Launching the Navigate Platform at Idaho State

As we begin this new academic year, we would like to highlight a resource that will be a significant help in our efforts to support student retention: ISU Navigate. 

Navigate is an industry-leading, student early alert and intervention platform developed by EAB, a firm specializing in the use of technology to support higher education retention and success. This platform will provide a direct channel of communication for faculty to use to alert advisors and student support departments about struggling students early enough in the semester to make a positive difference in student outcomes.

Retention and degree completion are critical to the success of our students and our institution. Identifying students in need of our assistance as early as possible in their academic journey and then connecting them immediately to retention-supporting resources is vital to our success. Reaching out to students proactively to facilitate those conversations is the best way to ensure those connections are made, and the Navigate platform will help us make those proactive connections. 

However, the success of this endeavor will depend on all of us and on how effectively our entire university engages with the new platform. We are preparing communications and promotions to help direct students to the ISU Navigate app and resources, but the investment of our faculty and staff will have the greatest impact on how students experience the platform. 

Our students are our mission at Idaho State University. With the launch of ISU Navigate, we are on the cusp of a new era of coordinated student support and retention on our campus, and we are excited to see the impact our investment will have in the lives of our students.

For more project information, please visit the Navigate website or send an email to [email protected].
Kevin Satterlee
Lyn Redington
Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
Karen Appleby
Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
This communication was sent to all Idaho State University faculty and staff.
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