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As the festive lights begin to twinkle and the air fills with the spirit of the holiday season, we at The Apothecary extend our warmest greetings to you and your loved ones.

This month, we discuss nurturing wellness this upcoming holiday season.

The holiday season presents a unique opportunity to blend celebration with mindful health practices, aiming to find a comfortable and enriching balance in our lives. We recognize that while the holidays are a time for sharing spirit and warmth, they can also be bustling and demanding. It's a period where our regular routines are challenged, and finding a balance between festive enjoyment and self-care becomes more important than ever. Together, let's cherish the joy of the season while also being mindful of our health and wellness needs.

Nurturing Wellness—Lifestyle Considerations:

Stress Management

Plan ahead — Organize your schedule and to-do lists to avoid last-minute rushes.

Prioritize personal enjoyments—Carve out time daily for activities you enjoy, whether it's a hobby or simply quiet time.

Practice mindfulness — Engage in mindfulness or breathing exercises to stay.

Adequate sleep—Adequate sleep is vital for managing stress, as it helps regulate mood and improve brain function.

Hydration & Nutrition

Stay hydrated — Drink water throughout the day, especially before meals.

Incorporate lean protein —

Including a good amount of protein in each meal is a great way to maintain energy and muscle health, especially during the busy holiday season.

Mindful intake — Enjoy holiday treats but balance them with healthy meals. This approach helps ensure you're getting a variety of nutrients while enjoying holiday foods.

Physical Movement

Incorporate family activities —

Plan walks, dances, or games that get everyone moving.

Prioritize movement — Maintain a mini-routine, even if it's shorter than usual. Movement plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being:

Stretch daily — Take a few minutes to slow down each day to stretch. Stretching is an excellent way to release tension in the body. It can serve as a form of mindfulness, helping to calm the mind and reduce stress levels.

Rest & Relaxation

Prioritize sleep — Ensure you get enough sleep each night.

Create a calm environment — Dedicate a space in your home where you can relax.

Digital detox — Limit screen time, especially before bed.

Relaxation techniques — Try yoga, meditation, or reading for relaxation.

Targeted Support for Anxiety and Sleep

Targeted Supplement Support Considerations:

Sleep and Relaxation Support: See our Targeted Support for Anxiety and Sleep

Natural Creations homeopathic and supplement items: Visit us in-store to explore our range of Natural Creations homeopathic drops and supplement items. Our knowledgeable team is in-store to help you select the best option to fortify your wellness support toolkit.

Immune-Boosting Supplements:

Digestion Support: Quality multi-strain probiotic supplements and digestive enzymes may support gut health and digestion.

Targeted Support: Core & Additional Supplements

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.*

Happening In-Store Now Through December 20th


If you are looking for additional supplements or vitamins to complement your health goals, we offer a large selection of over-the-counter items—vitamins, homeopathics, botanicals, nutraceuticals, chemical-free skin care products, and natural cosmetics.

Our team is happy to help with recommendations or questions you have about nutritional supplements to support your health goals. We have put together some common targeted support supplements on our website. Visit the "Targeted Support Recommendations" button to access the different categories of targeted support recommendations.

Feel free to stop in or give one of our pharmacists a call at The Apothecary 320-251-0107.

Targeted Support Recommendations

Online Store Access

Note: Wellevate has merged to Fullscript.

Browse Professional-Grade Supplements Available Through Our Online Store Access—Free shipping for Fullscript online orders over $50 and The Apothecary Label online orders over $50. Free shipping applies to online store orders only.

Shop Fullscript Online Here
Shop The Apothecary Online

Fullscript Online Store Offers:

+ More than 300+ quality supplement brands

+ FREE shipping for Fullscript orders over $50

+ Search by supplement type or brand

+ Over-the-counter brands we carry at The Apothecary delivered to you (ex. Ortho Molecular, Integrative Therapeutic, Nordic Naturals...)

+ Autoship setup option available

The Apothecary Online Offers:

+ 160+ professional grade supplements

+ FREE shipping with online orders over $50

+ Single vitamins (ex. vitamin D) or combination formula supplements available.

Combination supplements are formulated with research-based essential nutrients to support targeted body functions (ex. Sleep Support, Memory Plus, etc. )


  • Custom Compounding
  • Nutraceutical Products
  • Low-Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
  • Compounded Hormone Replacement Therapy (cHRT)
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