | Learn more
Women's Study Group with author, Naomi Graetz | Learn more
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INR of Women's League for Conservative Judaism | | | | |