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March 2021
Kendall Minor is New Utilities Executive Director
The Utilities executive director provides strategic leadership over the City of Fort Collins’ utility portfolio, including essential electric, water, wastewater and stormwater services. Learn more about Utilities leadership.
2022 Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Projects
Utilities is committed to delivering safe, reliable and competitively priced services. Funds received from our rate payers are invested into our infrastructure and operations to maintain and continually improve our systems.
Five Steps to Quick Payment Processing
Following these five simple steps will reduce errors and result in quicker processing of your commercial utilities payments.
2021 Halligan Water Supply Project Year in Review
From state and federal permitting to preliminary design work and dam concepts – see what was accomplished in 2021. 
Water Distribution System Flushing Begins in April
Utilities will flush the water distribution system April-May. Flushing is part of our preventive maintenance program, helps maintain water quality and keeps our water fresh. 
Only Rain Down the Storm Drain
According to the EPA, polluted stormwater runoff is one of the greatest threats to clean water in the U.S. See what you can do to help prevent pollution. 
Don't Throw Money Down the Drain
Leaks can be costly! Track your water use and receive free email or text notifications to better understand water use at
Future of ClimateWise
In advance of a new and improved sustainable business program, we are seeking input from community members and businesses to understand how a program can better serve the needs of the entire Fort Collins community. 
Provide Input on 1041 Regulations
The City of Fort Collins is developing regulations for water and highway projects that are contextually appropriate to Fort Collins, provide predictability for developers and decision makers, and adequate guidance for review by City staff. The intent is to match or exceed state requirements to ensure the protection of public health, safety, welfare, the environment, and wildlife resources.
#ForFortCollins Business Feature
Project Pizza
"The charitable cause that Project Pizza was birthed under was funding food literacy efforts and one of the biggest ways is food gardens. We put that in our mission statement: Why a bus? Project Pizza is more than a business cranking out delicious wood-fired pizzas. We have dreams of this operation supporting food literacy education in young minds. We plan to use sales to support school gardens and other activities that educate the youth on how food is grown, processed, distributed, consumed, and managed as waste. A school bus fits the aesthetic better than any other vehicle.”
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