June 2020
Muskingum Valley Council Scouts and Scouters!

Important Updates
Scouting Resource Center and Scout Shop
Muskingum Valley Council Scouting Resource Center and Scout Shop
Located at 734 Moorehead Avenue in Zanesville, OH

Scout Shop Store Hours:
Tuesday-Thursday: 9:00am-6:00pm
Friday: 9am-5pm
Unit Meeting Guidelines - Safety First!
As we continue to navigate the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Muskingum Valley Council is putting safety first in all decision-making regarding programming at the Council, District and Unit level.

Now that many of the Covid -19 related restrictions are lifting, units are able to begin meeting again, in-person, provided they have the approval of their Charter Organization and follow the following guidelines:

Units are permitted to hold in-person meetings with 10 or fewer members in a group setting.

Multiple groups of 10 may meet at the same time in the same location, but each group of 10 should remain independent of one another and the groups should not intermingle adults or youth members within those groups.

Units must receive approval from their chartering organization to begin meeting.

Proper Social Distancing should be practiced by all those in attendance at meetings. At least a 6-foot distance between all individuals who are not immediate family members.

Leaders and Scouts should wear face coverings any time they are unable to maintain social distancing.

Proper sanitizing measures (hand sanitizer, surface cleaner, soap and water) and handwashing should be available and encouraged.

Prior to attending any in-person meetings, parents should self-screen themselves and their Scouts:
  • Temperatures should be taken. If a temperature screening is 100 degrees or more, you should not attend any Scouting function.
  • If you, or anyone in your family has been exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 within two weeks of your meeting, you should not attend any Scouting functions.

And remember – all Youth Protection policies and two-deep leadership policies should be followed to ensure the continued safety of our youth members.

If you have any questions contact the Scouting Resource Center at:
National Membership Fee Updates
(Reminder: In addition to these national fees, rechartering youth and adults also pay a $3.00 Council Service Fee. This fee helps provide accident and sickness insurance for members during Scouting activities. Total due at recharter will be $69 per youth and $45 per adult.)

We need your help with the School Champions Program!
Leader Training Challenge
Who: Key Three from each unit (Scout/Cub Master, Committee Chair, Charter Org. Rep. plus 2 Committee Members)

What: Each Unit is being challenged to complete all Leader Specific Training plus Hazardous Weather, Succession Planning, and Safe Swim Defense. District and Council Leaders can complete their position specific training as well as Hazardous Weather, Scouting Alumni and Friends, and Journey to Excellence.

When: Monday, May 18, 2020 through Sunday, June 28, 2020. Every Wednesday at 7:00 pm, starting Wednesday, May 27, 2020, adult leaders can register for ZOOM meetings that are intended to guide our leaders through the online learning process. The first step in this challenge is to establish your my.scouting.org account.

One session left: Click below to register!

Why: Successful units have trained adults who are prepared to lead the youth and other adults in their unit. Online training provides the perfect opportunity for adults to continue their training from home during COVID 19 and the reduced face-to-face trainings. Each of the 5 adult leaders in each unit who complete, or show proof of completed training, will receive this years Univ. Of Scouting Council Service Strip as thank you.

Questions: Call Ed Wolfel 740-221-2615
Professional Staff - Contact Info

Scout Executive: Ed.Mulholland@scouting.org

Arrowhead District: Evan.Siefke@scouting.org

River Trails District: Amanda.Wisniewski@scouting.org

Zane Trace District / Assistant Scout Executive: Jeffery.Pickett@scouting.org
Upcoming Events
Council-Wide Roundtable Zoom Meeting
Join us for a monthly update and network with other Scout Leaders

Tuesday June 23rd, 6:30pm via ZOOM
Topic: Council-wide Roundtable Gathering
Time: Jun 23, 2020 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 821 9144 9526
Password: 2XZ4Yq
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,82191449526#,,,,0#,,826416# US (Germantown)
+13126266799,,82191449526#,,,,0#,,826416# US (Chicago)
Dial by your location
       +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
       +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
       +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
       +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
       +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
       +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 821 9144 9526
Password: 826416
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbKWzWB0ku
National Youth Leadership Training

August 2-7, 2020 @ MVSR

Cost is $175 per participant

  • Give you the confidence and knowledge to conduct a youth‐run program
  • Train you in all aspects of effective leadership, from teaching skills to motivating an organization
  • Guide you through the stages of team development
  • Give you the opportunity to share ideas and experiences with youth from other units.
  • Enhance the relationship between you and adults.
  • Create an environment of Scouting fellowship and fun guided by the Scout Oath and Law
  • Experience Scouting at its best!
Key Concepts:
  • Vision—Goals—Planning: Creating a positive future success
  • SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely
  • Planning and Problem‐solving Tool: What, How, When, Who
  • SSC Assessment Tool: Start, Stop, Continue
  • Teaching EDGE: Explain, Demonstrate, Guide, Enable
  • Stages of Team Development: Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing
  • Leading EDGE: Explain, Demonstrate, Guide, Enable
  • Conflict Resolution Tool: EAR – Express, Address, Resolve
  • Making Ethical Decisions: Right vs. Wrong, Right vs. Right, Trivial
  • Communication: MaSeR – Message, Sender, Receiver
  • Valuing People: ROPE – Reach out, Organize, Practice, Experience
Save the Date
Fall Program Kick-off
At MVSR August 8, 2020
Join us for a fun family hog roast picnic and learn about fall recruitment and popcorn sale!

Leadership Dinner featuring guest speaker Rocky Bleier!
October 1, 2020
Fundraising event
Summer Camps
There's still time to register for summer camps!!!
3 full weeks of "Myths and Legends" summer camp fun at MVSR!!!

"Week 3": June 28 - July 4
"Week 4": July 5-11
"Week 5": July 12-18

Cost is $270 per Scout and $80 per Adult

Cub Resident Camp registration deadline extended - still plenty of time to register!
Cub Scout Resident Camp
July 23-26, 2020
Muskingum Valley Scout Reservation
Cost is $125 per youth and $50 per adult

Camp theme is "Myths and Legends" enjoy 4 days and 3 nights of Cub Scout camping summer fun! Belt loop advancements at each Cub Scout rank starting at Tiger. Enjoy crafts, swimming, fishing, shooting sports, games, camping and more!

Muskingum Valley Council, BSA | 740-453-0571| www.mvcbsa.org
  SHOP at your  council Scout Store; every sale helps our council be the best in the area!