Leaders Update
In this Issue:                                                                     4/26/2017
Convention 2017
FromFrom the President
It's almost Convention time! I hope you are planning on attending and will bring a full delegation from your League. It is so rejuvenating for long time members and educational for our newest members. 
Instead of the roll call of Local Leagues as we have done in recent years, we are going to have each local league delegation stand when their name is called and wave their name placard (which we are having made for every League ) while I read up to three things of which each League is most proud.
This is where you come in! I need each League to send me (up to) 3 things you are really proud to have accomplished in the last 2 years. I would appreciate having this to me by mid-May so I can compile the list. Please e-mail me your list to mkubasak@gmail.com
Thank you! 
Mary Kubasak
LWVIL President
Pre-ConventionPre-Convention Enews
Every LWVIL member received a special E-News today that was chock-full of details about the 2017 Convention.  Please make sure that your league's delegation is familiar with its contents.
Also, in today's E-News, the link to the delegate counts was not inserted. Click HERE to see the number of delegates your league may send.
AwardAward Deadline Extended

There is still time to submit nominations for the  Carrie Chapman Catt Leadership Award
 or the  Click on the highlighted links for the appropriate forms. 
Award winners will be announced during the Saturday evening dinner. une 10th.

To be considered, the nomination forms for the Carrie Chapman Catt Award and the Community Impact Award must be submitted to Mary Schaafsma, Executive Director,  marys@lwvil.org no later than May 15, 2017.
TheSilent Silent Auction has become a very popular part of the LWVIL Convention, particularly the baskets assembled by local leagues. We hope your league is considering making a basket available for consideration during the silent auction.
The convention is now just a few weeks away.  We are looking forward to your Leagues gift basket donations which will help raise funds so that we can continue our advocacy and membership activities.   

Need some ideas?  How about:  
  • I Love Books Basket Favorite children's books, book characters, book marks, gift certificate to Barnes & Noble
  • Gardening Basket Gardening gloves, shovel/tools, watering can, kneeling pad, bug/insect spray, plant food, garden fertilizer, potting soil, hose sprayer, pots, seeds/bulbs
  • Baking Basket Content Ideas: different chips/morsels, vanilla, sprinkles, frostings, baking powder, baking soda, cookie cutters, measuring cups, spoons, oven mitt, flour, sugar, brown sugar, powdered sugar, oil, baking pans, cooking lesson, cook books 
  • Yoga/Pilates Basket Pilates or yoga books, Pilates and yoga DVDs, yoga mat, yoga ball, yoga rubber bands, yoga wear, relaxing CD, tea, yoga class gift certificate
  • Adrenaline Rush Coffee/Tea Theme - Flavored coffees, mugs, different teas, flavored spoons, teabag holders, serving tray, tea or coffee, canister, carafe, cappuccino mix, coffee scoop, gift certificate to Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks
We just ask that the basket you create will have a retail value of $100.00.  Please send a description of your basket contents by May 15th.  We would like you to bring the basket to the convention with your League Delegate or a neighboring League Delegate.  
Other considerations for items:
  • If you can spare a ticket or two to a sport's or live entertainment event, consider donating it/them to the Auction. 
  • Likewise, if you own a condo or summer place and could make it available, please think about making it available.
Thanks for considering.
Questions, please feel free to contact  Susan Fugleberg at  rcwsrf@sbcglobal.net  or
Barb Laimins at  blaimins@gmail.com.   
GreatGreat Lakes Restoration Initiative
The Great Lakes Restoration Initiativ e  https://www.glri.us/  was launched in 2010 to accelerate efforts to protect and restore the largest system of fresh surface water in the world - the Great Lakes.

The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative is threatened with funding elimination in the current proposed federal budget and the impact would be devastating to our greatest source of fresh water, our national economy and our public health.

Here is a letter to the editor (pdf and Word versions) that has been drafted for your use. Please modify the letter for your region and submit the attached letter to the editor(s) of your local media.  The letter was drafted and approved by the LWVIL and LWV Lake Michigan Region Presidents.

Please share the letter widely and continue to thank the members of Congress who are opposing this budget cut.  The letter can be shared on local media, Facebook, your League web page, your email lists and through other local environmental organizations. Please share the links if this letter is published locally with  issues@lwvil.org . Thank you!
 League of Women Voters of Illinois 
332 South Michigan Avenue, Suite 634| Chicago, Illinois 60604 
Phone:  312-939-5935 | Fax:  312-939-6887 |  info@lwvil.org