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September 2022
Please Join Us!
Fort Collins Utilities' Fall Commercial Accounts Meeting is happening
October 25. Join us at The Lincoln Center for complementary appetizers, networking and informational presentations. Click the button below for more details and to register.
Save Energy This Fall
With warm days and cool nights, your building's fresh air system is critical to good energy performance.
Ask your repair contractor about the Efficiency Works Performance Plus program. We incentivize contractors to tune your system for maximum efficiency.
Do You Have a Grease Trap?
Grease interceptors are critical when it comes to keeping our wastewater system flowing. Please maintain your interceptors to keep grease from clogging pipes. Questions? Contact Rhonda Barton, Industrial Pretreatment Specialist, at 970-221-6938 or
Resource to Help Prevent
Plumbing Problems
Avoid clogs and expensive plumbing repairs in your business' bathroom. Encourage employees and customers to only flush the three Ps: pee, poo and toilet paper. Utilities can help you spread the word. Email to request bathroom stall 'clings' to put up in your restroom.
Council Adopts Graywater Ordinance
This month, Fort Collins City Council adopted an ordinance allowing people to reuse graywater for toilet flushing. The ability to install a graywater system, which is voluntary for different development types, will go into effect in November. Building Services will handle permitting.
Make the Switch to Xeriscape
HOAs, businesses and other
commercial properties that are Fort Collins Utilities water customers can receive up to $15,000 for replacing grass with an eligible
low-water landscape.
Five Steps to Ensure Quick
Payment Processing
The process for paying bills doesn't have to be painful. Follow the steps in the link below for a faster and smoother experience.
Utilities Pandemic Assistance
Utilities Pandemic Assistance is available for residential, commercial and property managers for past-due active and inactive utility accounts.
Stay Connected!