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This week, McKay Cunningham from the College of Idaho discusses an Idaho Senate resolution calling for a convention of the states to amend the U.S. Constitution. Then, Kevin Richert from Idaho Education News, Dr. Stephanie Witt from Boise State University, and former attorney general Jim Jones join the show to remember our late friend and colleague Dr. Jim Weatherby.

Idaho Reports airs Friday at 8 pm on Idaho Public Television.

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This week at the statehouse:

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Senate kills 'combination' library bill by one vote

Senate Bill 1289 aimed to address both the House’s concerns about book content and the Senate’s concerns about the process for challenging a book's placement. The death of the so-called combination library bill between the two chambers leaves yet another loose end for lawmakers to consider addressing before they adjourn the legislative session.

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House unanimously supports legalizing fentanyl testing strips

State lawmakers are not just running bills to go after fentanyl traffickers this session. They’re also trying to give unsuspecting Idahoans the tools to detect if other drugs have been contaminated with the substance.

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Bill introduced to repeal needle exchange program

The bill was introduced after Boise Police Department served a search warrant at the Idaho Harm Reduction Project’s offices. According to the Idaho Press, police said it was part of an ongoing investigation, but details have not yet been released.


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Bill advances to ban public funds going toward transgender medical care

HB 520 would prohibit the use of public funds for gender affirming care, covering surgeries and other hormone therapies. The bill would prohibit coverage for Medicaid patients, as well as making gender affirming care expenses tax-deductible. It would also impact all people covered by the state health insurance plan, including family of state employees.

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Human trafficking law rewrite moves to House

HB 494 would make Idaho's human trafficking law more victim-centered by removing the word “prostitute” or “prostitution” in human trafficking cases, instead using the language “commercial sexual activity.” It also provides an affirmative defense in which a person at trial could offer evidence they were a victim of human trafficking.


This year’s unpredictable Launch debate begins Friday

House Speaker Mike Moyle has counted more than a few votes in his 26 years in the statehouse, and fully expects an Idaho Launch budget to come out of the Joint Finance-Appropriation Committee on Friday. The funding has to stand on its own, because the program did not find its way into the “maintenance” budgets JFAC kicked out in January.


In case you missed it:

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School facilities bill clears first hurdle

Lawmakers heard a wide range of worries Tuesday about a far-reaching school facilities bill, but the amount of funding offered up for local school buildings seems to have brought education stakeholders on board. The legislation would send approximately $1 billion to Idaho communities for local school buildings.


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(208) 373-7220


Idaho Reports on Idaho Public Television is made possible through the generous support of the Laura Moore Cunningham Foundation, the Friends of Idaho Public Television and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.