VIDEO OF THE MONTH: Got a Wicked Problem? First Tell Me How You Make Toast.

This video, with Tom Wujec tells you how you can solve your organization's most wicked problems through drawing and team problem solving. By using note cards to draw and share your ideas, you take the private problem-solving model in your head and are able to communicate it to your team in a way that is is visible, tangible and consequential. By using all team members' drawings to create one master plan, you can find commonalities in your models  and ensure that all of your team members understand the new plan by including them in the process.


Want to use the method Tom Wujec describes in his video at your organization? Visit to get a step-by-step plan, templates and other organization's examples and go from having your team explain how they draw toast, to explaining how they can solve your most pressing problem.
This month, the Town of Greenwich, the Town of South Windsor and the Town of Vernon will be celebrating National Public Works Week by hosting community events to educate and engage the public about what a Public Works Department does. Greenwich will be hosting their 5th Annual Public Works Day where they will promote the work of each of their divisions and highlight projects they are proud of. South Windsor will be will be visiting Wapping Elementary School on May 21st for an Equipment and Job Demonstration and will be presenting awards to their Public Works employees at their Town Council Meeting. The Town of Vernon will be hosting an Equipment Show and Demonstration on May 30th, where children will be invited to get behind the wheel of their big rigs and learn more about what they do.

Great job to all for showing us how Connecticut towns celebrate National Public Works Week! Are you holding an event in your community? Let us know!

We encourage you to share your success stories with us, no matter how big or small by sending an email to Nicole Creaturo. We would love to share them here, with your TLP community.
PEERS EDUCATING PEERS: Joe Bragaw and Tiger Mann Teach Cohort 3 Module 2

Joe Bragaw and Tiger Mann have put together an excellent module 2 on Promoting Professionalism in Your Agency and Creating a Culture of Safety. We are excited to have them present and facilitate this module on May 21st with our Cohort 3 in Meriden!

EVALUATIONS: Your Feedback Makes a Difference

After each of our TLP modules, we request your feedback on our evaluation form. Yes, the evaluation is required for you to get credit for the TLP module, but it is even more important than that; it is a way for us to get your candid feedback and make modifications as needed to our modules. Next time you fill out a TLP evaluation, please provide us your most honest feedback so we can ensure that you have the best learning experience.



Thank you to everyone who has worked with me to finalize your capstone projects. As a reminder, if you have not already done so, please schedule a time for your final project presentation using this scheduling link  (we are giving you the opportunity to schedule a time convenient for you, if we don't hear from you we will schedule the presentation time for you). We are excited to hear your final presentations: Below are just a few of the excellent topics that you will get to see presented by your Cohort 2 colleagues:
  • Building Strong Public Works Teams
  • Energy Conservation
  • Implementation of Municipal Textile Recycling Program
  • Public Works Succession Planning
  • Standard Operating Procedures for Snow Removal
  • Strategic Approach to Fleet Management

"Life is an echo. What you send out comes back."
- Anonymous
Upcoming TLP Classes
Cohort 2
Succession Planning and Workforce Development

Cohort 3

Module 3 -Public Speaking/ Presentation Skills/ Effective Meetings

Change Management
Public Relations
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