In the wake of recent flooding that has impacted local communities, Le Grand Union High School is stepping up to help those in need. The school is accepting donations of supplies to help support families who have been severely impacted.
Supplies can include: toiletries and personal necessities, blankets and bedding, portable chargers and heaters, clothing, shoes and socks, diapers and baby wipes, bottled water and food (non-perishables), and gift cards for gas.
Beginning Thursday, Jan. 12, donations can be dropped off Monday through Friday from 9 am - 2 pm at Le Grand Agriculture Department.
Those in need can pick up items at Le Grand High School Gymnasium from 10 am - 3 pm, Monday through Friday, starting Friday, Jan. 13.
If those in need are unable to reach Le Grand High School, contact the school office staff at (209) 389-9400 or contact student advocates Daniel at (209) 756-6330 or Jackie at (209) 670-5132.