Laurie Buckhout Wins NC-01 Republican Primary

“We have to stop the disastrous Joe Biden/Don Davis Agenda!”

(Edenton) - Laurie Buckhout won the NC-01 Republican Primary and will now face Congressman Don Davis in November. This race is predicted to be one of the most competitive House races in the country. 

“Thank you to the voters of North Carolina’s First Congressional District,” said Buckhout. “I am honored you have selected me as your Republican nominee. I would also like to commend Sandy Smith for a hard-fought campaign. I never thought this would be easy and she made me earn this victory tonight. She’s forced me to be a better candidate and I thank her. Now, we all have to work together and move forward because we have to stop the disastrous Joe Biden/Don Davis agenda!”

Here in North Carolina, Joe Biden and the Biden agenda have one name, and that’s Don Davis. Davis has enabled Joe Biden’s failures. But I am ready and able to take on Don Davis to fight for working families in NC-01 by securing our borders, stopping Joe Biden’s reckless spending, and fighting for the America First Agenda that protects and promotes American jobs.” 

Political FAQs Courtesy of Campaign Advisor Jonathan Felts

Will this be one of the most competitive House races in the country this year?


Can Buckhout win?


Why do you think Buckhout can win?

Because that’s what I’m paid to do.

[Eye-Roll] OK. Seriously. Why do you think Buckhout can win?

Because of what Buckhout has already said – Joe Biden has been a disaster for family budgets across North Carolina’s First Congressional District. And in the 1st district, Joe Biden and the Biden Agenda have one name, and that’s Don Davis. No one outside of the Biden Administration thinks Bidenomics have been good for working families. 

Not even other Democrats. 

You’ll know other Democrats think the Biden economy is good for America when you see Josh Stein and Don Davis publicly appear with Biden when he’s in NC. Right now, they avoid him like the plague, just like Cheri Beasley did in 2022. But Davis can’t hide from his record of support for Joe Biden.

Any other reason to feel good about it?

Well yeah – the district is more Republican now than it was when Davis barely won it in ’22. Oh. And…how did Ted Budd do in this district in 2022? Oh yeah. 52 - 46. And that was with the bad district, not the Better-For-Republicans district. I know we’re all English degrees writing [and the struggle is real] and reading this but…the math ain’t gonna work for Congressman Davis with the Biden-Anchor, the Trump-Triumph, and the Democrat-Court-Ordered-New-Congressional-Map lines.


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