LeBoHA Newsletter
June 2023
Celebrating World Family Doctor Day
Dr. Sebaka Malope reflects on World Family Doctor Day and his recent graduation with a Master's in Health Professions Education:
The 19th of May is earmarked by WONCA as World Family Doctor Day to celebrate the achievements of family physicians around the world in their different roles within health systems. In Lesotho, we have made progress and we have a growing number of family physicians. Yet, there is a need to increase the number of family physicians to make an even greater impact, and our family medicine training program is designed to do just that. At a recent contact session, the family medicine faculty and registrars discussed the progress in Lesotho in line with this year's theme; "Family Doctors: the Heart of Health Care." We discussed the successes, challenges, and how to make progress.
The attainment of my Master's in Health Professions Education (HPE) in April 2023 was a personal, programmatic, and national breakthrough in building the local medical education capacity to ensure that the physician training programs are based on sound educational principles. This further paves the way for other medical specialty training programmes within LeBoHA and the country.
I want to thank everyone who has supported LeBoHA in the past for the development of family medicine in Lesotho, and for those who continue to do so. Your ongoing support helps fund critical needs in our priority areas such as:
- faculty and staff development,
- postgraduate physician training,
- certificate courses for health professional development, and
- the LeBoHA postgraduate training campus construction.
Sebaka Malope, MBChB, FamMed, HPE
Director of Family Medicine Speciality Training Program
Lesotho-Boston Health Alliance
Ribbon Cutting: Save the Date!
LeBoHA's Post-Graduate Academic Centre is nearing the final stages of construction. The Ribbon Cutting Ceremony is scheduled for October 6th, 2023.
If interested in visiting the Mountain Kingdom for this highly anticipated celebration, please reach out to Brian Jack (Bjack@bu.edu).
LeBoHA staff dressed up to celebrate Moshoshoe's Day in the Maseru Offices (above) and Motebang Hospital (below).
Lesotho Medical Journal Publication
The Lesotho Medical Journal Editorial Board, led by Dr. Radiance Ogundipe, is proud to present the 17th volume of the LMJ. Please click here to read the journal and here to access all previous editions.
A Reminder of Our Recent Achievements
Paballo Lethunya, LeBoHA’s Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, graduated from the University of Stellenbosch with a Master of Philosophy in Monitoring and Evaluation.
Taole Mangope, our Finance Manager, obtained his Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration from the University of Free State. He is now enrolled in a Master of Business in Administration.
The Diaspora Corner
Lesotho-Boston Health Alliance is excited to collaborate with Basotho in the diaspora to give you The Diaspora Corner. Periodically, we will include the voices and activities of the diaspora as they pertain to health in the newsletter. The Basotho diaspora is keenly interested in what happens in Lesotho and is eager to contribute to the health of the nation. If you a Mosotho in the diaspora and are interested in contributing to LeBoHA's mission, please contact the Director of Diaspora Affairs, Makhethe Vuma, at mvuma@leboha.org.ls.
A Diaspora Reflection on World Family Doctor Day
by Dr. Eliza Mothobi de Sousa (MD, FRACGP)
Dr. Mothobi de Sousa is a member of the diaspora practicing family medicine in the greater Brisbane area, Australia.
"The core of the healthcare system is family medicine; the better the family health, the better the nation, and prevention is always cheaper and better than treatment. The family doctor understands the patient's journey from birth to death and can assist in physical, psychological, and social well-being. Patients are involved in decision-making to solve their own health difficulties, and with continuity of care, the patient-doctor connection strengthens. If you want to know about a patient's history, ask the family doctor. With ongoing training and collaboration with other stakeholders, family doctors are always prepared to handle everything that comes through their doors, which might vary from a common cold to an ectopic pregnancy or domestic violence. Family doctors can have a good work-life balance since working arrangements are more flexible. Because most health requirements can be met by a family physician, investing in family health is the most valuable asset for all nations."
Inaugural Diaspora Home Coming
On Saturday, April 29 the Director of Diaspora Affairs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Relations, Mr. Molefi Nyaka, convened a meeting to share exciting news with the diaspora. He proposed a two-day Home Coming event in December 2023 to acknowledge and celebrate the diaspora. This news was well-received by the diaspora who joined the meeting from other African countries, as well as Asia, Europe, and North America. Planning this meeting with the Diaspora Directorate and the diaspora are Lesotho Tourism Development Corporation (LTDC) and Basotho Enterprises Development Corporation (BEDCO).
Your Support is Essential and Deeply Appreciated!
Visit the Global Primary Care Website, our Boston based 501(c)(3), to make a tax-deductible donation to LeBoHA or your check can be mailed to:
P.O. Box 181084, Boston, MA 02118