"Neighbor is not a geographic term. It is a moral concept."—Rabbi Joachim Prinz

June 25, 2024

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You Need to Know

MissionInsite Training

This synod provides the tool MissionInsite for every NC Synod congregation. Learn more about this tool to help you bridge the gap between data and decisions. MissionInsite allows your congregation to run demographic data, map your members, cross-analyze your organization and community, and more. Join Pastor Danielle DeNise and guests for a series of trainings. Join any or all of the Zoom sessions.

  • Tuesday, June 25 @ 2 p.m. Introduction to MissionInsite
  • Monday, August 12 @ 2 p.m. How to upload your congregational data into MissionInsite
  • Tuesday, September 17 @ 2 p.m. Running demographic reports in MissionInsite
  • Monday, November 11 @ 2 p.m. American Beliefs Survey & MissionInsite

Register to receive the Zoom link.

Join Genesis Generations II

Invite your congregation to join with folks across the synod to read the Bible in this year's Summer Bible Reading Plan: Genesis Generations II! Last summer's Genesis Generations, took us through the first half of Genesis; we now pick up where we left off beginning on Sunday, July 7. (Catch up by reading through last summer's readings.) Subscribe to receive a daily email, watch the homepage for daily posts, or listen to daily podcast episodes.

A Caveat: You do not need to have participated last year in order to join this year!

Learn more.

When Church Stops Working

Rostered ministers are invited to join the synod's Vitality Team for a conversation on the book, When Church Stops Working: A Future for Your Congregation beyond More Money, Programs and Innovation, by Andrew Root and Blair Bertrand. Our conversations will center on three questions: What strikes you? What challenges you? How might this book invite you to pivot in your work? We will gather via Zoom on Wednesday, July 24 at 1 p.m. and Thursday, August 15 at 11 a.m. You are invited to join the team for either one of these.

Register to receive the Zoom link.

Elections & ELCA Social Statements

As our faith informs our day-to-day lives, Lutherans recognize that “faith is active in love [and] love calls for justice in relationships and structures of society” (ELCA, Social Statement on Church in Society, '91). We know the church is called to be a community that prays, deliberates, and acts together when it comes to complex social issues. In this election year, how might our Lutheran faith shape our thinking, and voting on major issues? Join United Lutheran Seminary's webinar series entitled, "What does it mean to be Lutheran in a crucial election year?" to learn and ponder timely ELCA social teachings and learn to lead discussions in your community. The series begins on Tuesday, June 25, at 7:30 p.m., offering a different topic monthly through October.

Register today.

ELCA Civic Engagement Guide

If you are looking for resources to engage in dialog around a potentially contentious election cycle, our colleagues in ELCA Advocacy have prepared a Civic Engagement Guide, intended to encourage, empower, and equip voter education and other responsible civic participation shaped by faith values.

You may access it here.

Sumud Sends Action Alert

Amid political upheaval in the U.S. over President Biden’s approach to Netanyahu’s war policy, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians are at risk of death from disease, bombings, and famine. Americans must continue to call on their congressional representative and senators to uphold the U.S. obligation to prevent genocide in Gaza, push for an immediate and permanent cease-fire, and support continued humanitarian aid to Gazans. In the absence of a permanent cease-fire, the humanitarian situation can improve only marginally. We call on all parties to redouble their efforts in peace negotiations.

Learn more and take action now.

Music Week Invitations

Lutheridge Music Week, with the 2024 theme, “Seasons of Grace,” offers two worship services open to the public. The Hymnfest, led by Catherine Rodland (St. Olaf College) and Deacon Zeb Highben (Duke University), will be held on Thursday, July 11, at 8:00 p.m. at St. James Episcopal Church, with the theme, “Our Heritage of Hymns.” On Friday, July 12, at 11:30 a.m., the adult choir and adult handbell ensembles will offer music during the closing worship in Whisnant Chapel, Lutheridge. Join in celebrating Easter Day and Holy Communion. Chaplain, Pastor Amanda Highben (Duke Campus Ministry) will preach and preside with music led by Zeb Highben, Catherine Rodland, and Michael Helman.

Fall Convocation 2024—Save the Date

Save the date for this year's Fall Convo at Lutheridge from October 14-16. Stay tuned: the registration form will go live in early July.

Rostered Minister Transitions

All are invited to the Ordination of Hannah Norem on Saturday, June 29, at 3:00 p.m. at St. Paul's Episcopal, Winston-Salem. Hannah has been called to Holy Trinity, Hickory, as Associate Pastor. Read the full invitation.

All are invited to the Ordination of Brittany Perry on Friday, July 5, at 4:00 p.m. at Morning Star, Matthews. Brittany has been called to The Dwelling, Winston-Salem. Read the full invitation.

All are invited to the Installation of Pastor Oscar Shepherd at Sardis, Hickory, on Sunday, July 14, at 2:00 p.m. A reception will follow the service.


Of Mourning

Frances Lou Meacham Norris, mother of Pastor Darrell Norris (retired, Salisbury) died on June 10. Read the full obituary.

Of Celebration

Pastor Mark Coulter celebrated his retirement after 40 years of active ministry; the last 25 at Holy Trinity, Chapel Hill, as pastor to the UNC campus. Thank you, Pastor Mark, for your commitment to campus ministry at UNC, in the NC Synod, and across the ELCA!

Daniels, Lincolnton, installed Pastor Ralph Kraft on Sunday, June 23.

For Pride Month

Creator of all queer and wonderful things, you've made and you make and remake us. Gather us in harmony—not a false unity but a selfless and brave co-existence. Give us hungry spirits to hear the diverse melodies of our kin, to recognize the infinite shades of our existence in and because of you. We are proud of who we are because of who you are—because who you are is refracted through us, because who we are is a part of your body. Pride—not the sin but the reclamation, the reconciliation, the redemption: let that be our cloak and your love our greatest treasure.

—from the Reconciling Ministries Nework

Leaders Learn

Courageous Leadership: Embracing Authenticity, Inclusivity, and Open Dialogue

Join ELCA Coaching remotely via Zoom for one hour on Wednesday, June 26, at 2:00 p.m. as we learn from Dr. Jen Hale Christy and explore the courage required of us as leaders to welcome questions and doubts, be our authentic selves, and foster truly inclusive communities. See additional details.

Find the Zoom link here.

Good Grief: The Art of the Condolence Letter

There is little to say, Mr. Gilbert, when the heart is bruised. –Emily Dickinson

If you’ve ever sat down to write a condolence letter and were at a loss for words, you’re not alone. In this workshop we will take a look at condolence letters from writers throughout history to find the inspiration we need to get words on the page in times of sorrow. Bring a notebook and your favorite writing tool on Sunday, June 30, from 2:00-4:00 p.m. via Zoom. Workshop leader, Sara Williams, M.A., of Shrouding Sisters, is a home funeral guide, offering end-of-life education, counseling, and services in the Piedmont.

Register here for $20.

Responding Effectively to Christian Nationalism

The dangers that Christian Nationalism poses to both church and state are increasingly understood, but it is hard to know what you and your congregation can do about a problem so big. Join ministry partner, PRC—Practical Resources for Churches, on Thursday, July 18, at 2:00 p.m. for this webinar that will explain what Christian Nationalism is (and isn't), how many mainline and progressive Christians inadvertently advance its cause, and how individuals and communities can practically respond.

Learn more and register today.

Clergy Health and Wellness in the Post-Pandemic Era

What is the state of clergy health and wellbeing post-pandemic? What factors and practices influence the emotional well-being of clergy? Allison Norton describes new research that reveals growing discontentment even though clergy health and well-being tend to be better than the general public.

Watch this LeadingIdeas Podcast Episode.

Bridging the Gap between Scripture and Your Community

Whether you're planting a new church, innovating in your current ministry, or simply seeking to go deeper in your understanding of biblical justice, check out the latest Faith+Lead Pivot podcast episode. It's packed with wisdom on integrating biblical justice into your life and leadership. The Rev. Dr. Terri Elton and Dr. Alicia Granholm are joined by the Rev. Inés Velasquez-McBryde, a pastor, church planter, and justice advocate who digs into the biblical roots of justice, from the Old Testament prophets to Jesus himself, and shares some powerful stories from her own church-planting journey.

Listen now.

News for Leaders

"We Need More Young Families"

"We need more young families in our church." Ok, but why? As a congregational coach, I regularly hear this sentence from lay leaders and sometimes from pastors. Let’s break down this sentiment.

Read more from Laura Stephens-Reed.

Understanding Giving Trends—and How Your Congregation Can Benefit

Most congregations we work with at Convergence are experiencing a common dilemma—a gap between their congregational giving and their desired budgets. These gaps are often well over $100,000 annually. Even congregations that are healthy by all other measures can find themselves in endless conversations about how to fill this gap.

Read more from Convergence.

Christian Nationalism and Congregations

Christian Nationalism is a significant force in American civic life, but “Christianity” and “Christian Nationalism” are two very different species. The former is a religious movement and the latter a political one. Yet because many (mostly white) Christians have imbibed the tenets of Christian Nationalism, Christian leaders must now contend with its presence. We will consider the phenomenon of Christian Nationalism and how to respond to its adherents in our congregations.

Read more from Congregational Consulting Group.

Resources for Your Congregation

Where Did All the Time Go?

From the Epicenter Group's Paul Nixon, "In my coaching work, the subject of time comes up a lot. There is never enough of it, it would seem. I estimate that the average pastor is trying to do about 150% of what their predecessors did. Blame the digitalization of life. It’s easier than ever to squeeze in meetings or to edit something after hours." Check out these 5 things that can help you steward your time!

Read more from Epicenter Group.

Toward Better Christian Politics

The After Party is a free six-part video course designed to provide churches and small groups with an on-the-ground, biblically-based approach to navigating today’s challenging political environment. The church is challenged by extreme polarization, entrenched tribal affiliations, and the broken relationships that often result. This Redeeming Babel course is inspiring and practical and will help you reorient toward a Christ-centered political identity for 2024. Through interactive videos that encourage participants to inventory their own political identities, you’ll be equipped to navigate these challenging topics in your life and within the community you lead.

Learn more.

The Importance of Using Hashtags

Understanding the purpose and importance of hashtags is essential for churches seeking to optimize their digital ministry. Let's take a look at their purpose and usage.

Read more from United Methodist Communications.

Did You Know?

Seafarers International House (SIH), an affiliate of the ELCA, recently celebrated its 150th year of ministry "lighting the way for both seafarers and immigrants." Interested in creating Christmas-at-Sea bags to be distributed by SIH this Christmas? Plan a Christmas in July event to begin your preparations. Email Catherine Fink to learn more.


Leader e-News | NC Synod, ELCA | 704-633-4861 | nclutheran.org