Preparing Women for Leadership and Board Positions

04 March 2021
What does Implementation Training cover?
Implementation Training is part of the Assessing, Action Planning and Activating stage in the WEPs Journey. Here, companies have assessed and identified their gender focus areas and prepare to move forward by setting targets and develop action plans to enable successful gender responsive initiatives, policies and processes within their companies.
Companies will also be exposed to a number of WEPs resources, tools, relevant leadership & bias training across the WEPS value chain pillars of Leadership, Workplace and Marketplace; with mentorship from peers and expert trainers to facilitate progress monitoring and reporting.

Upon training completion, companies would have effectively identified gender focus areas, set targets and develop action plans to proceed with their internal gender initiatives, such that progress can easily be monitored and reported.
How will this be conducted?
Implementation Training will take place virtually over 4-8 months (March – Oct 2021) and are divided into Implementation I and II Phases. There will be one touch point between both Phases in a form of an optional webinar between mid June-July. Details for this will be provided nearer the time.
Implementation Phase I sessions (timed at 10am-4pm each) will have follow-up sessions in Implementation Phase II (timed at 9am-12pm each).

Companies must sign up for two Pillar sessions in Implementation Phase I. These sessions compromise of a mandatory Leadership Pillar session and one other optional Pillar session from either the Workplace Pillar or Marketplace Pillar. Their corresponding follow-up session will be conducted in Implementation II – Overall, a total of 4 sessions should be attended.
Please note, session registrations are on a first come first serve basis and will comprise of a selected, smaller audience.

Commonly Asked Questions:

Who is eligible?

Companies who fulfil the following criteria before Implementation Training would be eligible:

  • Have attended the WEPs Awareness Training (either Nov 5 2020, Jan 26 2021 or Feb 25 2021)
  • Have registered and completed the Gender Gap Analysis Tool and Assessment, with results on hand. To complete this, please follow this link.
  • Company representatives to be change-makers with the ability to be able to make organisational decisions.

How do I register?

To register your interest for the Implementation Phase, please follow this link.

How will I know that my registration has been confirmed?

Please note that registering interest does not confirm participation. Confirmed participants will receive a confirmation email from [email protected].

What is this programme about?

For more information about the programme, please follow this link.


For Implementation Phase I, each session will run from 10am to 4pm on their respective dates.

For Implementation Phase II, each session will run from 9am to 12pm on their respective dates.

Where can I complete the Gender Gap Analysis Tool?

To complete the Gender Gap Analysis Tool, please follow this link. Please note, you are required to create an account to complete this step.
Additional Information Sources
For further enquiries
Please contact Liza at [email protected] or Helena at [email protected].