Summer, 2020
Dear Friends,

I hope this mid-summer greeting finds you well on all fronts. Although the last three months have been challenging on so many levels, let us resolve to use this time to build our leadership clarity and capacity to be positive role models for all those around us.

Please stay safe and stay healthy,

David O'Brien
Featured Article: 
The State of Leadership Influence
Back in the fall of 2018, I first started thinking about what leadership would look like in 2020. Although the new decade of leadership was months away, I had a strong sense that it would bring many new challenges for leaders everywhere. My curiosity stemmed from my interest in providing leaders with a 2019 roadmap that would help them to be well prepared for whatever leadership challenges 2020 might bring.
To be sure, I could not have imagined the full magnitude of leadership challenges we face today, but I was certain that leaders would be ill prepared for the new decade of leadership if they did not re-examine and even challenge some of their popular notions about leadership. 
In The News &
Upcoming Events
WorkChoice Solutions Introduces Recalibrating Your Leadership Compass Webinar
As part of David’s ongoing commitment to deliver high impact learning content that addresses current leadership challenges, he is pleased to announce that the Recalibrating Your Leadership Compass webinar is available in both 60-minute and 90-minute delivery formats. Read the Full Program Description here .
Motivational Monday Initiative A Huge Success
In response to the daily barrage of negative news and its impact on our ability to remain hopeful, David launched a 14 week Motivational Monday initiative on social media that featured a weekly Motivational Quote intended to serve as a beacon of hope during these uncertain times. Over the course of the 14-week cycle, the quotes were viewed by over 5,000 people, many of whom shared comments about the initiative’s positive impact. To see all 14 of the Motivational Monday Quotes, please click here.
David O’Brien to Present "Accountability" Program
at SHRM Tri-State Conference
David will be a featured speaker at the SHRM Tri-state Virtual Conference 2020 on Tuesday, August 11, 2020. His presentation, Building a Culture of Accountability is a 1-hour executive overview of his popular Building a Culture of Accountability workshop. This interactive webinar provides participants with an actionable framework for garnering executive sponsorship and for helping to create a culture of accountability. To learn more, please visit the SHRM Tri-state Conference.
David O’Brien to Present Webinar:
Recalibrating Your Leadership Compass
As part of David's ongoing partnership with the CT Nonprofit Alliance, he will be delivering his new, Recalibrating Your Leadership Compass webinar on Wednesday, August 26, 2020 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. This highly interactive webinar is designed to provide leaders with a deeper understanding of their influence as well as the impact that the new virtual workplace has on teams.
Participants can expect to leave the webinar with new tools that can be applied immediately to expand their leadership influence and impact. The webinar is open to the public, but registration is required. For more information or to register for this webinar, please visit CT Nonprofit Alliance online, or call them directly at 860-525-5080.
Leadership Thought To Consider
Thought To Consider
"Leaders who don’t listen will eventually be surrounded by people who have nothing to say.”
– Andy Stanley

Leadership Suggestion : Consider what this quote means in your world of work and in your role as a leader. Also try to uncover the leadership opportunity that it presents. 
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Three Questions Worth Considering
  1. Do you need a high impact / high content speaker for your next off-site event or conference?
  2. Is there a high potential employee on your team that struggles with public speaking?
  3. Could other people in your organization improve their public speaking effectiveness?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, please  click here  to learn more about Speaker Solutions.
One Final Thought