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Leadership Net
Inspiring creative ways for lay and rostered leaders to carry God's love into the world
“Public worship identifies the wounds of our communities and bears liturgical witness to God’s healing and resurrection” 

Ben Stewart,
Associate Professor of Worship at Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago 
Please share this newsletter with congregational council members and key lay leaders of your congregation. The meditation can be used in small groups or as an individual
Meditation and Practice
Make God’s Unconditional Love Visible

Whenever, contrary to the world’s vindictiveness, we love our enemy, we exhibit something of the perfect love of God, whose will is to bring all human beings together as children of one Father.

Whenever we forgive instead of getting angry at one another, bless instead of cursing one another, tend one another’s wounds instead of rubbing salt into them, hearten instead of discouraging one another, give hope instead of driving one another to despair, hug instead of harassing one another, welcome instead of cold-shouldering one another, thank instead of criticizing one another, praise instead of maligning one another . . .

In short, whenever we opt for and not against one another, we make God’s unconditional love visible; we are diminishing violence and giving birth to a new community.

Henri Nouwen

Advocating for Our Lay and Rostered Leaders
Council members of any congregation are invited to attend one of the following zoom council orientation sessions to learn about the mission of the synod, gain leadership tips and meet leaders from other congregations.
Save one of the following Dates:
February 16 - 7 pm
February 18 - 10 am
February 19 - 4 pm >
Grant Opportunity for Rostered Leaders

Austin Seminary offers two-year, $10,000 grants to small groups of pastors to pursue a self-designed program for renewal, vitality, and pastoral excellence. Here is a link for more details: Austin Seminary Grant Opportunity for Rostered Leaders

Austin Seminary wants to support ministers in their callings. Staff will work with potential applicants to complete the application process.

The application deadline is May 12, 2023.
A Glass of Water for a Thirsty World
Congregational Worship
Whether your congregation is worshipping in person, hybrid or outdoors, the church's task is to find ways to tell God's story of love, connection, and hope. Covid gave us an opportunity to experiment with storytelling through worship, within and beyond our walls. Media, creating sacred spaces in our community, equipping lay leaders to bring the act of worship to those who are hurting or worshipping with other congregations across the synod to expand our understanding of "neighbor" were just some of the new ways. Liturgical worship is a gift Lutherans have to give to our world, who thirst for the living water that Christ offers.  
Public Worship

Listen to leading community, social, cultural and artistic voices. Learn to articulate the Christian faith through the eyes of other cultures. Reflect theologically and discover how our Lutheran traditions can offer spiritual practices that will address longings in a meaningful way. All of these can offer a glimpse of how God’s Spirit is active within the people of the community to transform their lives. Even though the “old” traditions may be changing, you can trust that God will not leave us hanging. New ways of telling the story surround us and rise from the bedrock of our faith.
Contemplative Worship

How do we worship with limited pastoral, individual or internet resources? How do we continue to bring God's voice amid the world's turmoil? St. Benedict, an early saint, tried to escape to the desert when turmoil surrounded him. The irony is that he didn’t have to isolate in the desert. Christ was present in the dailiness, chaos and limits of his life. The wisdom he teaches us is to listen to our life through prayer, scripture, and worship. Soon we realize that the paradoxes of our lives...corporate vs private worship, work vs. rest, community vs. individual, hospitality vs. responsibility, play vs. laziness, or change vs stability are held together in love.
Questions to Ponder
  • Where is your community dying from a lack of hope, love, grace or forgiveness?
  • How can we you connect those who are lacking to the living water of Christ?
  • How can you help your church or community anchor itself in the bedrock of Christ's love when their may be conflict and despair?
  • Where are you being called to be the voice of God's love in the middle of your everyday life?
  • How do we use daily liturgy, sacraments and theological reflection to form people in love?
  • How can our sacramental practices bring healing to your community?

Resource Idea: Ben Stewart, Associate Professor of Worship at Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago connects Christian worship and the earth’s ecology and funeral practices that incorporate natural burials. You may enjoy new ideas from this website.

An Assortment of Resources
Journi, a Spiritual Resource for You

We invite you to visit www.journi.faith, an online leadership development tool granting you access to contacts, ministries, programs, tools and other resources. When accessing the site, you will notice that some content may require a user to register and log in. To have the full Journi experience you should take 5-10 minutes to create a profile and complete the Spiritual Personality Quiz, which will help Journi recommend content to you based on your interests and strengths. 

Journi, a Spiritual Resource for You

We invite you to visit www.journi.faith, an online leadership development tool granting you access to contacts, ministries, programs, tools and other resources. When accessing the site, you will notice that some content may require a user to register and log in. To have the full Journi experience you should take 5-10 minutes to create a profile and complete the Spiritual Personality Quiz, which will help Journi recommend content to you based on your interests and strengths. 

Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church

At the 2022 Churchwide Assembly last August, voting members adopted a memorial concerning restructuring the ELCA’s governance. In November the ELCA Church Council responded to this by authorizing the establishment of a Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church (CRLC). Nominations for the commission are being accepted through March 9. More information about the commitment and expectation of serving on the CRLC, and instructions regarding the nomination form, can be found at ELCA.org/CRLC.