September 2015
VIDEO OF THE MONTH: How Great Leaders Inspire Action
In this  Ted Talk, Simon Sinek explores how leaders can inspire cooperation, trust and change. Simon Sinek has a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership all starting with a golden circle and the question "Why?" His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King, and the Wright brothers ...

ARTICLE OF THE MONTH: What Are the Modern Limits of Authenticity in Public Speaking

In this very interesting article by contributing author Nick Morgan, he discusses the topic of authenticity in public speaking. "Now, the advice I give to public speakers is that successful speeches and speakers these days need to be authentic. That means sharing - appropriately - from your life experiences with your audiences. You don't have to share everything - that would be too much information - but you do have to share something and it has to be real". Read the entire article here.
Who Is Following the Leader by Jim Michel

James Michel chose the very important topic of Succession Planning for his final TLP project. During his presentation, he shared a valuable resource that was
developed by Jim and his colleagues in the APWA Emerging Leaders Academy. The publication is titled "Who is Following the Leader? Succession Planning in Public Works".
This publication could be very useful to your agency as you begin your efforts to develop a succession plan. Thanks Jim !
You can access this report at this link:
TLP Cohort Two Final Project Presentations

On August 20th, several members of  TLP Cohort Two successfully completed their final project presentations. They did a terrific job,
and everyone in attendance learned so much as a result of their hard work.
Congratulations to:
John Jones -   Town of Colchester (retired) 
Bill Dwinells - Town of Tolland
Joseph Roberto - Town of Greenwich
Paul Kelly - Town of Enfield
George Noewatne - Town of Cheshire
James Michel - Town of Greenwich
We look forward to September 28th when the remainder of Cohort Two will be completing their presentations.

Just a reminder to keep an eye on the training calendar on the T2 website  for the upcoming TLP modules you need to complete the program. You do have to register for each of the sessions to ensure you will be able to participate.
If you have any questions about your remaining program requirements, please contact Mary McCarthy at:

"A leader is someone who demonstrates what's possible"
 - Mark Yarnell
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