Leaders Update
AttentionWe told you in the July E-News that the staff and Board of LWVIL are in the midst of a busy summer.  Here are a few things we would like to bring to your attention:

Advocacy on the ACA Repeal and Replace:
Help LWV and Protect Our Care Educate and Advocate for Improved Healthcare, Not Repeal and Replacement with AHCA 

Thank you for your efforts thus far contacting Senators and Congressional Members to advocate for reasonable healthcare reforms and to reject both the House and Senate AHCA bills. 

The votes on the repeal and replacement has been delayed, so our partners are suggesting organizing Letter to the Editor Writing Parties. Please see the tool kit below to utilize, including sample letters, talking points and links to local papers. Use your local media connections and reach out to like-minded organizations in your area to work together. Tools and talking points can be found here.

Voter Service
At its May 2017 LWVIL meeting, the board approved the Voter Service Candidate Participation Policy to replace the former Empty Chair Policy. This new policy was contained the May 2017 E-News as well.

National Voter Registration Day
Tuesday, September 26 is National Voter Registration Day. Sign up your League chapter to participate by agreeing to host a voter registration event in your community on Sept. 26 and to publicize the importance of voter registration. According to LWVUS, the "League has been the single largest on-the-ground partner for NVRD since 2012." For information, see http://nationalvoterregistrationday.org
AnniversaryLeague of Women Voters celebrates its 100th Anniversary in 2020: 
B e Part of the Centennial Celebrations

Landmark dates in the history of women's suffrage in Illinois:
  • June 26, 1913 - Illinois Grants Women the Right to Vote for U.S. President and Municipal Offices
  • June 4, 1919 - Congress Passes the 19th Amendment
  • June 10, 1919 - Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin beome the first states to ratify the 19th Amendment
  • February 14, 1920 - The League of Women Voters Is Formed in Chicago
  • August 26, 1920 - the 19th Amendment to the Constitution becomes law
  • June 28 to July 2, 2018 - LWVUS Convention in Chicago, Kick-off to the Centennial Celebrations
We have a wonderful history in Illinois of being among the leaders in obtaining the right to vote for women, becoming in 1913 the first state east of the Mississippi to do so; being among the first 3 states to ratify the 19th Amendment, and being the location where the League of Women Voters was formed.

We need to remember, inform, inspire, and celebrate!

The League of Women Voters of Illinois has formed a committee to plan how we will do so. We need representation from all the local leagues so we can have both local and state-wide events that will together make these memorable Centennial Celebrations.

Don't miss the chance to be part of this once in every 100 years commemoration and celebration:   Contact Mary Kubasak, 312-802-7430, [email protected] and let your League know that you want to participate.

Next meeting of this 100th Anniversary Committee is Thursday, July 20 at 1 pm in the LWVIL Office, 332 South Michigan Avenue, Suite 634, Chicago, either in person or by conference call.

Help us plan to make our celebrations of both the League and the 19th Amendment something that will inspire both men and women to be informed and vote.
PleaA Plea!

Most local leagues have had their annual meetings and have elected a Board of Directors. Since LWVIL wants to ensure that all local league leader and members get up-to-date electronic communications and important updates, we need a roster of local league leaders which includes name, title, local league, address, telephone number and e-mail address.

For those of you who no longer hold a position on your local league board, it would be very helpful if you would pass this information along to a new Board member so she/he knows that we are looking for this information. THANK YOU. Updated information should be sent by e-mail to Roberta Borrino, the LWVIL Communications and Administrative Coordinator, at [email protected]
Council2017 LWVUS Council

LWV proudly claims and will continue to champion democracy in the United States.

A good deal of brainstorming and sharing among the 100 local League leaders participating in the 2017 Council, held this year in Leesburg, Virginia over the weekend of June 23rd.

Some of LWV goals are to continue the good work of the post 100 years, maintain our non-partisan status, provide excellent voter service and issue advocacy; and, at the same time recognize and move confidently into the 21st century and the next 100 years.

The LWVIL Board will be addressing the questions and challenges raised in the achieving the objectives of the Blueprint for Mission Impact, Engagement & Sustainability.
"We know there are going to be challenges, but we are going to get there together because we are a strong League when we speak with one voice," observed LWVUS CEO Wylecia Wiggs Harris. "We all want to see this organization be as influential as it can be because our democracy needs. Us."
LEWHas your League been using League Easy Web (LEW) for your website?

The League of Women Voters of California just announced that it has launched another product: My League Online (MyLO) to replace LEW which is now a decade old. MyLO has many advantages and the California League would like to share information with you if you are interested.

Pricing: service subscription is $400/year; set-up $200 (waived for LEW subscribers; content migration package (optional) is $200. Please e-mail [email protected] with specific questions.

Two webinars have been scheduled in August: August 23rd and 30th. Go to http://bit.ly/MyLOWebinars to sign up. The webinars begin at 10:00 a.m. PST (8:00 a.m. in Illinois).

For leagues not ready to migrate to MyLO, the California League will continue to offer LEW for the foreseeable future.
 League of Women Voters of Illinois 
332 South Michigan Avenue, Suite 634| Chicago, Illinois 60604 
Phone:  312-939-5935 | Fax:  312-939-6887 |  [email protected]