Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic School
"Let Go & Let God"
Educating the Mind, Body, and Soul
Pelican Express
October 5-12, 2017
School Hours: 7:25 am - 2:45 pm with assembly beginning at
7:45 am and carpool ending at 3:10 pm
A Message from Mrs. Gioe
We are excited to inform you that the Diocese of Baton Rouge has enrolled Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic School in
an online reporting tool designed to deter and mitigate bullying and cyber abuse.
Please click
to continue reading.
Important Dates for October
October 6
(Professional Development Day for Teachers) / End of the 1st 9 Weeks
October 9
/ AR Free Dress
October 10
-Youth Leg Meeting / Fall Sports Pictures
October 12
- St. Francis Pet Picture Mass 8:15am
October 13
- Spirit Shirt Day with Uniform Bottoms / Pep Rally
October 17
- 1st 9 Week Report Cards
October 19
- Mass 8:15am
October 20
- K-5 Conference Day (No school K-5)
October 23
- 6th-8th Grade Conference Day (No school 6-8)
October 24
- Youth Leg Meeting
October 26
- 4th Grade Retreat / Mass 8:15am
October 27
- MBS Fair Begins /
**No afternoon extended care**
October 27-29
- MBS Fair
October 30
- No School - Fall Break
October 31
- Family Night / K Fall Fest
AR Free Dress - October 9
To clarify free dress, please see the updated policy.
Free Dress
Shirt with sleeves; no cut outs of any kind (arms, midriff, back etc.); no offensive pictures, advertising or slogans.
Properly fitting long jeans may be worn by either boys or girls. Girls may wear capri cut pants (mid-calf length), skirt/skort or uniform shorts and boys may wear uniform shorts/pants
Shorts other than uniform, Leggings and legging-style pants are not permitted.
Any style tennis shoes with any style sock may be worn. Boots, sandals, flip-flops, and Crocs are not permitted.
Tackling Hunger in Baton Rouge
There are many families in the surrounding area that go to bed without food. MBS and our 7
Graders want to do our part in feeding God’s family.
MBS School and St. Jean Vianney (SJV) School have embarked on a school-wide competition to
Tackle Hunger
in Baton Rouge by creating a joint service project within our two schools. We are collecting cans of tuna fish at each of the two schools. The school which collects the most tuna (by total weight), will receive the first annual
and the prestige of doing a wonderful job supporting 7
Grade’s ministry,
The Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank
Monday, October 9
through Tuesday, October 17
we will be taking cans of tuna of any size and quantity. To keep things fair, the Food Bank will weigh each school’s total weight (rather than simply counting cans of tuna) and award the winning school the tuna trophy at a special event held at the Food Bank at a future date.
MBS families seem to enjoy a great spirit of competition and we want this healthy sense of great school pride and our desire to care for the poor to help us win the first trophy.
We are asking families to get involved. We are asking for your generosity in sending cans of tuna, perhaps getting involved in donating cartons or crates of bulk tuna cans to the school before the closing date on October 17
Celebrating the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi - October 12
Thursday, October 12, 2017, MBS will celebrate the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, which is October 4th. We will take this opportunity to celebrate the importance of pets in the lives of our families. Love for our pets and the joy they bring means that children often share in the care of their pets as members of the family. Oftentimes Schools and Churches have special “pet blessings.” While it would be fun to bring our pets to school, it simply would not be practical, or safe, to celebrate Mass with the children and pets.
MBS wants to invite our families to celebrate the next best way…by asking them to submit a
framed photo
of their family pet for Father to bless during the Mass. FRAMED photos (no larger than 8 by 10 inches) should be sent to school by Tuesday, October 10th, to allow us to prepare for setting the photos up in a display at Mass on October 12th.
Please submit your photo in an
easel type photo frame so it may STAND in our photo display
. We do not want multiple photos of the same pet. To submit a family pet photo, please send it to school through your YOUNGEST child’s home room or send a different pet photo for other students.
All pictures must be clearly marked with the student’s name, grade and homeroom number
on the
back of the photo frame
so they may be safely returned to their rightful owners. Please use a small card or tape to place on the back of your pet’s photo.
Please call David Planche at 751-5867 if you have any questions.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Conference dates are as follows:
K-5 on Friday, October 20 (No school for K-5)
6-8 on Monday, October 23 (No school for 6-8)
Teachers will notify you if they feel a conference needs to be scheduled. If you would like a conference and have not heard from your child's teacher in the next week, please email the teacher to schedule.
Cafeteria Volunteers Needed
If you are interested in volunteering to serve in our cafeteria, please sign up using the link below. This link also includes information and important reminders when volunteering.
*Please remember that your Child Protection Certification must be completed prior to volunteering.**
For October cafeteria sign up, please click
Did you know that our cafeteria serves breakfast?
Breakfast is served until 7:40am and any interested student may participate in the breakfast program.
to pay your fees online.
for the October Menu.
Individual Meal Prices
Breakfast - $1.80
Breakfast Reduced - $0.30
Lunch - $2.95
Lunch Reduced - $0.40
October Fees (19 days)
Breakfast - $34.20
Breakfast Reduced - $5.70
Lunch - $56.05
Lunch Reduced - $7.60
Adult Lunch - $5.00
Extras - $0.60 - $2.25
From the Office of Child Protection:
n order to volunteer at MBS School, the school child protection process must be completed. This includes four parts-a completed volunteer application, certificate of completion of online training, signatory page from the Code of Ethics, and a fingerprint background check.
Please note that if you have been deemed compliant with the Parish for scouts, sports (grades k-4), etc. you are
compliant with the school child protection process until you have completed the fingerprint background check. The fingerprint background check is an extra step required to volunteer in a school. The paperwork for the fingerprint background check is available through my office.
If you have any questions concerning your compliance, please contact Beverly Peterson at
or at
. Thank you for your cooperation with this matter.
Parents, please do not go to the state police to be fingerprinted without the necessary paperwork to have the proper background check run.
Beverly Peterson
Child Protection Site Coordinator
There will be NO BUS SERVICE on Monday, October 9.
There will be NO Extended Care
in the afternoon
on Friday, October 27 due to the MBS Fair.
Congratulations to Isabella Stevens who made the first ever
District IV Elementary Honor Choir!
Thank you to Mrs. Schiebe for helping Isabella
achieve this honor!
THANK YOU to Seventh Grade:
We want thank our 7th graders and Mrs. Rabalais for their magnificent presentation of the Living Rosary. Deacon Don also did a wonderful presentation on the apparition of our Lady of the Rosary in Fatima. The 100th anniversary celebration of the apparition is next Friday, October 13th and we combined our devotion to our Lady with the Living Rosary and special presentation. All the students in the school were each given a blessed Holy Card today to remember this event.
We are most grateful for Mrs. Rabalais and her students for making this day meaningful and beautiful. Our Lady appeared to children at Fatima and it is clear that our 7th Graders understand the importance of Mary as our spiritual Mother. We thank our parents for entrusting to us a piece of their faith formation.
The month of October is dedicated to Mary and the rosary. It would be wonderful for our families to find some time during the month to pray the rosary for peace in this world, which is what our Lady told the children at Fatima.
THANK YOU to Fifth Grade:
A special thank you to our 5th grade students! Our 5th graders did an awesome job with their
Closet Cleanout for St. Vincent de Paul.
It was obvious from the wonderful collection we received that they and our school families
opened their doors to the poor.
We were very excited to see the response this year, and are most grateful to our 5th grade teachers and students for the success of the Closet Cleanout.
We truly
cultivated kindness
beyond the gates of MBS by sharing our items with the needy of our community.
Helping Hands Needed - Middle School Dance
Volunteers are needed to help with the Middle School Dance on Saturday, October 21. If you are interested, please sign up at the link below:
Middle School Dance - Tapes Needed
Do you have any old Cassette Tapes or VHS tapes you would like to donate?
The Dance Committee is collecting them to make some
Like Totally Awesome 80's
decorations for the
Middle School Dance.
Please bring your donations to the Drop Box located in the school office.
(Tapes will not be returned)
Impact Workshops
The October workshop is this weekend. Registration is still open! Just in time for 1st quarter exams, parent/teacher conferences and preparation for the 2nd nine weeks. For those who are interested in improving their child's
study skills, motivation, goal setting, time management, organization, test taking strategies, concentration/focus, body language and more!
Workshops are held at the Dunham School in Baton Rouge.
Catholic High School Information Night and Open House
Young men in the 8
grade and their parents are invited to attend an Information Night at Catholic High School on October 15 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the Catholic High School Gym.
Young men in grades 6-8 and their parents are invited to the Open House at Catholic High School on November 9. Tours begin at 4:30 p.m.
For additional information, regarding these events or the admissions process, please visit the Catholic High School website at
St. Joseph's Academy Open House - October 19
t. Joseph’s Academy invites 6
, 7
and 8
grade girls and their parents to join us for Open House 2017. Mark your calendars for Thursday, October 19, from 4:30 to 7 p.m. Meet our students, faculty, staff, alumnae and parents, and enjoy tours of our beautiful campus throughout the evening. Application information will be available for 8
grade girls.
For more information, contact Admissions Director Mandy Hoffman at
or 388-2243. To learn more about SJA, visit our website at
St. Michael High School Open House - October 26
St. Michael High School will be hosting their Open House on Thursday, October 26, 2017, for 6
, 7
& 8
grade students and parents. We invite students at
Most Blessed Sacrament
to visit at
. If this time is not convenient for your family, feel free to join us anytime between 4:30pm-7:00pm. For additional information, please call
or visit the school’s website at
. We hope to see you at St. Michael on October 26
Baton Rouge Magnet High School Open House - October 26
Baton Rouge Magnet High School will hold its annual Prospective Student Open House and Student Talent Showcase, at Baton Rouge Magnet High School (
2825 Government Street; Baton Rouge, LA 70806
) Thursday, October 26, 2017 from 8:00am until 9:30am.
MBS Parish Fair Volunteer Sign-Ups!!!
Please consider volunteering your time and talents during the 2017 MBS Parish Fair. We have various opportunities available for everyone. Listed below are the links to the Sign Ups for each booth. Please feel free to call Emelie Wright
or email
for more information. We look forward to celebrating our Fair Weekend with you and your families.
Food Court and Coke Booths
Games and Prize Booths
Sweets Booth
Silent Auction
MBS "Back to the Fair" Tent Space
MBS Fair Committee will sell spots on the fair grounds to set up your personal tent so that you can establish a "home base" for your family and friends to spend the weekend at the MBS Parish Fair.
Paving the Future - Brick Campaign
to visit the Home & School Website.
Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic School * 751-0273
8033 Baringer Rd. Baton Rouge, LA 70817