
New Updated Statewide Freeze Guidance - Effective TODAY November 18, 2020 available HERE. (Scroll down about halfway down the webpage to Guidance, FAQs, and Signage).

I want everyone to know that I spoke with Rick Hudson, Emergency Manager, to find out if the City or County was planning any additional restrictions on businesses following the Governor's recent press conference. Rick has assured me that, at this time, neither the City nor County have any plans for closures or restrictions beyond what the governor has put in place. I also had the opportunity for a quick chat with Sam Steidel, the Mayor, while he walked his dogs past our office, and he confirmed the same information. Currently, there are no plans by the City or County to close or restrict businesses beyond the Governors’ executive order.

Jim Paino, Executive Director

Executive Order 20-65 temporary freeze to address surge in COVID-19 cases in order.

A link to Governor Brown's press conference is available HERE.

The freeze will last through Dec. 2 for most counties. But Brown noted that some COVID-19 hotspot counties are likely to stay in a freeze for longer than that. Multnomah County will be under the restrictions for at least four weeks. 

The Two-Week Freeze measures include:
  • Limiting social get-togethers (indoors and outdoors) to no more than six people, total, from no more than two households.
  • Limiting faith-based organizations to a maximum of 25 people indoors or 50 people outdoors.
  • Limiting eating and drinking establishments to take-out and delivery only.
  • Closing gyms and fitness organizations.
  • Closing indoor recreational facilities, museums, indoor entertainment activities, and indoor pools and sports courts.
  • Closing zoos, gardens, aquariums, outdoor entertainment activities, and outdoor pools.
  • Limiting grocery stores and pharmacies to a maximum of 75% fire marshal capacity and encouraging curbside pickup.
  • Limiting retail stores and retail malls (indoor and outdoor) to a maximum of 75% fire marshal capacity and encouraging curbside pickup.
  • Closing venues (that host or facilitate indoor or outdoor events).
  • Requiring all businesses to mandate work-from-home to the greatest extent possible and closing offices to the public.
  • Prohibiting indoor visiting in long-term care facilities (outdoor visitation permitted for supporting quality of life).

The Two-Week Freeze does not apply to or change current health and safety protocols for personal services (such as barber shops, hair salons, and non-medical massage therapy), congregate homeless sheltering, outdoor recreation and sports, youth programs, childcare, K-12 schools, K-12 sports currently allowed, current Division 1 and professional athletics exemptions, and higher education — all of which can continue operating under previous guidance issued by the Oregon Health Authority.

Funds will be allocated to counties to distribute to businesses that have been hard hit by COVID-19 (Salem, OR) — Governor Kate Brown announced today that the state will commit $55 million in financial assistance to support Oregon businesses who have been impacted by COVID-19 restrictions. These funds will be allocated to counties to distribute.

$75 Million in Financial Grants to Oregon Small Business Coming Available
The Oregon legislature and Governor Brown approved $20 million more to Business Oregon’s Emergency Business Assistance Grant Fund. The application for this new round of funds will be available beginning this Thursday, November 19th on Business Oregon's websiteApplications will be reviewed on a first-come first-served basis.

Travel Oregon announced the breaking news and how it effects travel. See full details HERE.

The Chamber and Information Center will be closed to the public through December 2nd. Our staff will be working remotely and will be answering calls and emails through the closure.

  • Mask pickup for the duration of the "freeze" will be Wednesday from 9:00am to 2:00pm only, in the Chamber Community Hall.
  • Food pantry donation bin will only be available during those hours as well.

We will keep you apprised of any new developments via weekly eblasts and on our Coronavirus Update webpages over the next two weeks. Links are in the left column.

We are in this together!