The application period for the 2022 Pacifica Synod Latino Ministry Endowment Fund Partnership Support Grants is now open until November 1, 2021.

The Pacifica Synod Latino Ministry Endowment Fund, formed from a
merger of the St. Mary's and Santa Ana Accounts by action of the Synod Council on March 12, 2005, provides assistance and support to congregations with existing Latino ministries and/or congregations intending to develop new Latino ministries. 

Starting in 2019, we encouraged individual grants for Latino members of the Pacifica Synod using the funds for seminary and the TEEM (Theological Education for Emerging Ministries) program.

Congregations grants must have a defined plan for an outreach, worship or other specific ministry. These funds are not intended to cover staff positions. Our committee views these grants as a partnership with financial support from the Pacifica Synod, Latino Ministry Endowment Fund and additional resources of the Latino Area Ministry Committee as appropriate for both congregations and individuals. 

To be considered for a grant, the congregation must:

  1. Have a well thought out plan for outreach with clearly stated goals, objectives and timelines.
  2. Individuals must be accepted into a specific program endorsed by the ELCA and a candidate of the Pacifica Synod.
  3. Prove the potential capacity for achieving the state objectives.
  4. Have congregational approval and support.

When completed, the application will be reviewed by the Pacifica Synod Latino
Ministry Endowment Fund Task Force with approval of the grant by the Latino/Hispanic Ministry Team. Final approval is granted by the Pacifica Synod Council.

The availability of partnership support grants from this fund will vary from year to year based on a fixed percentage of the principle plus interest of the monies available in the PS-LMEF (Pacifica Synod Latino Ministry Endowment Fund).

An application may be downloaded here. The completed grant application must be returned to the Pacifica Synod Latino Ministry Team Chairperson, the Rev. Maria Santa Cruz at Our Savior's Lutheran Church, 4011 Ohio Street, San Diego, CA 92104 or by email to [email protected] by November 1, 2021.