April 2020
He is Risen! Alleluia!
During this time of uncertainty, may the Resurrection of the Lord remain our constant source of hope and the cause of all our joy. As Pope St. John Paul II reminded us, "We are an Easter People and Alleluia is our song!" Easter blessings to you and your loved ones!
Official Launch of
Walking with Moms in Need

On Wednesday, March 25, the Church celebrated the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord and the 25 th anniversary of the papal encyclical Evangelium vitae ( The Gospel of Life ).

This date also marked the official start of “ Walking with Moms in Need: A Year of Service .

We understand that, due to the coronavirus, many dioceses and parishes have had to cancel or delay activities and even suspend public Masses. Parishes will similarly be adjusting their schedules for officially launching the Year of Service according to what is pastorally and practically appropriate for everyone’s safety. Nonetheless, preparations are already well underway for the busy year ahead of us.
Even though many of us were unable to celebrate the launch of Walking with Moms in Need in person, we can still come together to build a foundation of prayer for this effort . Please join us in praying daily this " Prayer for Pregnant Mothers ."

And , if you have extra time at home, check out our online parish resources. Begin thinking about creative ways you can prepare for Walking with Moms in Need even now.
Be assured of our prayers for the health and safety of you, your family, and your community, especially the most vulnerable among us.

Archbishop Naumann celebrates Mass on the Solemnity of the Annunciation and the 25 th Anniversary of Evangelium Vitae . His Excellency talks about “Walking with Moms in Need” and the Gospel of Life !

(Homily begins at 22:00.)

When Christ took on human flesh at the Incarnation, He revealed the inherent dignity of all human life.
This brief reflection considers the connection between the celebration of the Annunciation and the Gospel of Life . sedmak
U.S. Bishops’ Pro-Life Activities Chairman on
25 th Anniversary of The Gospel of Life

WASHINGTON—Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City in Kansas and chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities has issued the following announcement on the 25th anniversary of  The Gospel of Life ( Evangelium vitae ).

USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities