Law in Life & Faith

Hello Ted,

There are Rules-

I played golf with Orv, who I don’t know well, in our Saturday morning men’s group. During the round I asked him a question to learn more about him.

I asked him, "Orv, what do like most about the area we live in?" After thinking about it he answered, “THERE ARE RULES!”

He didn’t say any of the usual answers about the area: the beauty, people, proximity, weather, walking trails, etc.

He likes the fact that local people co-exist guided by common sense rules set forth by the Property Owners Association (POA)


I truly love to ask people questions and listen to their answers. Orv’s answer was so unique and different it caught me off guard- and I told him so.



Shortly after playing golf I was driving down a busy road about 15 minutes from the golf course. I passed by a home that is the worst unkept home from the outside I have ever seen in this entire area. Old equipment, old cars, all kinds of junk everywhere. It's a total disaster!

I often have wondered if there's an ordinance or law the owner is breaking. It’s an eyesore, unhealthy, dangerous, etc.


My golfing friend’s comment made sense more then ever. WE NEED RULES!


I needed the law for MY SALVATION!

As we were studying Romans recently in our adult class I remembered thinking about the first time I read the Bible as an atheist. Before I read the Bible I didn't believe I was a sinner that needed to be saved. After two weeks of reading the Bible I realized for the first time I was sinful indeed and needed a Savior.

”Therefore the law was our (my) tutor to bring us(me) to Christ, that we (I) might be justified by faith.“ ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭3‬:‭24‬ ‭

Many people don’t like rules.

Most of us like to do our own thing.

We would rather forget the rules and laws.

Spiritually speaking, challenging rules are very dangerous if taken to the extreme.


Right now I am working alongside a friend of mine night and day to help form a new leadership structure at our church.

CHANGE is usually very difficult. We are faced with the challenge to change as we suggest leadership structure modifications.

Most Important…REPENT is a



We are REPENTING for our personal sins.

We are highlighting Revelation 2 and 3 as the REASONS WE NEED REPENTANCE.

5 of the 7 churches described in these chapters are models that exemplify the need for repentance by “everyone” in our churches. Churches can note the sins identified in these verses as a guide for repentance in order to a become a healthy church body.

“Four marks of true repentance are: acknowledgement of wrong, willingness to confess it, willingness to abandon it, and willingness to make restitution.”

— Corrie ten Boom

Bottom line ….IT'S SPIRITUAL HEALTH …THROUGH REPENTANCE…..IT’S not negative rather positive….removing the burden of sin was accomplished on the cross…forgiveness is ongoing through fresh repentance (see letters to the churches in Revelation 2 and 3)….frankly I’m astounded by church leaders not emphasizing REPENTANCE!?

“Repentance and faith are distasteful to the unregenerate; they would sooner repeat a thousand formal prayers than shed a solitary tear of true repentance.”

Charles Spurgeon

SPECIFIC SINS to repent of as individuals in the church body:

1-Ephesus- forsaken first love

2-Pergamum- tolerate compromise

3-Thyatira- tolerate immorality

4-Sardis- superficial

5-Laodicea- lukewarm

"PEACE CANNOT EXIST WHERE SIN REMAINS" John MacArthur -Author, Speaker and President of Masters College and Seminary -Southern California


Acts 17:28


Today I was like a caged animal let loose....having spent an enormous amount of time involved in church issues that are very important ...but also time consuming and draining.

I welcomed a day of outreach on the excellent highly rated public golf God's grace I checked in as single in the pro shop...the staff is always is very professional and I walked out to get my clubs I was reminded of Tudi and my prayers "to look for God given opportunities to share my faith in Christ"

I WENT BACK INTO THE PRO SHOP and praise God it wasn't busy ( it normally is very busy)...I told the 2 pro shop employees.. a young woman who goes to a local university and a man in his 60's I have seen him before and he had a very nice golf shirt with a Marine logo on it...I used the Marines as my "springboard to witness" and found out he was in the Marines for 14 years

I further told them my testimony of claiming Jesus Christ as my Savior in the Army...Quickly I told them in summary about my atheism background, broken home experiences, Army disagreement, Chaplain giving me a it for 2 weeks and for the first time realized I was a sinner and got down on knees and claimed Jesus as my Savior in the Chapel in Ft Bliss ( El Paso Tx)

I concluded my time with them by giving them both a wristband...telling them it is a reminder of God's personal love for them through Jesus Christ...most likely I will be seeing them both again

# 2

I joined 3 men for my round of forward they were athletic, jovial, and we had great comradery...3 of us were walking with our hand carts...a beautiful day, great exercise but due to the quick pace little time for misc conversation as I prayed for the Holy Spirit to open a door of witness opportunity....FINALLY in desperation as a cart lady pulled up to see if we wanted anything...I told them I'M BUYING but you have to give me a minute or 2 to hear my story earlier stated I told my story

They were most positive as I gave them each a wristband....Jokingly one of the men said WE HAVE A DRUG BACKGROUND....we were DRUG to church at least 2 times a week!!

Before I left I told them I had a weekly newsletter going out tomorrow....with an emphasis on you have any comments? They said that's a church term and no comment.... sadly that's PAR FOR THE COURSE!( please reread the newsletter)

By coincidence Chuck LeCraw from our adult class was behind us and wanted to know how the witnessing was going...small world since we were about 50 miles from where we live!?

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