CEDR announced a new grant program with expanded eligibility for Clatsop County small businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Grants of $5,000 and above are now available to small businesses with 25 or fewer employees that have received less than $100,000 in federal relief funds. Apply now at
This week Clatsop County Was Added to the State “Watchlist” Due to Rapid Rise of COVID Cases. Read full Document HERE!
Counties are placed on the watch list when there is a sporadic case rate of ≥ 50 per 100,000 in the last two weeks and the county has >5 sporadic cases in the last two weeks. Sporadic cases are those cases that cannot be traced to a source, which indicates community spread.
Counties remain on the watch list for a minimum of three weeks and until their sporadic case count drops below 50 per 100,000 or ≤5 cases in the previous two weeks.
The watch list helps policymakers and the COVID-19 response team to prioritize resources and assistance to the counties that are seeing the broadest spread of COVID-19. The assistance offered to a particular county depends on the assessment of its needs. Often it includes epidemiological assistance and staffing support.
Presence on the watch list does not indicate that a county is being moved back a phase in reopening, nor is it punitive.