The Newsletter of the International Northeast Region
October 13, 2023 - 28 Tishrei 5784
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As members of a WLCJ affiliated sisterhood or as a WLCJ Individual Member, you also belong to the International Northeast Region (INR) of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism and we are happy to be able to send you our bi-weekly region newsletter we call “Chai Lines”! Please read and enjoy!
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From our Region President
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Dear Friends,
In these terrible times, we find ourselves obsessed every waking moment with following the media reports of what is going on and what has occurred in our beloved Israel. There is not a moment when relief can be found. We are hearing about events on a regular basis from the many sources that we are all connected with, each expressing so much sadness and outrage with recent events. I had the opportunity to attend a solidarity rally this past Monday in Toronto which was attended by over 15,000 of our supporters both from inside and outside the Jewish community. It was a comfort and source of pride to come together and share even in a time of great sorrow and distress. Let us pray together for those who have been brutally killed or kidnapped and for a refuah shlema for those who have been injured. Let us give tzedakah to the many well-known organizations offering emergency campaigns and let us continue to hope for a time when peace will return.
עם ישראל חי
Below please find a message from Rabbi Ellen Wolintz-Fields, Executive Director and Julia Loeb, International President of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism:
Marilyn Cohen
Region President
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Sunday, October 8, 2023 | 24th of Tishrei, 5784
At shul this weekend, we read the words of encouragement spoken to Joshua as he faced a harrowing time when crossing over the River Jordan, facing hostile elements in Israel: Chazak v’Ematz, be strong and have courage. At the same time, reports were trickling in of the atrocities being committed by Hamas in Israel, slaughtering innocent civilians, police and military members, kidnapping young and old, murdering hundreds of attendees at a festival, indiscriminately bombing villages and towns, rampaging through streets and homes, all with a brutality never seen before in modern Israel.
Women’s League for Conservative Judaism condemns these attacks and has signed on to statements from other Jewish organizations expressing sorrow and solidarity. None of those statements can mitigate the utter horror of the acts of Hamas. But in this unprecedented time of attack on the Jewish state and its people, it is important not only to show unity and support, but to let our brothers, sisters, cousins, sons, daughters, and grandchildren in Israel know how much we love them and how this tragedy breaks our hearts. We see these hateful, inhumane acts in the Holy Land against our own and our blood boils with outrage, as tears come streaming from our eyes.
But this is not only a time to express sorrow and solidarity; it is a time to be strong and have courage. It is a time to show support for the State of Israel and its people in every way possible. It is a time to donate (to organizations such as Magen David Adom, JNF, or Friends of the IDF), a time to insist that our elected leaders follow through on their words of support, a time to insist that countries around the word call out Hamas for their war crimes, and a time to reach out to family and friends in Israel to show your concern, your love and support. Our theme for this year is Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh BaZeh, all of Israel is responsible for one another. It is a time not only to stand with Israel in words, but to be side-by-side with Israel as sisters, and to do all we can to support it.
As we read this past holiday, there is a time for peace and a time for war. Sadly, Hamas has made this a time for war. We hope that the threat of Hamas will be destroyed, and that a time for peace can return. We mourn for the Israelis and visitors killed by Hamas in this brutal attack, and we earnestly pray for the recovery of the injured and for the safety and swift release of those who have been kidnapped.
At this fraught time, we want to mention our Women’s League Mothers of Olim, a support group of mothers, aunts and grandmothers who have family in Israel. If you have family in Israel, please connect to that support group which is actively monitoring the situation in Israel very closely at
Click here to download a prayer to end this war written this morning by a member of a Masorti Kehillah.
Also, we already had scheduled an event for Monday night, October 9th (8:00 ET), “Torah Fund Stands with Israel,” featuring Yael Hshavit, Israel’s Consul for Cultural Affairs. She was planning to speak on the current dynamics in the Middle East. We hope she can brief us on the latest of the situation on the ground in Israel.
Meanwhile, be strong and have courage, and step up to show your support for Israel. Am Yisrael Chai!
Julia Loeb, International President
Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields, Executive Director
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From our Torah Fund Vice President | |
Our 2023-2024
Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Ba’Zeh
All the people of Israel are responsible for one another
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Half listening to the news (it’s been a constant background to my life since the war began), while working on a spreadsheet, I looked up when I heard one of the men being interviewed saying “Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Ba’Zeh” – all of Israel is responsible for one another. He was talking about how impactful these events are on all of us. Israel is a small country. We, even in North America, feel the pain. Our campaign slogan was chosen about a year ago and it could not be more timely. While our future is unclear at this moment, this we know: we need rabbis, cantors, educators, and scholars to insure our future in North America and in Israel. Please give to Torah Fund to support the students at our five institutions of high learning. Today, more than ever your support is needed.
Pay by check/cheque to your local Torah Fund Chair. In the US., your check should be made payable to “Torah Fund” and in Canada, your cheque should be made payable to the “Jewish Theological Society”.
In the US, your check, to Torah Fund, once submitted and deposited, will generate an appropriate tax receipt. If your sisterhood/affiliate collects and submits a composite check, then your sisterhood/affiliate is responsible for providing that tax document. In Canada, composite checks are still welcome and tax receipts will be issued. One advantage of online giving is that in both countries, online giving will result in an immediate emailed tax receipt.
The online giving option in the US is: Donate to Torah Fund (
To send an ecard, visit: Torah Fund eCards – Send an eCard to a loved one. (
In Canada, you must begin by sending a Torah Fund eCard for $5.00 and then you may make an additional donation. Canadian eCards – Torah Fund eCards (
Paper cards are available from your local Torah Fund Chair.
Looking farther into the future, consider joining the Torah Fund Legacy Society with an after-life gift. You can learn more here: Torah Fund Legacy Society - Jewish Theological Seminary (
There is another opportunity for generosity: the ongoing Spaces campaign. It has a goal of $200,000 and continues until that goal is reached. Creating New Spaces, will equally fund two important projects: A “Women’s League Study Space” in the new undergraduate residence hall at The Jewish Theological Seminary, and a special course of training for rabbinical students at the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, entitled “Women’s League Institute on Gender Bias and Harassment.” To donate to Spaces, simply select ‘Spaces’ in the drop-down menu from your country’s online access site.
However, you give, whatever you give, your gift is appreciated and is put to good use. Thank you. Merci. Todah Rabah.
Comments? Questions? Contact me!
Pray for peace in Israel.
Linda Boxer
INR Torah Fund VP
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We Stand with Israel
By Julia Loeb, International President
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This is not the Shabbat message I thought I would be writing this week. As we emerged feeling renewed after the introspection of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and the celebration of Sukkot, I thought I would be writing about new beginnings—the possibilities that open to us as we begin the Torah again, take care of all the items on our to-do list that we said we would do “after the holidays,” and start our programming year in our affiliates and in Women’s League. Of course, that all changed after the brutal attacks this past weekend and the rockets that continue to rain down on the State of Israel.
I am sad. Today I heard that the death toll has reached 1200. 1200 mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, soldiers, and civilians who were killed by terrorists. My heart breaks for all the family members who are grieving or who are worried because they don’t know whether their loved ones are alive or not. Yesterday, I scrolled through Facebook and saw so many people posting about their missing friends and family. Now people are posting and sharing posts about loved ones who have been killed in these terrorist attacks. It is difficult and painful to see all these faces, but I feel compelled to look at each of them, to acknowledge their lives and remember their deaths. May their memory always be for a blessing.
I am mad. My anger grows with each news article or television report about the brutality of these killings.
I am glad. I feel hopeful that so many have come together to condemn the attacks. Countries around the globe are illuminating their landmarks with the colors of the Israeli Flag. The response to these attacks has crossed political, religious, and ideological lines here and in Israel. In a country of nine million people, 360,000 reservists have been called up, including a 95-year-old who fought against the British and the Arabs to create a Jewish Homeland. Many of these reservists were recently protesting the Israeli government but have now answered the call of their government to defend their country.
This is not the message about beginnings that I planned to write, but it is about beginnings. Unlike the Torah, though, this story in Israel is still being written. On Simchat Torah we finish reading the Torah and immediately begin again. We know that the first letter of the Torah is Bet, from Bereshit but less well known is that the last word of the Torah is Yisrael which ends in the letter Lamed. If we put the two letters together to connect the ending and beginning of the Torah, we create the word, Lev which means heart. Am echad b'lev echad. One nation, one heart. When one Jew is hurt, all Jews feel their pain. Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Israel in these difficult days.
Rabbi Ellen Wolintz-Fields has written a prayer for Israel that we have included in WL Week this week and is posted on the Women’s League website.
May peace come soon, speedily and in our days.
Julia Loeb
WLCJ International President
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Week At A Glance
This week at Women's League:
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We are sharing the recording of this briefing for those who want to watch it again or share it.
In the next few days, we will share more information on how you can help and donate, various briefings and events that the worldwide Masorti/Conservative movement is organizing, and other relevant information.
Have no fear, My servant Jacob,
Be not dismayed, O Israel!
I will deliver you from far away
(Jeremiah 46;27)
וְ֠אַתָּה אַל־תִּירָ֞א עַבְדִּ֤י יַֽעֲקֹב
וְאַל־תֵּחַ֣ת יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל
כִּ֠י הִנְנִ֤י מוֹשִֽׁעֲךָ֙ מֵֽרָח֔וֹק
(ירמיהו מ"ו,כ"ז)
MERCAZ Olami and Masorti Olami team
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Prayer for Israel –
Written by
Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields
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Masorti: ה’ עֹז לְעַמּוֹ יִתֵּן May the LORD grant strength to His people
As the hours tick by, the fog is clearing and being replaced by shocking information that churns our insides. A NOAM graduate and some children and adults from our kehillot are among the many dozens of people taken captive to Gaza. Others are listed as missing. A number of kehillah members have lost loved ones – brothers, nephews, grandchildren – in villages that were overrun by Hamas for most of Shabbat. Many friends and family members of our kehillot have been fighting on the frontlines, and some have died on the battlefield.
Our kehillot in the south experienced a very dark Shabbat, especially in Sde Nitzan, just 5 miles from the border with Gaza. Despite this woeful time, our members displayed resilience and courage that we will speak about long into the future...
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October 9, 2023, New York, NY…Below, please find a statement from Harriet P. Schleifer, Chair, and William Daroff, CEO of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, followed by a consensus statement from 48 Conference of Presidents Member Organizations:
“The brutal, unprecedented attack by Iran-backed Hamas terrorists by air, land, and sea assault is devastatingly sad and outrageous. While numbers continue to be updated, over 900 people are dead, over 1,500 injured, and Hamas claims they have taken hostage 164 civilians and soldiers..
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JFN Stands with Israel
Israel has been invaded in a coordinated attack by the Hamas terrorist, backed by Iran. The losses are devastating and Israel is now embarked in a full scale war, trying to bring back calm and reestablish deterrence against terror.
The magnitude of the losses in life and property are still not fully quantified, but we already know they are staggering and unprecedented. The human stories of the killed and the kidnapped are simply impossible to hear.
JFN, its leadership, staff, and membership are united in standing together with Israel and in praying for the victims, their families, and the men and women of the IDF as they fight to defend our shared homeland.
As we’ve done in similar crises, JFN is in contact with the National Emergency Authority in Israel to identify needs and opportunities for funders to help. While there are immediate needs, there will be many...
(to continue reading, click below)
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Dear Friends,
“Kol Yisrael arevim zeh la zeh - All Jews are responsible for one another” is a Talmudic phrase most often used as a call to action. A symbol of the responsibility we should feel for the well-being of others. It is also a sign of unity and strength, and it reminds us that we are never truly alone in our struggles.
With this in mind, we wanted to reach out to the Blue Dove community and let you know we are here for you and are thinking about everyone affected by what is happening in Israel, both physically and mentally. We want to validate the wide range of mental, physical and emotional reactions you may be going through and hopefully bring some normalization and understanding. Please know whatever you are experiencing is a completely normal and human reaction.
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What many of us are experiencing right now can be classified as a secondary trauma reaction, often described this way: A person does not have to experience a traumatic event directly to suffer from these symptoms. When this occurs, it is called secondary or second-hand trauma. These symptoms are real and significant. Even the threat of a traumatic event occurring or hearing someone share their traumatic experience can be enough to trigger these symptoms. Individuals with a history of trauma can be more sensitive to current trauma. | Trauma can manifest itself in many forms. You can read more about it and how to support others as well as yourself in our Jewish Guide to Supporting Individuals through Traumatic Death. | |
Bat Mitzvah Class 2023-2026:
Information Session
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Thursday, Oct. 19, 2023
7:30 PM ET
Women's League is pleased to offer an Adult Bat Mitzvah Course for our members.
Are you interested in:
• Expanding your Jewish literacy skills, confidence, and sense of connection with Judaism?
• Deepening your knowledge and commitment to Torah, Tefillah (Prayer) and Kehillah (Community)?
• Becoming more familiar with Shabbat and holiday observance?
• Participating in an Adult Bat Mitzvah experience with your Women’s League sisters?
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We urge you to join us if you want to celebrate an Adult Bat Mitzvah for the first time, if you want to revisit or reinvent the one you had, or if you want to enrich and expand your Jewish literacy. This three year program will culminate with your Bat Mitzvah at the WLCJ Convention in 2026 either in person or virtual.
Classes will meet one Thursday evening a month. Come hear about all of this at our first meeting on Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 7:30 p.m. EDT, by Zoom, in order to find out if this program is right for you. You must register for this first Thursday night meeting.
While participation in this program is a benefit of your membership, there is a $36 fee for the three years.
Toby Holtzman
Anne Schimberg
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Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF) /
Masorti Olami / Mercaz Olami Grant-Sponsored Program:
Sichot Beyn Achayot - Conversations Between Sisters
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3-Part Series
Session 1: Sunday,
October 22, 2023
20:00 Israel Time | 1:00 PM ET | 12:00 PM CT | 11:00 AM MT | 10:00 AM PT
Session 2: Sunday, November 19, 2023
19:00 Israel Time | 12:00 PM ET | 11:00 AM CT | 10:00 AM MT | 9:00 AM PT
Session 3: Sunday, December 17, 2023
19:00 Israel Time | 12:00 PM ET | 11:00 AM CT | 10:00 AM MT | 9:00 AM PT
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שׂיחוֹת בֵּין אָחַיוֹת, Sichot beyn Achayot means “conversations between sisters.” This program is designed to foster a deeper mutual understanding between the members of WLCJ in North America, the Masorti women from Israel and Masorti Olami, and our communities around the world. It is designed to address the question, “How are we the same, and how are we different?” The theme of this year’s program is כּל יִשְׂרָאֵל עָרֵבִים זֶה בַּזֶה, Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Ba’Zeh, All of Israel is Responsible for One Another [BT Shevuot 39a]
The three sessions will address this question by each concentrating on one specific issue that is both relevant and timely to us all and will include presentations from speakers from both sides of the Atlantic. Each workshop will also be followed by a Q&A session in which all attendees will be encouraged to participate.
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Session One: Helping the Stranger: Mitzvot, Motivations and Methods
Sunday, October 22, 2023
20:00 Israel Time | 1:00 PM ET | 12:00 PM CT | 11:00 AM MT | 10:00 AM PT
Other two sessions coming up:
Session Two: Addressing Homelessness and Food Insecurity - Mitzvot, Motivations and Methods
Sunday, November 19, 2023
19:00 Israel Time | 12:00 PM ET | 11:00 AM CT | 10:00 AM MT | 9:00 AM PT
Session Three: Volunteerism: Mitzvot, Motivations and Methods - Sunday, December 17, 2023
19:00 Israel Time | 12:00 PM ET | 11:00 AM CT | 10:00 AM MT | 9:00 AM PT
Rabbi Margie Cella
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Mathilde's Master Course Commitment 2023-2026 | |
First Class on
Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2023
7:30 PM ET
“Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.” – Golda Meir
Please join us as we continue our educational journey with Mathilde’s Master Class.
Highlights of the Class:
This is a three-year program. Each year will be divided into three different modules on the same topic.
Year One
Women’s voices raised in texts from the Tanakh, Talmud, and Modern Midrash
Year Two
Women’s voices raised in history from the Middle Ages, Early 20th Century, and Modern Times.
Year Three
Women’s voices raised in rituals around tefillah, life cycle events, and around calendar/homebound rituals.
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Sessions will meet on a Tuesday night each month over Zoom at 7:30PM ET / 6:30PM CT / 4:30 PM PT
October 24, 2023
November 14, 2023
December 12, 2023
January 9, 2024
February 13, 2024
March 26, 2024
April 9, 2024
May 14, 2024
June 25, 2024
The Zoom link for all session dates will be included in the confirmation you will receive after registering.
A reading knowledge of Hebrew will be helpful and is encouraged.
Classes will be recorded, but class attendance preferred.
Registration is accepted annually at the beginning of each year.
There will be an annual fee of $36.
Ellen Kaner Bresnick or
Fran Hildebrandt at
| Did you miss the information session last week? Click on the button below to view the recording. | |
Thursday, Nov. 2, 2023
8:00 PM ET
We are excited to announce our next WL Reads selection, “Where The Lilacs Bloom Once Again, Friddie’s Story” by Roni Rosenthal.
The author chronicles her family’s struggles for survival as relayed through the story of her great grandmother and great aunt. Told in novel fashion, this is a tragic-heroic tale of strength based on the true stories of a Jewish Romanian family.
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Ms. Rosenthal is the director of Judaic Studies and a Hebrew Literature Professor at the University of Maryland. She will be our guest speaker November 2, 2023 at 8:00 PM. |
WL Reads programs coming up:
The Choice by Maggie Anton - Sunday, February 11, 2024 at 1:00 PM ET
Exile Music by Jennifer Steile - Date and Time TBA
Karen Block
WL Reads Chair
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Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9 AM PT; 10 AM MT, 11 AM CT; 12 PM ET |
A virtual service for our WLCJ Sisters to recite Mishaberach, the Prayer for Healing, recite the Psalm of the Day, study and recite Kaddish together.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 630 830 287
Password: 875936
Important Dates:
Tuesday, October 3 - No Makom B'Yachad service, just informal schmoozing
Friday, October 6 - Yizkor
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A virtual background is available for Makom B'Yachad! DOWNLOAD HERE | Want to sing, teach, help with technology, and more during Daily Psalm Study, and Kaddish? |
Prayer for Comfort - composed by Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields
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Parashat Bereshit - October 14, 2023
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For the past 80-plus years, the Torah Fund Campaign of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, the dedicated philanthropy of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, has been supporting scholarships and programs in the worldwide Conservative/Masorti institutes of higher Jewish learning, The Jewish Theological Seminary in New York, Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies in Los Angeles, Schechter Institutes of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem, Seminario Rabinico Latinoamericano in Buenos Aires, and Zacharias Frankel College in Potsdam.
The 2023-2024 / 5784 Torah Fund General Campaign is Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Ba’Zeh, All the people of Israel are responsible for one another.
Arevut, responsibility, will be visible on our new, silver heart-shaped charm which can be worn as a pendant or pin.
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The WWOT, the Weekly Words of Torah, each week through the end of June 2024, will delve into the idea of arevut, responsibility.
Once again, on Simchat Torah, we began Sefer Bereshit, the book of Genesis, with Parashat Bereshit. At the same time that we began our reading of Bereshit, we were also beginning a new stage in the history of the Jewish people, with the most recent conflict in Israel. The world seems to once again be in a state of tohu vavohu, chaos, as was described in the creation story in Parashat Bereshit. God created the world, but did not fully complete that creation. It is our job and responsibility to help in creation. It is our job to realize that every day and every interaction is an opportunity to be partners with God in creation, making this world a better place. Especially now, when it is so difficult to see the chaos and utter evil in the world, we must step above it all, and be better people. It is our responsibility to take care of each other, and embody the concept that we are responsible for each other. While watching the news, we often feel out of control. What can we control? Making sure we are good people and remembering that it is our job to be partners with God in creation, each and every day.
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Yasher Koach to Agudath Israel in Caldwell, NJ and Toddah Rabbah for presenting Environmental Shabbat
Sponsored by CAI's Environmental Committee
Program took place on Saturday, Sep. 9, 9:00 am at the Congregation Agudath Israel Sanctuary. It was a hybrid program.
During Shabbat morning services, Rabbi Blumenthal talked about the Conservative Movement Rabbinical Assembly's teaching on the "Mitzvah of Sustainability," highlighting Jewish guidance on protecting and sustaining our environment for ourselves and future generations. Then, after a sustainable kiddush (no plastic tableware!), we had a Lunch 'n Learn (hybrid) discussion led by committee member, Diane Edelson. Diane discussed the environmental conservation efforts of other synagogues across the US and engaged in Q/A with Rabbi Blumenthal.
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The Program at Agudath Israel in Caldwell NJ was well received and can be a role model for many other Synagogues to follow their lead. The good news is, other Synagogues in New Jersey and around North America are implementing programs on sustainability and Reverse Tashlich in order to educate their community on how to care for the waters and land in their communities so we can all be more mindful of our responsibility in helping to care for our environment and planet.
We will continue to update you on Programs and Panels presented by WLCJ Environment Committee on the true facts of... for example, (A) Climate change and (B) taking care of our waters and (C) helping our environment thrive prosper for our children and generations to come and what can we do to help all proceed in a good direction.
Please send us suggestions on what is happening in your area and also suggestions on the types of programs and information you would like to see.
Share your thoughts and wishes and we look forward to hearing from you.
WLCJ Environment Committee
Heddy Belman
Corinne Hammerschlag
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Are you missing those days back in July like we are?
We continue to look at the pictures!! We continue to feel those hugs!!
Sunday was informative... Leadership and Opening Plenum
Monday was celebratory...
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Women's League Cares
The collective WE of WLCJ can make a difference!
Give a gift today so we can help them be here for tomorrow….
The Maui Hawaii wildlife fire is one of the deadliest wildfires in modern United States history with a death toll of, as of August 18, 110 people and climbing. Teams, some with cadaver dogs, are focused on locating over 1,000 missing people as they methodically search...
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From the Seminaries We Support | |
Midwives, Exorcists, and Shamanesses: Female Ritual Leaders of the Shtetl
In stereotypical portrayals of Jewish life in the Eastern European shtetl, religion and spirituality are understood as being men’s domain, while women looked after the home and business so their husbands and sons could dedicate themselves to Torah... learn more.
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Opening Doors: Talking to Your Adult Children About What Matters Most
Sundays, October 15 - November 12 at 4pm PT | Online
When your kids become adults, parenting takes on new dimensions. Connecting with your adult children about what matters most can be a source of great meaning, but it's not always so simple. We’re here to help. AJU’s Opening Doors program will help you develop the skills to... learn more.
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Digital Torah Fund eCards
for every occasion!
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All prices include regular shipping (with tracking, 2-4 weeks). Express shipping costs an extra $20 per item. | |
Please click on the image to learn more | |
WLCJ 5784 Calendar Diaries | |
Pocket Size = $11.00
Planner Size = $26.00
You may now order bulk quantities online.
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WLCJ Convention 2023 Resources, please click on the image: | |
To learn more about these opportunities,
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Sunday, October 29, 2023
Fueled by optimism, faith, and pride, the Jewish nation has prevailed, resilient in the face of hatred and oppression. Hear the Yiddish Philharmonic Chorus, an intergenerational ensemble led by Binyumen Schaechter, perform a variety of Yiddish anthems, theater songs, a liturgical setting, and even a children's song, all in some way rallying for solidarity or declaring the need for freedom...
(to continue reading, click below)
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December 1-5, 2023
Momentum is building for our Conservative/Masorti Convening in December! We have hundreds of attendees already signed up - and want you to be part of this incredible gathering of the brightest minds in our Movement.
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Monday, December 4, 2023
8:45 AM to 9:45 AM
Barbie, You're Kenough: How to Bring Inspiration to Your (Surf) Board
Learn how to identify your members’ passions and build on their existing skills to help them find their voices on your board. Leaders need to be heard and valued as individuals so they are more personally involved and motivated. Examine ways that your Board members can enhance their knowledge and contribute to the broader Conservative/Masorti movement.
Our WLCJ International President and Executive Director will speak at this event.
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MERCAZ USA at the Extraordinary Zionist Congress
MERCAZ USA and our international partners made a significant difference and were a LOUD voice for your values at the Extraordinary Zionist Congress held in Jerusalem at the end of April.
1. The forces fighting for a pluralistic democratic Israel are on the offensive and we won this Congress
2. The delaying tactics of those who opposed us failed this time
3. We stood up for MERCAZ USA’s values and our voice was heard loud and clear..
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INR of Women's League for Conservative Judaism | | | | |