January 17, 2025

PCHS Theatre Shines at Thespian Conference! It was another amazing year for PCHS Theatre at the Missouri State Thespian Conference in St. Louis in early January, with impressive performances and superior ratings in Thespy Individual Performance events to showcasing original works and excelling in design challenges. Special congratulations to senior Kaitlyn Seim for earning a performance scholarship and setting a new PCHS record for college callbacks alongside junior Finley Pennington. Visit PCHS Theatre's Facebook page to read more.


First Graduates of 2025

Before Winter Break, PCHS celebrated 23 seniors who graduated at semester with a small reception, cake, and of course photo opportunities! Congratulations to these students, now PCR-3 Alumni!

53rd Annual PC Wrestling Invitational

Next weekend, PCHS hosts the 53rd annual PC Wrestling Invitational. Friday, January 24 at approximately 6:00pm, we will induct Dwaine Thomason (posthumously) and the 1992 2nd place State Team into the PC Wrestling Hall of Fame. Wrestling begins at 4pm on January 24; 9:30am on January 25. Click here for past results of the invitational.

Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences, Early Dismissal - Feb. 13

Spring parent/teacher conferences are scheduled for February 13. Students will be dismissed 3 hours early on this day (Great Beginnings will not be in session on this day). This is a very important time for parents to discuss or see their student's progress, as research has shown that parental involvement is one of the most important factors in a student's success in school. Additional details regarding each building's conferences will come directly from your child's school or classroom teacher.

  • Platte Purchase Middle School, Platte City Middle School, Platte County High School, and Northland Career Center: 12:00-6:30pm
  • Barry Elementary, Compass Elementary, Pathfinder Elementary, and Siegrist Elementary: 1-4pm and 5-7:30pm
  • Great Beginnings (at DEC and Barry): 8:30am-7:30pm

Future Freshman Session and All High School Expo Night - January 22

PCHS is hosting an Expo for 8-11th grade families in conjunction with their 8th grade student/parent night on January 22.  

  • Clubs, Activities, and Electives Expo: 5:30-8pm, in the cafeteria
  • New Course and Weighted Course Information Session: 6pm, in the auditorium
  • 8th Grade Student/Parent Information Session: 6:30pm, in the auditorium

The purpose of this night is to meet teachers and learn about academics and curriculum offerings at the high school as well as attend our electives expo where families can learn more about elective courses, clubs, and activities.

FUTURE FRESHMEN: We encourage both the student (current 8th graders) and parent(s) to attend, so that all can receive the information about courses offered at Platte County High School. This will greatly assist you and your student in the planning process and in course selection for the 2025-26 school year. If you would like more information, please contact your student's counselor: Kim Schank or Whitney Edman, Platte City Middle School Counselors, or Amanda Griffin, Platte Purchase Middle School Counselor.

Pirate Hall of Fame Induction - January 29

The Platte County R-3 School District Hall of Fame will induct three new members following the PCHS winter athletic signing ceremony, on January 29, 6pm, in the Pirate Fieldhouse at Platte County High School.

This year's inductees are: Morgan (Johnson) Ayers (2009 PCHS graduate, valedictorian, member of the girls basketball state championship team, went on to compete with the Iowa Hawkeyes, and currently serves as a physician at Liberty Hospital); Lenora Miles (20 years at PCR-3 as a teacher, English department chair, sponsor, and tutor; Northland Teacher of the Year recipient; and former PCR-3 board member); and the late Raymond Mahowski (33 years at PCR-3 including serving as the Principal of Barry School for 30 years, and Excellence in Service award recipient).

Three File for Two Seats on Board of Education

Three candidates have officially filed for two positions on the Platte County R-3 School District’s Board of Education. Filing closed for Board of Election candidates on December 31, 2024. Candidates (listed in ballot order) are as follows:

  • Shawn Chiddix
  • Alisha Elliott
  • John A. Ready

The seats up for election are currently held by Shawn Chiddix and Mike Matousek. The annual municipal election will be held on April 8, 2025. For more information about the PCR-3 Board of Education, visit the Leadership channel of the District's website. Board of Education members are elected to three-year terms during at-large elections. Elected board members must complete 18.5 hours of board member training within the first year.

The last day to register to vote in the April 8, 2025 Election is March 12, 2025. Patrons may register to vote in any of the Platte County R-3 School facilities or at the Board of Elections offices. Persons can also register by mail by visiting this website.

Zero Rate Change Bond Issue, Informational Meetings

This question will be placed on the April 8, 2025 ballot. If approved by voters, the approximately $62 million bond issue would fund the following projects identified in the District’s Long-Range Facility Plan:

  • Completing Phase 2 of rebuilding Platte County High School, creating a consolidated high school building with all classrooms and programs under one roof
  • Constructing site amenities at Platte Purchase Middle School activities complex
  • Constructing playground facilities at Pathfinder Elementary
  • Expanding parking and improving traffic flow and safety at Compass Elementary

For more information, click here, or attend an Informational Meeting:

  • Monday, March 3, 2025, 6pm, Platte Purchase Middle School
  • Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 6pm, Platte County High School

Pirate Pride: Aspiring Entrepreneurs

For the Pirate Pride portion of the January meeting, the Board of Education recognized PCHS seniors, Spencer Johnson, Charles Forrester, Douggie Kloeppel, Brett Mueller, and Darrell Smith, finalists in PCHS's "Aspiring Entrepreneurs" program. Spencer Johnson and Charles Forrester were selected as winners of $10,000 to propel their entrepreneurial aspirations forward.

SCHIVIR Me Timbers Staff Recognition

Each month, PCR-3 recognizes staff members who are living our vision, mission, and values, by presenting the "SCHIVIR Me Timbers" award. SCHIVIR is an acronym for our values: Student Focus, Collaboration, High Expectations, Integrity, Visionary Leadership, Innovation, and Results Orientation.

At the January board meeting, SCHIVIR recipients from December and January were recognized.

Platte City Middle School's team of paraprofessionals (Clayton Kern, Nicole Keighley, Lhingneiching Briner, Rhae Paeth, Mary Romey, Kaylan O'Dea, Erica Macumber, Zach Olmstead, and Eileen Guzman), were recognized for their Student Focus, and celebrated for their individual abilities to connect with students, foster their growth, and help them overcome challenges.

Barry Elementary's grade level facilitators and instructional coach (Taylor Ahmad, Cassie McCall, Kendall Fuller, Grace Ford, Nancy Denig, Mackenzie Jones, and Justina Holt) were recognized for their Student Focus, Collaboration, and Visionary Leadership, for facilitating data-driven strategies to improve student learning and foster a culture of celebration.

Southwest Foodservice Excellence Chef George Rosenschein was also recognized for his continued Collaboration, High Expectations, and Student Focus enhancing the District's food services, fostering real-world opportunities through Roving Chef experiences, and creating memorable culinary experiences for all stakeholders.

2025-26 Academic Calendar Approved

The Board approved the academic calendar for the 2024-25 school year, as suggested by teachers, support staff, and parents on the calendar committee, and taking into consideration feedback during public review. The draft was formulated based on required student hours, teacher contract days, historical parent and staff survey data, parent and staff feedback, as well as consideration of the alignment with other Northland districts from a programming perspective. Based on feedback, the draft calendar is fairly similar to this year’s calendar and has the first day of school on August 19, the last day of school on May 22, and has again included fall parent/teacher conferences to include one separate evening for PreK-5th, 6th-8th, and 9th-12th grade and one full day for all grades. A three-hour early dismissal was added at the end of 1st and 3rd quarters to allow staff to have a work day to complete end of quarter items. 


PCHS Show Choir Preview - Jan. 18

Don’t miss the PCHS Show Choir Preview Night on Saturday, January 18, starting at 7pm! Join us for an incredible evening showcasing Sound Elegance, Sound Explosion, and Sound Express!

Purchase $10 performance tickets here. Dinner tickets deadline has passed. See flier for details.

Special Olympics Basketball Showcase - Feb. 4

Join us for a Basketball Showcase featuring the Platte County Special Olympics Team, during halftime of the boys varsity game on February 4! See flier for details.

PCHS Dance Father-Daughter Dance - Feb. 8

The PCHS Treasures Dance Team is inviting all girls in grades preK-5 to invite their dad, uncle, grandpa, mentor, etc. for a night of music, dancing, photos, and more! Sign up by clicking here and see flier for details.

Character Warms the Heart Week - Feb. 10-14

Each February, PCR-3 warms up our character education program with a week devoted to good character. Join in the warmth by participating in our Spirit Week; collecting toys and coming to our Feb. 11 basketball game for our childhood cancer charity; and celebrating our character trait and leadership students. See flier for details.

Mid-Continent Public Library Events

Mid-Continent Public Library's Platte City Branch is hosting various teen and kids book groups and programs January-March. See fliers linked below.

Kids Book Groups - Feb. 8

Teen Book Groups - Feb. 8

Teen Hangout - Feb. 11

Winter Reading Challenge - Jan. 2-Mar. 15

PCHS Career Fair - Feb. 27

PCHS is hosing a career fair specifically geared towards senior and junior students looking for employment opportunities. The fair will be February 27 from 9-10:30am in PCHS's North Gym. Interested businesses should sign up to attend using this link, or by emailing Mikyla Murphy at murphy.mikyla@pcr3schools.org

See flier for details.

PC Parks & Rec Soccer - Register by Feb. 7

Platte City Parks and Recreation's Spring Youth Soccer registration is open until February 7 for students PreK-8th. Visit www.plattecity.org to register and See flier for details.

PC Parks & Rec Spring Ball - Register by Mar. 20

Register for Platte City Parks and Recreation youth t-ball, softball, and baseball for PreK through 8th grade. Registration opens Feb. 3 and closes March 20. See flier for details and visit www.plattecity.org to register.

Download the 2024-25 District Calendar
Download the 2025-26 District Calendar

January 17: Report Cards Go Home

January 20: No School, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

February 10-14: Pirates ROCK Character Warms the Heart Week

February 13: Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences, 3-hour early dismissal

February 14: No School, Professional Learning Day

February 17: No School, Presidents' Day

February 19: Board of Education Meeting, 6:30pm, (reconvene from closed session which begins at 5:30pm)

March 3: Ballot Issue Informational Meeting, 6pm, Platte Purchase Middle School

March 7: End of 3rd Quarter

March 11: Ballot Issue Informational Meeting, 6pm, Platte County High School

March 14: Report Cards Go Home

March 20: Board of Education Meeting, 6:30pm, (reconvene from closed session which begins at 5:30pm)

March 24-28: No School, Spring Break

Thank you to our Pirates ROCK Stars!

Thank you to all our Pirates ROCK Star business partners who support character education in our schools including our District-wide Pirates ROCK Star business partner for 2024-25: Farmers Insurance - Weaver Hamman Agency.

Vision: Building Learners of Tomorrow...

Mission: To prepare individual learners for success in life, 
the Platte County School District provides meaningful experiences in a safe and caring environment.

Values: Student Focus, Collaboration, High Expectations, Integrity, Visionary Leadership, Innovation, Results Orientation

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