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June 2022
Building and Plumbing Code Changes
In April, several building and plumbing code updates went into effect. These updates help ensure new construction conserves water right from the start. 
Utilities Publishes Water Conservation Annual Report
Water-saving actions reduced community water use by more than 160 million gallons in 2021! 
Quality Water Is Our Priority
We regularly monitor water quality from source to tap for post-wildfire impacts, lead, copper and other contaminants.
Water Allotment Reminder
Don’t be caught off guard by Excess Water Use surcharges! Monitor your use with the MyWater portal and take advantage of our rebate program to ensure you do not exceed your annual water allotment.
Summer Water Use
Outdoor watering accounts for 60% of total water use during the summer. Maximize watering efficiency by using our Daily Lawn Watering Guide.
Considering Graywater
City staff are developing a graywater ordinance that would allow for voluntary graywater for toilet flushing in various development types. City Council first reading is happening August 16.
Plumbing Etiquette
Many businesses use water efficient fixtures, saving money and water. Because these high-efficiency fixtures push less water through plumbing, it’s more important than ever to treat our pipes with respect. Only flush the three Ps and throw fats, oils and grease in the trash. Together, we can prevent clogs and expensive repairs.
Outage Preparedness
Utilities provides highly reliable electric service to the community, typically receiving ratings above 99.99% reliability. However, electric outages do occur and can impact business. 
Building Energy and Water Scoring Deadline
The Fort Collins Benchmarking deadline was June 1. Click below to find out if your building is covered and next steps. We offer free resources to help building owners comply.
A/C Blowing Hot Air?
Ask your repair contractor about the Efficiency Works Performance Plus program. We incentivize contractors to tune your system for maximum efficiency. If you are getting a new system, make sure to ask your contractor for pricing on efficient units. The prices are compelling and units are in stock, ready to install. For more information, call David Suckling at 970-416-4251 or
Rates: How We Compare
Fort Collins Utilities' bills are, on average, lower than other utilities across Colorado.
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