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Spirit - the living essence of goodness,
from seed - to sprout - to table.
Spices - the simple and complex flavors of life,
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See my Recipe blog featuring select recipes from "Spirit and Spices,
The Vegetarian Way".
Plus new delicious recipes I want to share with you.
by Astara E. Edmonds
"Just before the sun leaves the sky ... you can catch a glimpse of them.
You need to be out in the countryside, away from the city glare.
Then if you look to the high places, the hilltop or the mesa, you may see them, only for a moment, standing along the horizon. They are the sentinel spirits, the ancestors who keep the night watch. Each evening they take their places, appearing as quietly as the stars.
"These are our guardian spirits. These are our elders of eternity. If you listen, just at moonrise, you may hear them sing, for only a moment, the night chant, to shelter the Earth, to keep the many tribes of life safe until the distant morning. When you lay your head down and whisper your prayers, never be afraid, for the ones who love you are keeping watch, their hearts beating in time with your own."
From Native American elder
Steven Charleston
"You are in a blessed place, shining between the earth and the sky. All of nature gives tribute to you. As you walk about your day, do not neglect the natural world, for that is where you will come home to yourself."
~ Arcturians, through Rita Kempf
"Lead With Your Heart"
The Fall Equinox on 9-22-2021 in the sign of Libra opens a gateway for creating balance within ourselves and globally. Fall is the harvest time, the culmination of summer's growth and productivity. Gardens have yielded their bounty, offering us their nutritional support from the plant kingdom. Your relationship with food has the potential to give you optimal health and a vital immune system that supports your physical body and entire being.
Our inner garden of personal growth moves us forward less encumbered with outdated behaviors, habits, worries, wounds and more. This is growth of SELF which includes the challenging and easy experiences. Deepening our self discovery and allowing change to occur within our personalities and our actions takes courage and patience. Your inner light and love has the power to guide the process.
For years now, many messages have encouraged us to surrender to change and transformation to create our new self, based on new values and perspectives. Change is not often comfortable especially when resistance is present. As we personally navigate the vast changes taking place on this planet, it is so important to find ways to support ourselves emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.
Taking time to be still in a nurturing manner often brings us a sense of peace and balance. It can take us into an inner depth where insight is available to guide us. That deep place within is centered in our heart space where we know love. When we remember the power of love as a real energy within us, we are more connected to life and living authentically.
When faced with chaos or crisis, this loving space is essential to guide us out of fear, being overwhelmed, confusion and loss of faith. Remembering the path to your true loving heart is the key. Breathe, meditate, connect with nature, be receptive to love in all forms. All the creative ways we nurture ourselves are acts of self love. Self love is where it starts then expands outward to the world.
We are key players in creating harmony in our lives. Every contribution to harmony, balance and peace counts as it impacts humanity in general. Energy finds like energy and expands so make your contribution a positive one by leading with your heart.
Astara E. Edmonds
"Let the healing find you, whether you feel you need it or not, let the healing power of faith find you, right where you are and how you are, in this moment of strife and struggle, in this time of uncertain tomorrows, let the healing come into your life. Let it comfort you. Let it strengthen you.
Receive this healing in your own way, channeling it into your life where you need it most. Let it work for you.
Let it restore you. Claim the healing for yourself, for others, for family, for friends: it does not need to be sparingly used, for it comes from a place of abundance, from a source that is unceasing.
Embrace the healing as it comes to you, entering through the window of your heart, catching you by surprise, like an unexpected breeze, like a memory of love, like a gift that could not have come at a better time."
Native American elder Steven Charleston
Psychic/Clairvoyant, Usui/Karuna Reiki Master Teacher, Public Speaker,
Writer and Author.
I am available for Private Readings in person or by phone and all levels of Reiki Trainings.
Please see my web site for
prices and details. Credit cards accepted.
Astara E. Edmonds
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All featured articles
copyright by Astara E. Edmonds.
Articles may be shared with authorship named.
"May Your Light be Joy and Your Joy be Love" Astara