May 2017
VIDEO OF THE MONTH: 40 Leader Speeches in 2 Minutes 

Anyone who works in the public works and transportation industries will tell you the month of May is a very busy time of year. It is during these busy times that we need to find inspiration and encouragement so that we can pass them on to our crews.

Inspiration has become
something we need, and sometimes we find it in the most unlikely places. So sit back and watch this 2 minute video, a montage of our favorite movie characters and their moving leadership speeches.
ARTICLES OF THE MONTH: APWA - Core Responsibilities of a Public Works Leader
The American Public Works Association (APWA) has published a two-part guidance position statement on leadership. In April, we shared the 1st part  Core Competencies of a Public Works LeaderThis month, we will focus on APWA's Core Responsibilities of a Public Works Leader .

The APWA encourages the Public Works community, it's professionals, practitioners, policy makers and decision makers at all levels of government, to exercise leadership in the following areas: 
  • Asset Management 
  • Sustainability 
  • Community Involvement/Transparency 
  • Emergency Response
  • Professionalism
  • Professional Development 
  • Ethics
  • Succession Planning
The APWA's Leadership and Management Committee has updated this position statement to highlight key responsibilities Public Works leaders need to address to lead high performing organizations. 

Click here for the complete position statement. 

The Way You Make Decisions Impacts Your Team in More Ways Than One 
by KJR Consulting 

The collaboration movement has made its mark on many organizational cultures. Gone are the days of autocratic bosses handing down decisions to their unquestioning employees. Today's leaders value the knowledge and perspectives of their team-members and strive to leverage their input to make the best decisions possible. 

For the most part, this is a good thing. Employees report higher levels of commitment, work satisfaction, and morale when they are given a voice in decisions that affect them. 

However, just as there are still a few leaders who have yet to cease ruling with an iron-fist, there are just as many who have taken the idea of democracy too far. Utilizing too much of a command-and-control style can have a negative impact on employee commitment, follow-through, and performance. But at the other extreme, too much forced harmony and consensus can render a team ineffective. 

How, then can you find the right balance in your decision-making to maximize efficiency and commitment at the same time? Click here to find out. 

WEBINAR - The Brass Tacks of Knowledge Management for Transportation Organizations 

When you consider planning for the future of your transportation agencies, knowledge management  is a very important aspect of this planning. Many factors dictate 'how' and 'what' your colleagues learn, share, and communicate amongst each other.

The Brass Tacks of Knowledge Management for Transportation Organization  webinar,  organized by the TRB Task Force on Knowledge Management (AB010T) and the Northeast Transportation Workforce Center (NETWC), will help you to evaluate your organization's knowledge needs and begin to craft a knowledge management program that is a great fit!

"Don't tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results."
- George S. Patton

The 2017 T2 Training Calendar is Available

Click here to view training opportunities available in 2017 

Upcoming TLP Classes
Cohort Four
Required Courses:
Module 6: Succession Planning & Workforce Development
Cohort Five
Required Courses:

Module 1: Developing Teamwork & Giving Feedback

Module 2: Promoting Professionalism in Your Agency, Creating a Culture of Safety

Module 3: Public Speaking, Presentation Skills and Effective Meetings

All Cohorts
Elective Courses:

Innovative Leadership: Developing a Learning Culture

National Public Works Week 
May 21-27, 2017

What are you doing to celebrate with your crew? We want to know! 
Email Regina Hackett, your photos and stories for the chance to be highlighted in a upcoming T2 Center E-Newsletter. 

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