Join Pastor Ross and Paul Sisk as they journey through Ephesians. You may scan the QR code to register or click the following link:

Lawn Fete donations: Tuesday, April 2!

All items should be left on the storage facility porch. 



We cannot accept the following:

Clothing, shoes, mattresses, bed pillows, carpet or carpet padding, food of any kind, toiletries including perfume, nail polish or makeup, exercise equipment, computers, TV’s (can take flat screen), TV cabinets, computer furniture, dated electronics, tires, paint, cleaning fluids.

For questions, contact Barb Gausmann (trinkets and treasures) or Doug Gausmann (furniture) at 513-683-8614 or [email protected].

Won’t you come and be part of the fun? All Singles are welcome! Contact Rena Taylor at [email protected] with questions.

Dear friends,

It has been brought to my attention that in-artful word choice in my Palm Sunday sermon has given the impression that I believe the conflict in the Middle East to be one-sided, and nothing could be further from the truth. As one who has visited Israel twice and fallen in love with her beauty and culture, I am deeply grieved by the loss of life on both sides.

While it was not my intention to offend, I can certainly see how my choice of words may have landed poorly and for that I offer an apology. My intention was merely to offer a different and thought-provoking interpretation of the Palm Sunday story and Jesus’ motivations as they apply to our daily lives.

I pray daily for God's healing of the Holy Land and all of her people, and I hope you will join me in doing so this Holy Week. Although we may not always interpret or apply scripture in the same ways, we are all of one body. Please remember that my door is always open.


Rev. Rachel Boden

Welcome to Family Promise (IHN) volunteer week signups. All jobs are listed in chronological order of date and time needed in sign up Genius. Please look at what is needed each day. When you find the slot in which you are interested, click on the sign up tab and fill in your name and email address. You will receive a confirmation email from sign up genius two days before your designated work time. Please click the following link to sign up now:

We will have in person signups on April 7 and 14 in the Cafe, at which time, we will help you register on signup genius.


All volunteers who plan on serving at the campus will need to have a background check completed through Sycamore Presbyterian Church. Once you sign up to volunteer, Bev Potts will send you a link from church. You will also need to take the child safety training (video format) along with submitting the pertinent information on the background check. None of your personal information is stored at the church or is shared; this is a safe option. All of our Sunday school teachers, staff, Session Members, and Deacons follow this protocol.

Thank you for volunteering.

Family Promise Core Team,

Jennifer Fieldman Goepper, Peggy Jacobs, Barb Davis, Kathy Smith, Mindy Patton, and Lin Speath

The next ROMEO luncheon is scheduled for April 10. This is a popular activity, so sign up NOW to avoid the waiting list or missing out all together. Simply click on the following link to secure your seat:

We need volunteers for the Pancake Breakfast. If you are willing to help the youth out, please email Rev. Rachel Boden ([email protected]) or Grace Barnett ([email protected]) Thank you in advance; we appreciate your time!

Tickets are available for $15.00 at the door or on their website at

SPC Ministry Fair & Member Mingle

Membership Committee is hosting a Ministry Fair and Member Mingle on Sunday, April 21 after services (11:15am - 1:00pm) in the Fellowship Hall. We are called to serve God by sharing our gifts and talents and to share in the work of the church together. Connect with other members while learning about the many ministry opportunities at Sycamore. We will build in some fun ways for you to see all that is happening at SPC…and there is a lot!  Already involved and serving? Use this time to connect with other members and friends of the church over light snacks and refreshments.

For more information, please reach out to Sandy Caney (513-307-3398 or [email protected]) or Holly Roberts ([email protected])

One Great Hour of Sharing...

For 75 years, One Great Hour of Sharing has provided Presbyterians a way to share God’s love with our neighbors in need around the world. a world of disaster, hunger, and oppression

Millions of people lack access to sustainable food sources: clean water, sanitation, education, and opportunity.

The three programs supported by One Great Hour of Sharing -- Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self-Development of People -- all work in different ways to serve individuals and communities in need. From initial disaster response to ongoing community development, their work fits together to provide people with safety, sustenance, and hope.

Now through March 31, please consider giving to this special offering. Envelopes are available at the SERVE counter, or click the following line to GIVE NOW:

The SPC Nominating Committee needs your recommendations to fill open positions on various church boards and committees. Now through April 7, you may nominate yourself or someone else who embodies the qualities to serve in areas of spiritual leadership, administration, or vision implementation. This year, there are 24 openings, some of which do not require church membership. Click the following link to view openings and committee/board descriptions: nominating information.

You may share your recommendations by:

  • using the website; look for "Recommendations to Serve" on the homepage, or click the following link: my recommendations
  • using a paper ballot available outside the Sanctuary
  • emailing the committee at [email protected]
  • calling Virginia at the church office (513-683-0254)

One last request: If a Nominating Committee member contacts you to serve, please prayerfully consider it. And, of course, answer YES, if the spirit leads!

*All recommendations are kept confidential; we look forward to your suggestions.

Thank you!

New editions are here!


The LATEST edition of Our Daily Bread is NOW available.Pick up a copy outside the main office on the stone wall or in the SPC Café.


This month's deacons are Amy Geist (513-683-7315) and Renee Walker-Tong (513-697-7451)

Being an SPC Deacon is a privilege and a blessing. As Deacons, we are given the opportunity to know SPC church members and friends in a deeper way, serving alongside them and growing in the understanding of the burdens people carry and how the church can help. Think of your Deacons as the "caregivers" of the congregation, and feel free to reach out to your Deacon of the Month if you need someone with whom to pray, have questions about the church, or just need an empathetic ear. Our "Cooks on Call" ministry is also available to provide a homemade meal following a surgery, serious illness, or passing of a loved one. We have been called to serve and are here for you.


Lead Pastor and Head of Staff: Rev. Ross Reddick ([email protected])

Associate Pastor for Youth and Family Ministries: Rev. Rachel Boden ([email protected])

Office Administration: Virginia Barnett ([email protected])

Finances: Bev Potts ([email protected])

Church Administrator: Paul Sisk ([email protected])

Pastor for Congregational Care: Rev. Linda McClanahan ([email protected])

Children and Youth Ministries Coordinator: Grace Barnett ([email protected])

Director of Music: Dr. Sujin Kim ([email protected])

Maintenance: Rick Ware ([email protected])