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Channeling the Upper Valley

5 S. Main Street, 1st floor, White River Junction, VT 05001

February 28, 2024

Thank you for considering a gift to support JAM's non-profit mission to build community through the media arts.

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Broadcasting now @ JAM Upper Valley Channel on Comcast 1075/VTel 169 & 1169

Broadcasting now @ JAM Government Channel on Comcast 1085/VTel 170 & 1170

Streaming @, JAM On-Demand, YouTube

What time is it?

Time for the 16th annual Ten Minute Play Festival presented by the Parish Players in Thetford. This year's theme was "stuck" — people trapped in dilemmas and how they escaped or made their peace. Competition for inclusion was intense. Aspiring playwrights submitted 498 works for consideration. Performances were dedicated to the memory of Gillian Tyler, one of Parish Player's beloved founders.

Produced by JAM's Rick Russell

Keeping us in stitches

Hooray for Millcast, JAM's long-running show about all things fiber. It's hosted by Peg Allen and Amanda Kievit, the owners of Junction Fiber Mill, a small-batch wool mill in White River. After three years of hard work in front of and behind the camera, they're on their 66th episode. Click on the link above to learn how the owners met.

Hartford Selectboard Candidates at Bugbee

On Feb. 15 the Bugbee Senior Center hosted a forum for the 2024 Hartford, VT Selectboard Candidates. Watch this and also Monday night's Hartford Candidates Night at Hartford High School to learn where they stand on matters of importance to you. JAM's YouTube Live Streams and JAM On-Demand re-broadcasts bring you more local candidate events and election-related content.

Produced by JAM's Rick Russell and Charlie Rose.

Civic Engagement @JAM

JAM makes local government and school meetings for Hartford, Norwich, and Hartland, VT; Hanover, NH and Lebanon, NH (SAU88 only) available to the public. Watch LIVE on JAM cable channels 1075/1085 (Comcast) or 169/170 VTEL, streaming or JAM YouTube, or search JAM On-Demand for your town's meeting recordings. Pictured: Hartford Select Board Candidate Forum 2024


@ JAM space

Film & live comedy

Opera Animation

& Valley Improv

Friday, March 15

Film Premiere 5:30PM

Live Performance 7-8PM


Make it a double feature at JAM on the Ides of March with Opera Action Figures short film premiere of Thank You, Mr. Sondheim with filmmakers Amy and Terry Lawrence. Then get ready to bust a gut with Valley Improv at 7PM. The show will be a whole hour of wild and hilarious improv inspired by audience suggestions—come down and laugh!


Live performance

Wrangling The Drift

Monday, March 25 7PM

@Briggs Opera House

Cindy Pierce will touch your heart, make you laugh, and likely inspire a tear or two as she shares stories of her beloved mother, Nancy, and her family’s journey with dementia on a tour that just might help you discover that we’re all in this together.

A benefit for the Walk to End Alzheimer's and JAM.



@the JAM space


JAM Camps

Starts June 24 - August 2

One-week and 2-week options

Grades 4-high school grads

One-week JAM Camp, Animation Intensive and 2-week Film Intensive are open for registration! Grades 4 through high school grads. Fee assistance/waiver available thanks to grants from Adimab, Jack & Dorothy Byrne Foundation, and Jane B. Cook Trust.


SPRING After School

JAM Club

Starts March 20-May 22

Wednesdays 3:30-5:30PM

Grades 6-9

It’s an after-school movie and media making club! Connect with other young media makers. Spring Session will include units on drone and GoPro shooting, podcasting, animation, and scripted filmmaking. Fee assistance/waiver available on request.



Digital Media Content Creation for Seniors

Starts June 24 - August 2

Discover the art of digital creation with JAM's 12-week workshop for seniors (age 60+). Whether it’s a digital scrapbook, documentary video, an Instagram account you can share with your grandkids, your own podcast, or other tools empowering you to tell your own story! Presented in partnership with Bugbee Senior Center. Made possible by an anonymous grant through the NH Charitable Foundation.



JAM Equipment Orientation

Wednesdays 5:30PM

Fridays 12PM

Learn how to use our circulating A/V gear available FREE for local residents to achieve your production goals. Orientations cover proper handling. Let JAM help you fulfill your new year's resolutions to make that movie or podcast!

RSVP one week ahead

Community Arts space available for rentals

Reserve the Briggs Opera House

for your next event or show

The Briggs Opera House welcomes community arts groups to the historic theater in White River Junction, VT. JAM partners with Shaker Bridge Theater to manage rental reservations for available dates, with optional media production services when available.

Learn more!


@ JAM Podcasts & Audiobooks


Ryan and David continue to seek everlasting world peace via tribal drumming, bureaucratic shenanigans, and light nudity. A cavalcade of colorful friends drop by to posit off the cuff theories about the meaning of life. Check out episode 5 – "We can't answer your questions"!

From around the region...

JAM (CATV) partners with the Vermont Access Network (VAN) for HD (high def) community-produced content on Comcast 1070 (VT) and streaming everywhere.

Get JAM swag and support community media arts!


Mugs! Hoodies! T-shirts! Beanies! Crop tops! Help support our non-profit mission to build community through media arts, and look cool while you're at it!

JAM – Junction Arts & Media supports lifelong learning to engage the tools of media for individual and community expression in the Upper Valley.

JAM – Junction Arts & Media

5 S. Main Street, 1st Floor (in the Newberry Market)

White River Junction, VT 05001

Contact us at

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See past JAM highlights