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October 2019 | Law Firm Vendor Association
Select, committed and service-oriented vendors serving the legal community.
ADC - Vendor Spotlight
ADC the industry in leader in carpet and specialty finish maintenance services. What many don’t know is that ADC also offers the Readiness Solutions Task Tracker to not only their clients, but to anyone interested in tracking productivity of any employee or service.  

Readiness Solutions Task Tracker is a powerful management program which monitors the activity, and the person(s) responsible for the performance of that activity. This internet-based management console interacts with any Smart Phone, in which a list of tasks has been entered. The Smart Phone is activated by barcode scanning “in” at the site. Scanning “out” enables the manager to see when tasks were performed in real time and completed and if there were any problems.

The RS-Task Tracker is a pioneering tracking system which incorporates three types of checkpoints: QR-codes, NFC tags, and Beacons. 
An abbreviated outline of various services that require task-oriented follow-through and the benefits of managing them with the RS-Task Tracker are:   
  • Conference Services
  • Office Services
  • Building Management 
  • Facilities Maintenance 
  • Security Services Companies
  • Janitorial Services
  • Aviation Companies
  • Hospitals 
  • Hotels 

In short, the RS-Task Tracker is a work-order, timeclock, and management tool…all in one!  

Managing to achieve the aim of a well-known and high value online security system, ADC treasures the relationships built with their partners and clients. ADC and Readiness Solutions are driven by their needs and desire for excellence of their services to their own clients.

Together, ADC and Readiness Solutions can manage you maintenance!