Christmas Giving Tree Program 2023

The Christmas Giving Tree Program collection, sponsored by the Mission Committee, begins this Sunday, November 5, and runs through December 3. This year we will be serving Operation Give Back, Family Promise (IHN), St. George Interfaith Food Pantry, and SugarTree Ministries.

The Christmas tree with tags are in the Cafe, or you may choose online giving by clicking the following link:

You may contact Karen Daniel or Dianna Jimenez at [email protected] for more information.

Thank you for considering how you might be a part of Christmas for our neighbors

in need. 

Barb Askren ([email protected]) or Chris Crawford ([email protected])

Once again, the Greater Cincinnati Chapter of Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, with the able assistance of our own Deacons, will present our annual Veterans Day Memorial Service. The service will be on Sunday, November 5, at 7:00PM in the Sanctuary. Our main speaker will be Cheryl Popp, Director of Honor Flights Tri-State. Music will be provided by the excellent Select Choirs of Little Miami High School. Quilts of Valor will be presented to several veterans. Please join us to help honor our veterans and feel free to bring a (veteran) friend.

Prime Timer's: REGISTRATION for this fabulous spring trip begins this coming Sunday, November 5, at the Kiosk in the Cafe. Bring your checkbooks to church with you on Sunday, so you do not miss out!

Signups begin this Sunday in the Cafe,

or you may do so online at:

Join us for our twenty- first year! This annual event runs from January through April and focuses on enjoying good food with friends old and new. It is a special way to get to know folks new to Sycamore Presbyterian as well as others in our church family.

We are expanding the program this year with a new option: you can participate "at home" or join a separate group of couples who want to meet "in restaurants".

How does it work?

Traditional "at home": Each month groups of 7 or 8 meet at a designated host's home. The host schedules the date and time for dinner and provides the entree. Guests bring a dish to add to the meal. "Dinners" can be an evening meal, lunch, brunch, or your own creative "in home" get together. Remember, the main purpose is Christian fellowship. The make-up of groups changes each month, with everyone hosting only once.

An additional option "in restaurant":

Each month groups of 7 or 8 will meet at a designated restaurant. The host schedules the date and time, chooses the restaurant, and makes the reservation. The hostess may serve appetizers before the meal or dessert afterwards at his or her home.

We ask that participants host once and attend at least one dinner. If you cannot commit to at least 2 months, you may sign up as a substitute. Substitutes will be used in the "in home" circuit versus the "in restaurant" group. We cannot guarantee that you will be called upon, but we keep a list of names for when someone cannot attend a dinner as planned.

Questions to Beth Hueil: (513) 683-0986 or [email protected]

*In person sign ups in the Cafe will take place on November 5, 12, and 19.

Operation Give Back is reaching out to Sycamore Presbyterian for volunteers. On November 4, they will hold their biggest one-day event ever. A winter coat giveaway will take place between 11am and 7pm at OGB. At this time, they expect 600-700 local children to visit to pick out a winter coat. Their parents/guardians will also sign up for the Holiday Store, which opens in December. As kids come through the coat station to get their coats, OGB needs some helping hands (adult volunteers only) to restock coats. The shifts are 10:30-1:30, 1:30-4:30, and 4:30-7:30.

They are located at 10891 Millington Court in Blue Ash.


If you are interested in helping out or have questions, please contact Karen Daniel (SPC Mission Chair) at [email protected] or 513-266-1056. You may also contact OBG directly at 513-489-2023 or [email protected].

Blessing Bags

The Mission committee will be packing Blessing Bags in the Chapel on Sunday, November 5, after church at 11:15am which will allow time for fellowship after the service. The number of children in the Loveland School district that have qualified for extra food over the weekend continues to increase. We will be packing 150 bags! Currently, we need all the items on the Blessing Bag food list -- except Goldfish or Animal Crackers!


Our Daily Bread – OTR

Sycamore Presbyterian will continue to support Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen and Social Center in OTR in their yearly Bread4Bread financial campaign. ODB will leverage SPC’s $5,000. donation to encourage giving during the Bread4Bread campaign. ODB supporters appreciate knowing that each dollar they give is being matched!


ROMEO Luncheon!



If you are interested in joining the men on November 8 then this coming Sunday will be your last chance. Only one seat remains! Please see Paul Poe at the Kiosk this Sunday!

If you have any questions, please contact Paul Poe, ([email protected] or 513-206-3443)

Remember: AS Rick Rogers would say, Fellowship is Meaningful and Food Matters!

Sunday: Randy Gross - 8:30 am in room 120. They will be studying Genesis.

Monday: Marilyn Poe - 10:30 am in the Chapel - study: "Experiencing the Power of the Holy Spirit, you can live God's best each day" by Lloyd John Ogilvie.

1st and 3rd Tuesday: Claudia Gross - begins @ 9:30 am in Room 120 - study: Old Testament Prayers.

1st and 3rd Tuesday: Mitzi Green’s Harmony Circle meets from 6-8:00 pm in the Media Center to watch and discuss "The Chosen" series.

Tuesday: Lamplighters with Don Dunham meets from 7-8:30 pm in Room 120. They are studying 1 & 2 Peter and Jude.

Wednesday: Alan Greggo’s Men’s Bible Study meets from 7-8:00 am in the Media Center. They are studying “Integrity- Living Truth” from the Life Guide Bible Series.

Wednesday: Jenny Ellsworth - 10-11:30 am in Room 120. Their current study is entitled “Experiencing God”- how to recognize his voice and know his will.

Thursday: Rev. Linda’s Bible Study meets @ 10:00 am in the Foyer - study: Exodus.

Our Daily Bread - new editions are here.


The LATEST edition of Our Daily Bread is available. Pick up a copy outside the main office on the stone wall or in the SPC Café.


Lin Spaeth

513-604-0080 or

[email protected]

Amy Geist

513-683-7315 or

[email protected]

Being an SPC Deacon is a privilege and a blessing. As Deacons, we are given the opportunity to know SPC church members and friends in a deeper way, serving alongside them and growing in the understanding of the burdens people carry and how the church can help. Think of your Deacons as the "caregivers" of the congregation, and feel free to reach out to your Deacon of the Month if you need someone with whom to pray, have questions about the church, or just need an empathetic ear. Our "Cooks on Call" ministry is also available to provide a homemade meal following a surgery, serious illness, or passing of a loved one. We have been called to serve and are here for you.


Lead Pastor and Head of Staff: Rev. Ross Reddick ([email protected])

Associate Pastor for Youth and Family Ministries: Rev. Rachel Boden ([email protected])

Administration and Communications: Virginia Barnett ([email protected])

Finances: Bev Potts ([email protected])

Pastor for Congregational Care: Rev. Linda McClanahan ([email protected])

Children and Youth Ministries Coordinator: Grace Barnett ([email protected])

Director of Music: Dr. Sujin Kim ([email protected])

Maintenance: Rick Ware ([email protected])